Exemplo n.º 1
        public void getTransaction_Test()
            // this should return either a null or a collection of transaction objects

            // arrange
            // set up the data access fake
            var transationDAO = A.Fake <Model.DataAccessLayer.ITransactionDAO>();

            A.CallTo(() => transationDAO.getAllTransactions()).Returns(new List <ITransaction> {
                new Transaction(1, "timestamp", null, null, null)
            // set up the class under test
            transactionService = new TransactionOps(transationDAO);
            // subscribe to the event
            bool eventFired = false;

            this.transactionService.GetAllTransactions += (sender, args) => { eventFired = true; };

            // act
            IEnumerable <ITransaction> collectionOfTransactions = this.transactionService.getAllTransactions();

            // assert
            foreach (ITransaction trans in collectionOfTransactions)
                NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(1, trans.TransactionID);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void addTransaction_Test()
            // arrange
            // set up the data access fake
            var         transationDAO = A.Fake <Model.DataAccessLayer.ITransactionDAO>();
            bool        addTransactionMethodCalled = false;
            Transaction newTransaction             = new Transaction(1, "timestamp", null, null, null);

            A.CallTo(() => transationDAO.addTransaction(newTransaction)).Invokes(() => addTransactionMethodCalled = true);
            // set up the class under test
            transactionService = new TransactionOps(transationDAO);
            // subscribe to event
            bool eventFired = false;

            this.transactionService.GetAllTransactions += (sender, args) => { eventFired = true; };

            // act

            // assert