Exemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void testBogusLookupTokenizer()
                TokenizerFactory.forName("sdfsdfsdfdsfsdfsdf", new Dictionary <string, string>());
            catch (System.ArgumentException)

                TokenizerFactory.forName("!(**#$U*#$*", new Dictionary <string, string>());
            catch (System.ArgumentException)
Exemplo n.º 2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public void test() throws Exception
        public virtual void test()
            IList <Type> analysisClasses = new List <Type>();

            ((List <Type>)analysisClasses).AddRange(TestRandomChains.getClassesForPackage("org.apache.lucene.analysis"));
            ((List <Type>)analysisClasses).AddRange(TestRandomChains.getClassesForPackage("org.apache.lucene.collation"));

            foreach (Class c in analysisClasses)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final int modifiers = c.getModifiers();
                int modifiers = c.Modifiers;
                if (Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers) || !Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) || c.Synthetic || c.AnonymousClass || c.MemberClass || c.Interface || testComponents.Contains(c) || crazyComponents.Contains(c) || oddlyNamedComponents.Contains(c) || deprecatedDuplicatedComponents.Contains(c) || c.isAnnotationPresent(typeof(Deprecated)) || !(c.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Tokenizer)) || c.IsSubclassOf(typeof(TokenFilter)) || c.IsSubclassOf(typeof(CharFilter))))
                {   // deprecated ones are typically back compat hacks
                    // don't waste time with abstract classes

                IDictionary <string, string> args = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                args["luceneMatchVersion"] = TEST_VERSION_CURRENT.ToString();

                if (c.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Tokenizer)))
                    string clazzName = c.SimpleName;
                    assertTrue(clazzName.EndsWith("Tokenizer", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                    string simpleName = clazzName.Substring(0, clazzName.Length - 9);
                    TokenizerFactory instance = null;
                        instance = TokenizerFactory.forName(simpleName, args);
                        if (instance is ResourceLoaderAware)
                        assertSame(c, instance.create(new StringReader("")).GetType());
                    catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                        if (e.InnerException is NoSuchMethodException)
                            // there is no corresponding ctor available
                            throw e;
                        // TODO: For now pass because some factories have not yet a default config that always works
                else if (c.IsSubclassOf(typeof(TokenFilter)))
                    string clazzName = c.SimpleName;
                    assertTrue(clazzName.EndsWith("Filter", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                    string simpleName = clazzName.Substring(0, clazzName.Length - (clazzName.EndsWith("TokenFilter", StringComparison.Ordinal) ? 11 : 6));
                    TokenFilterFactory instance = null;
                        instance = TokenFilterFactory.forName(simpleName, args);
                        if (instance is ResourceLoaderAware)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java wildcard generics are not converted to .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: Class<? extends org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream> createdClazz = instance.create(new KeywordTokenizer(new java.io.StringReader(""))).getClass();
                        Type <?> createdClazz = instance.create(new KeywordTokenizer(new StringReader(""))).GetType();
                        // only check instance if factory have wrapped at all!
                        if (typeof(KeywordTokenizer) != createdClazz)
                            assertSame(c, createdClazz);
                    catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                        if (e.InnerException is NoSuchMethodException)
                            // there is no corresponding ctor available
                            throw e;
                        // TODO: For now pass because some factories have not yet a default config that always works
                else if (c.IsSubclassOf(typeof(CharFilter)))
                    string clazzName = c.SimpleName;
                    assertTrue(clazzName.EndsWith("CharFilter", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                    string simpleName = clazzName.Substring(0, clazzName.Length - 10);
                    CharFilterFactory instance = null;
                        instance = CharFilterFactory.forName(simpleName, args);
                        if (instance is ResourceLoaderAware)
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java wildcard generics are not converted to .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: Class<? extends java.io.Reader> createdClazz = instance.create(new java.io.StringReader("")).getClass();
                        Type <?> createdClazz = instance.create(new StringReader("")).GetType();
                        // only check instance if factory have wrapped at all!
                        if (typeof(StringReader) != createdClazz)
                            assertSame(c, createdClazz);
                    catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                        if (e.InnerException is NoSuchMethodException)
                            // there is no corresponding ctor available
                            throw e;
                        // TODO: For now pass because some factories have not yet a default config that always works
Exemplo n.º 3
 public virtual void testLookupTokenizer()
     assertSame(typeof(WhitespaceTokenizerFactory), TokenizerFactory.forName("Whitespace", versionArgOnly()).GetType());
     assertSame(typeof(WhitespaceTokenizerFactory), TokenizerFactory.forName("WHITESPACE", versionArgOnly()).GetType());
     assertSame(typeof(WhitespaceTokenizerFactory), TokenizerFactory.forName("whitespace", versionArgOnly()).GetType());