public async Task Invoke(IIncomingGrainCallContext context)
            bool isOrleansGrain = context.InterfaceMethod == null || context.InterfaceMethod.DeclaringType == null || context.InterfaceMethod.Module.Assembly.FullName.StartsWith("Orleans");
            //TODO add test that validate that we are not introducing new grain in micro dot
            bool isMicrodotGrain = isOrleansGrain == false && context.InterfaceMethod.DeclaringType.Name == nameof(IRequestProcessingGrain);
            bool isServiceGrain  = isOrleansGrain == false && isMicrodotGrain == false;

            var grainTags = new Lazy <GrainTags>(() => new GrainTags(context));
            // Drop the request if we're overloaded
            var loadSheddingConfig = _loadSheddingConfig();

            if (
                (loadSheddingConfig.ApplyToMicrodotGrains && isMicrodotGrain) ||
                (loadSheddingConfig.ApplyToServiceGrains && isServiceGrain)
                //Can brake the flow by throwing Overloaded
            var loggingConfig = _grainLoggingConfig();

            bool shouldLog = (loggingConfig.LogOrleansGrains && isOrleansGrain) ||
                             (loggingConfig.LogMicrodotGrains && isMicrodotGrain) ||
                             (loggingConfig.LogServiceGrains && isServiceGrain);

            shouldLog = shouldLog && !ShouldSkipLoggingUnderRatio(loggingConfig, TracingContext.TryGetRequestID());
            GrainCallEvent grainEvent = null;

            if (shouldLog)
                RequestTimings.GetOrCreate(); // Ensure request timings is created here and not in the grain call.
                grainEvent = _eventPublisher.CreateEvent();

                grainEvent.ParentSpanId = TracingContext.TryGetParentSpanID();
                grainEvent.SpanId       = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");

            Exception ex = null;

                await context.Invoke();
            catch (Exception e)
                ex = e;
                if (shouldLog)
                    PublishEvent(ex, grainTags, grainEvent);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task <object> InvokeCore(HttpServiceRequest request, Type resultReturnType, JsonSerializerSettings jsonSettings)
            if (request == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));
            request.TracingData = new TracingData
                HostName         = CurrentApplicationInfo.HostName?.ToUpperInvariant(),
                ServiceName      = AppInfo.Name,
                RequestID        = TracingContext.TryGetRequestID(),
                SpanID           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), //Each call is new span
                ParentSpanID     = TracingContext.TryGetParentSpanID(),
                SpanStartTime    = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                AbandonRequestBy = TracingContext.AbandonRequestBy

            while (true)
                var config          = GetConfig();
                var clientCallEvent = EventPublisher.CreateEvent();
                clientCallEvent.TargetService = ServiceName;
                clientCallEvent.RequestId     = request.TracingData?.RequestID;
                clientCallEvent.TargetMethod  = request.Target.MethodName;
                clientCallEvent.SpanId        = request.TracingData?.SpanID;
                clientCallEvent.ParentSpanId  = request.TracingData?.ParentSpanID;

                string responseContent;
                HttpResponseMessage response;
                var nodeAndLoadBalancer = await ServiceDiscovery.GetNode().ConfigureAwait(false); // can throw

                int?effectivePort = GetEffectivePort(nodeAndLoadBalancer.Node, config);
                if (effectivePort == null)
                    throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot access service. Service Port not configured. See tags to find missing configuration", unencrypted: new Tags {
                        { "ServiceName", ServiceName },
                        { "Required configuration key", $"Discovery.{ServiceName}.DefaultPort" }

                // The URL is only for a nice experience in Fiddler, it's never parsed/used for anything.
                var uri = BuildUri(nodeAndLoadBalancer.Node.Hostname, effectivePort.Value, config) + ServiceName;
                if (request.Target.MethodName != null)
                    uri += $".{request.Target.MethodName}";
                if (request.Target.Endpoint != null)
                    uri += $"/{request.Target.Endpoint}";

                    Log.Debug(_ => _("ServiceProxy: Calling remote service. See tags for details.",
                                     unencryptedTags: new
                        remoteEndpoint    = nodeAndLoadBalancer.Node.Hostname,
                        remotePort        = effectivePort,
                        remoteServiceName = ServiceName,
                        remoteMethodName  = request.Target.MethodName

                    clientCallEvent.TargetHostName    = nodeAndLoadBalancer.Node.Hostname;
                    clientCallEvent.TargetPort        = effectivePort.Value;
                    clientCallEvent.TargetEnvironment = nodeAndLoadBalancer.TargetEnvironment;

                    request.Overrides = TracingContext.TryGetOverrides()?.ShallowCloneWithDifferentPreferredEnvironment(nodeAndLoadBalancer.PreferredEnvironment)
                                        ?? new RequestOverrides {
                        PreferredEnvironment = nodeAndLoadBalancer.PreferredEnvironment
                    string requestContent = _serializationTime.Time(() => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(request, jsonSettings));

                    var httpContent = new StringContent(requestContent, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                    httpContent.Headers.Add(GigyaHttpHeaders.ProtocolVersion, HttpServiceRequest.ProtocolVersion);

                    clientCallEvent.RequestStartTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                        response = await GetHttpClient(config).PostAsync(uri, httpContent).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                        clientCallEvent.ResponseEndTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
                    if (response.Headers.TryGetValues(GigyaHttpHeaders.ExecutionTime, out IEnumerable <string> values))
                        var time = values.FirstOrDefault();
                        if (TimeSpan.TryParse(time, out TimeSpan executionTime))
                            clientCallEvent.ServerTimeMs = executionTime.TotalMilliseconds;
                catch (HttpRequestException ex)
                    Log.Error("The remote service failed to return a valid HTTP response. Continuing to next " +
                              "host. See tags for URL and exception for details.",
                              exception: ex,
                              unencryptedTags: new { uri });
                    clientCallEvent.Exception = ex;
                    EventPublisher.TryPublish(clientCallEvent); // fire and forget!

                    if (nodeAndLoadBalancer.LoadBalancer != null)
                        nodeAndLoadBalancer.LoadBalancer.ReportUnreachable(nodeAndLoadBalancer.Node, ex);

                catch (TaskCanceledException ex)

                    Exception rex = new RemoteServiceException("The request to the remote service exceeded the " +
                                                               "allotted timeout. See the 'RequestUri' property on this exception for the URL that was " +
                                                               "called and the tag 'requestTimeout' for the configured timeout.",
                                                               unencrypted: new Tags
                        { "requestTimeout", LastHttpClient?.Timeout.ToString() },
                        { "requestUri", uri }

                    clientCallEvent.Exception = rex;

                    EventPublisher.TryPublish(clientCallEvent); // fire and forget!
                    throw rex;

                if (response.Headers.Contains(GigyaHttpHeaders.ServerHostname) || response.Headers.Contains(GigyaHttpHeaders.ProtocolVersion))
                        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            var returnObj = _deserializationTime.Time(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(responseContent, resultReturnType, jsonSettings));

                            clientCallEvent.ErrCode = 0;
                            EventPublisher.TryPublish(clientCallEvent); // fire and forget!

                            Exception remoteException;

                                remoteException = _deserializationTime.Time(() => ExceptionSerializer.Deserialize(responseContent));
                            catch (Exception ex)

                                throw new RemoteServiceException("The remote service returned a failure response " +
                                                                 "that failed to deserialize.  See the 'RequestUri' property on this exception " +
                                                                 "for the URL that was called, the inner exception for the exact error and the " +
                                                                 "'responseContent' encrypted tag for the original response content.",
                                                                 unencrypted: new Tags {
                                    { "requestUri", uri }
                                                                 encrypted: new Tags {
                                    { "responseContent", responseContent }


                            clientCallEvent.Exception = remoteException;
                            EventPublisher.TryPublish(clientCallEvent); // fire and forget!

                            if (remoteException is RequestException || remoteException is EnvironmentException)

                            if (remoteException is UnhandledException)
                                remoteException = remoteException.InnerException;

                            throw new RemoteServiceException("The remote service returned a failure response. See " +
                                                             "the 'RequestUri' property on this exception for the URL that was called, and the " +
                                                             "inner exception for details.",
                                                             unencrypted: new Tags {
                                { "requestUri", uri }
                    catch (JsonException ex)

                        Log.Error("The remote service returned a response with JSON that failed " +
                                  "deserialization. See the 'uri' tag for the URL that was called, the exception for the " +
                                  "exact error and the 'responseContent' encrypted tag for the original response content.",
                                  exception: ex,
                                  unencryptedTags: new { uri },
                                  encryptedTags: new { responseContent });

                        clientCallEvent.Exception = ex;
                        EventPublisher.TryPublish(clientCallEvent); // fire and forget!
                        throw new RemoteServiceException("The remote service returned a response with JSON that " +
                                                         "failed deserialization. See the 'RequestUri' property on this exception for the URL " +
                                                         "that was called, the inner exception for the exact error and the 'responseContent' " +
                                                         "encrypted tag for the original response content.",
                                                         new Tags {
                            { "responseContent", responseContent }
                                                         new Tags {
                            { "requestUri", uri }
                    var exception = response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable ?
                                    new Exception($"The remote service is unavailable (503) and is not recognized as a Gigya host at uri: {uri}") :
                                    new Exception($"The remote service returned a response but is not recognized as a Gigya host at uri: {uri}");
                    if (nodeAndLoadBalancer.LoadBalancer == null)
                        throw exception;

                    nodeAndLoadBalancer.LoadBalancer.ReportUnreachable(nodeAndLoadBalancer.Node, exception);

                    if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable)
                        Log.Error("The remote service is unavailable (503) and is not recognized as a Gigya host. Continuing to next host.", unencryptedTags: new { uri });
                        Log.Error("The remote service returned a response but is not recognized as a Gigya host. Continuing to next host.", unencryptedTags: new { uri, statusCode = response.StatusCode }, encryptedTags: new { responseContent });

                    clientCallEvent.ErrCode = 500001;           //(int)GSErrors.General_Server_Error;
                    EventPublisher.TryPublish(clientCallEvent); // fire and forget!