Exemplo n.º 1
        }                                                           /* this simple sample uses a no op */

        /// <summary>
        /// Illustrate setting up a recovery rule more complex than "normal consumer"
        /// mode, without the "normal consumer" shortcuts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newMember">newly-created member we are setting up</param>
        /// <param name="tokenClient">SDK client</param>
        /// <param name="agentAlias">Alias of recovery agent.</param>
        public void SetUpComplexRecoveryRule(
            TppMember newMember,
            Tokenio.Tpp.TokenClient tokenClient,
            Alias agentAlias)
            // setUpComplex begin snippet to include in docs
            // Someday in the future, this user might ask the recovery agent
            // "Please tell Token that I am the member with ID m:12345678 ."
            // While we're setting up this new member, we need to tell the
            // recovery agent the new member ID so the agent can "remember" later.

            string agentId = tokenClient.GetMemberIdBlocking(agentAlias);

            RecoveryRule recoveryRule = new RecoveryRule {
                PrimaryAgent = agentId

            // This example doesn't call .setSecondaryAgents ,
            // but could have. If it had, then recovery would have
            // required one secondary agent authorization along with
            // the primary agent authorization.
            // setUpComplex done snippet to include in docs
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Illustrate recovery using a not-normal-"consumer mode" recovery agent.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokenClient">SDK client</param>
        /// <param name="alias">Alias of member to recover</param>
        /// <returns>recovered member</returns>
        public TppMember RecoverWithComplexRule(
            Tokenio.Tpp.TokenClient tokenClient,
            Alias alias)
            // complexRecovery begin snippet to include in docs
            string memberId = tokenClient.GetMemberIdBlocking(alias);

            ICryptoEngine cryptoEngine = new TokenCryptoEngine(memberId, new InMemoryKeyStore());
            Key           newKey       = cryptoEngine.GenerateKey(Key.Types.Level.Privileged);

            string verificationId = tokenClient.BeginRecoveryBlocking(alias);

            MemberRecoveryOperation.Types.Authorization authorization = tokenClient.CreateRecoveryAuthorizationBlocking(

            // ask recovery agent to verify that I really am this member
            Signature agentSignature = getRecoveryAgentSignature(authorization);

            // We have all the signed authorizations we need.
            // (In this example, "all" is just one.)
            MemberRecoveryOperation mro = new MemberRecoveryOperation
                Authorization  = authorization,
                AgentSignature = agentSignature
            TppMember recoveredMember = tokenClient.CompleteRecoveryBlocking(
                (new[] { mro }).ToList(),

            // after recovery, aliases aren't verified

            // In the real world, we'd prompt the user to enter the code emailed to them.
            // Since our test member uses an auto-verify email address, any string will work,
            // so we use "1thru6".
            recoveredMember.VerifyAliasBlocking(verificationId, "1thru6");
            // complexRecovery done snippet to include in docs

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Recover previously-created member, assuming they were
        /// configured with a "normal consumer" recovery rule.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokenClient">SDK client</param>
        /// <param name="alias">alias of member to recoverWithDefaultRule</param>
        /// <returns>recovered member</returns>
        public TppMember RecoverWithDefaultRule(Tokenio.Tpp.TokenClient tokenClient, Alias alias)
            string verificationId = tokenClient.BeginRecoveryBlocking(alias);
            // recoverWithDefault begin snippet to include in docs
            string        memberId     = tokenClient.GetMemberIdBlocking(alias);
            ICryptoEngine cryptoEngine = new TokenCryptoEngine(memberId, new InMemoryKeyStore());

            // In the real world, we'd prompt the user to enter the code emailed to them.
            // Since our test member uses an auto-verify email address, any string will work,
            // so we use "1thru6".
            TppMember recoveredMember = tokenClient.CompleteRecoveryWithDefaultRuleBlocking(

            // We can use the same verification code to re-claim this alias.
            recoveredMember.VerifyAliasBlocking(verificationId, "1thru6");
            // recoverWithDefault done snippet to include in docs
