Exemplo n.º 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Add a quantity
            /// </summary>
            public void AddQuantity(TrajectoryQuantity q)
                var lastIdx          = Quantities.Count;
                var nOccurancesDelta = q.IsTransition ? 0 : -1;

                TotalTrajectorySize += (Program.Cfg.NSteps + nOccurancesDelta) * q.Length;
                SingleStepSize      += q.Length;

                q.Index = lastIdx;
                if (lastIdx > 0)
                    q.Offset = Quantities.Last().Offset + Quantities.Last().Length;
                    q.Offset = 1;

                if (lastIdx > 0 && Quantities.Last().IsTransition)
                    // Transitions must be added to the end
                else if (q.IsTransition)
                    // The first transition
                    StateQuantityCount = lastIdx;
                    StateQuantitySize  = q.Offset - 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns "Q(idx)", where Q is this var's name and idx is the index set of the given StateQuantity in the k'th component.
 /// </summary>
 public NamedTrajectoryQuantityInstance this[TrajectoryQuantity sq, int k]
Exemplo n.º 3
            public TrajectoryQuantity AddQuantity(TrajectoryQuantityType type, double[] min, double[] max)
                var q = new TrajectoryQuantity(Program, type, min, max);

Exemplo n.º 4
            public void SetValue <T>(TrajectoryQuantity q, params T[] exprs)
                Debug.Assert(q.Length == exprs.Count());

                var idx = q.Index;

                Debug.Assert(idx >= 0 && idx < Values.Length);
                Values[idx] = M.ColVector(exprs);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a dynamics equality constraint of the form q(k+1) - q(k) - h qDot(k+1) = 0
        /// </summary>
        protected Constraint AddVelocityIntegrationEConstraintAndGradient(int k, TrajectoryQuantity q, TrajectoryQuantity qDot)
            Debug.Assert(q.Length == qDot.Length);

            // qNew - qOld - h qDot = 0
            var qNew = Q[q, k + 1]; var qOld = Q[q, k];
            var qDotK = Q[qDot, k];
            var ci    = AddDynamicsEConstraint(qNew, qOld, qDotK, q.Length);

            AddEConstraintGrad(ci, qNew, M.Eye(q.Length));
            AddEConstraintGrad(ci, qOld, "-" + M.Eye(q.Length));
            AddEConstraintGrad(ci, qDotK, "- " + Cfg.H + "*" + M.Eye(q.Length));

        /// <summary>
        /// Add a dynamics equality constraint of the form:
        ///  qNew - qOld - h qDot = 0
        ///  qDotNew - qDotOld - h qDDot = 0
        /// Also adds all standard gradients (all but the gradients of qDDot).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The force constraint, so the gradients of qDDot can be added.</returns>
        protected Constraint AddDynamicsEConstraintAndGradients(int k, TrajectoryQuantity q, TrajectoryQuantity qDot, MatlabExpression qDDot)
            Debug.Assert(q.Length == qDot.Length);

            // qNew - qOld - h qDot = 0
            var qDotNew = Q[qDot, k + 1]; var qDotOld = Q[qDot, k];
            var c1 = AddVelocityIntegrationEConstraintAndGradient(k, q, qDot);

            // qDotNew - qDotOld - h qDDot = 0
            var c2 = AddDynamicsEConstraint(qDotNew, qDotOld, qDDot, q.Length);

            AddEConstraintGrad(c2, qDotNew, M.Eye(qDot.Length));
            AddEConstraintGrad(c2, qDotOld, "-" + M.Eye(qDot.Length));
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Use above quantities to define trajectory
        /// </summary>
        protected override void AddQuantities()
            var inf  = double.NaN;
            var inf2 = new[] { inf, inf };

            CM    = TDef.AddQuantity(TrajectoryQuantityType.State, Settings.BBoxMin, Settings.BBoxMax);
            CMDot = TDef.AddQuantity(TrajectoryQuantityType.Velocity, inf2, inf2);
            //theta = TDef.AddQuantity(TrajectoryQuantityType.State, inf, inf);
            //thetaDot = TDef.AddQuantity(TrajectoryQuantityType.Velocity, inf, inf);
            d       = TDef.AddQuantity(TrajectoryQuantityType.State, -Settings.DMax, Settings.DMax);
            dDot    = TDef.AddQuantity(TrajectoryQuantityType.Velocity, inf, inf);
            lambda1 = TDef.AddQuantity(TrajectoryQuantityType.Lambda, 0, inf);
            //lambda2 = TDef.AddQuantity(TrajectoryQuantityType.Lambda, 0, inf);
            //uTheta = TDef.AddQuantity(TrajectoryQuantityType.Actuation, -Settings.UThetaMax, Settings.UThetaMax);
            uD = TDef.AddQuantity(TrajectoryQuantityType.Actuation, -Settings.UDMax, Settings.UDMax);
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Goal state & transition
 /// </summary>
 public NamedTrajectoryQuantityInstance Goal(TrajectoryQuantity q)
     return(this[q, Program.Cfg.NSteps + 1]);
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Start state & transition
 /// </summary>
 public NamedTrajectoryQuantityInstance Start(TrajectoryQuantity q)
     return(this[q, 1]);
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// The index of the first scalar of the given quantity in the problem trajectory (exlcuding boundaries)
 /// </summary>
 public int GetGlobalOffset(TrajectoryQuantity q, int k)
     return(SingleStepSize * (k - 1) + q.Offset - StateQuantitySize);
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// The index of the given quantity in the problem trajectory (including boundaries)
 /// </summary>
 public int GetGlobalIndexWBoundaries(TrajectoryQuantity q, int k)
     return(SingleStepQuantityCount * (k - 1) + q.Index);
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// The index of the given quantity in the problem trajectory (exlcuding boundaries)
 /// </summary>
 public int GetGlobalIndex(TrajectoryQuantity q, int k)
     return(GetGlobalIndexWBoundaries(q, k) - InitialBoundaryLength);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public TrajectoryQuantityInstance(int k, TrajectoryQuantity quantity)
     K        = k;
     Quantity = quantity;
     Value    = this;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public NamedTrajectoryQuantityInstance(TrajectoryVar var, int k, TrajectoryQuantity quantity)
     : base(k, quantity)
     Var = var;