Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Exemplo n.º 1
 public CameraNavigation()
     this.axes = UseAxes.MouseXAndY;
     this.defaultMouseNavigation  = NavigationMode.Orbit;
     this.drag1FingerNavigation   = NavigationMode.Orbit;
     this.drag2FingerNavigation   = NavigationMode.Pan;
     this.drag3FingerNavigation   = NavigationMode.Look;
     this.drag4FingerNavigation   = NavigationMode.None;
     this.rotate2FingerNavigation = NavigationMode.Look;
     this.pinch2FingerNavigation  = NavigationMode.Dolly;
     this.doubleTap1Finger        = DoubleTabMethod.Focus;
     this.doubleTap2Finger        = DoubleTabMethod.None;
     this.doubleTap3Finger        = DoubleTabMethod.Frame;
     this.frameKey              = KeyCode.F;
     this.frameOnStartup        = true;
     this.upperRotateLimit      = 80;
     this.lowerRotateLimit      = 280;
     this.orbitSpeed            = 1f;
     this.lookSpeed             = 1f;
     this.panSpeed              = 1f;
     this.dollySpeed            = 0.1f;
     this.touchPauseTimeout     = 0.6f;
     this.longPressRadius       = 40;
     this.touchNavigation       = TouchNavigation.None;
     this.touchInputDelay       = 2;
     this.navigationLookup      = new NavigationAction[][] { new NavigationAction[] { this.orbit, this.pan, this.look, this.dolly }, new NavigationAction[] { this.pan, this.orbit, this.look, this.dolly }, new NavigationAction[] { this.look, this.pan, this.orbit, this.dolly }, new NavigationAction[] { this.dolly, this.pan, this.look, this.orbit } };
     this.touchNavigationLookup = new NavigationAction[] { this.nullNav, this.orbit, this.pan, this.look, this.dolly };
     this.doubleTapMethodLookup = new NavigationAction[] { this.nullTap, this.focus, this.frameCamera };
     this.touchSpot             = new Vector2(-50, -50);
     this.sceneBoundingBoxDirty = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Performs the recognition and nagivation for 2 fingured inputs.
    private void check2FingerNavigation()
        Vector2 delta0   = default(Vector2);
        Vector2 delta1   = default(Vector2);
        Touch   touch0   = Input.GetTouch(0);
        Touch   touch1   = Input.GetTouch(1);
        float   diffTime = (touch0.deltaTime + touch1.deltaTime) * 0.5f;

        // If the user has not moved their fingers in 0.6 seconds we assume that we should
        // attempt to recognise the gesture. This allows the user to keep their fingers
        // on the screen and start a new gesture.
        if (diffTime > this.touchPauseTimeout)
        if (this.touchInputCount < this.touchInputDelay)
            if (this.touchInputCount == this.touchInputDelay)
                delta0 = touch0.position - this.initialInputs[0];
                delta1 = touch1.position - this.initialInputs[1];
                delta0 = touch0.deltaPosition;
                delta1 = touch1.deltaPosition;
        if ((this.touchNavigation == TouchNavigation.None) || (this.touchNavigation == TouchNavigation.Drag2Fingers))
            float angleDifference = Vector2.Angle(delta0, delta1);
            // If the angle between the difference vectors is less than 60 then it is likely the two fingers
            // are moving in the same direction which indicates a drag.
            if (((Mathf.Abs(angleDifference) < 60) || (this.touchNavigation == TouchNavigation.Drag2Fingers)) || ((this.pinch2FingerNavigation == NavigationMode.None) && (this.rotate2FingerNavigation == NavigationMode.None)))
                // Dragging.
                // While averaging should be just 0.5, often this results in movement that's much faster
                // that what a normal drag with the mouse would be.
                Vector2 averageMove = (touch0.deltaPosition + touch1.deltaPosition) * 0.5f;
                //var averageMove:Vector2 = delta0 * 0.5;
                this.touchNavigation = TouchNavigation.Drag2Fingers;
                NavigationAction touchAction = this.touchNavigationLookup[((int)this.drag2FingerNavigation)];
                touchAction(averageMove.x, averageMove.y);
        // Makes use of the average vectors. These are used to actually calculate
        // the gesture being executed.
        Vector2 oldVectorAverage = (touch0.position - delta0) - (touch1.position - delta1);
        // These always use the most recent deltaPosition
        Vector2 newVector    = touch0.position - touch1.position;
        float   newMagnitude = newVector.magnitude;
        Vector2 oldVector    = (touch0.position - touch0.deltaPosition) - (touch1.position - touch1.deltaPosition);
        float   diffAverage  = newMagnitude - oldVectorAverage.magnitude;
        Vector3 curlAverage  = Vector3.Cross(oldVectorAverage.normalized, newVector.normalized);
        // Find the ratio between the curl of the vectors and the difference in
        // maginutde. When this is over 1000 this usually indicates that the difference
        // is greater which indicates a pinch, otherwise it indicates that the curl is
        // greater and that the user is rotating.
        float ratioAverage = Mathf.Abs(diffAverage / curlAverage.z);

        if ((this.touchNavigation == TouchNavigation.None) || (this.touchNavigation == TouchNavigation.Rotating))
            if (((ratioAverage < 1000) || (this.touchNavigation == TouchNavigation.Rotating)) || (this.pinch2FingerNavigation == NavigationMode.None))
                Vector3 curl = Vector3.Cross(oldVector.normalized, newVector.normalized);
                this.touchNavigation = TouchNavigation.Rotating;
                NavigationAction touchAction = this.touchNavigationLookup[((int)this.rotate2FingerNavigation)];
                touchAction(curl.z * 400, 0);
        if ((this.touchNavigation == TouchNavigation.None) || (this.touchNavigation == TouchNavigation.Pinching))
            if ((((ratioAverage >= 1000) && (Mathf.Abs(diffAverage) > 20)) || (this.touchNavigation == TouchNavigation.Pinching)) || (this.rotate2FingerNavigation == NavigationMode.None))
                float diff = newMagnitude - oldVector.magnitude;
                this.touchNavigation = TouchNavigation.Pinching;
                float diffLog = 0;
                if (Mathf.Abs(diff) > 1)
                    diffLog = Mathf.Log(Mathf.Abs(diff)) / 1.25f;
                float            d           = 0.1f + diffLog;
                NavigationAction touchAction = this.touchNavigationLookup[((int)this.pinch2FingerNavigation)];
                touchAction(diff > 0 ? d : -d, 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
 // Resets the variables required to reset the touch input recognition.
 private void clearTouchInput()
     this.touchNavigation = TouchNavigation.None;
     this.touchInputCount = 0;