/// <summary>
        /// Called by <see cref="FeedSource"/> if a category is moved from outside the application
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void OnMovedCategory(object sender, FeedSource.CategoryChangedEventArgs e)
            FeedSourceEntry entry = sourceManager.SourceOf((FeedSource)sender);

                TreeFeedsNodeBase parent, tn = TreeHelper.FindCategoryNode(guiMain.GetSubscriptionRootNode(entry), e.CategoryName);
                int index = e.NewCategoryName.LastIndexOf(FeedSource.CategorySeparator);

                if (index == -1)
                    parent = guiMain.GetSubscriptionRootNode(entry);
                    parent = TreeHelper.FindCategoryNode(guiMain.GetSubscriptionRootNode(entry), e.NewCategoryName.Substring(0, index));

                if (tn != null && parent != null)
                    guiMain.MoveNode(tn, parent, false);
                    SubscriptionModified(entry, NewsFeedProperty.FeedCategoryAdded);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Called during the drawing operation of a UIElement for a specific phase
        /// of the operation. This will only be called for the phases returned
        /// from the GetPhasesToFilter method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drawPhase">Contains a single bit which identifies the current draw phase.</param>
        /// <param name="drawParams">Exposes properties required for drawing an element (e.g. Element, Graphics, InvalidRect etc.)</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returning true from this method indicates that this phase has been handled and the default processing should be skipped.
        /// </returns>
        bool IUIElementDrawFilter.DrawElement(DrawPhase drawPhase, ref UIElementDrawParams drawParams)
            UltraTreeNode treeNode = drawParams.Element.GetContext(typeof(UltraTreeNode), true) as UltraTreeNode;

            if (treeNode != null)
                var scale = (float)drawParams.ControlElement.Control.DeviceDpi / 96;
                var sz300 = (int)(300 * scale);

                TreeFeedsNodeBase feedsNode = treeNode as TreeFeedsNodeBase;
                if (drawPhase == DrawPhase.AfterDrawElement &&
                    feedsNode != null && feedsNode.Control != null)
                    int unread = feedsNode.UnreadCount;
                    if (unread > 0)
                        // this image width is a workaround to extend the nods's clickable
                        // area to include the unread count visual representation...
                        int clickableAreaExtenderImageWidth = feedsNode.Control.RightImagesSize.Width;

                        string    st = String.Format("({0})", unread);
                        Rectangle ur = drawParams.Element.RectInsideBorders;
                        using (Brush unreadColorBrush = new SolidBrush(FontColorHelper.UnreadCounterColor))
                            drawParams.Graphics.DrawString(st, FontColorHelper.UnreadCounterFont,
                                                           unreadColorBrush, ur.X + ur.Width - clickableAreaExtenderImageWidth,
                                                           ur.Y, StringFormat.GenericDefault);

                if (treeNode.Level == 0)
                    RectangleF initialRect = drawParams.Element.RectInsideBorders;
                    RectangleF r           = new RectangleF(initialRect.Left, initialRect.Top, 0, 0);
                    // this SHOULD be the horizontal scrolling area, but how do we get this (?):
                    r.Width  = treeNode.Control.DisplayRectangle.Width + sz300;
                    r.Height = treeNode.ItemHeightResolved;

                    TreeFeedsNodeGroupHeaderPainter.PaintOutlook2003Header(drawParams.Graphics, r);

            // To return FALSE from this method indicates that the element should draw itself as normal.
            // To return TRUE  from this method indicates that the element should not draw itself.
            // Return true to prevent further drawing by the element
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by FeedSource if feed is renamed from outside the application
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void OnRenamedFeed(object sender, FeedSource.FeedRenamedEventArgs e)
            FeedSourceEntry entry = sourceManager.SourceOf((FeedSource)sender);

                TreeFeedsNodeBase tn = TreeHelper.FindNode(guiMain.GetSubscriptionRootNode(entry), e.FeedUrl);
                if (tn != null)
                    guiMain.RenameTreeNode(tn, e.NewName);
                    SubscriptionModified(entry, NewsFeedProperty.FeedTitle);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by FeedSource if a category is deleted from outside the application
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void OnDeletedCategory(object sender, FeedSource.CategoryEventArgs e)
            FeedSourceEntry entry = sourceManager.SourceOf((FeedSource)sender);

                TreeFeedsNodeBase tn = TreeHelper.FindChildNode(guiMain.GetRoot(RootFolderType.MyFeeds), e.CategoryName, FeedNodeType.Category);
                if (tn != null)
                    SubscriptionModified(entry, NewsFeedProperty.FeedCategoryRemoved);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by FeedSource if a category is renamed from outside the application
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void OnRenamedCategory(object sender, FeedSource.CategoryChangedEventArgs e)
            FeedSourceEntry entry = sourceManager.SourceOf((FeedSource)sender);

                TreeFeedsNodeBase tn = TreeHelper.FindChildNode(guiMain.GetSubscriptionRootNode(entry), e.CategoryName, FeedNodeType.Category);
                if (tn != null)
                    guiMain.RenameTreeNode(tn, e.NewCategoryName);
                    SubscriptionModified(entry, NewsFeedProperty.FeedCategoryAdded);
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by FeedSource if feed moved from outside the application
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="NewsComponents.FeedSource.FeedMovedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void OnMovedFeed(object sender, FeedSource.FeedMovedEventArgs e)
            FeedSourceEntry entry = sourceManager.SourceOf((FeedSource)sender);

                TreeFeedsNodeBase start  = guiMain.GetSubscriptionRootNode(entry);
                TreeFeedsNodeBase tn     = TreeHelper.FindNode(start, e.FeedUrl);
                TreeFeedsNodeBase parent = TreeHelper.FindCategoryNode(start, e.NewCategory);
                if (tn != null && parent != null)
                    guiMain.MoveNode(tn, parent, false);
                    SubscriptionModified(entry, NewsFeedProperty.FeedAdded);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Called to show the small toast alert window on new items received.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">Feed node where items received</param>
        /// <param name="dispItemCount">unread items count to display</param>
        /// <param name="items">list of the newest NewsItem's received. We assume,
        /// they are sorted with the newest items first!</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The parameter <c>dispItemCount</c> controls, if and how many item links
        /// are displayed in the window. This means; if 0 (zero) or lower than zero, nothing
        /// happens (no window). If one or more is specified, it displayes up to three items
        /// in the window. This way you can control, if there was allready e.g. 3 new items on the
        /// feed, and just only one new was received, that the window display only a link
        /// to that one newest item by specify 1 (one) as the parameter.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Alert(TreeFeedsNodeBase node, int dispItemCount, IList <INewsItem> items)
            if (node == null || dispItemCount < 0 || items == null || items.Count == 0)

            int unreadCount = items.Aggregate(0, (i, item) =>
                if (item.BeenRead)
                return(i + 1);

            var firstItem = items[0];

            if (_alertWindow != null && unreadCount > dispItemCount && !_alertWindow.IsOpen(NewsItemAlertWindowKey))
                UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo windowInfo = new UltraDesktopAlertShowWindowInfo();
                windowInfo.Key = NewsItemAlertWindowKey;
                windowInfo.PinButtonVisible = true;
                windowInfo.Image            = node.ImageResolved;
                windowInfo.Data             = firstItem;

                windowInfo.Caption = "<font face=\"Tahoma\">{0} ({1})</font>"
                                     .FormatWith(node.Text, unreadCount - dispItemCount);
                windowInfo.Text = String.Format("<hr NoShade=\"true\" size=\"1px\"/><font face=\"Tahoma\"><span style=\"font-style:italic_x003B_\">{0}</span></font>",
                                                StringHelper.ShortenByEllipsis(firstItem.Title, maxItemTextWith));
                windowInfo.FooterText = "<font face=\"Tahoma\">{0}</font>"

                if (_preferences.AllowAppEventSounds)
                    windowInfo.Sound = Resource.ApplicationSound.GetSoundStream(Resource.ApplicationSound.NewItemsReceived);

Exemplo n.º 8
        public         //ExportFeedsDialog(TreeFeedsNodeBase exportRootNode, Font treeFont, ImageList treeImages)
        ExportFeedsDialog(IDictionary <FeedSourceEntry, TreeFeedsNodeBase> sourcesNnodes, FeedSourceEntry selectedSource, Font treeFont, ImageList treeImages)
            : this()
            this.sourcesNnodes = sourcesNnodes;
            selectedSource     = selectedSource ?? sourcesNnodes.Keys.First();

            TreeFeedsNodeBase exportRootNode = sourcesNnodes[selectedSource];

            this.treeExportFeedsSelection.Font      = treeFont;
            this.treeExportFeedsSelection.ImageList = treeImages;
            TreeHelper.CopyNodes(exportRootNode, this.treeExportFeedsSelection, true);
            if (this.treeExportFeedsSelection.Nodes.Count > 0)

            foreach (FeedSourceEntry fsid in sourcesNnodes.Keys)
            this.cboFeedSources.Text = selectedSource.Name;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public HistoryEntry(TreeFeedsNodeBase feedsNode, INewsItem item)
     this.Node = feedsNode;
     this.Item = item;