Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Pop an item from the head of the queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// NOTE: TrySteal() can be invoked from any thread.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="item">Head item of the queue when operation is successful.</param>
        /// <returns><see langword="True"/> if operation was successful.</returns>
        public bool TrySteal(out T item)
            // read top
            TopData curTop = _top;

            // read bottom
            BottomData curBottom = _bottom;

            if (IsEmpty(curBottom, curTop, _capacity))
                item = default(T);
                if (ReferenceEquals(curTop, _top))
                    // NOTE (steveb): this is contentious access case; we currently return 'false' but may want to differentiate in the future

            // if deque isn't empty, calcuate next top pointer
            TopData newTop;

            if (curTop.Index != 0)
                // stay at current node
                newTop = new TopData(curTop.Tag, curTop.Node, curTop.Index - 1);
                // move to next node and update tag
                newTop = new TopData(curTop.Tag + 1, curTop.Node.Prev, _capacity - 1);

            // read value
            T retVal = curTop.Node.Data[curTop.Index];

            // try updating _top using CAS
            if (SysUtil.CAS(ref _top, curTop, newTop))
                // clear out the entry we read, so the GC can reclaim it
                SysUtil.CAS(ref curTop.Node.Data[curTop.Index], retVal, default(T));

                // free old node
                curTop.Node.Next = null;
                item             = retVal;
                item = default(T);

                // NOTE (steveb): this is contentious access case; we currently return 'false' but may want to differentiate in the future
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="capacity">Maximum number of items in the queue.</param>
        public WorkStealingDeque(int capacity)
            _capacity = capacity;
            DequeNode nodeB = new DequeNode(_capacity, null);
            DequeNode nodeA = new DequeNode(_capacity, nodeB);

            _bottom = new BottomData(nodeA, _capacity - 1);
            _top    = new TopData(0, nodeA, _capacity - 1);
 //--- Class Methods ---
 private static bool IsEmpty(BottomData bottom, TopData top, int capacity)
     if (ReferenceEquals(bottom.Node, top.Node) && ((bottom.Index == top.Index) || (bottom.Index == (top.Index + 1))))
     else if (ReferenceEquals(bottom.Node, top.Node.Next) && (bottom.Index == 0) && (top.Index == (capacity - 1)))
Exemplo n.º 4
        public TimeLinkCountDto GetTimeLinkCount(string categoryId, string prjId, string startTime, string endTime, int percent, int topNum, int sumNum, int timeInterval)
            DateTime tpStart = new DateTime();
            DateTime tpEnd   = new DateTime();

            DateTime.TryParse(startTime, out tpStart);
            DateTime.TryParse(endTime, out tpEnd);

            List <ObjectId> cateIds = new List <ObjectId>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryId))
                cateIds = categoryId.Split(';').Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).Select(x => new ObjectId(x)).ToList();

            int years = 3;      //图表时间范围,按天的是3年,按周和按月是5年

            switch (timeInterval)
            case 1:
                years = 3;

            case 7:
                years = 5;

            case 30:
                years = 5;


            TimeLinkCountDto result = new TimeLinkCountDto();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prjId) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryId))
            var groupBuilder = Builders <Dnl_KeywordMapping> .Filter;
            var builder      = Builders <Dnl_Link_Baidu> .Filter;

            //List<ObjectId> proIds = new List<ObjectId>();
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryId))
            //    proIds = prjId.Split(';').Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).Select(x => new ObjectId(x)).ToList();

            List <string> keywordList = new List <string>();               //关键词列表
            var           keyToCate   = new Dictionary <string, string>(); //关键词与词组和项目Id比对词典

            var groupFilter = groupBuilder.In(x => x.CategoryId, cateIds) & groupBuilder.Eq(x => x.IsDel, false);
            var groupCol    = MongoDBHelper.Instance.GetDnl_KeywordMapping();
            var taskList    = groupCol.Find(groupFilter).Project(x => new
                KeywordId  = x.KeywordId.ToString(),
                CategoryId = x.CategoryId.ToString()

            foreach (var x in taskList)
                if (!keywordList.Contains(x.KeywordId))
                if (!keyToCate.ContainsKey(x.KeywordId))
                    keyToCate.Add(x.KeywordId, x.CategoryId);
                    keyToCate[x.KeywordId] += ";" + x.CategoryId;

            var filterPro = groupBuilder.Eq(x => x.CategoryId, ObjectId.Empty) & groupBuilder.In(x => x.ProjectId, cateIds) & groupBuilder.Eq(x => x.IsDel, false);
            var taskList2 = MongoDBHelper.Instance.GetDnl_KeywordMapping().Find(filterPro).Project(x => new
                KeywordId  = x.KeywordId.ToString(),
                CategoryId = x.ProjectId.ToString(),
                ProjectId  = x.ProjectId.ToString()

            foreach (var x in taskList2)
                if (!keywordList.Contains(x.KeywordId))        //如果词典中无该关键词Id,新增
                if (!keyToCate.ContainsKey(x.KeywordId))
                    keyToCate.Add(x.KeywordId, x.ProjectId);
                else   //如果词典中已有该关键词Id,则在对应数据中追加
                    keyToCate[x.KeywordId] += ";" + x.ProjectId;

            var filter     = builder.In(x => x.SearchkeywordId, keywordList) & builder.Ne(x => x.PublishTime, "");
            var queryDatas = MongoDBHelper.Instance.GetDnl_Link_Baidu().Find(filter).Project(x => new
                PublishTime = x.PublishTime,
                KeywordId   = x.SearchkeywordId,
                Title       = x.Title,
                Description = x.Description

            List <LinkStatus> linkList = new List <LinkStatus>();

            foreach (var x in queryDatas)
                DateTime tmpDt = new DateTime();
                DateTime.TryParse(x.PublishTime, out tmpDt);
                LinkStatus v = new LinkStatus();
                v.PublishTime = tmpDt;
                v.CategoryId  = keyToCate[x.KeywordId];
                v.Title       = x.Title;
                v.Description = x.Description;

            //删除异常时间 如0001-01-01与2063-23-12等时间,并排序
            linkList = linkList.Where(x => x.PublishTime > new DateTime(1753, 1, 09)).Where(x => x.PublishTime <= DateTime.Now).OrderByDescending(x => x.PublishTime).ToList();

            List <DateTime> xCoordinate = new List <DateTime>();

            //int i = 1;
            if (linkList.Count > 0)
                DateTime now = linkList[0].PublishTime;
                DateTime end = now.AddYears(-years);
                while (now >= end)
                    now = now.AddDays(-timeInterval);
            result.Times = xCoordinate;

            int xStart;
            int xEnd;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(startTime) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(endTime))
                for (int i = 0; i < xCoordinate.Count; i++)
                    if (xCoordinate[i] <= tpStart)
                        xStart = i;
                    if (xCoordinate[i] <= tpEnd)
                        xEnd = i;

            List <CategoryList> categoryList = new List <CategoryList>(); //建立分组

            foreach (var x in cateIds)
                CategoryList v = new CategoryList();
                v.PublishTime = new List <DateTime>();
                v.CategoryId  = x.ToString();

            var namefilter = Builders <Dnl_KeywordCategory> .Filter.In(x => x._id, cateIds);

            var nameList = MongoDBHelper.Instance.GetDnl_KeywordCategory().Find(namefilter).Project(x => new
                Name       = x.Name,
                CategoryId = x._id.ToString()

            foreach (var x in nameList)
                CategoryList cat = categoryList.Find(s => s.CategoryId.Equals(x.CategoryId));
                cat.CategoryName = x.Name;
            var namefilter2 = Builders <IW2S_Project> .Filter.In(x => x._id, cateIds);

            var nameList2 = MongoDBHelper.Instance.GetIW2S_Projects().Find(namefilter2).Project(x => new
                Name       = x.Name,
                CategoryId = x._id.ToString()

            foreach (var x in nameList2)
                CategoryList cat = categoryList.Find(s => s.CategoryId.Equals(x.CategoryId));
                cat.CategoryName = x.Name;

            foreach (var cate in categoryList)
                var links = linkList.FindAll(x => x.CategoryId.Contains(cate.CategoryId));     //因为链接可能有多个分组
                cate.PublishTime.AddRange(links.Select(x => x.PublishTime));

            List <LineData> lineData = new List <LineData>();

            List <TopData> topData = new List <TopData>();

            foreach (var categoryData in categoryList)
                LineData line = new LineData();
                line.name = categoryData.CategoryName;

                List <int> linkCounts = new List <int>();
                if (categoryData.PublishTime.Count > 0)
                    DateTime now = linkList[0].PublishTime;
                    DateTime end = new DateTime();
                    end = now.AddYears(-years);
                    while (now >= end)
                        linkCounts.Add(categoryData.PublishTime.Where(x => x <= now && x > now.AddDays(-timeInterval)).Count());
                        now = now.AddDays(-timeInterval);

                line.LinkCount = linkCounts;

                List <DateTime> temp = new List <DateTime>();
                for (int i = 0; i < xCoordinate.Count; i++)
                    TopData v = new TopData();
                    v.name       = categoryData.CategoryName;
                    v.CategoryId = categoryData.CategoryId;
                    v.X          = xCoordinate[i];
                    v.Y          = linkCounts[i];


            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(startTime) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(endTime))
                topData = topData.Where(x => x.X > linkList[0].PublishTime.AddYears(-1)).ToList().OrderByDescending(x => x.Y).ToList <TopData>();
                topData = topData.Where(x => x.X > tpStart).Where(x => x.X < tpEnd).OrderByDescending(x => x.Y).ToList <TopData>();
            List <TopData> tempSum = new List <TopData>();

            if (sumNum > 0)
                tempSum = topData.Take(sumNum).ToList();
                tempSum = topData.Take(1).ToList();
            topData = topData.Take(topNum).ToList();

            List <SumData> sumData = new List <SumData>();        //摘要

            for (var i = 0; i < tempSum.Count; i++)
                SumData sum = new SumData();
                sum.Y            = tempSum[i].Y;
                sum.X            = tempSum[i].X;
                sum.CategoryName = tempSum[i].name;
                sum.CategoryId   = tempSum[i].CategoryId;
            JiebaController jieba = new JiebaController();

            for (var i = 0; i < sumData.Count; i++)
                DateTime time   = sumData[i].X;   //当前时间节点
                string   source = "";
                foreach (var x in linkList)
                    if (x.PublishTime <= time && x.PublishTime > time.AddDays(-timeInterval))
                        if (x.CategoryId.Equals(sumData[i].CategoryId))
                            source += x.Title + "。" + System.Environment.NewLine + x.Description + "。" + System.Environment.NewLine;
                var tempStr = jieba.GetSummary(sumData[i].CategoryName, time.ToString(), prjId, source);
                if (tempStr.Count > 0 && tempStr[0].Length > 40)
                    tempStr[0]  = tempStr[0].Substring(0, 39);
                    tempStr[0] += "…";
                if (tempStr.Count > 0)
                    sumData[i].Summary = tempStr[0];
            result.Sum = sumData;

            List <TopData> delList = new List <TopData>();

            if (percent > 0)
                int maxCount = topData[0].Y;
                int limit    = maxCount * percent / 100;
                for (int i = 0; i < lineData.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < lineData[i].LinkCount.Count; j++)
                        if (lineData[i].LinkCount[j] < limit)
                            lineData[i].LinkCount[j] = 0;
                foreach (var x in topData)
                    if (x.Y < limit)
                foreach (var x in delList)
                //for (int i = 0; i < topData.Count; i++)
                //    if (topData[i].Y < limit) topData[i].Y = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < lineData.Count; i++)
                lineData[i].topData = new List <TopData>();
                foreach (var x in topData)
                    if (lineData[i].name.Equals(x.name))

            result.LineDataList = lineData;
        /// <summary>
        /// Pop an item from the tail of the queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// NOTE: Push() and TryPop() <strong>MUST</strong> be called from the same thread.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="item">Tail item of the queue when operation is successful.</param>
        /// <returns><see langword="True"/> if operation was successful.</returns>
        public bool TryPop(out T item)
            item = default(T);

            // read bottom data
            BottomData curBottom = _bottom;
            BottomData newBottom;

            if (curBottom.Index != (_capacity - 1))
                newBottom = new BottomData(curBottom.Node, curBottom.Index + 1);
                newBottom = new BottomData(curBottom.Node.Next, 0);

            // update bottom
            _bottom = newBottom;

            // read top
            TopData curTop = _top;

            // read data to be popped
            T retVal = newBottom.Node.Data[newBottom.Index];

            // case 1: if _top has crossed _bottom
            if (ReferenceEquals(curBottom.Node, curTop.Node) && (curBottom.Index == curTop.Index))
                // return bottom to its old position
                _bottom = curBottom;

            // case 2: when popping the last entry in the deque (i.e. deque is empty after the update of bottom)
            if (ReferenceEquals(newBottom.Node, curTop.Node) && (newBottom.Index == curTop.Index))
                // try to update _top's tag so no concurrent Steal operation will also pop the same entry
                TopData newTopVal = new TopData(curTop.Tag + 1, curTop.Node, curTop.Index);
                if (SysUtil.CAS(ref _top, curTop, newTopVal))
                    // TODO (steveb): clear out the entry we read, so the GC can reclaim it

                    // free old node if needed
                    if (!ReferenceEquals(curBottom.Node, newBottom.Node))
                        newBottom.Node.Prev = null;
                    item = retVal;
                    // if CAS failed (i.e. a concurrent Steal operation alrady popped that last entry)

                    // return bottom to its old position
                    _bottom = curBottom;

            // case 3: regular case (i.e. there was a least one entry in the deque _after_ bottom's update)
            // free old node if needed
            if (!ReferenceEquals(curBottom.Node, newBottom.Node))
                newBottom.Node.Prev = null;
            item = retVal;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Data()
     topData = new TopData();