Exemplo n.º 1
        static Transform CreateNormalizeTransform(Rect bounds, Point location, Size size, double angle)
            var t = new TransformGroup();

            var b = bounds;

            // Move center of the geometry to origin
            t.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform(-b.X - b.Width / 2, -b.Y - b.Height / 2));
            // Rotate around origin
            t.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(angle));

            b = t.TransformBounds(bounds);
            // Scale to requested size
            t.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(size.Width / b.Width, size.Height / b.Height));

            b = t.TransformBounds(bounds);
            // Move to requested position
            t.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform(-b.X + location.X, -b.Y + location.Y));


            b = t.TransformBounds(bounds);
            Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(b.X - location.X) < 0.0001);
            Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(b.Y - location.Y) < 0.0001);
            Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(b.Width - size.Width) < 0.0001);
            Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(b.Height - size.Height) < 0.0001);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TransformBounds_When_Nested()
            var rect      = new Rect(1, 2, 20, 10);
            var transform = new TransformGroup();

            transform.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                X = 1, Y = 9
            transform.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(MatrixTest.GetIncrementalMatrix(3, 1)));
            var nestedTransform = new TransformGroup();

            nestedTransform.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                X = -1, Y = -9
            nestedTransform.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform()
                ScaleX = -0.5, ScaleY = 1.0 / 6.0
            var result = transform.TransformBounds(rect);

            result.Y.Should().BeInRange(12.166666, 12.166667);
            result.Height.Should().BeInRange(23.333333, 23.333334);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void PrepareBackgroundCanvas()
            var size = GetBackgroundCanvasSize();

            var content = GetContent();

            if (content != null)
                // Build covering canvas' surrounding the content
                var group = new TransformGroup();
                group.Children.Add(content.TransformToVisual(null) as Transform);
                if (Application.Current.Host.Settings.EnableAutoZoom)
                    var scale = 1d / Application.Current.Host.Content.ZoomFactor;
                    group.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform {
                        ScaleX = scale, ScaleY = scale
                Rect bounds = group.TransformBounds(new Rect(0d, 0d, content.ActualWidth, content.ActualHeight));

                AddCanvas(0d, bounds.Top, bounds.Left, bounds.Height);                         // Side left
                AddCanvas(0d, 0d, size.Width, bounds.Top);                                     // Entire top
                AddCanvas(bounds.Right, bounds.Top, size.Width - bounds.Right, bounds.Height); // Side right
                AddCanvas(0d, bounds.Bottom, size.Width, size.Height - bounds.Bottom);         // Entire bottom
                // No content, so cover entire host area
                AddCanvas(0d, 0d, size.Width, size.Height);

            _backgroundCanvas.Width  = size.Width;
            _backgroundCanvas.Height = size.Height;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void TransformBounds()
            var rect      = new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100);
            var transform = new TransformGroup();

            transform.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform()
                X = 1, Y = 9
            transform.Children.Add(new MatrixTransform(MatrixTest.GetIncrementalMatrix(3, 1)));
            var result = transform.TransformBounds(rect);

Exemplo n.º 5
        void Viewbox_OnManipulationDelta(object sender, ManipulationDeltaRoutedEventArgs e)
            _previousTransform.Matrix = _transformGroup.Value;

            var center = _previousTransform.TransformPoint(e.Position);

            _deltaTransform.CenterX = center.X;
            _deltaTransform.CenterY = center.Y;

            _deltaTransform.Rotation = e.Delta.Rotation;

            _deltaTransform.ScaleX = e.Delta.Scale;
            _deltaTransform.ScaleY = e.Delta.Scale;

            _deltaTransform.TranslateX = e.Delta.Translation.X;
            _deltaTransform.TranslateY = e.Delta.Translation.Y;

            var control     = e.Container as FrameworkElement;
            var controlRect = new Rect(0, 0, control.DesiredSize.Width, control.DesiredSize.Height);

            BoundingRect = _transformGroup.TransformBounds(controlRect);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void LayoutGraph(Size size)
            PathGeometry path = LineGraph.Data as PathGeometry;

            if (path != null && data != null && points != null)
                Rect   bounds = this.bounds;
                double yw     = YAxis.RenderSize.Width;
                var    w      = size.Width - yw - 20;
                var    h      = size.Height - 80;
                if (zoomToFit)
                    zoom = w / bounds.Width;
                var ymargin = TopMargin;

                if (bounds != Rect.Empty && bounds.Height != 0)
                    TransformGroup g = new TransformGroup();
                    g.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform(0, -bounds.Top));
                    g.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(zoom, -h / bounds.Height));
                    g.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform(LeftMargin, h + ymargin));

                    List <Point> pts = new List <Point>();
                    foreach (Point p in points)
                        Point t = g.Transform(p);
                    scaled = pts;

                    LineGraph.Data = CreateGeometry(pts);

                    Rect newBounds = g.TransformBounds(bounds);
                    Border.Width  = newBounds.Width;
                    Border.Height = newBounds.Height;

                    double xMean      = Mean(from p in pts select p.X);
                    double yMean      = Mean(from p in pts select p.Y);
                    double xVariance  = Variance(from p in pts select p.X);
                    double yVariance  = Variance(from p in pts select p.Y);
                    double covariance = Covariance(pts);

                    double b = covariance / xVariance;
                    double a = yMean - (b * xMean);
                    TrendLine.X1 = 0;
                    TrendLine.X2 = w;
                    TrendLine.Y1 = a;
                    TrendLine.Y2 = a + (b * w);

                    // now run on the raw data
                    xMean      = Mean(from p in points select p.X);
                    yMean      = Mean(from p in points select p.Y);
                    xVariance  = Variance(from p in points select p.X);
                    yVariance  = Variance(from p in points select p.Y);
                    covariance = Covariance(points);

                    double realb = covariance / xVariance;
                    double reala = yMean - (b * xMean);
                    LineLabel.Content = string.Format("y = {0} + {1}x", reala.ToString("N0"), realb.ToString("N0"));

                    g = new TransformGroup();
                    g.Children.Add(new RotateTransform(Math.Atan((TrendLine.Y2 - TrendLine.Y1) / (TrendLine.X2 - TrendLine.X2))));
                    g.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform(0, a - 20));
                    LineLabel.RenderTransform = g;
        private static void CorrectBounds(Rect elementRect, Size availableSize, Thickness scaleOffsets, TransformGroup transform)
            var bounds       = transform.TransformBounds(elementRect);
            var extendedRect = GetExtendedAvaliableRect(scaleOffsets, new Size(bounds.Width, bounds.Height), availableSize);

            var widthRatio  = bounds.Width / extendedRect.Width;
            var heightRatio = bounds.Height / extendedRect.Height;

            var correctionX = 0d;
            var correctionY = 0d;

            if (widthRatio > 1)
                if (bounds.Left > extendedRect.Left)
                    correctionX = extendedRect.Left - bounds.Left;

                if (bounds.Right < extendedRect.Right)
                    correctionX = extendedRect.Right - bounds.Right;
                if (bounds.Left < extendedRect.Left && bounds.Right < extendedRect.Right)
                    correctionX = extendedRect.Left - bounds.Left;

                if (bounds.Left > extendedRect.Left && bounds.Right > extendedRect.Right)
                    correctionX = extendedRect.Right - bounds.Right;

            if (heightRatio > 1)
                if (bounds.Top > extendedRect.Top)
                    correctionY = extendedRect.Top - bounds.Top;

                if (bounds.Bottom < extendedRect.Bottom)
                    correctionY = extendedRect.Bottom - bounds.Bottom;
                if (bounds.Top > extendedRect.Top && bounds.Bottom > extendedRect.Bottom)
                    correctionY = extendedRect.Bottom - bounds.Bottom;

                if (bounds.Top < extendedRect.Top && bounds.Bottom < extendedRect.Bottom)
                    correctionY = extendedRect.Top - bounds.Top;

            if (correctionX != 0 || correctionY != 0)
                AddTranslation(new Point(correctionX, correctionY), transform);