Exemplo n.º 1
        private static bool IsKeywordInIdentifierContext(ITextSnapshot snapshot, TokenInfoWithLine? prevToken, TokenInfoWithLine? prevPrevToken, TokenInfoWithLine token) {
            if (prevToken != null) {
                var prevValue = prevToken.Value;
                if (prevValue.TokenInfo.Value.Category == TokenCategory.Operator &&
                    prevValue.TokenInfo.Value.Trigger == TokenTriggers.MemberSelect) {
                    // https://nodejstools.codeplex.com/workitem/967
                    // member.get
                    return true;
                } if (prevValue.TokenInfo.Value.Category == TokenCategory.Keyword &&
                     snapshot.GetText(SnapshotSpanToSpan(snapshot, prevValue.TokenInfo.Value, prevValue.Line)) == "function") {
                    // https://nodejstools.codeplex.com/workitem/976
                    // function static() { }
                    return true;

                if (prevPrevToken != null && prevValue.TokenInfo.Value.Category == TokenCategory.Operator) {
                    var prevSpan = SnapshotSpanToSpan(snapshot, prevValue.TokenInfo.Value, prevValue.Line);
                    if (snapshot.GetText(prevSpan) == "*") {
                        var prevPrevValue = prevPrevToken.Value;
                        var prevPrevSpan = SnapshotSpanToSpan(snapshot, prevPrevValue.TokenInfo.Value, prevPrevValue.Line);
                        if (snapshot.GetText(prevPrevSpan) == "function") {
                            // https://nodejstools.codeplex.com/workitem/976
                            // This time with a generator function...
                            // function *static() { }
                            return true;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static bool IsKeywordInIdentifierContext(ITextSnapshot snapshot, TokenInfoWithLine?prevToken, TokenInfoWithLine?prevPrevToken, TokenInfoWithLine token)
            if (prevToken != null)
                var prevValue = prevToken.Value;
                if (prevValue.TokenInfo.Value.Category == TokenCategory.Operator &&
                    prevValue.TokenInfo.Value.Trigger == TokenTriggers.MemberSelect)
                    // https://nodejstools.codeplex.com/workitem/967
                    // member.get
                if (prevValue.TokenInfo.Value.Category == TokenCategory.Keyword &&
                    snapshot.GetText(SnapshotSpanToSpan(snapshot, prevValue.TokenInfo.Value, prevValue.Line)) == "function")
                    // https://nodejstools.codeplex.com/workitem/976
                    // function static() { }

                if (prevPrevToken != null && prevValue.TokenInfo.Value.Category == TokenCategory.Operator)
                    var prevSpan = SnapshotSpanToSpan(snapshot, prevValue.TokenInfo.Value, prevValue.Line);
                    if (snapshot.GetText(prevSpan) == "*")
                        var prevPrevValue = prevPrevToken.Value;
                        var prevPrevSpan  = SnapshotSpanToSpan(snapshot, prevPrevValue.TokenInfo.Value, prevPrevValue.Line);
                        if (snapshot.GetText(prevPrevSpan) == "function")
                            // https://nodejstools.codeplex.com/workitem/976
                            // This time with a generator function...
                            // function *static() { }

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds classification spans to the given collection.
        /// Scans a contiguous sub-<paramref name="span"/> of a larger code span which starts at <paramref name="codeStartLine"/>.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddClassifications(JSScanner JSScanner, List<ClassificationSpan> classifications, SnapshotSpan span) {
            Debug.Assert(span.Length > 0);

            var snapshot = span.Snapshot;
            int firstLine = snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(span.Start);
            int lastLine = snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(span.End - 1);

            Contract.Assert(firstLine >= 0);


            // find the closest line preceding firstLine for which we know categorizer state, stop at the codeStartLine:
            LineTokenization lineTokenization;
            int currentLine = _tokenCache.IndexOfPreviousTokenization(firstLine, 0, out lineTokenization) + 1;
            object state = lineTokenization.State;

            // track the previous 2 tokens to adjust our classifications of keywords
            // when they shouldn't be displayed as keywords...
            TokenInfoWithLine? prevToken = null, prevPrevToken = null;

            // initialize the previous tokens so we can handle things like:
            //      foo.
            //          get()
            // even if we're called on the line for get()
            int prevLine = currentLine - 1;
            while (prevLine >= 0 && prevToken == null) {
                LineTokenization prevLineTokenization = GetPreviousTokenization(JSScanner, snapshot, firstLine, prevLine);
                for (int i = prevLineTokenization.Tokens.Length - 1; i >= 0 && prevToken == null; i--) {
                    var tempToken = prevLineTokenization.Tokens[i];
                    if (IsValidPreviousToken(ref tempToken)) {
                        prevToken = prevPrevToken;
                        prevPrevToken = new TokenInfoWithLine() { TokenInfo = tempToken, Line = prevLine };

            while (currentLine <= lastLine) {
                if (!_tokenCache.TryGetTokenization(currentLine, out lineTokenization)) {
                    lineTokenization = TokenizeLine(JSScanner, snapshot, state, currentLine);
                    _tokenCache[currentLine] = lineTokenization;

                state = lineTokenization.State;

                for (int i = 0; i < lineTokenization.Tokens.Length; i++) {
                    var token = lineTokenization.Tokens[i];

                    if (token.Category == TokenCategory.IncompleteMultiLineStringLiteral || token.Category == TokenCategory.Comment) {
                        IClassificationType type;
                        switch (token.Category) {
                            case TokenCategory.IncompleteMultiLineStringLiteral:
                                type = _provider.StringLiteral;
                            case TokenCategory.Comment:
                                type = _provider.Comment;
                                type = null;

                        Debug.Assert(type != null, "We should have a defined ClassificationType for every token.");

                        // we need to walk backwards to find the start of this multi-line string...
                        TokenInfo startToken = token;
                        int validPrevLine;
                        int length = startToken.SourceSpan.Length;
                        if (i == 0) {
                            length += GetLeadingMultiLineTokens(JSScanner, snapshot, token.Category, firstLine, currentLine, out validPrevLine, ref startToken);
                        } else {
                            validPrevLine = currentLine;

                        if (i == lineTokenization.Tokens.Length - 1) {
                            length += GetTrailingMultiLineTokens(JSScanner, snapshot, token.Category, currentLine, state);

                        var tokenSpan = new Span(SnapshotSpanToSpan(snapshot, startToken, validPrevLine).Start, length);
                        var intersection = span.Intersection(tokenSpan);

                        if ((intersection != null && intersection.Value.Length > 0) ||
                            (span.Length == 0 && tokenSpan.Contains(span.Start)) // handle zero-length spans
                        ) {
                            classifications.Add(new ClassificationSpan(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, tokenSpan), type));
                    } else {
                        ClassificationSpan classification = null;
                        if (token.Category == TokenCategory.Keyword) {
                            // check and see if we're not really a keyword...
                            if (IsKeywordInIdentifierContext(snapshot, prevToken, prevPrevToken, new TokenInfoWithLine() { TokenInfo = token, Line = currentLine })) {
                                classification = GetClassificationSpan(
                        if (classification == null) {
                            classification = ClassifyToken(span, token, currentLine);

                        if (classification != null) {

                    if (IsValidPreviousToken(ref token)) {
                        prevPrevToken = prevToken;
                        prevToken = new TokenInfoWithLine() { TokenInfo = token, Line = currentLine };

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds classification spans to the given collection.
        /// Scans a contiguous sub-<paramref name="span"/> of a larger code span which starts at <paramref name="codeStartLine"/>.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddClassifications(JSScanner JSScanner, List <ClassificationSpan> classifications, SnapshotSpan span)
            Debug.Assert(span.Length > 0);

            var snapshot  = span.Snapshot;
            int firstLine = snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(span.Start);
            int lastLine  = snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(span.End - 1);

            Contract.Assert(firstLine >= 0);


            // find the closest line preceding firstLine for which we know categorizer state, stop at the codeStartLine:
            LineTokenization lineTokenization;
            int    currentLine = _tokenCache.IndexOfPreviousTokenization(firstLine, 0, out lineTokenization) + 1;
            object state       = lineTokenization.State;

            // track the previous 2 tokens to adjust our classifications of keywords
            // when they shouldn't be displayed as keywords...
            TokenInfoWithLine?prevToken = null, prevPrevToken = null;

            // initialize the previous tokens so we can handle things like:
            //      foo.
            //          get()
            // even if we're called on the line for get()
            int prevLine = currentLine - 1;

            while (prevLine >= 0 && prevToken == null)
                LineTokenization prevLineTokenization = GetPreviousTokenization(JSScanner, snapshot, firstLine, prevLine);
                for (int i = prevLineTokenization.Tokens.Length - 1; i >= 0 && prevToken == null; i--)
                    var tempToken = prevLineTokenization.Tokens[i];
                    if (IsValidPreviousToken(ref tempToken))
                        prevToken     = prevPrevToken;
                        prevPrevToken = new TokenInfoWithLine()
                            TokenInfo = tempToken, Line = prevLine

            while (currentLine <= lastLine)
                if (!_tokenCache.TryGetTokenization(currentLine, out lineTokenization))
                    lineTokenization         = TokenizeLine(JSScanner, snapshot, state, currentLine);
                    _tokenCache[currentLine] = lineTokenization;

                state = lineTokenization.State;

                for (int i = 0; i < lineTokenization.Tokens.Length; i++)
                    var token = lineTokenization.Tokens[i];

                    if (token.Category == TokenCategory.IncompleteMultiLineStringLiteral || token.Category == TokenCategory.Comment)
                        IClassificationType type;
                        switch (token.Category)
                        case TokenCategory.IncompleteMultiLineStringLiteral:
                            type = _provider.StringLiteral;

                        case TokenCategory.Comment:
                            type = _provider.Comment;

                            type = null;

                        Debug.Assert(type != null, "We should have a defined ClassificationType for every token.");

                        // we need to walk backwards to find the start of this multi-line string...
                        TokenInfo startToken = token;
                        int       validPrevLine;
                        int       length = startToken.SourceSpan.Length;
                        if (i == 0)
                            length += GetLeadingMultiLineTokens(JSScanner, snapshot, token.Category, firstLine, currentLine, out validPrevLine, ref startToken);
                            validPrevLine = currentLine;

                        if (i == lineTokenization.Tokens.Length - 1)
                            length += GetTrailingMultiLineTokens(JSScanner, snapshot, token.Category, currentLine, state);

                        var tokenSpan    = new Span(SnapshotSpanToSpan(snapshot, startToken, validPrevLine).Start, length);
                        var intersection = span.Intersection(tokenSpan);

                        if ((intersection != null && intersection.Value.Length > 0) ||
                            (span.Length == 0 && tokenSpan.Contains(span.Start)) // handle zero-length spans
                            classifications.Add(new ClassificationSpan(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, tokenSpan), type));
                        ClassificationSpan classification = null;
                        if (token.Category == TokenCategory.Keyword)
                            // check and see if we're not really a keyword...
                            if (IsKeywordInIdentifierContext(snapshot, prevToken, prevPrevToken, new TokenInfoWithLine()
                                TokenInfo = token, Line = currentLine
                                classification = GetClassificationSpan(
                        if (classification == null)
                            classification = ClassifyToken(span, token, currentLine);

                        if (classification != null)

                    if (IsValidPreviousToken(ref token))
                        prevPrevToken = prevToken;
                        prevToken     = new TokenInfoWithLine()
                            TokenInfo = token, Line = currentLine
