Exemplo n.º 1
        private Payment Payment_PayPal(TransactionProcessParamsItems requestParams)
            var result  = _TransactionsService.GetTransactionById(requestParams.TransactionProcess.ID.ToString());
            var payment = new Payment();

            if (result == null)

            payment            = _PaypalServices.CreatePayment(requestParams);
            result.Status      = payment.state;
            result.ReferenceId = payment.id;

            var PaymentLogs = new PaymentLogs()
                Data         = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(payment),
                Error        = "Success",
                PaymentType  = "PAYPAL",
                FunctionName = "ProcessPayment",
                TransID      = requestParams.TransactionProcess.ID.ToString()


Exemplo n.º 2
        public Payment CreatePayment(TransactionProcessParamsItems trans, string intent = "sale")
            var conf = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { BaseConstants.ClientId, _options.PayPalClientId },
                { BaseConstants.ClientSecret, _options.PayPalClientSecret }
            var apiContext = new APIContext(new OAuthTokenCredential(_options.PayPalClientId, _options.PayPalClientSecret, conf).GetAccessToken());

            var payment = new Payment()
                intent = intent,
                payer  = new Payer()
                    payment_method = "paypal"
                transactions  = GetTransactionsList(trans),
                redirect_urls = new RedirectUrls()
                    cancel_url = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(trans.TransactionProcess.CancelUrl) ? trans.TransactionProcess.CancelUrl : "https://www.paypal.com/us/smarthelp/article/can-i-cancel-a-paypal-payment-faq637",
                    return_url = trans.TransactionProcess.BackUrl

            var createdPayment = payment.Create(apiContext);

Exemplo n.º 3
        private List <Transaction> GetTransactionsList(TransactionProcessParamsItems Trans)
            var transactionList = new List <Transaction>();
            var currency        = Trans.TransactionProcess.Currency;
            var itemsList       = new List <Item>();

            foreach (var item in Trans.ItemsPayment)
                itemsList.Add(new Item()
                    name     = item.ItemName,
                    currency = currency,
                    price    = item.Amount.ToString(),
                    quantity = "1",
                    sku      = "sku"
            transactionList.Add(new Transaction()
                description    = Trans.TransactionProcess.Description,
                invoice_number = Trans.TransactionProcess.OrderId,
                amount         = new Amount()
                    currency = currency,
                    total    = Trans.TransactionProcess.OrderAmount.ToString(),
                    details  = new Details()
                        tax      = "0",
                        shipping = "0",
                        subtotal = Trans.TransactionProcess.OrderAmount.ToString()

                item_list = new ItemList()
                    items = itemsList
                //payee = new Payee
                //    // TODO.. Enter the payee email address here
                //    email = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Trans.TransactionProcess.EmailPayment) ? Trans.TransactionProcess.EmailPayment : _options.PayPalEmail,
                //    //email = "*****@*****.**",

                //    // TODO.. Enter the merchant id here
                //    merchant_id = ""

Exemplo n.º 4
        public IActionResult ProcessPayment([FromBody] TransactionProcessParamsItems request, string PaymentType)
            var          requestParams = request.TransactionProcess;
            Transactions model         = new Transactions();

            model.BackUrl          = requestParams.BackUrl;
            model.Currency         = requestParams.Currency;
            model.Description      = requestParams.Description;
            model.ID               = requestParams.ID;
            model.OrderAmount      = requestParams.OrderAmount;
            model.OrderId          = requestParams.OrderId;
            model.PaymentMethod    = requestParams.PaymentMethod;
            model.PaymentCardToken = requestParams.PaymentCardToken;

            APIResponseData responseData = new APIResponseData();

            responseData.StatusCode = 0;
            responseData.Message    = "Failed.";

            if (model == null)
                responseData.StatusCode = 2;
                responseData.Message    = "Value is required.";
                goto skipToReturn;

                var trans = _TransactionsService.GetTransactionById(model.ID.ToString());
                if (trans == null)
                    responseData.Message    = "Notfound.";
                    responseData.StatusCode = 2;
                    goto skipToReturn;

                #region PAYPAL
                if (PaymentType.ToUpper() == "PAYPAL") // Paypal
                    var paypal = Payment_PayPal(request);
                    trans.ModifiedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                    trans.PaymentTypeAPI = PaymentType.ToUpper();


                    responseData.Message     = "Successfully.";
                    responseData.StatusCode  = 1;
                    responseData.Result.Data = new
                        TransactionId  = model.ID,
                        PaymenID       = paypal.id,
                        PaymentStatus  = paypal.state,
                        FailureMessage = paypal.failed_transactions
                    //return new JsonResult(paypal);
                #region Stripe
                    Stripe.Charge charge = null;
                    //var amount = charge.Amount.ToString();
                    decimal payAmount = 0;
                    if (trans.PaymentMethod == Common.DTO.PaymentMethod.Full.ToUpper())
                        payAmount = model.OrderAmount.Value;
                        charge    = StripeHelpers.RequestCharge(model, payAmount, model.Description);

                        trans.Status      = charge.Status;
                        trans.ReferenceId = charge.Id;
                        var transactionItems = _TransactionsService.GetTransactionItems(trans.ID).ToList()
                                               .Where(x => x.Status == null).OrderBy(x => x.OrderNo).ToList();
                        var nextPayItem = transactionItems.FirstOrDefault();
                        payAmount = nextPayItem.PayAmount.Value;

                        string description = string.Format("Charge {0}% of OrderId: {1}. {2}", nextPayItem.PayPercent, model.OrderId, model.Description);
                        charge = StripeHelpers.RequestCharge(model, payAmount, description);

                        nextPayItem.Status      = charge.Status;
                        nextPayItem.ReferenceId = charge.Id;

                        trans.Status = PaymentStatus.Processing;

                    trans.ModifiedDate         = DateTime.Now;
                    trans.PaymentCardToken     = model.PaymentCardToken;
                    trans.StripeCustomerId     = charge.CustomerId;
                    trans.OrderAmountRemaining = trans.OrderAmountRemaining.Value - payAmount;
                    trans.PaymentTypeAPI       = PaymentType.ToUpper();


                    responseData.Message     = "Successfully.";
                    responseData.StatusCode  = 1;
                    responseData.Result.Data = new
                        TransactionId  = model.ID,
                        PaymenID       = charge.Id,
                        PaymentStatus  = charge.Status,
                        FailureMessage = charge.FailureMessage

                    var PaymentLogs = new PaymentLogs()
                        Data         = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(charge),
                        Error        = "Success",
                        PaymentType  = PaymentType,
                        FunctionName = "ProcessPayment",
                        TransID      = requestParams.ID.ToString()
            catch (Exception ex)
                responseData.Message    = "Something went wrong, please try again.";
                responseData.StatusCode = 0;
                var typeEx = ex.GetType();

                if (typeEx.FullName == "PayPal.PayPalException")
                    var           excep = ex as PayPal.PaymentsException;
                    StringBuilder sb    = new StringBuilder();
                    sb.AppendLine("Error:    " + excep.Details.name);
                    sb.AppendLine("Message:  " + excep.Details.message);
                    sb.AppendLine("URI:      " + excep.Details.information_link);
                    sb.AppendLine("Debug ID: " + excep.Details.debug_id);

                    foreach (var errorDetails in excep.Details.details)
                        sb.AppendLine("Details:  " + errorDetails.field + " -> " + errorDetails.issue);
                    var PaymentLogs = new PaymentLogs()
                        Data         = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request),
                        Error        = sb.ToString(),
                        PaymentType  = PaymentType,
                        FunctionName = "ProcessPayment",
                        TransID      = requestParams.ID.ToString()
                    var PaymentLogs = new PaymentLogs()
                        Data  = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request),
                        Error = ex.InnerException != null?Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex.InnerException.Message) :  Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ex.Message),
                                    PaymentType  = PaymentType,
                                    FunctionName = "ProcessPayment",
                                    TransID      = requestParams.ID.ToString()

                EmailHelpers.SendEmail(new Common.DTO.ErrorInfo()
                    Section   = $"AQ ProcessPayment PaymentType: {PaymentType} <br /> TransactionID : {requestParams.ID}",
                    Exception = ex

skipToReturn:        //label use to force return