Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ExecuteAndGetResultSteps()
            const long   vertId    = 987654;
            const string queryName = "Trav-vertices-withid";
            string       pathText  = "Vertices/WithId(" + vertId + ")";

            const string expectScript = "g.V.has(_P, Tokens.T.eq, _P)[0..99];";
            var          expectValues = new List <object> {
                DbName.Vert.Vertex.VertexId, vertId

            var dto = new DataDto();

            dto.Id         = "A";
            dto.VertexType = VertexType.Id.Vertex;
            dto.Properties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            dto.Properties.Add(DbName.Vert.Vertex.VertexId, vertId + "");
            dto.Properties.Add(DbName.Vert.Vertex.VertexType, (byte)dto.VertexType + "");
            dto.Properties.Add(DbName.Vert.Vertex.Timestamp, "1236546735");

            var vertDtos = new List <IDataDto> {

            var mockRes = new Mock <IDataResult>(MockBehavior.Strict);

            mockRes.Setup(x => x.ToDtoList()).Returns(vertDtos);

            .Setup(x => x.Execute(It.IsAny <WeaverQuery>(), queryName))
            .Callback((IWeaverQuery q, string name) =>
                      TestUtil.CheckWeaverScript(q, expectScript, "_P", expectValues));

            IList <FabElement> result = vOper.Execute(vMockOpCtx.Object, pathText);

            Assert.NotNull(result, "Result should be filled.");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count, "Incorrect result count.");

            Assert.AreEqual(typeof(FabVertex), result[0].GetType(), "Incorrect result[0] type.");

            FabVertex v = (FabVertex)result[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(vertId, v.Id, "Incorrect result[0].Id.");


            IList <FabTravStep> resultSteps = vOper.GetResultSteps();

            Assert.NotNull(resultSteps, "Result steps should be filled.");
            Assert.Less(0, resultSteps.Count, "Incorrect result steps count.");
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static IApiResponse TravResp(IApiRequest pApiReq)
            FabTravStep[] steps = null;

            Func <IList <FabElement> > getResp = (() => {
                string path = pApiReq.Path;
                path = path.Substring(path.ToLower().IndexOf("trav/") + 5);               //remove "/Trav/"

                var op = new TraversalOperation();

                IList <FabElement> result = op.Execute(pApiReq.OpCtx, path);
                steps = op.GetResultSteps().ToArray();

            var exec = new FabResponseExecutor <FabElement>(pApiReq, getResp);

            exec.NewFabResponse = (() => new FabTravResponse <FabElement> {
                Steps = steps