/// <inheritdoc />
        protected override Node AddOneNodeToTreeAtPosition(Vector3 position)
            var closestNode = Tree.GetClosestNode(position);

            var direction = position - closestNode.Position;

            //if the nodes are at the same position return null as there should be only one node at one position.
            if (direction == Vector3.zero)

            var directionMagnitude = direction.magnitude;
            // create a new node at a position which is not further away from the closest node than MaxRRTBranchLength
            var lengthMultiplier = Config.MAXBranchLength < directionMagnitude
                ? Config.MAXBranchLength
                : directionMagnitude;
            var newNode = new Node(closestNode.Position + direction / directionMagnitude * lengthMultiplier);

            //Check whether the direct way between the closest and new node is collision free.
            if (!IsNotCollidingWithObstacle(closestNode.Position, direction, lengthMultiplier))
                // if the new node is not reachable, increment the failure count of the parent node and return null

            Tree.AddChildNodeToParentNode(closestNode, newNode);
            // If the direct line between the new node and the closest node collides with the target go, set the new node as target node, since the target is found now.
            if (IsCollidingWithTarget(closestNode.Position, direction, lengthMultiplier))
                Tree.TargetNode = newNode;