private void DrawTile(SpriteBatch batch, Map map, TmxLayerTile tile)
            TmxTileset tileset = map.GetTilesetForTile(tile);

            if (tileset == null)

            Texture2D tilesetTexture = map.Textures[tileset];

            var effect   = SpriteEffects.None;
            var offset   = Vector2.Zero;
            var rotation = 0.0f;

            if (tile.DiagonalFlip)
                rotation  = -MathHelper.PiOver2;
                offset.Y -= tileset.TileHeight;

                effect |= SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;

            if (tile.HorizontalFlip)
                if (tile.DiagonalFlip)
                    effect ^= SpriteEffects.FlipVertically;
                    effect ^= SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;

            if (tile.VerticalFlip)
                if (!tile.DiagonalFlip)
                    effect ^= SpriteEffects.FlipVertically;
                    effect ^= SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;

            var sourceRect = map.GetSourceRectangleForTile(tileset, tile);

                new Vector2(tileset.TileWidth * tile.X, tileset.TileHeight * tile.Y) - offset,
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void AddTileVertices(Vertex[] vertices, int verticeIndex, TmxLayerTile tileItem, int tilesetColumns)
            var xIndex = (tileItem.Gid - 1) % tilesetColumns;
            var yIndex = (tileItem.Gid - 1) / tilesetColumns;

            AddTileVertices(vertices, verticeIndex, xIndex, yIndex, new Vector2f(tileItem.X, tileItem.Y));
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summarY>
        /// Draws the map
        /// </summarY>
        /// <param name="map">The map to draw</param>
        /// <param name="camera">The position to draw from</param>
        /// <param name="orientation">The rotation to draw from in degrees</param>
        public void RenderMap(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Map map, Vector2 camera, float orientation, int cellSize,
                              string wallsLayer)
            TmxMap mapData     = map.Data;
            int    slices      = viewport.Width;
            float  halfFov     = FOV / 2;
            float  focalLength = slices / 2 / (float)Math.Tan(halfFov);
            float  cameraAngle = orientation * (float)(Math.PI / 180.0f);

            float sliceAngle = FOV / slices;
            float beginAngle = cameraAngle - halfFov;

            // draw ceiling and floor
            spriteBatch.Draw(blankTexture, new Rectangle(0, 0, viewport.Width, viewport.Height / 2),
                             Color.FromNonPremultiplied(23, 14, 8, 255));
            spriteBatch.Draw(blankTexture, new Rectangle(0, viewport.Height / 2, viewport.Width, viewport.Height / 2),

            // draw all wallslices
            for (int x = 0; x < slices; x++)
                float angle = beginAngle + x * sliceAngle;

                RayCaster.HitData castData;
                if (!RayCaster.RayIntersectsGrid(camera, angle, cellSize, out castData,

                // get the texture slice
                int          tileIndex = (int)(castData.tileCoordinates.Y * mapData.Width + castData.tileCoordinates.X);
                TmxLayer     wallLayer = mapData.Layers[wallsLayer];
                TmxLayerTile tile      = wallLayer.Tiles[tileIndex];
                TmxTileset   tileset   = map.GetTilesetForTile(tile);
                if (tileset == null)

                // fix fisheye for distance and get slice height
                float distance    = (float)(castData.rayLength * Math.Cos(angle - cameraAngle));
                int   sliceHeight = (int)(cellSize * focalLength / distance);
                zBuffer[x] = distance;

                // get drawing rectangles
                Rectangle wallRectangle    = new Rectangle(x, viewport.Height / 2 - sliceHeight / 2, 1, sliceHeight);
                Rectangle textureRectangle = map.GetSourceRectangleForTile(tileset, tile);

                textureRectangle.X =
                    (int)(textureRectangle.X + (textureRectangle.Width * castData.cellFraction) % cellSize);
                textureRectangle.Width = 1;

                // get texture tint
                float dot          = Vector2.Dot(castData.normal, Vector2.UnitY);
                Color lightingTint = Math.Abs(dot) > 0.9f ? Color.Gray : Color.White;

                spriteBatch.Draw(map.Textures[tileset], wallRectangle, textureRectangle, lightingTint);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static TileSetAditionalInfo GetTileSetAditionalInfo(this TmxMap map, TmxLayerTile tile,
                                                                   out TmxTileset tileSet)
            tileSet = map.GetTileSet(tile);

            var tileSetColumns = tileSet.Columns.Value == 0 ? 1 : tileSet.Columns.Value;
            var tileSetWidth   = tileSetColumns > 0 ?
                                 tileSetColumns * map.TileWidth :
            var tileSetHeight = tileSetColumns > 0 ?
                                (tileSet.TileCount.Value / tileSetColumns) * map.TileWidth :
            var tileSetRows = tileSetHeight / tileSet.TileHeight;

            var position = new Vector2(tile.X * map.TileWidth,
                                       ((tile.Y + 1) * map.TileHeight) - tileSet.TileHeight);

            var frame  = tile.Gid - tileSet.FirstGid;
            var column = frame <= tileSetColumns ? frame : frame % (float)tileSetColumns;
            var row    = (int)Math.Floor((float)frame / tileSetColumns);

            var source = new Vector2(column * tileSet.TileWidth,
                                     row * tileSet.TileHeight);

            return(new TileSetAditionalInfo(position, source, tileSetColumns, tileSetRows, tileSetWidth, tileSetHeight));
Exemplo n.º 5
        GameObject getBaseGameobject(TmxLayerTile tile)
            GameObject go = null;

            if (tileIdMap.ContainsKey(tile.Gid) &&
                tileIdMap[tile.Gid].Properties.ContainsKey(customProperties["use base prefab"]))
                var fabs = prefabs.Where(p => == tileIdMap[tile.Gid].Properties[customProperties["use base prefab"]]).ToList();
                if (fabs.Count != 0)
                    go = Instantiate(fabs.First());
                    go = new GameObject("Tile");
                go = new GameObject("Tile");

            if (go.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>() == null &&
                !(tileIdMap.ContainsKey(tile.Gid) &&
                  tileIdMap[tile.Gid].Properties.ContainsKey(customProperties["don't render"]) &&
                  (tileIdMap[tile.Gid].Properties[customProperties["don't render"]].ToLower() != "true")))
                go.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>();

Exemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the acctual gid of a TilesetTile and returns the tileset that the tile is from-
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="map">The map where the TilesetTile is from.</param>
    /// <param name="layerTile">The TilesetTile to find the correct gid from.</param>
    /// <param name="toFindTileset">The correct Tileset.</param>
    /// <returns>The gid value.</returns>
    private int GetGid(TmxMap map, TmxLayerTile layerTile, out TmxTileset toFindTileset)
        int gid = layerTile.Gid;

        toFindTileset = null;

        // Empty tile, do nothing
        if (gid == 0)

        // Get the acctual gid value

        // Get the correct tileset with the gid value
        for (int j = 0; j < map.Tilesets.Count; j++)
            gid -= map.Tilesets[j].TileCount ?? 0;
            if (gid <= 0)
                toFindTileset = map.Tilesets[j];

        // set gid to a positive value again
        return(gid + toFindTileset.TileCount ?? 0);
Exemplo n.º 7
    private void SpawnTile(TmxLayerTile tile, int x, int y, TmxLayer layer, GridLayerConfig gridLayerConfig, int layerNumber)
        Transform container   = GetContainer("TileLayers");
        GridTile  spawnedTile = null;

        if (gridLayerConfig != null)
            if (gridLayerConfig.OverridePrefab)
                spawnedTile = Instantiate(gridLayerConfig.OverridePrefab, scene.transform);
                spawnedTile = Instantiate(config.GridTilePrefab, scene.transform);
            spawnedTile = Instantiate(config.GridTilePrefab);
        Sprite sprite = GetTileSprite(tile.Gid);

        ColliderConfig conf = GetColliderConfig(tile.Gid);

        spawnedTile.Initialize(sprite, x, y, gridLayerConfig, conf, layer.Name, layerNumber);
        GridTileLayerManager.main.AddTile(spawnedTile, layer.Name, container);
        private void DrawVisibleTiles(SpriteBatch batch, Map map, TmxLayer layer, Camera camera)
            TmxMap    mapData      = map.Data;
            Rectangle cameraBounds = camera.GetBounds();

            // calculate how many tiles to draw
            int cameraTilesWidth  = ((int)camera.Width / mapData.TileWidth) + 2;
            int cameraTilesHeight = ((int)camera.Height / mapData.TileHeight) + 2;

            // get camera position in tiles
            int xCameraStartTile = (int)((camera.Position.X - cameraBounds.Width / 2) / mapData.TileWidth);
            int yCameraStartTile = (int)((camera.Position.Y - cameraBounds.Height / 2) / mapData.TileHeight);

            int xCameraEndTile = xCameraStartTile + cameraTilesWidth;
            int yCameraEndTile = yCameraStartTile + cameraTilesHeight;

            // clamp values
            ClampValue(ref xCameraStartTile, mapData.Width);
            ClampValue(ref xCameraEndTile, mapData.Width);
            ClampValue(ref yCameraStartTile, mapData.Height);
            ClampValue(ref yCameraEndTile, mapData.Height);

            for (int y = yCameraStartTile; y < yCameraEndTile; y++)
                for (int x = xCameraStartTile; x < xCameraEndTile; x++)
                    TmxLayerTile tile = layer.Tiles[y * mapData.Width + x];
                    DrawTile(batch, map, tile);
Exemplo n.º 9
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the gid values of the tiles in an array. The gid are not the acctual gid values of the map, but the gid
    /// values of the tileset. Assume tileset a has 10 tiles and tileset b has 10 tiles. If at position 1 there is
    /// the tileset tile 1 of tileset a and at position 2 the tileset tile 1 of tileset b then the gid values of the
    /// return array are the same. To put it simply, just use one tileset and one layer for this method.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mapName">The name of the map to get the gid values from.</param>
    /// <param name="prefabs">A list of all prefabs and their local position.</param>
    /// <returns>The gid values of the map.</returns>
    public Fast2DArray <int> GetReplacableMap(string mapName, out PropertyDict properties, out List <PrefabLocations> prefabs)
        prefabs = new List <PrefabLocations>();

        TmxMap map = LoadMap(mapName);

        properties = map.Properties;

        Fast2DArray <int> retArr = new Fast2DArray <int>(map.Width, map.Height);

        if (map.TileLayers.Count == 0)
            throw new Exception("Replacable map " + mapName + " has no tile layers!");
        else if (map.TileLayers.Count > 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("Replacable map " + mapName + " has more than 1 tile layer. I am only reading the first layer!");
        if (map.Tilesets.Count != 1)
            Debug.LogWarning("Replacable map " + mapName + " has not only 1 tileset. This might cause issues!");

        for (int t = 0; t < map.TileLayers[0].Tiles.Count; t++)
            TmxLayerTile layerTile = map.TileLayers[0].Tiles[t];
            int          gid       = GetGid(map, layerTile, out _);
            retArr.Set(gid, layerTile.X, map.Height - layerTile.Y - 1);

        //LoadAllObjects(map, atX, atY, loadedGameobjects);

        // Go through each objectlayer and spawn their objects
        for (int i = 0; i < map.ObjectGroups.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < map.ObjectGroups[i].Objects.Count; j++)
                // Try to get the prefab
                if (TiledDict.Instance.TryGetObject(map.ObjectGroups[i].Objects[j].Type, out GameObject obj) == false)

                // Instantiate and position the object
                Vector3 pos;
                pos.x = ((float)map.ObjectGroups[i].Objects[j].X / map.TileWidth);
                pos.y = map.Height - ((float)map.ObjectGroups[i].Objects[j].Y / map.TileHeight);
                pos.z = 0f;

                prefabs.Add(new PrefabLocations {
                    Prefab = obj, Position = pos

Exemplo n.º 10
 public override void Init(
     TmxLayerTile tmxLayerTile,
     TmxMap _
     gid            = tmxLayerTile.Gid;
     horizontalFlip = tmxLayerTile.HorizontalFlip;
     verticalFlip   = tmxLayerTile.VerticalFlip;
     diagonalFlip   = tmxLayerTile.DiagonalFlip;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override void Init(
            TmxLayerTile tmxLayerTile,
            TmxMap tmxMap
            int tileGid   = tmxLayerTile.Gid;
            int tileFrame = TmxUtil.GetTileFrame(tileGid, tmxMap);

            kind = GetKind(tileFrame);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void Draw(TimeSpan gameTime)
             * Der einzige Weg (von dem ich bis jetzt weiß) eine Textur zu laden ist, eine neue Entity mit der Sprite-Komponente zu erstellen und
             * diese Entity dem EntityManager hinzuzufügen.
             * Das soll aber nur ein einziges mal passieren, darum diese Abfrage.

            if (!init)
                EntityManager.Add(new Entity().AddComponent(new Transform2D()).AddComponent(thisSprite));
                init = true;

            foreach (TmxLayer layer in tmxMap.Layers)
                for (int i = 0; i < layer.Tiles.Count; i++)
                    TmxLayerTile currentTile = layer.Tiles[i];

                    /*  GID = Global ID
                     *  Exkurs: GIDs in einer Tiled-Map
                     *  Eine TileSheet hat z.B das Format 5x6 (5 Zeilen und 6 Spalten).
                     *  Tiles in diesem Sheet werden der Reihe nach durchnummeriert (Also hat das erste Tile oben links die GID 1).
                     *  Die ID ist über alle Tilesheets einzigartig, das heißt, dass wenn man zwei Tilesheets hat, das erste die IDs von 1 bis 31
                     *  und das zweite Tilesheet hat die IDs 32 bis 62.
                     *  Bei welcher GID das Tilesheet anfängt ist in der "FirstGid" Eigenschaft gespeichert.

                    int gid = currentTile.Gid - tileset.FirstGid;

                    //TODO: Verstehen
                    int column = gid % ((int)tileset.Image.Width / tileset.TileWidth);
                    int row    = (int)(gid / (tileset.Image.Width / tileset.TileWidth));

                     *  Unsere Tiles sind in einer jpg-Datei gespeichert. Wird wissen wie viel Abstand die Teils zum Rand (Spacing) und zueinander (Margin) haben.
                     *  Damit können wir berechnen, welches Rechteck auf dem Bild unser gesuchtes Tile ist.

                    int tilesheetX = tileset.Spacing + column * (tileset.TileWidth + tileset.Margin);
                    int tilesheetY = tileset.Spacing + row * (tileset.TileHeight + tileset.Margin);

                    int worldX = currentTile.X * tileset.TileWidth;
                    int worldY = currentTile.Y * tileset.TileHeight;

                    Rectangle tilesheetRectangle = new Rectangle(tilesheetX, tilesheetY, tileset.TileWidth, tileset.TileHeight);

                    this.layer.SpriteBatch.Draw(thisSprite.Texture, new Vector2(worldX, worldY),
                                                tilesheetRectangle, Color.White, 0f, new Vector2(), Vector2.One,
                                                SpriteEffects.None, 1f, AddressMode.PointClamp);
Exemplo n.º 13
        private Tile GetTile(TmxLayerTile tile, TmxTileset tileset)
            int       code       = int.Parse(tileset.Tiles[tile.Gid - 1].Properties["Code"]);
            TermColor foreground = TermColor.Parse(tileset.Tiles[tile.Gid - 1].Properties["Foreground"]);
            TermColor background = TermColor.Parse(tileset.Tiles[tile.Gid - 1].Properties["Background"]);

            Character character   = new Character(code, foreground, background);
            Vector2D  position    = new Vector2D(tile.X, tile.Y);
            bool      collideable = bool.Parse(tileset.Tiles[tile.Gid - 1].Properties["Collideable"]);

            return(new Tile(character, position, collideable));
Exemplo n.º 14
        public Rectangle GetTileRectangle(TmxLayerTile tile)
            if (!IsValidTile(tile))
                return(new Rectangle());

            return(new Rectangle(
                       (int)(RelativeTileID(tile) % _tilesAcross) * TileWidth,
                       (int)(RelativeTileID(tile) / _tilesAcross) * TileHeight,
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static Rectangle GetTileSourceRect(TmxMap map, TmxLayerTile tile)
            TmxTileset tileset = GetTilesetForTile(map, tile);

            if (tileset == null)
            int relativeGid = tile.Gid - tileset.FirstGid;
            int tileColumn  = relativeGid % tileset.Columns.Value;
            int tileRow     = (int)Math.Floor((double)relativeGid / tileset.Columns.Value);

            return(new Rectangle(tileColumn * tileset.TileWidth, tileRow * tileset.TileHeight, tileset.TileWidth, tileset.TileHeight));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static TmxTileset GetTilesetForTile(TmxMap map, TmxLayerTile tile)
            TmxTileset currentTileset = null;

            foreach (var tileset in map.Tilesets.OrderByDescending(_ => _.FirstGid))
                if (tile.Gid >= tileset.FirstGid)
                    currentTileset = tileset;
Exemplo n.º 17
        public bool HandleReplaceTileCollision(TmxLayerTile tile, TileLookupEnum collisionTile, TileLookupEnum newTile)
            if (tile.Gid != TileLookup.GetTileValue(collisionTile))

            //_detailLayer.RemoveTile(tile.X, tile.Y);
            tile.Gid = TileLookup.GetTileValue(newTile);

            _tiledMapRenderer.CollisionLayer.RemoveTile(tile.X, tile.Y);

Exemplo n.º 18
        public Vector2 Move(Vector2 velocity, Entity entity, string collisionLayer = "collision")
            TmxLayer layer = Data.Layers[collisionLayer];

            Vector2   newPosition = entity.position + velocity;
            Rectangle sweptBounds = new Rectangle((int)(newPosition.X - entity.Width / 2),
                                                  (int)(newPosition.Y - entity.Height / 2),
                                                  entity.Width, entity.Height);

            // create swept rectangle
            sweptBounds = Rectangle.Union(sweptBounds, entity.BoundingBox);

            int minTileX = sweptBounds.Left / Data.TileWidth;
            int minTileY = sweptBounds.Top / Data.TileHeight;

            int maxTileX = sweptBounds.Right / Data.TileWidth + 1;
            int maxTileY = sweptBounds.Bottom / Data.TileHeight + 1;

            for (int y = minTileY; y < maxTileY; y++)
                for (int x = minTileX; x < maxTileX; x++)
                    if (x < 0 || x >= Data.Width ||
                        y < 0 || y >= Data.Height)

                    TmxLayerTile tile = layer.Tiles[y * Data.Width + x];
                    if (GetTilesetForTile(tile) == null)

                    Rectangle tileBounds   = GetTileBounds(x, y);
                    Rectangle intersection = Rectangle.Intersect(tileBounds, sweptBounds);

                    if (intersection.Width < intersection.Height)
                        velocity.X += -Math.Sign(velocity.X) * intersection.Width;
                        velocity.Y += -Math.Sign(velocity.Y) * intersection.Height;

Exemplo n.º 19
        public void Init <T>(
            TmxLayer tmxLayer,
            TmxMap tmxMap
            ) where T : Tile, new()
            int nTiles = tmxLayer.Tiles.Count;

            tiles = new List <Tile>(nTiles);
            for (var i = 0; i < nTiles; i++)
                TmxLayerTile tmxLayerTile = tmxLayer.Tiles[i];
                T            tile         = new T();
                tile.Init(tmxLayerTile, tmxMap);
Exemplo n.º 20
        private TmxTilesetTile GetTilesetTile(TmxLayerTile tile, TmxTileset tileset)
            int id = tile.Gid - tileset.FirstGid;
            //var a = tileset.Tiles.Where(x => x.Value.Id == id).ToList();

            var tilesList = tileset.Tiles.ToList();

            var r = tilesList.Where(x => x.Value.Id == id).FirstOrDefault();

            if (r.Value == null)
                Logger.GetOrCreate("BrTiledLoader").Log(Logger.LogLevel.Info, "Invalid tile at " + tile.X + ", " + tile.Y + ". Id is " + id + ", gid is " + tile.Gid);

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="LayerTile" /> class.
        /// </summary>>
        /// <param name="tmxTile">The TMX parsed tile.</param>
        /// <param name="tileset">Th</param>
        public LayerTile(TmxLayerTile tmxTile, Tileset tileset)
            this.X = tmxTile.X;
            this.Y = tmxTile.Y;
            this.HorizontalFlip = tmxTile.HorizontalFlip;
            this.VerticalFlip   = tmxTile.VerticalFlip;
            this.DiagonalFlip   = tmxTile.DiagonalFlip;

            if (tileset != null)
                this.Tileset = tileset;
                this.Id      = tmxTile.Gid - this.Tileset.FirstGid;

                this.TilesetTile = this.Tileset.TilesTable[this.Id];
Exemplo n.º 22
        public TmxTileset GetTilesetForTile(TmxLayerTile tile)
            // TODO: fix tileset choosing, might have to refactor the tiledSharp lib for it
            // we now assume that tilesets are ordered in ascending order by gid
            int tilesetCount = Data.Tilesets.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < tilesetCount; i++)
                TmxTileset tileset = Data.Tilesets[tilesetCount - 1 - i];
                if (tile.Gid >= tileset.FirstGid)

Exemplo n.º 23
    void GenerateTile(TmxLayerTile tile)
        if (tile.Gid < 0)
        float   x      = tile.X;
        float   z      = tile.Y;
        Vector3 normal = Vector3.up;

        vertices.Add(new Vector3(-x, 0, z));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(-x + 1, 0, z));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(-x + 1, 0, z - 1));
        vertices.Add(new Vector3(-x, 0, z - 1));

        triangles.Add(squareCount * 4);
        triangles.Add((squareCount * 4) + 1);
        triangles.Add((squareCount * 4) + 3);
        triangles.Add((squareCount * 4) + 1);
        triangles.Add((squareCount * 4) + 2);
        triangles.Add((squareCount * 4) + 3);

        Vector2 texture      = tiles[tile.Gid - 1];
        float   fiddleLeft   = 0.005f;
        float   fiddleRight  = 0.005f;
        float   fiddleTop    = 0.005f;
        float   fiddleBottom = 0.005f;
        float   left         = tileUnit * texture.x + tileUnit - fiddleLeft;
        float   top          = tileUnit * texture.y + fiddleTop;
        float   right        = tileUnit * texture.x + fiddleRight;
        float   bottom       = tileUnit * texture.y + tileUnit - fiddleBottom;

        uv.Add(new Vector2(left, top));
        uv.Add(new Vector2(right, top));
        uv.Add(new Vector2(right, bottom));
        uv.Add(new Vector2(left, bottom));
Exemplo n.º 24
    void DrawMesh(int tileCountX, int tileCountZ, TmxLayer layer)
        //Vector3 startingPosition = new Vector3(-tileCountX / 2 - unitSize / 2, 0f, -tileCountZ / 2 - unitSize / 2);
        Vector3   startingPosition = new Vector3(-unitSize / 2, 0f, -unitSize / 2);
        int       index            = 0;
        LayerType layerType        = (LayerType)Tools.IntParseFast(layer.Properties["Type"]);
        int       numTiles         = 0;

        for (int z = 0; z < tileCountZ; z++)
            for (int x = 0; x < tileCountX; x++)
                TmxLayerTile tile   = layer.Tiles[(tileCountZ - z - 1) * tileCountX + x];
                float        xPos   = startingPosition.x + x * unitSize;
                float        yPos   = startingPosition.z + z * unitSize;
                int          tileId = tile.Gid - 1;
                if (tileId == -1)

                numTiles += 1;
                Vector3 currentPosition = new Vector3(xPos, startingPosition.y, -yPos - 2f);
                if (prefab != null)
                    GameObject block = Instantiate(prefab);
                    block.transform.position = new Vector3(tile.X, -tile.Y, 0f);
                DrawVertex(index + 2, currentPosition);
                DrawVertex(index + 1, currentPosition, unitSize);
                DrawVertex(index, currentPosition, unitSize, unitSize);

                DrawVertex(index + 5, currentPosition);
                DrawVertex(index + 4, currentPosition, unitSize, unitSize);
                DrawVertex(index + 3, currentPosition, 0, unitSize);
                AssignUv(index, tiles[tileId], tileSize);

                index += 6;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public static TmxTileset GetTileSet(this TmxMap map, TmxLayerTile tile)
            TmxTileset tileSet = null;

            for (var i = 0; i < map.Tilesets.Count; i++)
                var isHigher = tile.Gid >= map.Tilesets[i].FirstGid;

                if (isHigher && i >= map.Tilesets.Count - 1)
                    tileSet = map.Tilesets[i];
                else if (isHigher && tile.Gid < map.Tilesets[i + 1].FirstGid)
                    tileSet = map.Tilesets[i];

Exemplo n.º 26
        public Rectangle GetSourceRectangleForTile(TmxTileset tileset, TmxLayerTile tile)
            Rectangle source                = new Rectangle();
            int       tileWidth             = tileset.TileWidth;
            int       tileHeight            = tileset.TileHeight;
            int       tilesInHorizontalAxis = tileset.Image.Width.GetValueOrDefault() / tileWidth;

            // depending on the tile gid get the correct tile coordinates
            int tileIndex = tile.Gid - tileset.FirstGid;
            int xTilePos  = tileIndex / tilesInHorizontalAxis;
            int yTilePos  = tileIndex - xTilePos * tilesInHorizontalAxis;

            source.Width  = tileWidth;
            source.Height = tileHeight;

            source.X = yTilePos * tileWidth;
            source.Y = xTilePos * tileHeight;

Exemplo n.º 27
        private TmxTileset GetTileset(TmxLayerTile tile, List <TmxTileset> tilesets)
            if (tilesets.Count > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < tilesets.Count; i++)
                    TmxTileset currTileset = tilesets[i];

                    if (tile.Gid >= currTileset.FirstGid && tile.Gid < currTileset.FirstGid + currTileset.TileCount && (tile.Gid - currTileset.FirstGid) < currTileset.TileCount)
            {               //if the number of tilesets is only one, then that must be the tileset the tile belongs to.

Exemplo n.º 28
        void DrawTile(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, TmxLayerTile tile, bool indoor, bool skipVisible)
            if (tile.Gid == 0)
                return;          //Only not Empty tile
            //Convert to world size
            float x = tile.X * _map.TileWidth;
            float y = tile.Y * _map.TileHeight;

            if (indoor && raycast(new Vector2(x, y), GameMain.mainPlayer.position, Layer.Ceiling, RaycastType.Continuous))
            if (skipVisible && isTileInView(new Vector2(x, y)))

            spriteBatch.Draw(_tileset, Tools.GetDrawRect((int)x, (int)y, tileSize), GetGidRect(tile.Gid), Color.White);
Exemplo n.º 29
        private Direction tileDirection(TmxLayerTile tile)
            var dir = Direction.Up;

            if (tile.DiagonalFlip && tile.HorizontalFlip && !tile.VerticalFlip)
                dir = Direction.Right;

            if (tile.DiagonalFlip && !tile.HorizontalFlip && tile.VerticalFlip)
                dir = Direction.Left;

            if (!tile.DiagonalFlip && tile.HorizontalFlip && tile.VerticalFlip)
                dir = Direction.Down;

Exemplo n.º 30
    void DrawMesh(int tileCountX, int tileCountZ, TmxLayer layer)
        //Vector3 startingPosition = new Vector3(-tileCountX / 2 - unitSize / 2, 0f, -tileCountZ / 2 - unitSize / 2);
        Vector3 startingPosition = new Vector3(-unitSize / 2, 0f, -unitSize / 2);
        int     index            = 0;

        for (int z = 0; z < tileCountZ; z++)
            for (int x = 0; x < tileCountX; x++)
                //LayerType layerType = (LayerType)Tools.IntParseFast(layer.Properties["Type"]);
                TmxLayerTile tile   = layer.Tiles[(tileCountZ - z - 1) * tileCountX + x];
                int          tileId = tile.Gid - 1;
                if (tileId == -1)
                Vector3 currentPosition = new Vector3(startingPosition.x + x * unitSize, startingPosition.y, startingPosition.z + z * unitSize);
                DrawVertex(index + 2, currentPosition);
                DrawVertex(index + 1, currentPosition, unitSize);
                DrawVertex(index, currentPosition, unitSize, unitSize);

                DrawVertex(index + 5, currentPosition);
                DrawVertex(index + 4, currentPosition, unitSize, unitSize);
                DrawVertex(index + 3, currentPosition, 0, unitSize);
                AssignUv(index, tiles[tileId], tileSize);

                /*if (layerType == LayerType.Wall)
                 * {
                 *  SpawnWall(tileCountX, tileCountZ, tile.X, tile.Y);
                 * } else if (layerType == LayerType.Water)
                 * {
                 *  SpawnWater(tileCountX, tileCountZ, tile.X, tile.Y);
                 * }*/
                index += 6;