private string fGetDirSizeString(TreeDir dir) { string dirSize = null; if (mBooFirstDir) { dirSize = dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Gibibytes); if (decimal.Parse(Regex.Split(dirSize, "\\" + mDecimalSymbol)[0]) == 0) { dirSize = dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Mebibytes); if (decimal.Parse(Regex.Split(dirSize, " ")[0]) == 0) { dirSize = dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes); } } } else { dirSize = dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Mebibytes); if (decimal.Parse(Regex.Split(dirSize, "\\" + mDecimalSymbol)[0]) == 0) { dirSize = dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes); } } return(dirSize); }
private TreeDir GetFiles(string dirPath) { TreeDir dir = new TreeDir(dirPath); try { foreach (string filepath in Directory.GetFiles(dirPath)) { dir.SetFile(filepath, TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } try { foreach (string subDirPath in Directory.GetDirectories(dirPath)) { TreeDir subdir = new TreeDir(subDirPath); subdir = GetFiles(subDirPath); dir.AddDir(subdir); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } return dir; }
private TreeDir GetFiles(string dirPath) { TreeDir dir = new TreeDir(dirPath); try { foreach (string filepath in Directory.GetFiles(dirPath)) { dir.SetFile(filepath, TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } try { foreach (string subDirPath in Directory.GetDirectories(dirPath)) { TreeDir subdir = new TreeDir(subDirPath); subdir = GetFiles(subDirPath); dir.AddDir(subdir); } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } return(dir); }
//create a passage private void CreatePassage(TreeMazeCell curCell, TreeMazeCell neighbor, TreeDir dir) { TreeMazePassage passage = Instantiate(passagePrefab) as TreeMazePassage; passage.Init(curCell, neighbor, dir); passage = Instantiate(passagePrefab) as TreeMazePassage; passage.Init(neighbor, curCell, dir.GetOppositeDir()); }
public void Init(TreeMazeCell cell, TreeMazeCell otherCell, TreeDir dir) { this.cell = cell; this.otherCell = otherCell; this.dir = dir; cell.SetEdge(dir, this); transform.parent = cell.transform; transform.localPosition =; transform.localRotation = dir.ToRotation(); }
private string IndexRootFolderToHtml(string folderPath, StringBuilder sb, bool bAddFooter) { if (mBooFirstIndexFile) { sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetDocType()); if (mSettings.GetConfig().CollapseFolders) { sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetCollapseJs()); sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetCollapseCss()); } sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetCssStyle(mSettings.GetConfig().CssFilePath)); if (mBooMoreFilesToCome) { sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetTitle(mSettings.GetConfig().MergedHtmlTitle)); mBooMoreFilesToCome = false; } else { string[] c = folderPath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); if (c[1].Length == 0) { sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetTitle("Index for " + folderPath)); } else { sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetTitle("Index for " + Path.GetFileName(folderPath))); } } sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.CloseHead()); sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenBody()); mBooFirstIndexFile = false; } TreeDir rootDir = new TreeDir(folderPath); rootDir = Analyze(rootDir.DirectoryPath()); this.IndexToHtmlFile(rootDir, sb); if (bAddFooter) { sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenDiv()); sb.AppendLine("<hr />"); sb.AppendLine(mSettings.GetFooterText(null, IndexingEngine.TreeNetLib, true)); sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.CloseDiv()); sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.CloseBody()); } mBooFirstDir = true; return(sb.ToString()); }
//creating a wall private void CreateWall(TreeMazeCell curCell, TreeMazeCell neighbor, TreeDir dir) { TreeMazeWall wall = Instantiate(wallPrefab) as TreeMazeWall; wall.Init(curCell, neighbor, dir); if (neighbor != null) { wall = Instantiate(wallPrefab) as TreeMazeWall; wall.Init(neighbor, curCell, dir.GetOppositeDir()); } }
private TreeDir Analyze(string rootDirPath) { TreeDir dirRoot = new TreeDir(rootDirPath); dirRoot = GetFiles(dirRoot.DirectoryPath()); if (mSettings.GetConfig().SortBySize) { dirRoot.GetSubDirColl().Sort(new TreeDirComparer()); if (mSettings.GetConfig().SortBySizeMode == FileSortMode.Descending) { dirRoot.GetSubDirColl().Reverse(); } } return dirRoot; }
private TreeDir Analyze(string rootDirPath) { TreeDir dirRoot = new TreeDir(rootDirPath); dirRoot = GetFiles(dirRoot.DirectoryPath()); if (mSettings.GetConfig().SortBySize) { dirRoot.GetSubDirColl().Sort(new TreeDirComparer()); if (mSettings.GetConfig().SortBySizeMode == FileSortMode.Descending) { dirRoot.GetSubDirColl().Reverse(); } } return(dirRoot); }
public double GetSize(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix prefix) { switch (prefix) { case TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Bytes: return mSize; case TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibits: return (mSize / 128); case TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes: return (mSize / 1024); case TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Mebibytes: return (mSize / (1024 * 1024)); case TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Gibibytes: return (mSize / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)); } return mSize; }
private string IndexFolderToTxt(string folderPath, StringBuilder sb, bool AddFooter) { if (Directory.Exists(folderPath)) { // TreeGUI crashed on Could not find a part of the path TreeDir dir = new TreeDir(folderPath); dir = Analyze(dir.DirectoryPath()); this.IndexToTxtFile(dir, sb); if (AddFooter) { sb.AppendLine("____"); sb.AppendLine(mSettings.GetFooterText(null, IndexingEngine.TreeNetLib, false)); } } return(sb.ToString()); }
private string GetHeadingOpen(TreeDir dir) { string cName = "trigger"; List <TreeFile> files = dir.GetFilesColl(mSettings); /* * if (mNumTabs > mSettings.GetConfig().FolderExpandLevel) * { * cName = "expanded"; * } * else * { * cName = "trigger"; * } */ string tabs = string.Empty; if (mNumTabs < 7) { if (dir.GetSubDirColl().Count > 0 || files.Count > 0) { tabs = string.Format("<h{0} class=\"{1}\">", mNumTabs.ToString(), cName); } else { tabs = string.Format("<h{0}>", mNumTabs.ToString()); } } else { if (dir.GetSubDirColl().Count > 0 || files.Count > 0) { tabs = string.Format("<h6 class=\"{0}\">", cName); } else { tabs = "<h6>"; } } return(tabs); }
private string fGetDirPath(TreeDir dir) { string dirName = null; string[] c = dir.DirectoryPath().Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); if (c[1].Length == 0) { // Root Drive dirName = dir.DirectoryPath(); } else { if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFolderPath) { dirName = dir.DirectoryPath(); } else { dirName = dir.DirectoryName(); } } return(dirName); }
//getting the current cell, checks if its all edges are initialized and if so removing it from the list //a cell will be fully initialized only when all its neighbors have been visited. //in order to prevent incorrect walls, we should pick a random direction that is not yet initialized for current cell private void DoNextStep(List <TreeMazeCell> activeCells) { int curIndex = activeCells.Count - 1; TreeMazeCell curCell = activeCells[curIndex]; if (curCell.IsFullyInit) { activeCells.RemoveAt(curIndex); return; } TreeDir direction = curCell.RandomNoDir; IntVector2 coor = curCell.coordinates + direction.ToIntVector2(); if (ContainsCoor(coor)) { // checking if the neighbor doesnt exists, if so we are creating it and adding a passage between the //neighbor and the current cell. If the neighbor already exists, separate them with wall. TreeMazeCell neighbor = GetNewCell(coor); if (neighbor == null) { neighbor = CreateCell(coor); CreatePassage(curCell, neighbor, direction); activeCells.Add(neighbor); } else { CreateWall(curCell, neighbor, direction); } } else { CreateWall(curCell, null, direction); } }
public bool isBannedFolder(TreeDir dir) { // Check if Option set to Enable Filtering if (mSettings.GetConfig().EnabledFiltering) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(dir.DirectoryPath()); FileAttributesEx dirAttrib = new FileAttributesEx(dir.DirectoryPath()); string[] c = dir.DirectoryPath().Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); // If Options says to filter protected OS folders if (mSettings.GetConfig().HideProtectedOperatingSystemFilesFolders) { return(c[1].Length != 0 && dirAttrib.isReadOnlyDirectory() && mSettings.GetConfig().HideProtectedOperatingSystemFilesFolders); } // If Config says to filter Hidden Folders if (mSettings.GetConfig().IgnoreHiddenFolders) { return(dirAttrib.isHidden()); } // If Config says to filter System Folders if (mSettings.GetConfig().IgnoreSystemFolders) { return(dirAttrib.isSystem()); } //war59312: If Config says to filter Empty Folders if (mSettings.GetConfig().IgnoreEmptyFolders&& dir.DirectorySize() == 0.0) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public bool isBannedFolder(TreeDir dir) { // Check if Option set to Enable Filtering if (mSettings.GetConfig().EnabledFiltering) { DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(dir.DirectoryPath()); FileAttributesEx dirAttrib = new FileAttributesEx(dir.DirectoryPath()); string[] c = dir.DirectoryPath().Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); // If Options says to filter protected OS folders if (mSettings.GetConfig().HideProtectedOperatingSystemFilesFolders) { return c[1].Length != 0 && dirAttrib.isReadOnlyDirectory() && mSettings.GetConfig().HideProtectedOperatingSystemFilesFolders; } // If Config says to filter Hidden Folders if (mSettings.GetConfig().IgnoreHiddenFolders) { return dirAttrib.isHidden(); } // If Config says to filter System Folders if (mSettings.GetConfig().IgnoreSystemFolders) { return dirAttrib.isSystem(); } //war59312: If Config says to filter Empty Folders if (mSettings.GetConfig().IgnoreEmptyFolders && dir.DirectorySize() == 0.0) { return true; } } return false; }
private TreeDir IndexToTxtFile(TreeDir dir, StringBuilder sb) { bool isNotIndexableDir = mFilter.isBannedFolder(dir); string dirSize = fGetDirSizeString(dir); string dirTitle = string.Format("{0} [{1}]", dir.DirectoryName(), dirSize); string strStars = ""; char[] styleArray = mSettings.GetConfig().FolderHeadingStyle.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i <= dirTitle.Length - 1; i++) { strStars += styleArray[i % styleArray.Length]; } sb.AppendLine(GetTabs() + strStars); sb.AppendLine(GetTabs() + dirTitle); sb.AppendLine(GetTabs() + strStars); if (double.Parse(Regex.Split(dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes), " ")[0]) == 0) { sb.AppendLine(GetTabs() + mSettings.GetOptions().EmptyFolderMessage); } if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFilesTreeNet) { List <TreeFile> files = dir.GetFilesColl(mSettings); if (files.Count > 0) { sb.AppendLine(); } foreach (TreeFile fi in files) { string fileDesc = GetTabs() + " "; if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFileSize) { string fileSize = fi.GetSizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Mebibytes); if (double.Parse(Regex.Split(fileSize, "\\" + mDecimalSymbol)[0]) == 0) { fileSize = fi.GetSizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes); } fileDesc += string.Format("{0} [{1}]", fi.GetFileName(), fileSize); } else { fileDesc += fi.GetFileName(); } if (mSettings.GetConfig().AudioInfo&& fIsAudio(fi.GetFileExtension().ToLower()) == true) { try { TagLib.File audioFile = TagLib.File.Create(fi.GetFilePath()); double fsize = fi.GetSize(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibits); double dura = audioFile.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds; if (dura > 0) { Debug.WriteLine(fsize / dura); fileDesc += string.Format(" [{0} Kibit/s]", (fsize / dura).ToString("0.00"), fGetHMS(audioFile.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds)); fileDesc += string.Format(" [{0}]", fGetHMS(audioFile.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString() + "\n" + fi.GetFilePath()); } } sb.AppendLine(fileDesc); } sb.AppendLine(); } mNumTabs += 1; foreach (TreeDir d in dir.GetSubDirColl()) { TreeDir sd = new TreeDir(d.DirectoryPath()); sd = IndexToTxtFile(d, sb); } mNumTabs -= 1; return(dir); }
public override string IndexNow(IndexingMode IndexMode, bool bWriteToFile = true) { string fp = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List <string> folderList = new List <string>(); folderList = mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList; TreeNetIndexer treeNetLib = new TreeNetIndexer(mSettings); string ext = mSettings.GetConfig().IndexFileExt; switch (IndexMode) { case IndexingMode.IN_EACH_DIRECTORY: IndexInEachDir(mSettings); break; case IndexingMode.IN_ONE_FOLDER_MERGED: if (mSettings.GetConfig().MergeFiles) { fp = mSettings.fGetIndexFilePath(-1, IndexingMode.IN_ONE_FOLDER_MERGED); if (mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList.Count > 1) { for (int i = 0; i <= mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList.Count - 2; i++) { string strDirPath = mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList[i]; TreeDir dir = new TreeDir(strDirPath); this.CurrentDirMessage = "Indexing " + strDirPath; if (ext.Contains(".html")) { treeNetLib.mBooMoreFilesToCome = true; treeNetLib.IndexRootFolderToHtml(strDirPath, sb, false); } else { treeNetLib.IndexFolderToTxt(strDirPath, sb, false); } this.Progress += 1; } } TreeDir lastDir = new TreeDir(mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList[mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList.Count - 1]); this.CurrentDirMessage = "Indexing " + lastDir.DirectoryPath(); if (ext.Contains(".html")) { treeNetLib.mBooFirstIndexFile = false || mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList.Count == 1; treeNetLib.IndexRootFolderToHtml(lastDir.DirectoryPath(), sb, true); } else { treeNetLib.IndexFolderToTxt(lastDir.DirectoryPath(), sb, true); } if (mSettings.GetConfig().ZipMergedFile) { mSettings.ZipAdminFile(fp, null); } this.Progress += 1; } break; case IndexingMode.IN_ONE_FOLDER_SEPERATE: // DO NOT MERGE INDEX FILES if (!Directory.Exists(mSettings.GetConfig().OutputDir)) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} does not exist." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Please change the Output folder in Configuration." + Environment.NewLine + "The index file will be created in the same folder you chose to index.", mSettings.GetConfig().OutputDir), Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK); } for (int i = 0; i <= mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList.Count - 1; i++) { string strDirPath = mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList[i]; string sDrive = Path.GetPathRoot(strDirPath).Substring(0, 1); string sDirName = Path.GetFileName(strDirPath); string sep = mSettings.GetOptions().IndividualIndexFileWordSeperator; //where = mSettings.GetConfig().OutputDir + "\" + sDrive + sep + sDirName + sep + mSettings.GetConfig().GetIndexFileName // New Behavior for getting where location fp = mSettings.fGetIndexFilePath(i, IndexingMode.IN_ONE_FOLDER_SEPERATE); mSettings.GetConfig().SetIndexPath(fp); //MsgBox(where = mSettings.GetConfig().OutputDir + "\" + sDrive + sep + sDirName + sep + mSettings.GetConfig().GetIndexFileName) this.CurrentDirMessage = "Indexing " + strDirPath; if (ext.Contains(".html")) { treeNetLib.mBooFirstIndexFile = true; treeNetLib.IndexRootFolderToHtml(strDirPath, sb, true); } else { treeNetLib.IndexFolderToTxt(strDirPath, sb, true); } if (mSettings.GetConfig().ZipFilesInOutputDir) { mSettings.ZipAdminFile(fp, null); } this.Progress += 1; } break; } if (bWriteToFile) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fp, false)) { sw.Write(sb.ToString()); sw.Close(); } } return(sb.ToString()); }
private string IndexFolderToTxt(string folderPath, StringBuilder sb, bool AddFooter) { if (Directory.Exists(folderPath)) { // TreeGUI crashed on Could not find a part of the path TreeDir dir = new TreeDir(folderPath); dir = Analyze(dir.DirectoryPath()); this.IndexToTxtFile(dir, sb); if (AddFooter) { sb.AppendLine("____"); sb.AppendLine(mSettings.GetFooterText(null, IndexingEngine.TreeNetLib, false)); } } return sb.ToString(); }
private string IndexRootFolderToHtml(string folderPath, StringBuilder sb, bool bAddFooter) { if (mBooFirstIndexFile) { sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetDocType()); if (mSettings.GetConfig().CollapseFolders) { sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetCollapseJs()); sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetCollapseCss()); } sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetCssStyle(mSettings.GetConfig().CssFilePath)); if (mBooMoreFilesToCome) { sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetTitle(mSettings.GetConfig().MergedHtmlTitle)); mBooMoreFilesToCome = false; } else { string[] c = folderPath.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); if (c[1].Length == 0) { sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetTitle("Index for " + folderPath)); } else { sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.GetTitle("Index for " + Path.GetFileName(folderPath))); } } sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.CloseHead()); sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenBody()); mBooFirstIndexFile = false; } TreeDir rootDir = new TreeDir(folderPath); rootDir = Analyze(rootDir.DirectoryPath()); this.IndexToHtmlFile(rootDir, sb); if (bAddFooter) { sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenDiv()); sb.AppendLine("<hr />"); sb.AppendLine(mSettings.GetFooterText(null, IndexingEngine.TreeNetLib, true)); sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.CloseDiv()); sb.AppendLine(Xhtml.CloseBody()); } mBooFirstDir = true; return sb.ToString(); }
//getting edge based on the direction public TreeCellEdges GetEdge(TreeDir dir) { return(edges[(int)dir]); }
private TreeDir IndexToTxtFile(TreeDir dir, StringBuilder sb) { bool isNotIndexableDir = mFilter.isBannedFolder(dir); string dirSize = fGetDirSizeString(dir); string dirTitle = string.Format("{0} [{1}]", dir.DirectoryName(), dirSize); string strStars = ""; char[] styleArray = mSettings.GetConfig().FolderHeadingStyle.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i <= dirTitle.Length - 1; i++) { strStars += styleArray[i % styleArray.Length]; } sb.AppendLine(GetTabs() + strStars); sb.AppendLine(GetTabs() + dirTitle); sb.AppendLine(GetTabs() + strStars); if (double.Parse(Regex.Split(dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes), " ")[0]) == 0) { sb.AppendLine(GetTabs() + mSettings.GetOptions().EmptyFolderMessage); } if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFilesTreeNet) { List<TreeFile> files = dir.GetFilesColl(mSettings); if (files.Count > 0) { sb.AppendLine(); } foreach (TreeFile fi in files) { string fileDesc = GetTabs() + " "; if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFileSize) { string fileSize = fi.GetSizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Mebibytes); if (double.Parse(Regex.Split(fileSize, "\\" + mDecimalSymbol)[0]) == 0) { fileSize = fi.GetSizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes); } fileDesc += string.Format("{0} [{1}]", fi.GetFileName(), fileSize); } else { fileDesc += fi.GetFileName(); } if (mSettings.GetConfig().AudioInfo && fIsAudio(fi.GetFileExtension().ToLower()) == true) { try { TagLib.File audioFile = TagLib.File.Create(fi.GetFilePath()); double fsize = fi.GetSize(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibits); double dura = audioFile.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds; if (dura > 0) { Debug.WriteLine(fsize / dura); fileDesc += string.Format(" [{0} Kibit/s]", (fsize / dura).ToString("0.00"), fGetHMS(audioFile.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds)); fileDesc += string.Format(" [{0}]", fGetHMS(audioFile.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString() + "\n" + fi.GetFilePath()); } } sb.AppendLine(fileDesc); } sb.AppendLine(); } mNumTabs += 1; foreach (TreeDir d in dir.GetSubDirColl()) { TreeDir sd = new TreeDir(d.DirectoryPath()); sd = IndexToTxtFile(d, sb); } mNumTabs -= 1; return dir; }
public override string IndexNow(IndexingMode IndexMode, bool bWriteToFile = true) { string fp = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List<string> folderList = new List<string>(); folderList = mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList; TreeNetIndexer treeNetLib = new TreeNetIndexer(mSettings); string ext = mSettings.GetConfig().IndexFileExt; switch (IndexMode) { case IndexingMode.IN_EACH_DIRECTORY: IndexInEachDir(mSettings); break; case IndexingMode.IN_ONE_FOLDER_MERGED: if (mSettings.GetConfig().MergeFiles) { fp = mSettings.fGetIndexFilePath(-1, IndexingMode.IN_ONE_FOLDER_MERGED); if (mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList.Count > 1) { for (int i = 0; i <= mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList.Count - 2; i++) { string strDirPath = mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList[i]; TreeDir dir = new TreeDir(strDirPath); this.CurrentDirMessage = "Indexing " + strDirPath; if (ext.Contains(".html")) { treeNetLib.mBooMoreFilesToCome = true; treeNetLib.IndexRootFolderToHtml(strDirPath, sb, false); } else { treeNetLib.IndexFolderToTxt(strDirPath, sb, false); } this.Progress += 1; } } TreeDir lastDir = new TreeDir(mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList[mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList.Count - 1]); this.CurrentDirMessage = "Indexing " + lastDir.DirectoryPath(); if (ext.Contains(".html")) { treeNetLib.mBooFirstIndexFile = false || mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList.Count == 1; treeNetLib.IndexRootFolderToHtml(lastDir.DirectoryPath(), sb, true); } else { treeNetLib.IndexFolderToTxt(lastDir.DirectoryPath(), sb, mSettings.GetConfig().AddFooter); } if (mSettings.GetConfig().ZipMergedFile) { mSettings.ZipAdminFile(fp, null); } this.Progress += 1; } break; case IndexingMode.IN_ONE_FOLDER_SEPERATE: // DO NOT MERGE INDEX FILES if (!Directory.Exists(mSettings.GetConfig().OutputDir)) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} does not exist." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Please change the Output folder in Configuration." + Environment.NewLine + "The index file will be created in the same folder you chose to index.", mSettings.GetConfig().OutputDir), Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK); } for (int i = 0; i <= mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList.Count - 1; i++) { string strDirPath = mSettings.GetConfig().FolderList[i]; string sDrive = Path.GetPathRoot(strDirPath).Substring(0, 1); string sDirName = Path.GetFileName(strDirPath); string sep = mSettings.GetOptions().IndividualIndexFileWordSeperator; //where = mSettings.GetConfig().OutputDir + "\" + sDrive + sep + sDirName + sep + mSettings.GetConfig().GetIndexFileName // New Behavior for getting where location fp = mSettings.fGetIndexFilePath(i, IndexingMode.IN_ONE_FOLDER_SEPERATE); mSettings.GetConfig().SetIndexPath(fp); //MsgBox(where = mSettings.GetConfig().OutputDir + "\" + sDrive + sep + sDirName + sep + mSettings.GetConfig().GetIndexFileName) this.CurrentDirMessage = "Indexing " + strDirPath; if (ext.Contains(".html")) { treeNetLib.mBooFirstIndexFile = true; treeNetLib.IndexRootFolderToHtml(strDirPath, sb, mSettings.GetConfig().AddFooter); } else { treeNetLib.IndexFolderToTxt(strDirPath, sb, mSettings.GetConfig().AddFooter); } if (mSettings.GetConfig().ZipFilesInOutputDir) { mSettings.ZipAdminFile(fp, null); } this.Progress += 1; } break; } if (bWriteToFile) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fp, false)) { sw.Write(sb.ToString()); sw.Close(); } } return sb.ToString(); }
private string fGetDirSizeString(TreeDir dir) { string dirSize = null; if (mBooFirstDir) { dirSize = dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Gibibytes); if (decimal.Parse(Regex.Split(dirSize, "\\" + mDecimalSymbol)[0]) == 0) { dirSize = dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Mebibytes); if (decimal.Parse(Regex.Split(dirSize, " ")[0]) == 0) { dirSize = dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes); } } } else { dirSize = dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Mebibytes); if (decimal.Parse(Regex.Split(dirSize, "\\" + mDecimalSymbol)[0]) == 0) { dirSize = dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes); } } return dirSize; }
public void AddDir(TreeDir mySubDir) { mSubDirCol.Add(mySubDir); }
private string GetHeadingOpen(TreeDir dir) { string cName = "trigger"; List<TreeFile> files = dir.GetFilesColl(mSettings); /* if (mNumTabs > mSettings.GetConfig().FolderExpandLevel) { cName = "expanded"; } else { cName = "trigger"; } */ string tabs = string.Empty; if (mNumTabs < 7) { if (dir.GetSubDirColl().Count > 0 || files.Count > 0) { tabs = string.Format("<h{0} class=\"{1}\">", mNumTabs.ToString(), cName); } else { tabs = string.Format("<h{0}>", mNumTabs.ToString()); } } else { if (dir.GetSubDirColl().Count > 0 || files.Count > 0) { tabs = string.Format("<h6 class=\"{0}\">", cName); } else { tabs = "<h6>"; } } return tabs; }
public static Quaternion ToRotation(this TreeDir dir) { return(rotations[(int)dir]); }
private string fGetDirPath(TreeDir dir) { string dirName = null; string[] c = dir.DirectoryPath().Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); if (c[1].Length == 0) { // Root Drive dirName = dir.DirectoryPath(); } else { if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFolderPath) { dirName = dir.DirectoryPath(); } else { dirName = dir.DirectoryName(); } } return dirName; }
private TreeDir IndexToHtmlFile(TreeDir dir, StringBuilder where) { bool isNotIndexableDir = mFilter.isBannedFolder(dir); string dirName = fGetDirPath(dir); string dirSize = (string)fGetDirSizeString(dir); string dirTitle = null; if (mSettings.GetConfig().EnabledFiltering && mSettings.GetConfig().IgnoreEmptyFolders && dir.DirectorySize() == 0.0) { //war59312 - dont show empty folders dirTitle = ""; } else { if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowDirSize) { dirTitle = Xhtml.GetValidXhtmlLine(string.Format("{0} [{1}]", dirName, dirSize)); } else { dirTitle = Xhtml.GetValidXhtmlLine(dirName); } } if (mBooFirstDir) { rootDir = dir.DirectoryPath(); where.AppendLine("<h1>" + dirTitle + "</h1>"); mBooFirstDir = false; mNumTabs = 1; } else { if (!isNotIndexableDir) { if (mSettings.GetConfig().EnabledFiltering && mSettings.GetConfig().IgnoreEmptyFolders && dir.DirectorySize() == 0.0) { //war59312 - dont show empty folders } else { if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFolderPathOnStatusBar) { string hyperlinkDir = null; if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowVirtualFolders) { // Virtual Folders hyperlinkDir = mSettings.GetConfig().ServerInfo + "/" + fGetVirtualDirName(dir.DirectoryPath()).Replace("\\", "/"); } else { // Locally Browse hyperlinkDir = "file://" + dir.DirectoryPath(); } hyperlinkDir = "<a href=" + (char)34 + hyperlinkDir + (char)34 + ">" + dirTitle + "</a>"; where.AppendLine(GetHeadingOpen(dir) + hyperlinkDir + GetHeadingClose()); } else { where.AppendLine(GetHeadingOpen(dir) + dirTitle + GetHeadingClose()); } } } } if (!isNotIndexableDir) { if (mSettings.GetConfig().EnabledFiltering && mSettings.GetConfig().IgnoreEmptyFolders && dir.DirectorySize() == 0.0) { //war59312 - dont show empty folders } else { List<TreeFile> files = dir.GetFilesColl(mSettings); if (fDivWrap(dir)) { where.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenDiv()); } if (double.Parse(Regex.Split(dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes), " ")[0]) > 0 | files.Count > 0) { if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFileCount) { if (files.Count > 0) { where.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenPara("foldercount")); where.AppendLine("Files Count: " + files.Count.ToString()); where.AppendLine(Xhtml.ClosePara()); } } } else { //Note: // dir.GetFilesColl().Count = 0 DOESNT ALWAYS MEAN THAT // it is an empty directory because there can be subfolders // with files //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(dir.GetFilesColl().Count) where.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenPara("")); where.AppendLine(mSettings.GetOptions().EmptyFolderMessage + Xhtml.AddBreak()); where.AppendLine(Xhtml.ClosePara()); } if (files.Count > 0) { // Check if there is AT LEAST ONE valid file bool booPrintList = false; foreach (TreeFile fp in files) { if (!mFilter.IsBannedFile(fp.GetFilePath())) { booPrintList = true; break; } } if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFilesTreeNet) { if (booPrintList) { switch (mSettings.GetConfig().IndexListType) { case XHTMLFileListMode.Bullets: where.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenBulletedList()); break; case XHTMLFileListMode.Numbered: where.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenNumberedList()); break; } } if (mSettings.GetConfig().RevereFileOrder) { files.Reverse(); } foreach (TreeFile f in files) { string lLine = null; if (!mFilter.IsBannedFile(f.GetFilePath())) { string strFilePath = null; if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFilePath) { if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowVirtualFolders) { strFilePath = fGetVirtualDirName(f.GetFilePath()); } else { strFilePath = f.GetFilePath(); } } else { if (mSettings.GetConfig().HideExtension) { strFilePath = f.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(); } else { strFilePath = f.GetFileName(); } } if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFileSize) { string fileSize = f.GetSizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Mebibytes); if (double.Parse(Regex.Split(fileSize, "\\" + mDecimalSymbol)[0]) == 0) { fileSize = f.GetSizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes); } lLine = Xhtml.GetValidXhtmlLine(strFilePath) + " " + Xhtml.GetSpan(string.Format(" [{0}]", fileSize), "filesize"); } else { lLine = Xhtml.GetValidXhtmlLine(strFilePath); } if (mSettings.GetConfig().AudioInfo && fIsAudio(f.GetFileExtension().ToLower()) == true) { try { TagLib.File audioFile = TagLib.File.Create(f.GetFilePath()); double fsize = f.GetSize(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibits); double dura = audioFile.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds; if (dura > 0) { Debug.WriteLine(fsize / dura); lLine += Xhtml.GetSpan(string.Format(" [{0} kb/s]", (fsize / dura).ToString("0.00"), fGetHMS(audioFile.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds)), "audioinfo"); lLine += Xhtml.GetSpan(string.Format(" [{0}]", fGetHMS(audioFile.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds)), "audiolength"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString() + "\n" + f.GetFilePath()); } } where.AppendLine("<li>" + lLine + "</li>"); } } if (booPrintList) { switch (mSettings.GetConfig().IndexListType) { case XHTMLFileListMode.Bullets: where.AppendLine(Xhtml.CloseBulletedList()); break; case XHTMLFileListMode.Numbered: where.AppendLine(Xhtml.CloseNumberedList()); break; } } // Show Files for TreeNet } } mNumTabs += 1; foreach (TreeDir d in dir.GetSubDirColl()) { TreeDir sd = new TreeDir(d.DirectoryPath()); sd = IndexToHtmlFile(d, where); } if (fDivWrap(dir)) { where.AppendLine(Xhtml.CloseDiv()); } mNumTabs -= 1; } } return dir; }
private bool fDivWrap(TreeDir dir) { return((rootDir != dir.DirectoryPath()) && (dir.GetSubDirColl().Count > 0 | mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFileCount)); }
private bool fDivWrap(TreeDir dir) { return (rootDir != dir.DirectoryPath()) && (dir.GetSubDirColl().Count > 0 | mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFileCount); }
private TreeDir IndexToHtmlFile(TreeDir dir, StringBuilder where) { bool isNotIndexableDir = mFilter.isBannedFolder(dir); string dirName = fGetDirPath(dir); string dirSize = (string)fGetDirSizeString(dir); string dirTitle = null; if (mSettings.GetConfig().EnabledFiltering&& mSettings.GetConfig().IgnoreEmptyFolders&& dir.DirectorySize() == 0.0) { //war59312 - dont show empty folders dirTitle = ""; } else { if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowDirSize) { dirTitle = Xhtml.GetValidXhtmlLine(string.Format("{0} [{1}]", dirName, dirSize)); } else { dirTitle = Xhtml.GetValidXhtmlLine(dirName); } } if (mBooFirstDir) { rootDir = dir.DirectoryPath(); where.AppendLine("<h1>" + dirTitle + "</h1>"); mBooFirstDir = false; mNumTabs = 1; } else { if (!isNotIndexableDir) { if (mSettings.GetConfig().EnabledFiltering&& mSettings.GetConfig().IgnoreEmptyFolders&& dir.DirectorySize() == 0.0) { //war59312 - dont show empty folders } else { if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFolderPathOnStatusBar) { string hyperlinkDir = null; if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowVirtualFolders) { // Virtual Folders hyperlinkDir = mSettings.GetConfig().ServerInfo + "/" + fGetVirtualDirName(dir.DirectoryPath()).Replace("\\", "/"); } else { // Locally Browse hyperlinkDir = "file://" + dir.DirectoryPath(); } hyperlinkDir = "<a href=" + (char)34 + hyperlinkDir + (char)34 + ">" + dirTitle + "</a>"; where.AppendLine(GetHeadingOpen(dir) + hyperlinkDir + GetHeadingClose()); } else { where.AppendLine(GetHeadingOpen(dir) + dirTitle + GetHeadingClose()); } } } } if (!isNotIndexableDir) { if (mSettings.GetConfig().EnabledFiltering&& mSettings.GetConfig().IgnoreEmptyFolders&& dir.DirectorySize() == 0.0) { //war59312 - dont show empty folders } else { List <TreeFile> files = dir.GetFilesColl(mSettings); if (fDivWrap(dir)) { where.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenDiv()); } if (double.Parse(Regex.Split(dir.DirectorySizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes), " ")[0]) > 0 | files.Count > 0) { if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFileCount) { if (files.Count > 0) { where.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenPara("foldercount")); where.AppendLine("Files Count: " + files.Count.ToString()); where.AppendLine(Xhtml.ClosePara()); } } } else { //Note: // dir.GetFilesColl().Count = 0 DOESNT ALWAYS MEAN THAT // it is an empty directory because there can be subfolders // with files //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(dir.GetFilesColl().Count) where.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenPara("")); where.AppendLine(mSettings.GetOptions().EmptyFolderMessage + Xhtml.AddBreak()); where.AppendLine(Xhtml.ClosePara()); } if (files.Count > 0) { // Check if there is AT LEAST ONE valid file bool booPrintList = false; foreach (TreeFile fp in files) { if (!mFilter.IsBannedFile(fp.GetFilePath())) { booPrintList = true; break; } } if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFilesTreeNet) { if (booPrintList) { switch (mSettings.GetConfig().IndexListType) { case XHTMLFileListMode.Bullets: where.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenBulletedList()); break; case XHTMLFileListMode.Numbered: where.AppendLine(Xhtml.OpenNumberedList()); break; } } if (mSettings.GetConfig().RevereFileOrder) { files.Reverse(); } foreach (TreeFile f in files) { string lLine = null; if (!mFilter.IsBannedFile(f.GetFilePath())) { string strFilePath = null; if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFilePath) { if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowVirtualFolders) { strFilePath = fGetVirtualDirName(f.GetFilePath()); } else { strFilePath = f.GetFilePath(); } } else { if (mSettings.GetConfig().HideExtension) { strFilePath = f.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(); } else { strFilePath = f.GetFileName(); } } if (mSettings.GetConfig().ShowFileSize) { string fileSize = f.GetSizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Mebibytes); if (double.Parse(Regex.Split(fileSize, "\\" + mDecimalSymbol)[0]) == 0) { fileSize = f.GetSizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes); } lLine = Xhtml.GetValidXhtmlLine(strFilePath) + " " + Xhtml.GetSpan(string.Format(" [{0}]", fileSize), "filesize"); } else { lLine = Xhtml.GetValidXhtmlLine(strFilePath); } if (mSettings.GetConfig().AudioInfo&& fIsAudio(f.GetFileExtension().ToLower()) == true) { try { TagLib.File audioFile = TagLib.File.Create(f.GetFilePath()); double fsize = f.GetSize(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibits); double dura = audioFile.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds; if (dura > 0) { Debug.WriteLine(fsize / dura); lLine += Xhtml.GetSpan(string.Format(" [{0} kb/s]", (fsize / dura).ToString("0.00"), fGetHMS(audioFile.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds)), "audioinfo"); lLine += Xhtml.GetSpan(string.Format(" [{0}]", fGetHMS(audioFile.Properties.Duration.TotalSeconds)), "audiolength"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.ToString() + "\n" + f.GetFilePath()); } } where.AppendLine("<li>" + lLine + "</li>"); } } if (booPrintList) { switch (mSettings.GetConfig().IndexListType) { case XHTMLFileListMode.Bullets: where.AppendLine(Xhtml.CloseBulletedList()); break; case XHTMLFileListMode.Numbered: where.AppendLine(Xhtml.CloseNumberedList()); break; } } // Show Files for TreeNet } } mNumTabs += 1; foreach (TreeDir d in dir.GetSubDirColl()) { TreeDir sd = new TreeDir(d.DirectoryPath()); sd = IndexToHtmlFile(d, where); } if (fDivWrap(dir)) { where.AppendLine(Xhtml.CloseDiv()); } mNumTabs -= 1; } } return(dir); }
public static IntVector2 ToIntVector2(this TreeDir dir) { return(defineVecotrs[(int)dir]); }
//seting edge public void SetEdge(TreeDir dir, TreeCellEdges edge) { edges[(int)dir] = edge; initEdgeCount += 1; }
public string GetSizeToString(TreeDir.BinaryPrefix prefix) { string bp = ""; switch (prefix) { case TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Gibibytes: bp = " GiB"; break; case TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Mebibytes: bp = " MiB"; break; case TreeDir.BinaryPrefix.Kibibytes: bp = " KiB"; break; } return GetSize(prefix).ToString("N") + bp; }
public static TreeDir GetOppositeDir(this TreeDir dir) { return(opposites[(int)dir]); }