Exemplo n.º 1
        public void DeleteTransaction(int transactionId, bool updateStock)
            SaleManager         sm    = new SaleManager();
            List <SalePurchase> sales = sm.GetSalesByTransactionID(transactionId);

            foreach (SalePurchase s in sales)
                sm.DeleteSale(s.ID, updateStock);
            sm = null;

            PaymentManager pm = new PaymentManager();
            Payment        p  = pm.GetPaymentByTransactionID(transactionId);

            if (p == null)
                p    = new Payment();
                p.ID = -1;
            p  = null;
            pm = null;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void sendPayment(string txfee)
            Logging.info("Preparing to send payment");

            // Create an ixian transaction and send it to the dlt network
            IxiNumber fee = CoreConfig.transactionPrice;

            byte[] from   = Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress();
            byte[] pubKey = Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryPublicKey();
            Logging.info("Preparing tx");

            Transaction transaction = new Transaction((int)Transaction.Type.Normal, fee, to_list, from, null, pubKey, Node.getLastBlockHeight());

            Logging.info("Broadcasting tx");

            NetworkClientManager.broadcastData(new char[] { 'M' }, ProtocolMessageCode.newTransaction, transaction.getBytes(), null);
            Logging.info("Adding to cache");

            // Add the unconfirmed transaction the the cache
            Logging.info("Showing payment details");

            // Show the payment details
            Navigation.PushAsync(new WalletSentPage(transaction), Config.defaultXamarinAnimations);
Exemplo n.º 3
 // 请注意:
 //  1. 不要在这个函数里做耗时操作
 //  2. 只在这个函数里做数据获取工作 -- 将数据复制到其它数据缓存区,由其它线程做业务逻辑处理
 public override void OnRecvDataMsg(TDFMSG msg)
         TDFMarketData[] marketDataArr = msg.Data as TDFMarketData[];
         TDFTransaction[] transactionDataArr = msg.Data as TDFTransaction[];
     else if (msg.MsgID == TDFMSGID.MSG_DATA_ORDER)
         TDFOrder[] orderDataArr = msg.Data as TDFOrder[];
     else if (msg.MsgID == TDFMSGID.MSG_DATA_ORDERQUEUE)
         TDFOrderQueue[] orderQueueDataArr = msg.Data as TDFOrderQueue[];
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Retrieve the transaction from local cache storage
        private void checkTransaction()
            string      confirmed_text = SpixiLocalization._SL("wallet-sent-confirmed");
            Transaction ctransaction   = TransactionCache.getTransaction(transaction.id);

            if (ctransaction == null || ctransaction.applied == 0)
                ctransaction   = transaction;
                confirmed_text = SpixiLocalization._SL("wallet-sent-unconfirmed");

            IxiNumber amount = ctransaction.amount;

            // Convert unix timestamp
            string time = Utils.UnixTimeStampToString(Convert.ToDouble(ctransaction.timeStamp));

            byte[] addr = new Address(ctransaction.pubKey).address;
            if (addr.SequenceEqual(IxianHandler.getWalletStorage().getPrimaryAddress()))
                // this is a sent payment

                foreach (var entry in ctransaction.toList)
                    //Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addSender", Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(entry.Key) + ": " + entry.Value.ToString(), time);
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addSender", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ctransaction.data) + ": " + entry.Value.ToString(), time);

            Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "setData", amount.ToString(), ctransaction.fee.ToString(),
                                time, confirmed_text, (ctransaction.fee / ctransaction.amount).ToString() + "%", Transaction.txIdV8ToLegacy(transaction.id));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public CacheContext(IStorageContext storageContext)
            this._storageContext = storageContext;

            this._blockStorage = new BlockStorage(this);
            this._blockCache = new BlockCache
                cacheContext: this,
                maxFlushMemorySize: 10.MILLION(),
                maxCacheMemorySize: 1.MILLION()

            this._blockHeaderCache = new BlockHeaderCache
                cacheContext: this,
                maxFlushMemorySize: 10.MILLION(),
                maxCacheMemorySize: 1.MILLION()

            this._chainedBlockCache = new ChainedBlockCache
                cacheContext: this,
                maxFlushMemorySize: 1.MILLION(),
                maxCacheMemorySize: 100.MILLION()

            this._transactionCache = new TransactionCache
                cacheContext: this,
                maxCacheMemorySize: 1.MILLION()
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void onDeleteWallet(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Node.walletStorage.deleteWallet())
                Node.walletStorage = new WalletStorage(Path.Combine(Config.spixiUserFolder, Config.walletFile));

                // Also delete the account

                // Stop network activity

                Application.Current.SavePropertiesAsync();  // Force-save properties for compatibility with WPF

                SpixiLocalization.addCustomString("OnboardingComplete", "false");


                // Show the launch page
                Navigation.PushAsync(new LaunchPage(), Config.defaultXamarinAnimations);

                // Remove the settings page

                // Todo: also remove the parent page without causing memory leaks
                displaySpixiAlert(SpixiLocalization._SL("settings-deletew-error-title"), SpixiLocalization._SL("settings-deletew-error-text"), SpixiLocalization._SL("global-dialog-ok"));
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Retrieve the transaction from local cache storage
        private void checkTransaction()
            string      confirmed_text = "CONFIRMED";
            Transaction ctransaction   = TransactionCache.getTransaction(transaction.id);

            if (ctransaction == null || ctransaction.applied == 0)
                ctransaction   = transaction;
                confirmed_text = "UNCONFIRMED";

            IxiNumber amount = ctransaction.amount;

            string addresses = "";

            byte[] addr = new Address(ctransaction.pubKey).address;
            if (addr.SequenceEqual(Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress()))
                // this is a sent payment

                foreach (var entry in ctransaction.toList)
                    Friend friend = FriendList.getFriend(entry.Key);
                    if (friend != null)
                        addresses += friend.nickname + ": " + entry.Value.ToString() + "|";
                        addresses += Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(entry.Key) + ": " + entry.Value.ToString() + "|";
                // this is a received payment

                amount = 0;

                Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "setReceivedMode");
                foreach (var entry in ctransaction.toList)
                    if (entry.Key.SequenceEqual(Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress()))
                        addresses += Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(entry.Key) + ": " + entry.Value.ToString() + "|";
                        amount    += entry.Value;

            // Convert unix timestamp
            string time = Utils.UnixTimeStampToString(Convert.ToDouble(ctransaction.timeStamp));

            Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "setData", amount.ToString(), ctransaction.fee.ToString(),
                                addresses, time, confirmed_text, (ctransaction.fee / amount).ToString() + "%");
Exemplo n.º 8
 public BTCPayWallet(ExplorerClient client, TransactionCache cache, BTCPayNetwork network)
     if (client == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(client));
     _Client  = client;
     _Network = network;
     _Cache   = cache;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public PruningWorker(WorkerConfig workerConfig, Func <ChainStateBuilder> getChainStateBuilder, Logger logger, IBlockchainRules rules, BlockTxHashesCache blockTxHashesCache, TransactionCache transactionCache, SpentTransactionsCache spentTransactionsCache, SpentOutputsCache spentOutputsCache)
            : base("PruningWorker", workerConfig.initialNotify, workerConfig.minIdleTime, workerConfig.maxIdleTime, logger)
            this.getChainStateBuilder = getChainStateBuilder;
            this.rules = rules;
            this.blockTxHashesCache     = blockTxHashesCache;
            this.transactionCache       = transactionCache;
            this.spentTransactionsCache = spentTransactionsCache;
            this.spentOutputsCache      = spentOutputsCache;

            this.Mode = PruningMode.SpentOnly;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public async Task <IEnumerable <Transaction> > GetTransactionsAsync(Network network, IEnumerable <uint256> txHashes, CancellationToken cancel)
            var allTxs          = new List <Transaction>();
            var txHashesToQuery = new List <uint256>();

            lock (TransactionCacheLock)
                var cachedTxs = TransactionCache.Where(x => txHashes.Contains(x.Key));
                allTxs.AddRange(cachedTxs.Select(x => x.Value));
                txHashesToQuery.AddRange(txHashes.Except(cachedTxs.Select(x => x.Key)));

            foreach (IEnumerable <uint256> chunk in txHashesToQuery.ChunkBy(10))

                using var response = await TorClient.SendAndRetryAsync(
                          $"/api/v{Constants.BackendMajorVersion}/btc/blockchain/transaction-hexes?&transactionIds={string.Join("&transactionIds=", chunk.Select(x => x.ToString()))}",
                          cancel : cancel);

                if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    await response.ThrowRequestExceptionFromContentAsync();

                using HttpContent content = response.Content;
                var retString = await content.ReadAsJsonAsync <IEnumerable <string> >();

                var ret = retString.Select(x => Transaction.Parse(x, network)).ToList();

                lock (TransactionCacheLock)
                    foreach (var tx in ret)
                        tx.PrecomputeHash(false, true);
                        if (TransactionCache.TryAdd(tx.GetHash(), tx))
                            if (TransactionCache.Count > 1000)                             // No more than 1000 txs in cache
                                var toRemove = TransactionIdQueue.Dequeue();

Exemplo n.º 11
        private void sendPayment(string txfee)
            Logging.info("Preparing to send payment");

            // Create an ixian transaction and send it to the dlt network
            IxiNumber fee = ConsensusConfig.transactionPrice;

            byte[] from   = Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress();
            byte[] pubKey = Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryPublicKey();
            Logging.info("Preparing tx");

            Transaction transaction = new Transaction((int)Transaction.Type.Normal, fee, to_list, from, null, pubKey, IxianHandler.getHighestKnownNetworkBlockHeight());

            Logging.info("Broadcasting tx");

            Logging.info("Adding to cache");

            // Add the unconfirmed transaction to the cache
            Logging.info("Showing payment details");

            // Send message to recipients
            foreach (var entry in to_list)
                Friend friend = FriendList.getFriend(entry.Key);

                if (friend != null)
                    FriendMessage friend_message = FriendList.addMessageWithType(null, FriendMessageType.sentFunds, entry.Key, transaction.id, true);

                    SpixiMessage spixi_message = new SpixiMessage(SpixiMessageCode.sentFunds, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(transaction.id));

                    StreamMessage message = new StreamMessage();
                    message.type        = StreamMessageCode.info;
                    message.recipient   = friend.walletAddress;
                    message.sender      = Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress();
                    message.transaction = new byte[1];
                    message.sigdata     = new byte[1];
                    message.data        = spixi_message.getBytes();
                    message.id          = friend_message.id;

                    StreamProcessor.sendMessage(friend, message);

            // Show the payment details
            Navigation.PushAsync(new WalletSentPage(transaction, false), Config.defaultXamarinAnimations);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public LocalClient(Logger logger, RulesEnum type, IKernel kernel, IBlockchainRules rules, CoreDaemon blockchainDaemon, BlockHeaderCache blockHeaderCache, ChainedHeaderCache chainedHeaderCache, TransactionCache transactionCache, BlockCache blockCache, NetworkPeerCache networkPeerCache)
            this.shutdownToken = new CancellationTokenSource();

            this.logger             = logger;
            this.type               = type;
            this.kernel             = kernel;
            this.rules              = rules;
            this.blockchainDaemon   = blockchainDaemon;
            this.blockHeaderCache   = blockHeaderCache;
            this.chainedHeaderCache = chainedHeaderCache;
            this.transactionCache   = transactionCache;
            this.blockCache         = blockCache;
            this.networkPeerCache   = networkPeerCache;

            this.messageRateMeasure = new RateMeasure();

            this.connectWorker        = new WorkerMethod("LocalClient.ConnectWorker", ConnectWorker, true, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), this.logger);
            this.headersRequestWorker = kernel.Get <HeadersRequestWorker>(
                new ConstructorArgument("workerConfig", new WorkerConfig(initialNotify: true, minIdleTime: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50), maxIdleTime: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))),
                new ConstructorArgument("localClient", this));
            this.blockRequestWorker = kernel.Get <BlockRequestWorker>(
                new ConstructorArgument("workerConfig", new WorkerConfig(initialNotify: true, minIdleTime: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50), maxIdleTime: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))),
                new ConstructorArgument("localClient", this));
            this.statsWorker = new WorkerMethod("LocalClient.StatsWorker", StatsWorker, true, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), this.logger);

            switch (this.Type)
            case RulesEnum.MainNet:
                Messaging.Port  = 8333;
                Messaging.Magic = Messaging.MAGIC_MAIN;

            case RulesEnum.TestNet3:
                Messaging.Port  = 18333;
                Messaging.Magic = Messaging.MAGIC_TESTNET3;

            case RulesEnum.ComparisonToolTestNet:
                Messaging.Port  = 18444;
                Messaging.Magic = Messaging.MAGIC_COMPARISON_TOOL;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void receivedTransactionInclusionVerificationResponse(string txid, bool verified)
            // TODO implement error
            // TODO implement blocknum

            if (verified)
                Transaction tx = TransactionCache.getUnconfirmedTransaction(txid);
                if (tx != null)
                    Page p = App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Last();
                    if (p.GetType() == typeof(SingleChatPage))
                        ((SingleChatPage)p).updateTransactionStatus(txid, verified);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public List <Transaction> GetTransactionsByItem(int itemId)
            List <Transaction> transactionsWithGivenItem;

                transactionsWithGivenItem = TransactionCache.GetInstance().GetTransactionsByItem(itemId);
            catch (Exception)
                //in case of errors, return empty array of transactions
                transactionsWithGivenItem = new List <Transaction>();
            //if (transactionsWithGivenItem.Count == 0)

        private void onSend()
            // Create an ixian transaction and send it to the dlt network
            byte[] to = friend.walletAddress;

            IxiNumber amounti = new IxiNumber(amount);
            IxiNumber fee     = CoreConfig.transactionPrice;

            byte[] from   = Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress();
            byte[] pubKey = Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryPublicKey();

            Transaction transaction = new Transaction((int)Transaction.Type.Normal, amount, fee, to, from, null, pubKey, Node.getLastBlockHeight());

            NetworkClientManager.broadcastData(new char[] { 'M' }, ProtocolMessageCode.newTransaction, transaction.getBytes(), null);

            // Add the unconfirmed transaction the the cache
            FriendList.addMessageWithType(FriendMessageType.sentFunds, friend.walletAddress, transaction.id);
Exemplo n.º 16
        // Retrieve the transaction from local cache storage
        private bool checkTransaction()
            Transaction ctransaction = TransactionCache.getTransaction(transaction.id);

            if (ctransaction == null)

            string nickname = "Unknown";
            Friend friend   = null;

            byte[] addr = ctransaction.toList.Keys.First();
            // Check if this is a received payment
            if (addr.SequenceEqual(Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress()))
                // TODO FIXME

                /*      webView.Eval("setReceivedMode()");
                 *    friend = FriendList.getFriend(transaction.from);
                 *    addr = ctransaction.from;*/
                // This is a sent payment
                friend = FriendList.getFriend(addr);

            if (friend != null)
                nickname = friend.nickname;

            // Convert unix timestamp
            string time = Utils.UnixTimeStampToString(Convert.ToDouble(ctransaction.timeStamp));

            webView.Eval(string.Format("setConfirmedData('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}')", ctransaction.amount.ToString(), ctransaction.fee.ToString(),
                                       Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(addr), nickname, time));
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void sendPayment(string txfee)
            Logging.info("Preparing to send payment");

            Logging.info("Broadcasting tx");

            Logging.info("Adding to cache");

            // Add the unconfirmed transaction to the cache
            Logging.info("Showing payment details");

            // Send message to recipients
            foreach (var entry in to_list)
                Friend friend = FriendList.getFriend(entry.Key);

                if (friend != null)
                    FriendMessage friend_message = FriendList.addMessageWithType(null, FriendMessageType.sentFunds, entry.Key, transaction.id, true);

                    SpixiMessage spixi_message = new SpixiMessage(SpixiMessageCode.sentFunds, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(transaction.id));

                    StreamMessage message = new StreamMessage();
                    message.type        = StreamMessageCode.info;
                    message.recipient   = friend.walletAddress;
                    message.sender      = Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress();
                    message.transaction = new byte[1];
                    message.sigdata     = new byte[1];
                    message.data        = spixi_message.getBytes();
                    message.id          = friend_message.id;

                    StreamProcessor.sendMessage(friend, message);

            // Show the payment details
            Navigation.PushAsync(new WalletSentPage(transaction, false), Config.defaultXamarinAnimations);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public void DeleteTransaction(int transactionId)
            SaleManager sm    = new SaleManager();
            List <Sale> sales = sm.GetSalesByTransactionID(transactionId);

            foreach (Sale s in sales)
            sm = null;

            PaymentManager pm = new PaymentManager();
            Payment        p  = pm.GetPaymentByTransactionID(transactionId);

            p  = null;
            pm = null;

Exemplo n.º 19
 public void ClearCache()
     TDFMarketData[] tmp;
     while (MarketDataCache.TryDequeue(out tmp) == true)
     TDFTransaction[] tmp2;
     while (TransactionCache.TryDequeue(out tmp2) == true)
     TDFOrder[] tmp3;
     while (OrderCache.TryDequeue(out tmp3) == true)
     TDFOrderQueue[] tmp4;
     while (OrderQueueCache.TryDequeue(out tmp4) == true)
Exemplo n.º 20
        private void sendPayment(string ethaddress, IxiNumber amount)
            IxiNumber fee = ConsensusConfig.transactionPrice;

            byte[] from   = IxianHandler.getWalletStorage().getPrimaryAddress();
            byte[] pubKey = IxianHandler.getWalletStorage().getPrimaryPublicKey();

            byte[] _address = Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.DecodePlain(Config.bridgeAddress);
            to_list.AddOrReplace(_address, amount);

            byte[] _txdata = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(ethaddress);

            transaction = new Transaction((int)Transaction.Type.Normal, fee, to_list, from, _txdata, pubKey, IxianHandler.getHighestKnownNetworkBlockHeight());

            IxiNumber total_amount = transaction.amount + transaction.fee;

            if (Node.balance.balance < total_amount)
                displaySpixiAlert(SpixiLocalization._SL("wallet-error-balance-title"), string.Format(SpixiLocalization._SL("wallet-error-balance-text"), total_amount.ToString(), Node.balance.balance.ToString()), SpixiLocalization._SL("global-dialog-ok"));

            Logging.info("Preparing to send payment");

            Logging.info("Broadcasting tx");

            IxianHandler.addTransaction(transaction, true);
            Logging.info("Adding to cache");

            // Add the unconfirmed transaction to the cache

            Navigation.PushAsync(new WIXISentPage(transaction), Config.defaultXamarinAnimations);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public override void receivedTransactionInclusionVerificationResponse(byte[] txid, bool verified)
            // TODO implement error
            // TODO implement blocknum
            Transaction tx = TransactionCache.getUnconfirmedTransaction(txid);

            if (tx == null)

            if (!verified)
                tx.applied = 0;

            Page p = App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Last();

            if (p.GetType() == typeof(SingleChatPage))
                ((SingleChatPage)p).updateTransactionStatus(Transaction.txIdV8ToLegacy(txid), verified);
Exemplo n.º 22
 internal double GetTransactionSumTotalByCustomerId(int customerID, DateTime startDate)
     return(TransactionCache.GetInstance().GetTransactionSumTotalByCustomerId(customerID, startDate));
Exemplo n.º 23
 internal void RefreshCache()
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void insertMessage(FriendMessage message)
            if (friend.approved == false)
                if (message.type == FriendMessageType.requestAdd)
                    // Call webview methods on the main UI thread only
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "showContactRequest", "1");
                    message.read = true;
                // Don't show if the friend is already approved
                if (message.type == FriendMessageType.requestAdd)

            string prefix  = "addMe";
            string avatar  = "";
            string address = "";
            string nick    = "";

            if (!message.localSender)
                if (friend.bot)
                    if (message.senderAddress != null)
                        address = Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(message.senderAddress);

                    nick = message.senderNick;
                    if (nick == "")
                        if (message.senderAddress != null && friend.contacts.ContainsKey(message.senderAddress))
                            nick = friend.contacts[message.senderAddress].nick;

                    if (nick == "")
                        nick = address;

                prefix = "addThem";
                if (message.senderAddress != null)
                    avatar = Node.localStorage.getAvatarPath(Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(message.senderAddress));
                    avatar = Node.localStorage.getAvatarPath(Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(friend.walletAddress));
                if (avatar == null)
                    avatar = "img/spixiavatar.png";

            if (message.type == FriendMessageType.requestFunds)
                string status      = "WAITING CONFIRMATION";
                string status_icon = "fa-clock";

                string amount = message.message;

                string txid = "";

                bool enableView = false;

                if (!message.localSender)
                    enableView = true;

                if (message.message.StartsWith("::"))
                    status      = "DECLINED";
                    status_icon = "fa-exclamation-circle";
                    amount      = message.message.Substring(2);
                    txid        = Crypto.hashToString(message.id);
                    enableView  = false;
                else if (message.message.StartsWith(":"))
                    status = "PENDING";
                    txid   = message.message.Substring(1);

                    bool        confirmed   = true;
                    Transaction transaction = TransactionCache.getTransaction(txid);
                    if (transaction == null)
                        transaction = TransactionCache.getUnconfirmedTransaction(txid);
                        confirmed   = false;

                    amount = "?";

                    if (transaction != null)
                        amount = transaction.amount.ToString();

                        if (confirmed)
                            status      = "CONFIRMED";
                            status_icon = "fa-check-circle";
                        // TODO think about how to make this more private
                        CoreProtocolMessage.broadcastGetTransaction(txid, 0, null);
                    enableView = true;

                if (message.localSender)
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addPaymentRequest", Crypto.hashToString(message.id), txid, address, nick, avatar, "Payment request SENT", amount, status, status_icon, message.timestamp.ToString(), message.localSender.ToString(), message.confirmed.ToString(), message.read.ToString(), enableView.ToString());
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addPaymentRequest", Crypto.hashToString(message.id), txid, address, nick, avatar, "Payment request RECEIVED", amount, status, status_icon, message.timestamp.ToString(), "", message.confirmed.ToString(), message.read.ToString(), enableView.ToString());

            if (message.type == FriendMessageType.sentFunds)
                bool        confirmed   = true;
                Transaction transaction = TransactionCache.getTransaction(message.message);
                if (transaction == null)
                    transaction = TransactionCache.getUnconfirmedTransaction(message.message);
                    confirmed   = false;

                string status      = "PENDING";
                string status_icon = "fa-clock";

                string amount = "?";

                if (transaction != null)
                    if (confirmed)
                        status      = "CONFIRMED";
                        status_icon = "fa-check-circle";
                    if (message.localSender)
                        amount = transaction.amount.ToString();
                        amount = HomePage.calculateReceivedAmount(transaction).ToString();
                    // TODO think about how to make this more private
                    CoreProtocolMessage.broadcastGetTransaction(message.message, 0, null);

                // Call webview methods on the main UI thread only
                if (message.localSender)
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addPaymentRequest", Crypto.hashToString(message.id), message.message, address, nick, avatar, "Payment SENT", amount, status, status_icon, message.timestamp.ToString(), message.localSender.ToString(), message.confirmed.ToString(), message.read.ToString(), "True");
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addPaymentRequest", Crypto.hashToString(message.id), message.message, address, nick, avatar, "Payment RECEIVED", amount, status, status_icon, message.timestamp.ToString(), "", message.confirmed.ToString(), message.read.ToString(), "True");

            if (message.type == FriendMessageType.fileHeader)
                string[] split = message.message.Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (split != null && split.Length > 1)
                    string uid  = split[0];
                    string name = split[1];

                    string progress = "0";
                    if (message.completed)
                        progress = "100";
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addFile", Crypto.hashToString(message.id), address, nick, avatar, uid, name, message.timestamp.ToString(), message.localSender.ToString(), message.confirmed.ToString(), message.read.ToString(), progress, message.completed.ToString());

            if (message.type == FriendMessageType.standard)
                // Normal chat message
                // Call webview methods on the main UI thread only
                Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, prefix, Crypto.hashToString(message.id), address, nick, avatar, message.message, message.timestamp.ToString(), message.confirmed.ToString(), message.read.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 25
        // Retrieve the transaction from local cache storage
        private void checkTransaction()
            string      confirmed_text = SpixiLocalization._SL("wallet-sent-confirmed");
            Transaction ctransaction   = TransactionCache.getTransaction(transaction.id);

            if (ctransaction == null || ctransaction.applied == 0)
                ctransaction   = transaction;
                confirmed_text = SpixiLocalization._SL("wallet-sent-unconfirmed");

            IxiNumber amount = ctransaction.amount;

            // Convert unix timestamp
            string time = Utils.UnixTimeStampToString(Convert.ToDouble(ctransaction.timeStamp));

            byte[] addr = new Address(ctransaction.pubKey).address;
            if (addr.SequenceEqual(Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress()))
                // this is a sent payment

                foreach (var entry in ctransaction.toList)
                    Friend friend = FriendList.getFriend(entry.Key);
                    if (friend != null)
                        Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addSender", friend.nickname + ": " + entry.Value.ToString(), time);
                        Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addSender", Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(entry.Key) + ": " + entry.Value.ToString(), time);
                // this is a received payment

                amount = 0;

                Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "setReceivedMode");
                byte[] sender_address = new Address(ctransaction.pubKey).address;
                Friend friend         = FriendList.getFriend(sender_address);
                if (friend != null)
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addSender", friend.nickname, time);
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addSender", Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(sender_address), time);
                foreach (var entry in ctransaction.toList)
                    if (IxianHandler.getWalletStorage().isMyAddress(entry.Key))
                        // TODO show this as well under sent to; also do the reverse for sent payment
                        //addresses += Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(entry.Key) + ": " + entry.Value.ToString() + "|";
                        amount += entry.Value;

            Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "setData", amount.ToString(), ctransaction.fee.ToString(),
                                time, confirmed_text, (ctransaction.fee / ctransaction.amount).ToString() + "%", Transaction.txIdV8ToLegacy(transaction.id));
Exemplo n.º 26
        // Unified protocol message parsing
        public static void parseProtocolMessage(ProtocolMessageCode code, byte[] data, RemoteEndpoint endpoint)
            if (endpoint == null)
                Logging.error("Endpoint was null. parseProtocolMessage");
                switch (code)
                case ProtocolMessageCode.hello:
                    using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data))
                        using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m))
                            CoreProtocolMessage.processHelloMessageV6(endpoint, reader);

                case ProtocolMessageCode.helloData:
                    using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data))
                        using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m))
                            if (!CoreProtocolMessage.processHelloMessageV6(endpoint, reader))

                            ulong  last_block_num = reader.ReadIxiVarUInt();
                            int    bcLen          = (int)reader.ReadIxiVarUInt();
                            byte[] block_checksum = reader.ReadBytes(bcLen);

                            endpoint.blockHeight = last_block_num;

                            int block_version = (int)reader.ReadIxiVarUInt();

                            if (endpoint.presenceAddress.type != 'C')
                                ulong highest_block_height = IxianHandler.getHighestKnownNetworkBlockHeight();
                                if (last_block_num + 10 < highest_block_height)
                                    CoreProtocolMessage.sendBye(endpoint, ProtocolByeCode.tooFarBehind, string.Format("Your node is too far behind, your block height is {0}, highest network block height is {1}.", last_block_num, highest_block_height), highest_block_height.ToString(), true);

                            // Process the hello data
                            endpoint.helloReceived = true;

                            if (endpoint.presenceAddress.type == 'R')
                                string[] connected_servers = StreamClientManager.getConnectedClients(true);
                                if (connected_servers.Count() == 1 || !connected_servers.Contains(StreamClientManager.primaryS2Address))
                                    if (StreamClientManager.primaryS2Address == "")
                                    // TODO set the primary s2 host more efficiently, perhaps allow for multiple s2 primary hosts
                                    StreamClientManager.primaryS2Address = endpoint.getFullAddress(true);
                                    // TODO TODO do not set if directly connectable
                                    IxianHandler.publicIP           = endpoint.address;
                                    IxianHandler.publicPort         = endpoint.incomingPort;
                                    PresenceList.forceSendKeepAlive = true;
                                    Logging.info("Forcing KA from networkprotocol");
                            else if (endpoint.presenceAddress.type == 'C')
                                Friend f = FriendList.getFriend(endpoint.presence.wallet);
                                if (f != null && f.bot)

                            if (endpoint.presenceAddress.type == 'M' || endpoint.presenceAddress.type == 'H')
                                Node.setNetworkBlock(last_block_num, block_checksum, block_version);

                                // Get random presences
                                endpoint.sendData(ProtocolMessageCode.getRandomPresences, new byte[1] {
                                endpoint.sendData(ProtocolMessageCode.getRandomPresences, new byte[1] {
                                endpoint.sendData(ProtocolMessageCode.getRandomPresences, new byte[1] {


                case ProtocolMessageCode.s2data:
                    StreamProcessor.receiveData(data, endpoint);

                case ProtocolMessageCode.updatePresence:
                    Logging.info("NET: Receiving presence list update");
                    // Parse the data and update entries in the presence list
                    Presence p = PresenceList.updateFromBytes(data);
                    if (p == null)

                    Friend f = FriendList.getFriend(p.wallet);
                    if (f != null)
                        f.relayIP = p.addresses[0].address;

                case ProtocolMessageCode.keepAlivePresence:
                    byte[]   address   = null;
                    long     last_seen = 0;
                    byte[]   device_id = null;
                    bool     updated   = PresenceList.receiveKeepAlive(data, out address, out last_seen, out device_id, endpoint);
                    Presence p         = PresenceList.getPresenceByAddress(address);
                    if (p == null)

                    Friend f = FriendList.getFriend(p.wallet);
                    if (f != null)
                        f.relayIP = p.addresses[0].address;

                case ProtocolMessageCode.getPresence:
                    using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data))
                        using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m))
                            int    walletLen = reader.ReadInt32();
                            byte[] wallet    = reader.ReadBytes(walletLen);

                            Presence p = PresenceList.getPresenceByAddress(wallet);
                            if (p != null)
                                lock (p)
                                    byte[][] presence_chunks = p.getByteChunks();
                                    foreach (byte[] presence_chunk in presence_chunks)
                                        endpoint.sendData(ProtocolMessageCode.updatePresence, presence_chunk, null);
                                // TODO blacklisting point
                                Logging.warn(string.Format("Node has requested presence information about {0} that is not in our PL.", Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(wallet)));

                case ProtocolMessageCode.getPresence2:
                    using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data))
                        using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m))
                            int    walletLen = (int)reader.ReadIxiVarUInt();
                            byte[] wallet    = reader.ReadBytes(walletLen);

                            Presence p = PresenceList.getPresenceByAddress(wallet);
                            if (p != null)
                                lock (p)
                                    byte[][] presence_chunks = p.getByteChunks();
                                    foreach (byte[] presence_chunk in presence_chunks)
                                        endpoint.sendData(ProtocolMessageCode.updatePresence, presence_chunk, null);
                                // TODO blacklisting point
                                Logging.warn(string.Format("Node has requested presence information about {0} that is not in our PL.", Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(wallet)));

                case ProtocolMessageCode.balance:
                    using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data))
                        using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m))
                            int    address_length = reader.ReadInt32();
                            byte[] address        = reader.ReadBytes(address_length);

                            // Retrieve the latest balance
                            IxiNumber balance = reader.ReadString();

                            if (address.SequenceEqual(Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress()))
                                // Retrieve the blockheight for the balance
                                ulong block_height = reader.ReadUInt64();

                                if (block_height > Node.balance.blockHeight && (Node.balance.balance != balance || Node.balance.blockHeight == 0))
                                    byte[] block_checksum = reader.ReadBytes(reader.ReadInt32());

                                    Node.balance.address       = address;
                                    Node.balance.balance       = balance;
                                    Node.balance.blockHeight   = block_height;
                                    Node.balance.blockChecksum = block_checksum;
                                    Node.balance.verified      = false;
                                Node.balance.lastUpdate = Clock.getTimestamp();

                case ProtocolMessageCode.balance2:
                    using (MemoryStream m = new MemoryStream(data))
                        using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(m))
                            int    address_length = (int)reader.ReadIxiVarUInt();
                            byte[] address        = reader.ReadBytes(address_length);

                            // Retrieve the latest balance
                            IxiNumber balance = new IxiNumber(new BigInteger(reader.ReadBytes((int)reader.ReadIxiVarUInt())));

                            if (address.SequenceEqual(Node.walletStorage.getPrimaryAddress()))
                                // Retrieve the blockheight for the balance
                                ulong block_height = reader.ReadIxiVarUInt();

                                if (block_height > Node.balance.blockHeight && (Node.balance.balance != balance || Node.balance.blockHeight == 0))
                                    byte[] block_checksum = reader.ReadBytes((int)reader.ReadIxiVarUInt());

                                    Node.balance.address       = address;
                                    Node.balance.balance       = balance;
                                    Node.balance.blockHeight   = block_height;
                                    Node.balance.blockChecksum = block_checksum;
                                    Node.balance.verified      = false;
                                Node.balance.lastUpdate = Clock.getTimestamp();

                case ProtocolMessageCode.newTransaction:
                case ProtocolMessageCode.transactionData:
                    // TODO: check for errors/exceptions
                    Transaction transaction = new Transaction(data, true);

                    if (endpoint.presenceAddress.type == 'M' || endpoint.presenceAddress.type == 'H')
                        PendingTransactions.increaseReceivedCount(transaction.id, endpoint.presence.wallet);



                case ProtocolMessageCode.bye:
                    CoreProtocolMessage.processBye(data, endpoint);

                case ProtocolMessageCode.blockHeaders2:
                    // Forward the block headers to the TIV handler
                    Node.tiv.receivedBlockHeaders2(data, endpoint);

                case ProtocolMessageCode.pitData2:
                    Node.tiv.receivedPIT2(data, endpoint);

            catch (Exception e)
                Logging.error("Error parsing network message. Details: {0}", e.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void insertMessage(FriendMessage message)
            if (friend.approved == false)
                if (message.type == FriendMessageType.requestAdd)
                    // Call webview methods on the main UI thread only
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "showContactRequest", "1");
                    message.read = true;
                // Don't show if the friend is already approved
                if (message.type == FriendMessageType.requestAdd)

            string prefix  = "addMe";
            string avatar  = "";//Node.localStorage.getOwnAvatarPath();
            string address = "";
            string nick    = "";

            if (friend.bot)
                if (message.senderAddress != null)
                    address = Base58Check.Base58CheckEncoding.EncodePlain(message.senderAddress);

                nick = message.senderNick;
                if (nick == "")
                    nick = address;
            if (!message.localSender)
                prefix = "addThem";
                avatar = "img/spixiavatar.png";

            if (message.type == FriendMessageType.requestFunds)
                string status      = "PENDING";
                string status_icon = "fa-clock";

                string amount = message.message;

                if (message.message.StartsWith("::"))
                    status      = "DECLINED";
                    status_icon = "fa-exclamation-circle";
                    amount      = message.message.Substring(2);
                else if (message.message.StartsWith(":"))
                    Transaction transaction = TransactionCache.getTransaction(message.message.Substring(1));
                    if (transaction == null)
                        transaction = TransactionCache.getUnconfirmedTransaction(message.message.Substring(1));

                    amount = "?";

                    if (transaction != null)
                        amount = transaction.amount.ToString();

                        if (transaction.applied > 0)
                            status      = "CONFIRMED";
                            status_icon = "fa-check-circle";

                if (message.localSender)
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addPaymentRequest", Crypto.hashToString(message.id), address, nick, avatar, "Payment request SENT", amount, status, status_icon, Clock.getRelativeTime(message.timestamp), message.localSender.ToString());
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addPaymentRequest", Crypto.hashToString(message.id), address, nick, avatar, "Payment request RECEIVED", amount, status, status_icon, Clock.getRelativeTime(message.timestamp));
                message.read = true;

            if (message.type == FriendMessageType.sentFunds)
                message.read = true;
                Transaction transaction = TransactionCache.getTransaction(message.message);
                if (transaction == null)
                    transaction = TransactionCache.getUnconfirmedTransaction(message.message);

                string status      = "PENDING";
                string status_icon = "fa-clock";

                string amount = "?";

                if (transaction != null)
                    if (transaction.applied > 0)
                        status      = "CONFIRMED";
                        status_icon = "fa-check-circle";
                    amount = transaction.amount.ToString();

                // Call webview methods on the main UI thread only
                if (message.localSender)
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addPaymentRequest", Crypto.hashToString(message.id), address, nick, avatar, "Payment SENT", amount, status, status_icon, Clock.getRelativeTime(message.timestamp), message.localSender.ToString());
                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addPaymentRequest", Crypto.hashToString(message.id), address, nick, avatar, "Payment RECEIVED", amount, status, status_icon, Clock.getRelativeTime(message.timestamp));


            if (message.type == FriendMessageType.fileHeader)
                string[] split = message.message.Split(new string[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (split != null && split.Length > 1)
                    string uid  = split[0];
                    string name = split[1];

                    Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, "addFile", Crypto.hashToString(message.id), address, nick, avatar, uid, name, Clock.getRelativeTime(message.timestamp), message.localSender.ToString(), message.confirmed.ToString(), message.read.ToString());
                // Normal chat message
                // Call webview methods on the main UI thread only
                Utils.sendUiCommand(webView, prefix, Crypto.hashToString(message.id), address, nick, avatar, message.message, Clock.getRelativeTime(message.timestamp), message.confirmed.ToString(), message.read.ToString());

            if (!message.read && !message.localSender)
                message.read = true;
                Node.localStorage.writeMessagesFile(friend.walletAddress, friend.messages);

                // Send read confirmation
                StreamMessage msg_received = new StreamMessage();
                msg_received.type           = StreamMessageCode.info;
                msg_received.sender         = IxianHandler.getWalletStorage().getPrimaryAddress();
                msg_received.recipient      = friend.walletAddress;
                msg_received.data           = new SpixiMessage(message.id, SpixiMessageCode.msgRead, null).getBytes();
                msg_received.transaction    = new byte[1];
                msg_received.sigdata        = new byte[1];
                msg_received.encryptionType = StreamMessageEncryptionCode.none;

                StreamProcessor.sendMessage(friend, msg_received, true);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public bool Process(SmartTransaction tx)
            uint256 txId           = tx.GetHash();
            var     walletRelevant = false;

            bool justUpdate = false;

            if (tx.Confirmed)
                TransactionHashes.TryRemove(txId);                 // If we have in mempool, remove.
                if (!tx.Transaction.PossiblyP2WPKHInvolved())
                    return(false);                    // We do not care about non-witness transactions for other than mempool cleanup.

                bool isFoundTx = TransactionCache.Contains(tx);                 // If we have in cache, update height.
                if (isFoundTx)
                    SmartTransaction foundTx = TransactionCache.FirstOrDefault(x => x == tx);
                    if (foundTx != default(SmartTransaction))                     // Must check again, because it's a concurrent collection!
                        foundTx.SetHeight(tx.Height, tx.BlockHash, tx.BlockIndex);
                        walletRelevant = true;
                        justUpdate     = true;                     // No need to check for double spend, we already processed this transaction, just update it.
            else if (!tx.Transaction.PossiblyP2WPKHInvolved())
                return(false);                // We do not care about non-witness transactions for other than mempool cleanup.

            if (!justUpdate && !tx.Transaction.IsCoinBase)             // Transactions we already have and processed would be "double spends" but they shouldn't.
                var doubleSpends = new List <SmartCoin>();
                foreach (SmartCoin coin in Coins)
                    var spent = false;
                    foreach (TxoRef spentOutput in coin.SpentOutputs)
                        foreach (TxIn txIn in tx.Transaction.Inputs)
                            if (spentOutput.TransactionId == txIn.PrevOut.Hash && spentOutput.Index == txIn.PrevOut.N)                             // Do not do (spentOutput == txIn.PrevOut), it's faster this way, because it won't check for null.
                                spent          = true;
                                walletRelevant = true;
                        if (spent)

                if (doubleSpends.Any())
                    if (tx.Height == Height.Mempool)
                        // if the received transaction is spending at least one input already
                        // spent by a previous unconfirmed transaction signaling RBF then it is not a double
                        // spanding transaction but a replacement transaction.
                        if (doubleSpends.Any(x => x.IsReplaceable))
                            // remove double spent coins (if other coin spends it, remove that too and so on)
                            // will add later if they came to our keys
                            foreach (SmartCoin doubleSpentCoin in doubleSpends.Where(x => !x.Confirmed))
                            walletRelevant = true;
                    else                     // new confirmation always enjoys priority
                        // remove double spent coins recursively (if other coin spends it, remove that too and so on), will add later if they came to our keys
                        foreach (SmartCoin doubleSpentCoin in doubleSpends)
                        walletRelevant = true;

            var  isLikelyCoinJoinOutput = false;
            bool hasEqualOutputs        = tx.Transaction.GetIndistinguishableOutputs(includeSingle: false).FirstOrDefault() != default;

            if (hasEqualOutputs)
                var  receiveKeys         = KeyManager.GetKeys(x => tx.Transaction.Outputs.Any(y => y.ScriptPubKey == x.P2wpkhScript));
                bool allReceivedInternal = receiveKeys.All(x => x.IsInternal);
                if (allReceivedInternal)
                    // It is likely a coinjoin if the diff between receive and sent amount is small and have at least 2 equal outputs.
                    Money spentAmount    = Coins.Where(x => tx.Transaction.Inputs.Any(y => y.PrevOut.Hash == x.TransactionId && y.PrevOut.N == x.Index)).Sum(x => x.Amount);
                    Money receivedAmount = tx.Transaction.Outputs.Where(x => receiveKeys.Any(y => y.P2wpkhScript == x.ScriptPubKey)).Sum(x => x.Value);
                    bool  receivedAlmostAsMuchAsSpent = spentAmount.Almost(receivedAmount, Money.Coins(0.005m));

                    if (receivedAlmostAsMuchAsSpent)
                        isLikelyCoinJoinOutput = true;

            List <SmartCoin> spentOwnCoins = null;

            for (var i = 0U; i < tx.Transaction.Outputs.Count; i++)
                // If transaction received to any of the wallet keys:
                var      output   = tx.Transaction.Outputs[i];
                HdPubKey foundKey = KeyManager.GetKeyForScriptPubKey(output.ScriptPubKey);
                if (foundKey != default)
                    walletRelevant = true;

                    if (output.Value <= DustThreshold)

                    foundKey.SetKeyState(KeyState.Used, KeyManager);
                    spentOwnCoins = spentOwnCoins ?? Coins.Where(x => tx.Transaction.Inputs.Any(y => y.PrevOut.Hash == x.TransactionId && y.PrevOut.N == x.Index)).ToList();
                    var anonset = tx.Transaction.GetAnonymitySet(i);
                    if (spentOwnCoins.Count != 0)
                        anonset += spentOwnCoins.Min(x => x.AnonymitySet) - 1;                         // Minus 1, because do not count own.

                    SmartCoin newCoin = new SmartCoin(txId, i, output.ScriptPubKey, output.Value, tx.Transaction.Inputs.ToTxoRefs().ToArray(), tx.Height, tx.IsRBF, anonset, isLikelyCoinJoinOutput, foundKey.Label, spenderTransactionId: null, false, pubKey: foundKey);                     // Do not inherit locked status from key, that's different.
                    // If we did not have it.
                    if (Coins.TryAdd(newCoin))
                        CoinReceived?.Invoke(this, newCoin);

                        // Make sure there's always 21 clean keys generated and indexed.
                        KeyManager.AssertCleanKeysIndexed(isInternal: foundKey.IsInternal);

                        if (foundKey.IsInternal)
                            // Make sure there's always 14 internal locked keys generated and indexed.
                    else                                      // If we had this coin already.
                        if (newCoin.Height != Height.Mempool) // Update the height of this old coin we already had.
                            SmartCoin oldCoin = Coins.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TransactionId == txId && x.Index == i);
                            if (oldCoin != null)                             // Just to be sure, it is a concurrent collection.
                                oldCoin.Height = newCoin.Height;

            // If spends any of our coin
            for (var i = 0; i < tx.Transaction.Inputs.Count; i++)
                var input = tx.Transaction.Inputs[i];

                var foundCoin = Coins.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TransactionId == input.PrevOut.Hash && x.Index == input.PrevOut.N);
                if (foundCoin != null)
                    walletRelevant = true;
                    var alreadyKnown = foundCoin.SpenderTransactionId == txId;
                    foundCoin.SpenderTransactionId = txId;

                    if (!alreadyKnown)
                        CoinSpent?.Invoke(this, foundCoin);

                    if (tx.Confirmed)
                        SpenderConfirmed?.Invoke(this, foundCoin);

Exemplo n.º 29
 internal int[] GetTransactionIdsByCustomerId(int customerID)
Exemplo n.º 30
        public CoreDaemon(Logger logger, IKernel kernel, IBlockchainRules rules, BlockHeaderCache blockHeaderCache, ChainedHeaderCache chainedHeaderCache, BlockTxHashesCache blockTxHashesCache, TransactionCache transactionCache, BlockCache blockCache)
            this.logger        = logger;
            this.shutdownToken = new CancellationTokenSource();

            this.kernel             = kernel;
            this.rules              = rules;
            this.blockHeaderCache   = blockHeaderCache;
            this.chainedHeaderCache = chainedHeaderCache;
            this.blockTxHashesCache = blockTxHashesCache;
            this.transactionCache   = transactionCache;
            this.blockCache         = blockCache;

            // write genesis block out to storage
            this.blockHeaderCache[this.rules.GenesisBlock.Hash]           = this.rules.GenesisBlock.Header;
            this.blockCache[this.rules.GenesisBlock.Hash]                 = this.rules.GenesisBlock;
            this.chainedHeaderCache[this.rules.GenesisChainedHeader.Hash] = this.rules.GenesisChainedHeader;

            // wire up cache events
            this.blockHeaderCache.OnAddition       += OnBlockHeaderAddition;
            this.blockHeaderCache.OnModification   += OnBlockHeaderModification;
            this.blockCache.OnAddition             += OnBlockAddition;
            this.blockCache.OnModification         += OnBlockModification;
            this.blockTxHashesCache.OnAddition     += OnBlockTxHashesAddition;
            this.blockTxHashesCache.OnModification += OnBlockTxHashesModification;
            this.chainedHeaderCache.OnAddition     += OnChainedHeaderAddition;
            this.chainedHeaderCache.OnModification += OnChainedHeaderModification;

            // create chain state builder
            this.chainStateBuilder =
                this.kernel.Get <ChainStateBuilder>(
                    new ConstructorArgument("chain", Chain.CreateForGenesisBlock(this.rules.GenesisChainedHeader).ToBuilder()),
                    new ConstructorArgument("parentUtxo", Utxo.CreateForGenesisBlock(this.rules.GenesisBlock.Hash)));

            this.chainStateLock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();

            // create workers
            this.chainingWorker = kernel.Get <ChainingWorker>(
                new ConstructorArgument("workerConfig", new WorkerConfig(initialNotify: true, minIdleTime: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), maxIdleTime: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))));

            this.targetChainWorker = kernel.Get <TargetChainWorker>(
                new ConstructorArgument("workerConfig", new WorkerConfig(initialNotify: true, minIdleTime: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), maxIdleTime: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))));

            this.chainStateWorker = kernel.Get <ChainStateWorker>(
                new ConstructorArgument("workerConfig", new WorkerConfig(initialNotify: true, minIdleTime: TimeSpan.Zero, maxIdleTime: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5))),
                new ConstructorArgument("getTargetChain", (Func <Chain>)(() => this.targetChainWorker.TargetChain)),
                new ConstructorArgument("targetChainWorker", this.targetChainWorker),
                new ConstructorArgument("chainStateBuilder", this.chainStateBuilder));

            this.targetChainWorker.OnTargetBlockChanged +=
                () =>
                var handler = this.OnTargetBlockChanged;
                if (handler != null)
                    handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            this.targetChainWorker.OnTargetChainChanged +=
                () =>

                var handler = this.OnTargetChainChanged;
                if (handler != null)
                    handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            this.chainStateWorker.OnChainStateChanged +=
                () =>

                //TODO once fully synced, this should save off the immutable snapshot immediately
                //TODO this will allow there to always be an active chain state once synced
                this.chainStateLock.DoWrite(() =>
                                            this.chainState = null);

                var handler = this.OnChainStateChanged;
                if (handler != null)
                    handler(this, EventArgs.Empty);

            this.gcWorker = new WorkerMethod("GC Worker",
                                             () =>
                                new string('-', 80),
                                "GC Memory:      {0,10:#,##0.00} MB",
                                "Process Memory: {1,10:#,##0.00} MB",
                                new string('-', 80)
                        /*0*/ (float)GC.GetTotalMemory(false) / 1.MILLION(),
                        /*1*/ (float)Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64 / 1.MILLION()
            }, initialNotify: true, minIdleTime: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), maxIdleTime: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), logger: this.logger);

            this.utxoScanWorker = new WorkerMethod("UTXO Scan Worker",
                                                   () =>
                var chainStateLocal = this.GetChainState();
                if (chainStateLocal == null)

                new MethodTimer().Time("Full UTXO Scan: {0:#,##0}".Format2(chainStateLocal.Utxo.OutputCount), () =>
                    var sha256 = new SHA256Managed();
                    foreach (var output in chainStateLocal.Utxo.GetUnspentOutputs())
                        if (new UInt256(sha256.ComputeDoubleHash(output.Value.ScriptPublicKey.ToArray())) == UInt256.Zero)
            }, initialNotify: true, minIdleTime: TimeSpan.Zero, maxIdleTime: TimeSpan.MaxValue, logger: this.logger);
Exemplo n.º 31
 public Transaction SyncTransaction(Transaction transaction)