Exemplo n.º 1
        public IHttpActionResult Get()
            // Validate the Header and return the token
            string token = ValidateHeader.validate(Request);

            if (token == null)

            // Validate the Token and return 'BadRequest' or 'Unauthorized' if it's the case
            int               typeOfAuth = 1;
            HttpStatusCode    Status     = TokenValidation.validatetoken(token, typeOfAuth);
            IHttpActionResult response   = ResponseMessage(new HttpResponseMessage(Status));

            // If the Token is Valid, execute service
            if (Status == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                JWTModel jwtmodel        = TokenFactory.getJWTmodelPayload(token);
                string   partnerusername = jwtmodel.username;
                string   userType        = jwtmodel.typeofuser;
                int      eventID         = jwtmodel.eventid;

                    DataClasses3DataContext dbContext = new DataClasses3DataContext();

                    var partnerid = dbContext.TbPartners.FirstOrDefault(a => a.username == partnerusername);

                    if (jwtmodel.typeofuser == "user" || jwtmodel.typeofuser == "admin")
                        var sessions = from u in dbContext.TbSessions
                                       where u.Event_Id == eventID  // Multi-event
                                       select u;

                        GateControlModel    doorsAndSessions = new GateControlModel();
                        List <SessionModel> listOfSessions   = new List <SessionModel>();
                        List <Doors>        listOfDoors      = new List <Doors>();

                        foreach (var session in sessions)
                            SessionModel mSession = new SessionModel();
                            mSession.sessionName = session.NameSession;
                            mSession.sessionId   = session.Session_Id;


                        var doors = from u1 in dbContext.RelAccessDoors
                                    join u2 in dbContext.TbAccesses on u1.Access_Id_CMS equals u2.AccessIdCms
                                    join u3 in dbContext.TbSessions on u2.Session_Id equals u3.Session_Id
                                    where u3.Event_Id == eventID  // Multi-event
                                    select u1;

                        foreach (var door in doors)
                            Doors doormodel = new Doors();

                            var matchingvalue = from u in listOfDoors
                                                where u.doorId == door.Door_Id
                                                select u;

                            if (matchingvalue.Count() < 1)
                                doormodel.doorId    = door.Door_Id ?? default(int);
                                doormodel.doorLabel = door.Door_Name;

                        doorsAndSessions.doors = listOfDoors;

                        doorsAndSessions.sessions = listOfSessions;

                catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public IHttpActionResult Post(ValidationModel data)
            // Validate the Header and return the token
            string token = ValidateHeader.validate(Request);

            if (token == null)

            // Validate the Token and return 'BadRequest' or 'Unauthorized' if it's the case
            int               typeOfAuth = 1;
            HttpStatusCode    Status     = TokenValidation.validatetoken(token, typeOfAuth);
            IHttpActionResult response   = ResponseMessage(new HttpResponseMessage(Status));

            // If the Token is Valid, execute service
            if (Status == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                int eventID = TokenFactory.getEventIdPayload(token);

                if (data.state != 0 && data.state != 1)
                    System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("The state is not valid");

                    DataClasses3DataContext dbContext = new DataClasses3DataContext();

                    var tag = (from u in dbContext.TbTags       // Check if the barcode exists
                               where u.BarCode == data.barcode
                               select u).FirstOrDefault();

                    AuthUserModel userdata = new AuthUserModel();

                    if (tag == null)
                        userdata.status = StatusCodes.TagNotInDatabase;

                    if (tag.Enabled != true)
                        userdata.status = StatusCodes.TagNotEnabled;

                    // Check if EventID requires Registration
                    var currentEvent = (from u in dbContext.TbEvents
                                        where u.EventId == eventID
                                        select u).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (currentEvent != null && currentEvent.RegistrationRequired == true)
                        // Check if user registered
                        if (tag.TbUser.vipregistered != true)
                            userdata.status = StatusCodes.UserNotRegistered;

                    // If it exists, search if that tag is related to the access given
                    var accesses = from u1 in dbContext.RelAccessDoors
                                   where u1.Door_Id == data.doorId      // REQUIREMENT: DoorID UNIQUE for multi-event situations
                                   join u2 in dbContext.TbAccesses
                                   on u1.Access_Id_CMS equals u2.AccessIdCms
                                   where u2.Session_Id == data.sessionId
                                   join u3 in dbContext.RelTagVouchers
                                   on u2.AccessId equals u3.AccessId
                                   where u3.TagId == tag.TagId
                                   select u3;

                    var doorAccesses = from u in dbContext.RelAccessDoors
                                       where u.Door_Id == data.doorId
                                       select u;

                    if (accesses.Count() > 0 && accesses.Count() >= doorAccesses.Count())
                        // Ad-Hoc - Porta 9 (Restaurante Staff Parceiros)
                        if (data.doorId == 22)
                            var entriesAtThisDoor = from u in dbContext.TbLogs
                                                    where u.DoorId == 22 && u.SessionId == data.sessionId
                                                    select u;

                            if (entriesAtThisDoor.Count() >= 70)
                                userdata.status = StatusCodes.MaxDoorEntrancesReached;

                        foreach (var acc in accesses)
                            if (acc.TbAccess.Reentry == true && acc.State == 1 && data.state == 0)
                            {// If the user tries to exit on a non-reentry zone
                                userdata.status = StatusCodes.ExitNonReentryZone;

                            if (acc.TbAccess.Reentry == true && acc.State == 1 && data.state == 1)
                            {// If the user tries to enter on a non-reentry zone
                                userdata.status = StatusCodes.NonReentryZone;

                            if (acc.State == data.state)
                            {// if the user tries to reenter without being granted exit
                                userdata.status = StatusCodes.ReentranceWithoutPreviousExit;

                            acc.State     = data.state;    // update the state (IN or OUT)
                            acc.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;

                            if (data.state == 1)
                                // Update
                                tag.HasEntered = true;

                            catch (Exception e)

                            var user = (from u in dbContext.TbTags              // Search for the user associated with the tag
                                        where u.TagId == tag.TagId
                                        select u.TbUser).First();

                            userdata.userID = user.UserId;

                            var userdatas = from u in dbContext.TbUsersDatas    // Search for the data associated with that user
                                            where u.UserId == user.UserId
                                            select u;

                            var partner = (from u in dbContext.TbPartners       // Search for the partner associated with that user
                                           where u.PartnerId == user.PartnerId
                                           select u).First();

                            var profile = (from u in dbContext.TbProfiles
                                           where u.ProfileId == user.ProfileId  // Search for the profile associated with that user
                                           select u).First();

                            userdata.profileLabel = partner.PartnerLabel;

                            if (profile.Staff == true) // Checks if user is staff or vip
                                userdata.type = 1;
                                userdata.type = 0;

                            userdata.partnerLabel = partner.PartnerLabel;

                            foreach (var udata in userdatas) // Fills the json with user info
                                if (udata.DataName == "Foto")
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(udata.Value))
                                        string output = udata.Value.Substring(udata.Value.IndexOf(',') + 1);
                                        userdata.photo = output;

                                if (udata.DataName == "Nome")
                                    string mName = udata.Value;
                                    userdata.name = mName.Count() > 22 ? mName.Substring(0, 22) + "..." : mName;

                                userdata.status = StatusCodes.Success;

                        // Log Types
                        // 1 - Entrance; 2 - Exit
                        int logType = data.state == 1 ? (int)Enums.LogTypes.Entrance : (int)Enums.LogTypes.Exist;
                        dbContext.InsertLogEntry(eventID, userdata.userID, data.doorId, data.sessionId, logType);

                        userdata.status = StatusCodes.NotAllowed;
                catch (Exception)
                    AuthUserModel userdata = new AuthUserModel();
                    userdata.status = StatusCodes.GenericError;
        public IHttpActionResult Get(int partnerID, int profileID)
            // Validate the Header and return the token
            string token = ValidateHeader.validate(Request);

            if (token == null)

            // Validate the Token and return 'BadRequest' or 'Unauthorized' if it's the case
            int               typeOfAuth = 1;
            HttpStatusCode    Status     = TokenValidation.validatetoken(token, typeOfAuth);
            IHttpActionResult response   = ResponseMessage(new HttpResponseMessage(Status));

            // If the Token is Valid, execute service
            if (Status == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                int eventID = TokenFactory.getEventIdPayload(token);

                    DataClasses3DataContext dbContext = new DataClasses3DataContext();

                    var eventTagUniverse = from u1 in dbContext.TbTags
                                           join u2 in dbContext.TbUsers on u1.UserId equals u2.UserId
                                           join u3 in dbContext.TbPartners on u2.PartnerId equals u3.PartnerId
                                           where u3.EventId == eventID && u3.IsStaff == true // Staff only
                                           select new
                        EventTag       = u1.TagId,
                        EventTagStatus = u1.Enabled,
                        PartnerID      = u2.PartnerId,
                        ProfileID      = u2.ProfileId

                    int nrTagsPerEvent               = eventTagUniverse.Count();
                    int nrAccreditatedTagsPerEvent   = -1;
                    int nrUnAccreditatedTagsPerEvent = -1;

                    if (partnerID == -1 && profileID == -1) // Without filters
                        var accreditations = from u in eventTagUniverse
                                             where u.EventTagStatus == true
                                             select new
                            EventAccreditatedTag = u.EventTag

                        nrAccreditatedTagsPerEvent = accreditations.Count();

                        var nonAccreditations = from u in eventTagUniverse
                                                where u.EventTagStatus == null || u.EventTagStatus == false
                                                select new
                            EventAccreditatedTag = u.EventTag

                        nrUnAccreditatedTagsPerEvent = nonAccreditations.Count();
                        if (partnerID > -1 && profileID == -1) // Filtered for partnerID
                            var accreditations = from u in eventTagUniverse
                                                 where u.EventTagStatus == true && u.PartnerID == partnerID
                                                 select new
                                EventAccreditatedTag = u.EventTag

                            nrAccreditatedTagsPerEvent = accreditations.Count();

                            var nonAccreditations = from u in eventTagUniverse
                                                    where (u.EventTagStatus == null || u.EventTagStatus == false) && u.PartnerID == partnerID
                                                    select new
                                EventAccreditatedTag = u.EventTag

                            nrUnAccreditatedTagsPerEvent = nonAccreditations.Count();
                            if (partnerID == -1 && profileID > -1) // Filtered for profileID
                                var accreditations = from u in eventTagUniverse
                                                     where u.EventTagStatus == true && u.ProfileID == profileID
                                                     select new
                                    EventAccreditatedTag = u.EventTag

                                nrAccreditatedTagsPerEvent = accreditations.Count();

                                var nonAccreditations = from u in eventTagUniverse
                                                        where (u.EventTagStatus == null || u.EventTagStatus == false) && u.ProfileID == profileID
                                                        select new
                                    EventAccreditatedTag = u.EventTag

                                nrUnAccreditatedTagsPerEvent = nonAccreditations.Count();
                            else // Filtered for partnerID and profileID
                                var accreditations = from u in eventTagUniverse
                                                     where u.EventTagStatus == true && u.PartnerID == partnerID && u.ProfileID == profileID
                                                     select new
                                    EventAccreditatedTag = u.EventTag

                                nrAccreditatedTagsPerEvent = accreditations.Count();

                                var nonAccreditations = from u in eventTagUniverse
                                                        where (u.EventTagStatus == null || u.EventTagStatus == false) && u.PartnerID == partnerID && u.ProfileID == profileID
                                                        select new
                                    EventAccreditatedTag = u.EventTag

                                nrUnAccreditatedTagsPerEvent = nonAccreditations.Count();

                    if (nrAccreditatedTagsPerEvent == 0 && nrUnAccreditatedTagsPerEvent == 0)
                        StatusModel statusModel = new StatusModel();
                        statusModel.status = StatusCodes.EmptyDataSet;

                    ReportModel newReport = new ReportModel();

                    newReport.reportTitle = "Acreditações";
                    newReport.Xlabel      = "Subconjuntos";
                    newReport.Ylabel      = "Número de acreditações";

                    List <ReportData> newReportData = new List <ReportData>();

                    ReportData reportData1 = new ReportData();
                    reportData1.Xdata = "Com acreditação";
                    reportData1.Ydata = nrAccreditatedTagsPerEvent;

                    ReportData reportData2 = new ReportData();
                    reportData2.Xdata = "Sem acreditação";
                    reportData2.Ydata = nrUnAccreditatedTagsPerEvent;

                    newReport.reportData = newReportData;

                catch (Exception e)
        public IHttpActionResult Get()
            // Validate the Header and return the token
            string token = ValidateHeader.validate(Request);

            if (token == null)

            // Validate the Token and return 'BadRequest' or 'Unauthorized' if it's the case
            int               typeOfAuth = 1;
            HttpStatusCode    Status     = TokenValidation.validatetoken(token, typeOfAuth);
            IHttpActionResult response   = ResponseMessage(new HttpResponseMessage(Status));

            // If the Token is Valid, execute service
            if (Status == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                int eventID = TokenFactory.getEventIdPayload(token);

                    DataClasses3DataContext dbContext = new DataClasses3DataContext();

                    var eventPartners = from u in dbContext.TbPartners
                                        where u.EventId == eventID && u.IsStaff == true // Staff only
                                        orderby u.PartnerLabel ascending
                                        select new
                        PartnerID    = u.PartnerId,
                        PartnerLabel = u.PartnerLabel

                    var eventProfiles = from u in dbContext.TbProfiles
                                        where u.EventId == eventID && u.Staff == true // Staff only
                                        orderby u.ProfileLabel ascending
                                        select new
                        ProfileID    = u.ProfileId,
                        ProfileLabel = u.ProfileLabel

                    ReportingFilterLists reportingFilterLists = new ReportingFilterLists();

                    List <PartnerReportModel> partnerList = new List <PartnerReportModel>();

                    // Default entry
                    PartnerReportModel partnerReportModelDefault = new PartnerReportModel();
                    partnerReportModelDefault.partnerID    = -1;
                    partnerReportModelDefault.partnerLabel = "todos";

                    foreach (var item1 in eventPartners)
                        PartnerReportModel partnerReportModel = new PartnerReportModel();
                        partnerReportModel.partnerID    = item1.PartnerID;
                        partnerReportModel.partnerLabel = item1.PartnerLabel;

                    List <ProfileReportModel> profileList = new List <ProfileReportModel>();

                    // Default entry
                    ProfileReportModel profileReportModelDefault = new ProfileReportModel();
                    profileReportModelDefault.profileID    = -1;
                    profileReportModelDefault.profileLabel = "todos";

                    foreach (var item2 in eventProfiles)
                        ProfileReportModel profileReportModel = new ProfileReportModel();
                        profileReportModel.profileID    = item2.ProfileID;
                        profileReportModel.profileLabel = item2.ProfileLabel;

                    reportingFilterLists.partnerList = partnerList;
                    reportingFilterLists.profileList = profileList;

                catch (Exception e)
        public IHttpActionResult Get()
            // Validate the Header and return the token
            string token = ValidateHeader.validate(Request);

            if (token == null)

            // Validate the Token and return 'BadRequest' or 'Unauthorized' if it's the case
            int               typeOfAuth = 1;
            HttpStatusCode    Status     = TokenValidation.validatetoken(token, typeOfAuth);
            IHttpActionResult response   = ResponseMessage(new HttpResponseMessage(Status));

            // If the Token is Valid, execute service
            if (Status == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                int eventID = TokenFactory.getEventIdPayload(token);

                    DataClasses3DataContext dbContext = new DataClasses3DataContext();

                    var partnersQuery = from u in dbContext.TbPartners   // Search all partners in the database, with criteria
                                        join u2 in dbContext.TbPartnerDatas on u.PartnerId equals u2.PartnerId
                                        join u3 in dbContext.TbTexts on u2.TextCode equals u3.TextCode
                                        where u.IsStaff == true && u.EventId == eventID  // Multi-event
                                        orderby u.PartnerLabel ascending
                                        select new
                        partnerId      = u.PartnerId,
                        partnerIdLabel = u.PartnerLabel,
                        sentEmail      = u.SentMail,
                        isAdmin        = u.IsAdmin,
                        fieldname      = u3.TextLabel,
                        value          = u2.Value,
                        type           = u2.Type,
                        order          = u2.Order,
                        mandatory      = u2.Mandatory,
                        textCode       = u2.TextCode

                    Dictionary <int, Partner> partnersDict = new Dictionary <int, Partner>();

                    foreach (var partnerQuery in partnersQuery)
                        if (partnerQuery.isAdmin == true)

                        if (!partnersDict.ContainsKey(partnerQuery.partnerId))
                            Partner partner = new Partner();
                            partner.partnerId    = partnerQuery.partnerId;
                            partner.partnerLabel = partnerQuery.partnerIdLabel;
                            partner.sentmail     = partnerQuery.sentEmail ?? default(bool);
                            partner.list         = new List <PartnerModel>();
                            partnersDict.Add(partnerQuery.partnerId, partner);

                        PartnerModel data = new PartnerModel();
                        data.fieldname = partnerQuery.fieldname;
                        data.value     = partnerQuery.value;
                        data.type      = partnerQuery.type;
                        data.order     = partnerQuery.order;
                        data.id        = partnerQuery.partnerId;
                        data.mandatory = partnerQuery.mandatory;
                        data.fieldcode = partnerQuery.textCode;

                    Partners partnerslist = new Partners();
                    partnerslist.partners = partnersDict.Select(d => d.Value).ToList();

                catch (Exception e)