Exemplo n.º 1
            public async Task <string> Translate(MyResult src)
                Credential cred = new Credential
                    SecretId  = clientId,
                    SecretKey = clientSecret

                ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile();
                HttpProfile   httpProfile   = new HttpProfile();

                httpProfile.Endpoint      = ("tmt.tencentcloudapi.com");
                clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile;

                TmtClient            client = new TmtClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou-open", clientProfile);
                TextTranslateRequest req    = new TextTranslateRequest();
                TextTranslateRequest input  = new TextTranslateRequest();

                input.ProjectId  = 0;
                input.Source     = "auto";
                input.SourceText = src.text;
                input.Target     = to;
                TextTranslateResponse resp = await client.TextTranslate(input);

                var data = resp.TargetText;

                if (data == null)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static string Translation(string srcText, string from, string to)
            Credential cred = new Credential
                SecretId  = TengxunKey.SecretId,
                SecretKey = TengxunKey.SecretKey

            ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile();
            HttpProfile   httpProfile   = new HttpProfile();

            httpProfile.Timeout       = 6;
            httpProfile.Endpoint      = ("tmt.tencentcloudapi.com");
            clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile;
            TmtClient            client  = new TmtClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile);
            TextTranslateRequest request = new TextTranslateRequest();

            request.SourceText = srcText;
            request.Source     = from;
            request.Target     = to;
            request.ProjectId  = 0;
            TextTranslateResponse response;

                response = client.TextTranslateSync(request);
            catch (Exception ex) { throw ex.InnerException; }
            string result = AbstractModel.ToJsonString(response);
            var    list   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TranslationJson>(result);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public string GetResult()
            client = new TmtClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou-open", clientProfile);
            string strParams = "{\"SourceText\":\"" + SourceText + "\",\"Source\":\"" + Source + "\",\"Target\":\"" + Target + "\",\"ProjectId\":0}";

            req = AbstractModel.FromJsonString <TextTranslateRequest>(strParams);
            TextTranslateResponse resp = client.TextTranslate(req).Result;

        public static void AddTencentCloud(this IServiceCollection services)
            var cred = new Credential
                SecretId  = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID"),
                SecretKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY")
            var clientProfile = new ClientProfile();
            var httpProfile   = new HttpProfile();

            httpProfile.Endpoint      = ("tmt.ap-guangzhou.tencentcloudapi.com");
            clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile;

            var client = new TmtClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile);

            services.AddScoped <TmtClient>(sp => client);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public QCloudTransApi(string secretId, string secretKey)
            this.secretId  = secretId;
            this.secretKey = secretKey;

            cred = new Credential
                SecretId  = s_secretId,
                SecretKey = s_secretKey,

            ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile();
            HttpProfile   httpProfile   = new HttpProfile();

            httpProfile.Endpoint      = ("tmt.tencentcloudapi.com");
            clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile;

            client = new TmtClient(cred, "ap-shanghai", clientProfile);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 图片翻译
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img">图片</param>
        /// <param name="from">源语言</param>
        /// <param name="to">目标语言</param>
        public static void PictureTranslation(Image img, string from, string to, out string src_text, out string dst_text)
            if (TengxunKey.IsEmptyOrNull)
                throw new Exception("请设置腾讯图片翻译Key!");

            Credential cred = new Credential
                SecretId  = TengxunKey.SecretId,
                SecretKey = TengxunKey.SecretKey

            ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile();
            HttpProfile   httpProfile   = new HttpProfile();

            httpProfile.Timeout       = 6;
            httpProfile.Endpoint      = ("tmt.tencentcloudapi.com");
            clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile;
            TmtClient             client = new TmtClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile);
            ImageTranslateRequest req    = new ImageTranslateRequest();

            req.SessionUuid = DateTime.Now.ToString("G");
            req.Scene       = DateTime.Now.ToString("G");
            req.Data        = ImageToBase64(img);
            req.Source      = from;
            req.Target      = to;
            req.ProjectId   = 0;
            ImageTranslateResponse resp;

                resp = client.ImageTranslateSync(req);
            catch (Exception ex) { throw ex.InnerException; }
            string result = AbstractModel.ToJsonString(resp);
            var    list   = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <PictureTranslationJson>(result);

            if (list.ImageRecord.Value.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("未识别到文字!");
            // 接收序列化后的数据
            StringBuilder dst = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder src = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var item in list.ImageRecord.Value)
                src.Append(item.SourceText + "\r\n");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TargetText))
                dst.Append(item.TargetText + "\r\n");

            if (dst.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("翻译失败!");
            src_text = src.ToString();
            dst_text = dst.ToString();
            int sLen = src_text.LastIndexOf('\r');
            int dLen = dst_text.LastIndexOf('\r');

            src_text = (sLen != -1) ? src_text.Remove(sLen) : src_text;
            dst_text = (dLen != -1) ? dst_text.Remove(dLen) : dst_text;
Exemplo n.º 7
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // 必要步骤:
                // 实例化一个认证对象,入参需要传入腾讯云账户密钥对secretId,secretKey。
                // 这里采用的是从环境变量读取的方式,需要在环境变量中先设置这两个值。
                // 你也可以直接在代码中写死密钥对,但是小心不要将代码复制、上传或者分享给他人,
                // 以免泄露密钥对危及你的财产安全。
                Credential cred = new Credential
                    SecretId  = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID"),
                    SecretKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY")

                // 实例化一个client选项,可选的,没有特殊需求可以跳过
                ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile();
                // 指定签名算法(默认为HmacSHA256)
                clientProfile.SignMethod = ClientProfile.SIGN_SHA1;
                // 非必要步骤
                // 实例化一个客户端配置对象,可以指定超时时间等配置
                HttpProfile httpProfile = new HttpProfile();
                // SDK默认使用POST方法。
                // 如果你一定要使用GET方法,可以在这里设置。GET方法无法处理一些较大的请求。
                httpProfile.ReqMethod = "POST";
                // SDK有默认的超时时间,非必要请不要进行调整。
                // 如有需要请在代码中查阅以获取最新的默认值。
                httpProfile.Timeout = 10; // 请求连接超时时间,单位为秒(默认60秒)
                // SDK会自动指定域名。通常是不需要特地指定域名的,但是如果你访问的是金融区的服务,
                // 则必须手动指定域名,例如云服务器的上海金融区域名: cvm.ap-shanghai-fsi.tencentcloudapi.com
                httpProfile.Endpoint = ("tmt.tencentcloudapi.com");
                // 代理服务器,当你的环境下有代理服务器时设定
                httpProfile.WebProxy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY");

                clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile;

                // 实例化要请求产品的client对象
                // 第二个参数是地域信息,可以直接填写字符串ap-guangzhou,或者引用预设的常量,clientProfile是可选的
                TmtClient client = new TmtClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile);

                // 实例化一个请求对象,根据调用的接口和实际情况,可以进一步设置请求参数
                // 你可以直接查询SDK源码确定ImageTranslateRequest 有哪些属性可以设置,
                // 属性可能是基本类型,也可能引用了另一个数据结构。
                // 推荐使用IDE进行开发,可以方便的跳转查阅各个接口和数据结构的文档说明。
                ImageTranslateRequest req = new ImageTranslateRequest();
                req.SessionUuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                req.Scene       = "doc";
                string imageData = ImageHelper.GetImageBase64(@"D:\workshop\Github\TencentMTDemo\20180928133022.jpg");
                req.Data      = imageData;
                req.Source    = "zh";
                req.Target    = "en";
                req.ProjectId = 0;
                var resp = client.ImageTranslate(req).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                // 输出json格式的字符串回包

                // 也可以取出单个值。
                // 你可以通过官网接口文档或跳转到response对象的定义处查看返回字段的定义
            catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 8
        static void Main2(string[] args)
                // 必要步骤:
                // 实例化一个认证对象,入参需要传入腾讯云账户密钥对secretId,secretKey。
                // 这里采用的是从环境变量读取的方式,需要在环境变量中先设置这两个值。
                // 你也可以直接在代码中写死密钥对,但是小心不要将代码复制、上传或者分享给他人,
                // 以免泄露密钥对危及你的财产安全。
                Credential cred = new Credential
                    SecretId  = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_ID"),
                    SecretKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TENCENTCLOUD_SECRET_KEY")

                // 实例化一个client选项,可选的,没有特殊需求可以跳过
                ClientProfile clientProfile = new ClientProfile();
                // 指定签名算法(默认为HmacSHA256)
                clientProfile.SignMethod = ClientProfile.SIGN_SHA1;
                // 非必要步骤
                // 实例化一个客户端配置对象,可以指定超时时间等配置
                HttpProfile httpProfile = new HttpProfile();
                // SDK默认使用POST方法。
                // 如果你一定要使用GET方法,可以在这里设置。GET方法无法处理一些较大的请求。
                httpProfile.ReqMethod = "POST";
                // SDK有默认的超时时间,非必要请不要进行调整。
                // 如有需要请在代码中查阅以获取最新的默认值。
                httpProfile.Timeout = 10; // 请求连接超时时间,单位为秒(默认60秒)
                // SDK会自动指定域名。通常是不需要特地指定域名的,但是如果你访问的是金融区的服务,
                // 则必须手动指定域名,例如云服务器的上海金融区域名: cvm.ap-shanghai-fsi.tencentcloudapi.com
                httpProfile.Endpoint = ("tmt.tencentcloudapi.com");
                // 代理服务器,当你的环境下有代理服务器时设定
                httpProfile.WebProxy = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HTTPS_PROXY");

                clientProfile.HttpProfile = httpProfile;

                // 实例化要请求产品的client对象
                // 第二个参数是地域信息,可以直接填写字符串ap-guangzhou,或者引用预设的常量,clientProfile是可选的
                TmtClient client = new TmtClient(cred, "ap-guangzhou", clientProfile);

                // 实例化一个请求对象,根据调用的接口和实际情况,可以进一步设置请求参数
                // 你可以直接查询SDK源码确定ImageTranslateRequest 有哪些属性可以设置,
                // 属性可能是基本类型,也可能引用了另一个数据结构。
                // 推荐使用IDE进行开发,可以方便的跳转查阅各个接口和数据结构的文档说明。
                TextTranslateRequest req = new TextTranslateRequest();
                //req.SessionUuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                //req.Scene = "doc";
                //string imageData = GetImageBase64(@"D:\workshop\社区活动\1672483724\1672483724.inv.201809181403110010.png");
                //req.Data = imageData;
                req.Source     = "en";
                req.Target     = "zh";
                req.SourceText = @"Blazor is a .NET web framework that runs in any browser. You author Blazor apps using C#/Razor and HTML.

Blazor uses only the latest web standards. No plugins or transpilation needed. It runs in the browser on a real .NET runtime (Mono) implemented in WebAssembly that executes normal .NET assemblies. It works in older browsers too by falling back to an asm.js based .NET runtime.

Blazor will have all the features of a modern web framework, including:

A component model for building composable UI
Forms and validation
Dependency injection
JavaScript interop
Live reloading in the browser during development
Server-side rendering
Full .NET debugging both in browsers and in the IDE
Rich IntelliSense and tooling
Ability to run on older (non-WebAssembly) browsers via asm.js
Publishing and app size trimming";
                req.ProjectId  = 0;

                var resp = client.TextTranslate(req).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
                // 输出json格式的字符串回包

                // 也可以取出单个值。
                // 你可以通过官网接口文档或跳转到response对象的定义处查看返回字段的定义
            catch (Exception e)
Exemplo n.º 9
 public MachineTranslationController(TmtClient client)
     _client = client;