public static bool ValidateResource(TrackedResource resource)
     return(resource != null &&
            resource.Id != null &&
            resource.Location != null &&
            resource.Name != null &&
            resource.Type != null);
 public static void AssertTrackedResource(TrackedResource r1, TrackedResource r2)
     Assert.AreEqual(r1.Name, r2.Name);
     Assert.AreEqual(r1.Id, r2.Id);
     Assert.AreEqual(r1.Type, r2.Type);
     Assert.AreEqual(r1.Location, r2.Location);
     Assert.AreEqual(r1.Tags, r2.Tags);
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected PSResource(TrackedResource trackedResource)
     this.Name     = trackedResource.Name;
     this.Type     = trackedResource.Type;
     this.Id       = trackedResource.Id;
     this.Location = trackedResource.Location;
     this.Tags     = TagsConversionHelper.CreateTagHashtable(trackedResource.Tags);
 // TODO: Compare tags
 public static bool ResourceAreSame(TrackedResource expected, TrackedResource found)
     if (expected == null)
         return(found == null);
     return(expected.Id == found.Id &&
            expected.Location == found.Location &&
            expected.Name == found.Name &&
            expected.Type == found.Type);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ShouldHandleMissingResourceGroup()
            // Given a resource without resource group in the ID
            TrackedResource trackedResource = CreateMockResource(

            // When I get the resource group name
            AzureResourceWrapper resource = new AzureResourceWrapper(trackedResource);
            string rgName = resource.ResourceGroupName;

            // then I get string.Empty
            Assert.Equal(string.Empty, rgName);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void ShouldParseResourceGroupFromId()
            // Given a resource with a known resource group
            TrackedResource trackedResource = CreateMockResource(

            // When I get the resource group name
            AzureResourceWrapper resource = new AzureResourceWrapper(trackedResource);
            string rgName = resource.ResourceGroupName;

            // then I get it as expected
            Assert.Equal("myresourcegroup", rgName);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public List <PSPrivateEndpointConnection> ListPrivateEndpointConnections(string resourceGroupName, string serviceName)
            var psPECs = new List <PSPrivateEndpointConnection>();

            if (_configuration.HasConnectionsURI)
                string url = BuildPrivateEndpointConnectionsURL(resourceGroupName, serviceName);
                IPage <PrivateEndpointConnection> list = ServiceClient.Operations.GetResourcePage <Page <PrivateEndpointConnection>, PrivateEndpointConnection>(url, _configuration.ApiVersion);
                foreach (var pec in list)
                    var psPec = ToPsPrivateEndpointConnection(pec);
                while (list.NextPageLink != null)
                    list = ServiceClient.Operations.GetResourcePage <Page <PrivateEndpointConnection>, PrivateEndpointConnection>(list.NextPageLink, null);
                    foreach (var pec in list)
                        var psPec = ToPsPrivateEndpointConnection(pec);
                string          url      = BuildPrivateEndpointConnectionsOwnerURL(resourceGroupName, serviceName);
                TrackedResource resource = ServiceClient.Operations.GetResource <TrackedResource>(url, _configuration.ApiVersion);
                if (resource?.PrivateEndpointConnections != null)
                    foreach (var pec in resource.PrivateEndpointConnections)
                        var psPec = ToPsPrivateEndpointConnection(pec);

 public PublicIpAddressCollection(TrackedResource resourceGroup) : base(resourceGroup)
Exemplo n.º 9
 public AzureNic(TrackedResource resourceGroup, PhNetworkInterface nic) : base(resourceGroup, nic)
Exemplo n.º 10
 public AzureAvailabilitySet(TrackedResource parent, PhAvailabilitySet model) : base(parent, model)
 public VirtualMachineModelBuilderBase AttachDataDisk(TrackedResource azureEntity)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 12
 public AzureVm(TrackedResource resourceGroup, PhVirtualMachine vm) : base(resourceGroup, vm)
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the resource
 /// </summary>
 public AzureResourceWrapper(TrackedResource azureResource)
     CommonUtil.CheckForNull(azureResource, nameof(azureResource));
     AzureResource = azureResource;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public AvailabilitySetCollection(TrackedResource resourceGroup) : base(resourceGroup)
Exemplo n.º 15
 public AzureVnet(TrackedResource resourceGroup, PhVirtualNetwork vnet) : base(resourceGroup, vnet)
     Subnets = new SubnetCollection(this);
Exemplo n.º 16
 public NicCollection(TrackedResource resourceGroup) : base(resourceGroup)
Exemplo n.º 17
        protected override IEnumerator <Task> GetProcessSteps()
            //Resource barbers = (Resource)ActivationData;
            TrackedResource barbers = (TrackedResource)ActivationData;

            if (barbers.BlockCount < 1)
                if (barbers.Free != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("1         BlockCount - " + barbers.BlockCount + "- OutOfService - " + barbers.OutOfService + "- Reserved - " + barbers.Reserved + "- Now - " + Now);
                    barbers.OutOfService = 2;
                    Console.WriteLine("2         BlockCount - " + barbers.BlockCount + "- OutOfService - " + barbers.OutOfService + "- Reserved - " + barbers.Reserved + "- Now - " + Now);
                if (barbers.OutOfService != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("3         BlockCount - " + barbers.BlockCount + "- OutOfService - " + barbers.OutOfService + "- Reserved - " + barbers.Reserved + "- Now - " + Now);
                    barbers.OutOfService = 0;
                    Console.WriteLine("4         BlockCount - " + barbers.BlockCount + "- OutOfService - " + barbers.OutOfService + "- Reserved - " + barbers.Reserved + "- Now - " + Now);

            Console.WriteLine("M         BlockCount - " + barbers.BlockCount + "- OutOfService - " + barbers.OutOfService + "- Reserved - " + barbers.Reserved + "- Now - " + Now);
            if (barbers.BlockCount < QueueCapacity)//max so Cus trong hang doi
                Console.WriteLine("5         BlockCount - " + barbers.BlockCount + "- OutOfService - " + barbers.OutOfService + "- Reserved - " + barbers.Reserved + "- Now - " + Now);
                yield return(barbers.Acquire(this));//?o?n n?y s? nh?y sang Barber ?? th?c hi?n, khi th?c hi?n xong s? nh?y v? 2//Sau doan nay Cus se luu vao hang doi// busy or not?//chiem lay cus moi

                Console.WriteLine("6         BlockCount - " + barbers.BlockCount + "- OutOfService - " + barbers.OutOfService + "- Reserved - " + barbers.Reserved + "- Now - " + Now);
                yield break;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(barbers == Activator);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(ActivationData != null);

            Barber barber = (Barber)ActivationData;

            Points.Add(new Point(Now, barber.BlockCount));
            Console.WriteLine(@"H  H      BlockCount - " + barbers.BlockCount + "- OutOfService - " + barbers.OutOfService + "- Reserved - " + barbers.Reserved + "- Now - " + Now);

            TimeIn = this.Now;
            Console.WriteLine(this.Now + " ? " + barber.Name + " begins cutting hair of customer " + this.Name);

            yield return(Suspend());

            // HINT: The above two lines of code can be shortened to
            //          yield return barber;

            Console.WriteLine(@"NN  NN    BlockCount - " + barbers.BlockCount + "- OutOfService - " + barbers.OutOfService + "- Reserved - " + barbers.Reserved + "- Now - " + Now);

            TimeOut = this.Now;
            Console.WriteLine(this.Now + " x Customer " + Name + " pays {0} for the haircut.",
            Console.WriteLine($"thoi gian trong hang doi {TimeIn - this.TimeCome}" +
                              $" --- thoi gian trong he thong {TimeOut - this.TimeCome}");

            yield return(barbers.Release(this));//giai phong bo nho
Exemplo n.º 18
 public AzurePublicIpAddress(TrackedResource resourceGroup, PhPublicIPAddress ip) : base(resourceGroup, ip)
Exemplo n.º 19
 public NetworkSecurityGroupCollection(TrackedResource parent) : base(parent)
Exemplo n.º 20
 internal AvailabilitySetOperations(AzureResourceManagerClientOptions options, TrackedResource resource)
     : base(options, resource)
Exemplo n.º 21
 public AzureResourceGroup(TrackedResource location, PhResourceGroup resourceGroup) : base(resourceGroup.Id, resourceGroup.Location)
Exemplo n.º 22
 public PSTrackedResource(TrackedResource trackedResource)
     : base(trackedResource)
     Location = trackedResource.Location;
     Tags     = trackedResource.Tags;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public AzureNetworkSecurityGroup(TrackedResource parent, PhNetworkSecurityGroup nsg, string name) : base(parent, nsg)
     _name = name;