Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: Grammar.cs Projeto: zgf/VBF
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a production that converts the parsing result of a terminal using a specific converting rule.
        /// In other words, generates a 'mapping' production from a token
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TResult">The type of the converted parsing result</typeparam>
        /// <param name="token">The token used as the source terminal production whose parsing result will be converted.</param>
        /// <param name="selector">The delegate that represents the converting rule</param>
        /// <returns>The generated 'mapping' production object</returns>
        /// <example>
        /// The following code converts the parsing result of a terminal into string with some formatting.
        /// <code language="C#">
        /// Token T; //initialized in somewhere
        /// var formatting =
        ///     from z in T
        ///     select String.Format("Token is {0}", z.Value);
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public static ProductionBase <TResult> Select <TResult>(this Token token, Func <Lexeme, TResult> selector)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(token, "token");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(selector, "selector");

            return(new MappingProduction <Lexeme, TResult>(token.AsTerminal(), selector));
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: Grammar.cs Projeto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <TResult> SelectMany <TResult>(this Token token, Func <Lexeme, Token> productionSelector, Func <Lexeme, Lexeme, TResult> resultSelector)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(token, "token");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(productionSelector, "productionSelector");
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(resultSelector, "resultSelector");

            return(new ConcatenationProduction <Lexeme, Lexeme, TResult>(token.AsTerminal(), v => productionSelector(v).AsTerminal(), resultSelector));
Exemplo n.º 3
            protected override ProductionBase <IEnumerable <StatementNode> > OnDefineGrammar()
                Production <IEnumerable <StatementNode> > Statements = new Production <IEnumerable <StatementNode> >();
                Production <StatementNode>  Statement           = new Production <StatementNode>();
                Production <StatementNode>  VarDeclStatement    = new Production <StatementNode>();
                Production <StatementNode>  ExpressionStatement = new Production <StatementNode>();
                Production <ExpressionNode> Expression          = new Production <ExpressionNode>();
                Production <ExpressionNode> Comparison          = new Production <ExpressionNode>();

                Statements.Rule = Statement.Many();
                Statement.Rule  = VarDeclStatement | ExpressionStatement;

                Statement.AmbiguityAggregator = (s1, s2) => new AmbiguityStatementNode(s1, s2);

                VarDeclStatement.Rule =
                    from typename in ID
                    from _less in LESS
                    from genericTypename in ID
                    from _greater in GREATER
                    from varname in ID
                    from _st in SEMICOLON
                    select new VarDeclStatementNode(typename, genericTypename, varname) as StatementNode;

                ExpressionStatement.Rule =
                    from expression in Expression
                    from _st in SEMICOLON
                    select new ExpressionStatementNode(expression) as StatementNode;

                var BasicExpression =
                    from exp in ID.AsTerminal() | NUM.AsTerminal()
                    select new BasicExpressionNode(exp) as ExpressionNode;

                Expression.Rule = BasicExpression | Comparison;

                Comparison.Rule =
                    BasicExpression |
                    from left in Comparison
                    from op in LESS.AsTerminal() | GREATER.AsTerminal()
                    from right in BasicExpression
                    select new BinaryExpressionNode(op, left, right) as ExpressionNode;

Exemplo n.º 4
        protected override ProductionBase <Program> OnDefineGrammar()
            PProgram.Rule = // MainClass ClassDecl*
                            from main in PMainClass
                            from classes in PClassDecl.Many()
                            select new Program(main, classes.ToArray());

            PMainClass.Rule = // static class id { public static void Main(string[] id) { statement }}
                              from _static1 in K_STATIC
                              from _class in K_CLASS
                              from className in ID
                              from _1 in LEFT_BR
                              from _public in K_PUBLIC
                              from _static2 in K_STATIC
                              from _void in K_VOID
                              from _main in K_MAIN
                              from _2 in LEFT_PH
                              from _string in K_STRING
                              from _3 in LEFT_BK
                              from _4 in RIGHT_BK
                              from arg in ID
                              from _5 in RIGHT_PH
                              from _6 in LEFT_BR
                              from statements in PStatement.Many1()
                              from _7 in RIGHT_BR
                              from _8 in RIGHT_BR
                              select new MainClass(className.Value, arg.Value, statements.ToArray());

            var classMembers =
                from _1 in LEFT_BR
                from varDecls in PFieldDecl.Many()
                from methodDecls in PMethodDecl.Many()
                from _2 in RIGHT_BR
                select new { Fields = varDecls.ToArray(), Methods = methodDecls.ToArray() };

            var classDeclSimple = // { VarDecl* MethodDecl* }
                                  from members in classMembers
                                  select new { BaseClassName = default(Lexeme), Members = members };

            var classDeclInherits = //: id { VarDecl* MethodDecl* }
                                    from _1 in COLON
                                    from baseClassName in ID
                                    from members in classMembers
                                    select new { BaseClassName = baseClassName, Members = members };

            PClassDecl.Rule = //class id
                              from _class in K_CLASS
                              from className in ID
                              from def in (classDeclSimple | classDeclInherits)
                              select new ClassDecl(className.Value, def.BaseClassName.GetValue(), def.Members.Fields, def.Members.Methods);

            PFieldDecl.Rule = // Type id;
                              from type in PType
                              from varName in ID
                              from _sc in SEMICOLON
                              select new FieldDecl(type, varName.Value);

            var methodBody =
                from _1 in LEFT_BR
                from statements in PStatement.Many()
                from _return in K_RETURN
                from returnExp in PExp
                from _sc in SEMICOLON
                from _2 in RIGHT_BR
                select new { Statements = statements.ToArray(), ReturnExp = returnExp };

            var methodNoBody =
                from _sc in SEMICOLON
                select new { Statements = default(Statement[]), ReturnExp = default(Expression) };

            PMethodDecl.Rule = // public Type id (FormalList) { Statement* return Exp; }
                               from _public in K_PUBLIC
                               from type in PType
                               from methodName in ID
                               from _1 in LEFT_PH
                               from formals in PFormalList
                               from _2 in RIGHT_PH
                               from body in (methodBody | methodNoBody)
                               select new MethodDecl(methodName.Value, type, formals, body.Statements, body.ReturnExp);

            var paramFormal =
                from paramType in PType
                from paramName in ID
                select new Formal(paramType, paramName.Value);

            PFormalList.Rule = // Type id FormalRest* | <empty>
                               from list in paramFormal.Many(COMMA)
                               select list.ToArray();

            PType.Rule = // int[] | bool | int | id
                         PIntArrayType | PBoolType | PIntType | PIdType;

            PIntArrayType.Rule = //int[]
                                 from _int in K_INT
                                 from _lb in LEFT_BK
                                 from _rb in RIGHT_BK
                                 select(Ast.Type) new IntArrayType();

            PBoolType.Rule = // bool
                             from _bool in K_BOOL
                             select(Ast.Type) new BooleanType();

            PIntType.Rule = // int
                            from _int in K_INT
                            select(Ast.Type) new IntegerType();

            PIdType.Rule = // id
                           from type in ID
                           select(Ast.Type) new IdentifierType(type.Value);


            PStatement.Rule = // { statement*} | ifelse | while | writeline | assign | array assign | var decl
                              (from _1 in LEFT_BR from stmts in PStatement.Many() from _2 in RIGHT_BR select(Statement) new Block(stmts.ToArray())) |
                              PIfElse |
                              PWhile |
                              PWriteLine |
                              PAssignment |
                              PArrayAssignment |

            PIfElse.Rule = // if ( exp ) statement else statement
                           from _if in K_IF
                           from _1 in LEFT_PH
                           from condExp in PExp
                           from _2 in RIGHT_PH
                           from truePart in PStatement
                           from _else in K_ELSE
                           from falsePart in PStatement
                           select(Statement) new IfElse(condExp, truePart, falsePart, _if.Value.Span, _else.Value.Span);

            PWhile.Rule = // while ( exp ) statement
                          from _while in K_WHILE
                          from _1 in LEFT_PH
                          from condExp in PExp
                          from _2 in RIGHT_PH
                          from loopBody in PStatement
                          select(Statement) new While(condExp, loopBody, _while.Value.Span);

            PWriteLine.Rule = // System.Console.WriteLine( exp );
                              from _sys in K_SYSTEM
                              from _1 in DOT
                              from _console in K_CONSOLE
                              from _2 in DOT
                              from _wl in K_WRITELINE
                              from _3 in LEFT_PH
                              from exp in PExp
                              from _4 in RIGHT_PH
                              from _sc in SEMICOLON
                              select(Statement) new WriteLine(exp, new SourceSpan(_sys.Value.Span.StartLocation, _wl.Value.Span.EndLocation));

            PAssignment.Rule = // id = exp;
                               from variable in ID
                               from _eq in ASSIGN
                               from value in PExp
                               from _sc in SEMICOLON
                               select(Statement) new Assign(variable.Value, value);

            PArrayAssignment.Rule = // id[ exp ] = exp ;
                                    from variable in ID
                                    from _1 in LEFT_BK
                                    from index in PExp
                                    from _2 in RIGHT_BK
                                    from _eq in ASSIGN
                                    from value in PExp
                                    from _sc in SEMICOLON
                                    select(Statement) new ArrayAssign(variable.Value, index, value);

            PVarDeclStmt.Rule = // Type id;
                                from type in PType
                                from varName in ID
                                from _sc in SEMICOLON
                                select(Statement) new VarDecl(type, varName.Value);


            PNumberLiteral.Rule = // number
                                  from intvalue in INTEGER_LITERAL
                                  select(Expression) new IntegerLiteral(intvalue.Value);

            PBoolLiteral.Rule = // true | false
                                from b in K_TRUE.AsTerminal() | K_FALSE.AsTerminal()
                                select(Expression) new BooleanLiteral(b.Value);

            PThis.Rule = // this
                         from _this in K_THIS
                         select(Expression) new This(_this.Value.Span);

            PVariable.Rule = // id
                             from varName in ID
                             select(Expression) new Variable(varName.Value);

            PNewObj.Rule = // new id()
                           from _new in K_NEW
                           from typeName in ID
                           from _1 in LEFT_PH
                           from _2 in RIGHT_PH
                           select(Expression) new NewObject(typeName.Value);

            PNewArray.Rule = // new int [exp]
                             from _new in K_NEW
                             from _int in K_INT
                             from _1 in LEFT_BK
                             from length in PExp
                             from _2 in RIGHT_BR
                             select(Expression) new NewArray(length, new SourceSpan(_1.Value.Span.EndLocation, _2.Value.Span.StartLocation));

            var foundationExp = // (exp) | number literal | true | false | this | id | new
                                PNumberLiteral |
                                PBoolLiteral |
                                PThis |
                                PVariable |
                                PNewObj |
                                PNewArray |
                                PExp.PackedBy(LEFT_PH, RIGHT_PH);

            PCall.Rule = // exp.id(explist)
                         from exp in foundationExp
                         from _d in DOT
                         from methodName in ID
                         from _1 in LEFT_PH
                         from args in PExpList
                         from _2 in RIGHT_PH
                         select(Expression) new Call(exp, methodName.Value, args);

            PArrayLookup.Rule = // exp[exp]
                                from exp in foundationExp
                                from _1 in LEFT_BK
                                from index in PExp
                                from _2 in RIGHT_BK
                                select(Expression) new ArrayLookup(exp, index, new SourceSpan(_1.Value.Span.EndLocation, _2.Value.Span.StartLocation));

            PArrayLength.Rule = // exp.Length
                                from exp in foundationExp
                                from _d in DOT
                                from _length in K_LENGTH
                                select(Expression) new ArrayLength(exp, _length.Value.Span);

            var basicExp = foundationExp | PCall | PArrayLookup | PArrayLength;  //foundation >> call | id[exp] | id.Length


            PNot.Rule = // ! exp
                        basicExp |
                        from _n in LOGICAL_NOT
                        from exp in PNot
                        select(Expression) new Not(exp, _n.Value.Span);


            PFactor.Rule = // exp | !exp

            PTerm.Rule = // term * factor | factor
                         PFactor |
                         from term in PTerm
                         from op in (ASTERISK.AsTerminal() | SLASH.AsTerminal())
                         from factor in PFactor
                         select(Expression) new Binary(op.Value, term, factor);

            PComparand.Rule = // comparand + term | term
                              PTerm |
                              from comparand in PComparand
                              from op in (PLUS.AsTerminal() | MINUS.AsTerminal())
                              from term in PTerm
                              select(Expression) new Binary(op.Value, comparand, term);

            PComparison.Rule =// comparison < comparand | comparand
                               PComparand |
                               from comparison in PComparison
                               from op in (LESS.AsTerminal() | GREATER.AsTerminal() | EQUAL.AsTerminal())
                               from comparand in PComparand
                               select(Expression) new Binary(op.Value, comparison, comparand);

            PAnd.Rule = // andexp && comparison | comparison
                        PComparison |
                        from andexp in PAnd
                        from op in LOGICAL_AND
                        from comparison in PComparison
                        select(Expression) new Binary(op.Value, andexp, comparison);

            POr.Rule =
                PAnd |
                from orexp in POr
                from op in LOGICAL_OR
                from andexp in PAnd
                select(Expression) new Binary(op.Value, orexp, andexp);

            PExp.Rule = POr;

            PExpList.Rule =
                from list in PExp.Many(COMMA)
                select list.ToArray();

Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: Grammar.cs Projeto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <Lexeme> Optional(this Token token)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(token, "token");

Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: Grammar.cs Projeto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <IEnumerable <Lexeme> > Many1(this Token token, Token separator)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(token, "token");

Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: Grammar.cs Projeto: zgf/VBF
        public static ProductionBase <IEnumerable <T> > Many1 <T>(this ProductionBase <T> production, Token seperator)
            CodeContract.RequiresArgumentNotNull(production, "production");

Exemplo n.º 8
 public static ProductionBase <Lexeme> Where(this Token token, Expression <Func <Lexeme, bool> > predicate)