private string GetAddrLabel(ContactReportAddress addr, TransFilterType addrType, string gender)
            if (addrType == TransFilterType.Family)
            switch (gender)
            case "Male":

            case "Female":
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get rows from database and build correct structure for it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="response">Response from database</param>
        /// <param name="reportType">0 - bill 1 - payment, 2 - payment/bills </param>
        /// <param name="unassignedPayments">out params in case if reportType 2 we create onother one list for payments which not assigned to bills</param>
        /// <param name="categoriesIds">Out param for contain categories list</param>
        /// <returns>Return correct list of object for transactions</returns>
        List <TransactionsReportList> FillTransactions(IList <TransactionsReportDto> response, TransFilterType reportType, out List <TransactionsReportList> unassignedPayments, out List <int> categoriesIds)
            unassignedPayments = new List <TransactionsReportList>();
            categoriesIds      = new List <int>();
            var sorted = new List <TransactionsReportList>();

            // complette list of reports
            sorted.AddRange(response.AsParallel().GroupBy(e => e.TransactionID).Select(t => t.First()).Select(q => new TransactionsReportList
                Amount            = q.Amount,
                BillID            = q.BillID,
                TransType         = q.TransType,
                FamilyID          = q.FamilyID,
                AddressID         = q.AddressID,
                AuthTransactionId = q.AuthTransactionId,
                AuthNumber        = q.AuthNumber,
                TransactionID     = q.TransactionID,
                AmountDue         = q.AmountDue,
                CheckNo           = q.CheckNo,
                Date         = q.Date,
                DepartmentID = q.DepartmentID,

                Details         = PrepareTransactionsDetails(q.BillDetails, q.PaymentDetails),
                HonorMemory     = q.HonorMemory,
                InvoiceNo       = q.InvoiceNo,
                IsReceipt       = q.IsReceipt,
                LetterID        = q.LetterID,
                MailingID       = q.MailingID,
                Note            = q.Note,
                PayID           = q.PayID,
                PaymentMethodID = q.PaymentMethodID,
                ReceiptNo       = q.ReceiptNo,
                ReceiptSent     = q.ReceiptSent,
                SolicitorID     = q.SolicitorID

            //fill categoriesIds
            foreach (List <TransactionDetailReportList> details in sorted.Select(e => e.Details))
                foreach (TransactionDetailReportList det in details)
                    if (det.CategoryID != null && !categoriesIds.Contains(det.CategoryID.Value))
            // if we have only payment or bill type so we no need to make some addition
            if (reportType != TransFilterType.Bill)

            //create list of payments without wich unasignet to bill
            foreach (TransactionsReportList payment in sorted.Where(r => r.TransType == 1))
                if (payment.Details.All(e => e.BillID != null))
                var tmpPayment = unassignedPayments.First(e => e.TransactionID == payment.TransactionID);
                if (tmpPayment.Details.Any(w => w.BillID != null))
                    tmpPayment.Details = payment.Details.Where(r => r.BillID == null).ToList();
            var result = new List <TransactionsReportList>();

            // add to bils detail payment detail
            foreach (TransactionsReportList report in sorted.Where(r => r.TransType == 2))
                result.Add(new TransactionsReportList
                    TransactionID     = report.TransactionID,
                    FamilyID          = report.FamilyID,
                    BillID            = report.BillID,
                    AddressID         = report.AddressID,
                    InvoiceNo         = report.InvoiceNo,
                    Date              = report.Date,
                    Amount            = report.Amount,
                    AmountDue         = report.AmountDue,
                    CheckNo           = report.CheckNo,
                    TransType         = report.TransType,
                    PayID             = report.PayID,
                    AuthNumber        = report.AuthNumber,
                    PaymentMethodID   = report.PaymentMethodID,
                    IsReceipt         = report.IsReceipt,
                    ReceiptNo         = report.ReceiptNo,
                    ReceiptSent       = report.ReceiptSent,
                    LetterID          = report.LetterID,
                    SolicitorID       = report.SolicitorID,
                    DepartmentID      = report.DepartmentID,
                    MailingID         = report.MailingID,
                    HonorMemory       = report.HonorMemory,
                    Note              = report.Note,
                    AuthTransactionId = report.AuthTransactionId,
                    Details           = report.Details
                foreach (List <TransactionDetailReportList> detailReportLists in sorted.Where(p => p.TransType == 1)
                         .Select(r => r.Details))
                    if (detailReportLists.Any(e => e.BillID == report.BillID))
                        result.First(e => e.TransactionID == report.TransactionID)
                        .Details.AddRange(detailReportLists.Where(e => e.BillID == report.BillID));
                    // report.Details.AddRange(detailReportLists.Where(e => e.BillID == report.BillID));
            //foreach (TransactionsReportList report in sorted.Where(r => r.TransType == 2))
            //    result.Add(new TransactionsReportList
            //    {
            //        TransactionID = report.TransactionID,
            //        FamilyID = report.FamilyID,
            //        BillID = report.BillID,
            //        AddressID = report.AddressID,
            //        InvoiceNo = report.InvoiceNo,
            //        Date = report.Date,
            //        Amount = report.Amount,
            //        AmountDue = report.AmountDue,
            //        CheckNo = report.CheckNo,
            //        TransType = report.TransType,
            //        PayID = report.PayID,
            //        AuthNumber = report.AuthNumber,
            //        PaymentMethodID = report.PaymentMethodID,
            //        IsReceipt = report.IsReceipt,
            //        ReceiptNo = report.ReceiptNo,
            //        ReceiptSent = report.ReceiptSent,
            //        LetterID = report.LetterID,
            //        SolicitorID = report.SolicitorID,
            //        DepartmentID = report.DepartmentID,
            //        MailingID = report.MailingID,
            //        HonorMemory = report.HonorMemory,
            //        Note = report.Note,
            //        AuthTransactionId = report.AuthTransactionId,
            //        Details = report.Details

            //    });
            //    foreach (List<TransactionDetailReportList> detailReportLists in sorted.Where(p => p.TransType == 1).Select(r => r.Details))
            //    {
            //        if (detailReportLists.Any(e => e.BillID == report.BillID))
            //            result.First(e => e.TransactionID == report.TransactionID).Details.AddRange(detailReportLists.Where(e => e.BillID == report.BillID));
            //        // report.Details.AddRange(detailReportLists.Where(e => e.BillID == report.BillID));
            //    }

            //return only bills which contains also payment details
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert respose from db and convert to transaction report
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="result">ref obj result</param>
        /// <param name="response">response from db</param>
        /// <param name="reportType">Report type: 1 - payment, 2 - bill</param>
        /// <param name="filter"></param>
        void ConvertResultToTransactionReport(TransactionReportResultDto result, IList <TransactionsReportDto> response, TransFilterType reportType, FilterTransactionReport filter)
            List <TransactionsReportList> unassignedpayments;
            List <int> categoriesIds;
            var        familiesIds = response.AsParallel().Select(r => r.FamilyID).Distinct().ToList();

            result.Families           = FillFamilies(familiesIds, response);
            result.Transactions       = FillTransactions(response, reportType, out unassignedpayments, out categoriesIds).ToList();
            result.UnassignedPayments = unassignedpayments;
            result.CategoriesIDs      = categoriesIds;
            if (filter.ExcludeBillsWithCards != null && (bool)filter.ExcludeBillsWithCards)
                result.Transactions = ExcludeAutoBills(result.Transactions);
        EnvelopeAddress AddEnvelopAddress(string customAddress, ContactReportAddress addr, TransFilterType addrType, string gender = null)
            string senderAddress = FormAddressStr(
                GetAddrLabel(addr, addrType, gender),

            return(new EnvelopeAddress(0, customAddress, senderAddress));