Exemplo n.º 1
        //this thread will pull work of of myQueue and update the UI using Dispatcher.Invoke
        public void Work(TransferBits trans)
            if (Application.Current == null)

                new Action(() =>
                //MD5CryptoServiceProvider md5 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
                //byte[] hash = md5.ComputeHash(trans.FormattedBuf);
                //((App)Application.Current).logger.MyLogFile("Preview hash ", string.Format(" thread {0} Bytes  {1}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, ByteArrayToString(hash)));
                FRate.Content = string.Format("Frame Rate  {0:F0}", trans.frameDesc.ActualFrameRate);
                Exp.Content   = string.Format("Exposure  {0:F0}", trans.frameDesc.Shutter);

                image = new BitmapImage();
                using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(trans.FormattedBuf))
                    image.DecodePixelHeight = (int)myCanvas.ActualHeight;
                    image.DecodePixelWidth  = (int)myCanvas.ActualWidth;
                    image.StreamSource      = stream;
                    image.CacheOption       = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;

                still.Height       = myCanvas.ActualHeight;
                still.Width        = myCanvas.ActualWidth;
                still.Source       = image;
                trans.FormattedBuf = null;
                ((App)Application.Current).logger.MyLogFile("Preview Camera ", this.Name);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Work(TransferBits trans)
            //do not execute processData on the UI thread
            if (Application.Current == null)
            HistElt[] elts = Processdata(trans);
            //          trans.bits = null;
            trans = null;
                new Action(() =>
                ((App)Application.Current).logger.MyLogFile("Histogram ", String.Format("     GC Memory: {0:N0} bytes (starting memory)", GC.GetTotalMemory(false)));

Exemplo n.º 3
        private HistElt[] Processdata(TransferBits transfer)
            FrameDescriptor frameDesc = transfer.frameDesc;

            byte[] bits = transfer.bits;
            //       Api.SetStreamState(m_hCamera, StreamState.Stop);
            //        logger.MyLogFile("Callback ", "MyCallbackFunction");

            HistElt[]          m_elts = Enumerable.Range(0, (int)formats.PIXEL_TYPES_TOTAL).Select(i => new HistElt()).ToArray();
            List <countHolder> counts = new List <countHolder> {
                new countHolder(),
                new countHolder(),
                new countHolder(),
                new countHolder()
            List <countHolder> countsGRBG = new List <countHolder> {
                new countHolder(),
                new countHolder(),
                new countHolder(),
                new countHolder()
            ////      Array.Clear(m_elts, 0, (int)formats.PIXEL_TYPES_TOTAL);
            //for (int i = 0; i < (int)formats.PIXEL_TYPES_TOTAL; i++)
            //    for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++)
            //    {
            //        m_elts[i].data[j] = 0;
            //    }


            long curtime       = (long)frameDesc.FrameTime * 1000;
            int  elapsedframes = frameDesc.FrameNumber;
            int  decX          = frameDesc.PixelAddressingValueHorizontal;
            int  decY          = frameDesc.PixelAddressingValueVertical;
            //int decY = static_cast<int>(pFrameDesc->PixelAddressingValue.fVertical);
            //          int frameCols = DEC_SIZE(static_cast<int>(pFrameDesc->Roi.fWidth), decX);
            //   DEC_SIZE(len,dec) (((len) + (dec) - 1) / (dec))
            int frameCols = (frameDesc.RoiWidth + decX - 1) / decX;
            int frameRows = (frameDesc.RoiWidth + decY - 1) / decY;
            int nPixels   = frameRows * frameCols;

            setDataFormat(transfer.dataFormat, m_elts);
            // BAYER(or MONO) format

            // Set up an array of four pointers to doubles, ordered according to the
            // data format. That is, we set up the pointers such that the first one
            // points to the block of histogram data for RED if we are in RGGB format,
            // BLUE if we are in BGGR format, etc.
            double[] pcounts = new double[4];
            for (int i = (int)formats.BAYER_FIRST_CHANNEL; i <= (int)formats.BAYER_LAST_CHANNEL; i++)
                //    std::fill(pDlg->m_elts[i].data.begin(), pDlg->m_elts[i].data.end(), 0.0);
                //    std::pair<int, int> offsetYX = GetChannelOffset(i - BAYER_FIRST_CHANNEL, uDataFormat);
                Tuple <int, int> offsetYX = GetChannelOffset(i - (int)formats.BAYER_FIRST_CHANNEL, transfer.dataFormat);
                //          pcounts[2 * offsetYX.first + offsetYX.second] = &pDlg->m_elts[i].data[0];
                pcounts[2 * offsetYX.Item1 + offsetYX.Item2] = m_elts[i].data[0];

            GetCountsfromFrame(bits, frameCols, frameRows, counts);
            UpdateBayersTotals(m_elts, counts);
            CreateGRBGarray(transfer.dataFormat, counts, countsGRBG);
            UpdateBayerRGBTotals(m_elts, countsGRBG);
            //           Console.WriteLine("Elments calc");
