public async Task <Response <string> > AddToothInfo(CreateToothInfoRequest request) { var toothInfo = new ToothInfo { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Position = request.Position, Number = request.Number, Name = request.Name, GrowTime = request.GrowTime }; await _unitOfWork.ToothInfoRepository.AddAsync(toothInfo); await _unitOfWork.SaveAsync(); return(new Response <string>(toothInfo.Id, $"Thêm thông tin răng thành công, id: {toothInfo.Id}")); }
/// <summary> /// If the new target is different from the previous target, we move to it and then do 1x brush /// If the new target is the same as the old target, we just do a 1x brush. /// So you need to spam the same command multiple times to brush the tooth more than once. /// </summary> /// <param name="targetPos"></param> public void MoveToTargetAndBrush(ToothInfo targetTooth) { #region ResetPrevCoroutines for (int i = 0; i < m_coroutines.Length; i++) { if (m_coroutines[i] != null) { StopCoroutine(m_coroutines[i]); } } m_ToothbrushBrushingChild.localPosition =; m_ToothbrushBrushingChild.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; #endregion Vector3 targetPos = targetTooth.BrushTarget.position; if (targetTooth.UseRandomOffsetToTarget) { targetPos += new Vector3( UnityEngine.Random.Range(-targetTooth.RandomLocalPosOffset.x, targetTooth.RandomLocalPosOffset.x), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-targetTooth.RandomLocalPosOffset.y, targetTooth.RandomLocalPosOffset.y), UnityEngine.Random.Range(-targetTooth.RandomLocalPosOffset.z, targetTooth.RandomLocalPosOffset.z) ); } else { targetPos += m_BrushStrokeLength * targetTooth.brushStrokeLengthModifier * targetTooth.BrushTarget.up; } //cache previous values if target is the same bool isTargetTheSame = false; //Vector3 brushingUpDir = m_ToothbrushBrushingChild.right;//TODO: figure out depending on how hand is held if (Vector3.Distance(m_TargetPosLastFrame, targetPos) < 0.01f) { isTargetTheSame = true; } if (!isTargetTheSame) { // calculate keyframe blended rotation #region Get Rotation From nearby Keyframes Quaternion targetRot = targetTooth.GetClosestBlendedKeyframeRotation(2, false); #endregion // LerpToTarget pos and rot to target m_coroutines[0] = StartCoroutine(LerpToTarget( m_ToothbrushPositionerParent, m_ToothbrushPositionerParent.position, targetPos, m_ToothbrushPositionerParent.rotation, targetRot, m_BrushTravelPosAnimCurve, m_BrushTravelRotAnimCurve, 0, 0, 0, animationDuration, m_SpeedModifierMove * targetTooth.brushTravelSpeedhModifier, () => { //if(targetTooth.BrushAfterMoving == true) BrushTooth1x_Toggled(m_ToothbrushBrushingChild, targetTooth); } )); } else { // brush teeth 1x //if(targetTooth.BrushAfterMoving == true) BrushTooth1x_Toggled(m_ToothbrushBrushingChild, targetTooth); } m_TargetPosLastFrame = targetPos; }
/// <summary> /// Does one brush action per call (per key press). /// So It will do a brush up action then next time brush down then next up again etc. /// </summary> /// <param name="brushingMoveCurve"></param> /// <param name="upDir"></param> void BrushTooth1x_Toggled(Transform brushTr, ToothInfo targetTooth) { float dir; Vector3 brushForward = m_ToothbrushBrushingChild.forward; if (targetTooth.useOverrideBrushingAnimDirection) { brushForward = targetTooth.OverrideBrushingAnimDirWS; dir = 1; } else { if (Vector3.Dot(targetTooth.BrushTarget.up, m_ToothbrushBrushingChild.forward) > 0) { dir = -1; } else { dir = 1; } } if (targetTooth.isBrushingTeeth) { targetTooth.OnStartingToBrush(); } m_coroutines[1] = StartCoroutine(LerpToTarget( brushTr, brushTr.position, brushTr.position + dir * m_BrushStrokeLength * targetTooth.brushStrokeLengthModifier * brushForward * 2, brushTr.rotation, brushTr.rotation, m_BrushTravelPosAnimCurve, m_BrushTravelRotAnimCurve, 0, 0, 0, animationDuration, targetTooth.BrushAfterMoving? m_SpeedModifierBrush * targetTooth.brushStrokeSpeedhModifier : 0, () => { if (targetTooth.isBrushingTeeth) { targetTooth.OnStartingToBrush(); } else { targetTooth.OnStartingToPokeOnBrushingFail(); } m_coroutines[2] = StartCoroutine(LerpToTarget( brushTr, brushTr.position, brushTr.position - dir * m_BrushStrokeLength * targetTooth.brushStrokeLengthModifier * brushForward * 2, brushTr.rotation, brushTr.rotation, m_BrushTravelPosAnimCurve, m_BrushTravelRotAnimCurve, 0, 0, 0, animationDuration, targetTooth.BrushAfterMoving? m_SpeedModifierBrush * targetTooth.brushStrokeSpeedhModifier : 0, () => { // m_coroutines[3] = StartCoroutine(LerpToTarget( // brushTr, // brushTr.position, // brushTr.position + dir * m_brushingMotionWidth * targetTooth.brushStrokeLengthModifier * brushForward * 2, // brushTr.rotation, // brushTr.rotation, // m_BrushTravelPosAnimCurve, // m_BrushTravelRotAnimCurve, // 0, 0, 0, // animationDuration, targetTooth.BrushAfterMoving? m_SpeedModifierBrush * targetTooth.brushStrokeSpeedhModifier : 0, // ()=>{ targetTooth.OnBrushedInstanceComplete(); //} //)); } )); } )); }