//PRIVATE SHARED private static void LoadSettings() { RegistryKey TmpKey; RegistryKey TmpRegRoot; string TmpS; try { //get the Registry-Key TmpRegRoot = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.CurrentUser, ""); TmpKey = TmpRegRoot.OpenSubKey(cRegistryPath, true); if (!TmpKey == null) { //Key exists //load FCurrentRefactoryProvider TmpS = TmpKey.GetValue("CurrentRefactoryProvider", ""); if (TmpS != "") { FCurrentRefactoryProvider = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(TmpS)); } //load FAutoCloseStatusDialogs TmpS = TmpKey.GetValue("AutoCloseStatusDialogs", "0"); FAutoCloseStatusDialogs = (TmpS == "1"); //load FAutoUpdateOnNewVersion TmpS = TmpKey.GetValue("AutoUpdateOnNewVersion", "1"); FAutoUpdateOnNewVersion = (TmpS == "1"); //close Key TmpKey.Close(); } //close Registry TmpRegRoot.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } //load default FCurrentRefactoryProvider if (FCurrentRefactoryProvider == null) { FCurrentRefactoryProvider = RefactoryNet20Provider.Instance; } //settings loaded ok FSettingsLoaded = true; }
private static void SaveSettings() { RegistryKey TmpKey; RegistryKey TmpRegRoot; try { //get the Registry-Key TmpRegRoot = RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(RegistryHive.CurrentUser, ""); TmpKey = TmpRegRoot.OpenSubKey(cRegistryPath, true); if (TmpKey == null) { //Key not exists, create TmpKey = TmpRegRoot.CreateSubKey(cRegistryPath); } //save FCurrentRefactoryProvider TmpKey.SetValue("CurrentRefactoryProvider", ((object)FCurrentRefactoryProvider).GetType.FullName); //save FAutoCloseStatusDialogs if (FAutoCloseStatusDialogs) { TmpKey.SetValue("AutoCloseStatusDialogs", "1"); } else { TmpKey.SetValue("AutoCloseStatusDialogs", "0"); } //save FAutoCloseStatusDialogs if (FAutoUpdateOnNewVersion) { TmpKey.SetValue("AutoUpdateOnNewVersion", "1"); } else { TmpKey.SetValue("AutoUpdateOnNewVersion", "0"); } //close Key+Registry TmpKey.Close(); TmpRegRoot.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public bool UploadInfosToDevice(string DevNam, int wdDeviceType, int intActivePage) { string strMainRemark = DevNam.Split('\\')[1].Trim(); DevNam = DevNam.Split('\\')[0].Trim(); byte bytSubID = byte.Parse(DevNam.Split('-')[0].ToString()); byte bytDevID = byte.Parse(DevNam.Split('-')[1].ToString()); int wdMaxValue = DeviceTypeList.GetMaxValueFromPublicModeGroup(wdDeviceType); byte[] ArayMain = new byte[20]; byte[] arayTmpRemark = HDLUDP.StringToByte(strMainRemark); byte[] ArayTmp = null; if (HDLSysPF.ModifyDeviceMainRemark(bytSubID, bytDevID, strMainRemark, wdDeviceType) == false) { return(false); } if (CsConst.calculationWorker != null && CsConst.calculationWorker.IsBusy) { CsConst.calculationWorker.ReportProgress(5, null); } if (intActivePage == 0 || intActivePage == 1) { #region byte[] arayLED = new byte[11]; arayLED[0] = Backlight; // modify LED and backlight arayLED[1] = Ledlight; if (CsConst.mySends.AddBufToSndList(arayLED, 0xE012, bytSubID, bytDevID, false, true, true, CsConst.minAllWirelessDeviceType.Contains(wdDeviceType)) == true) { HDLUDP.TimeBetwnNext(20); } else { return(false); } if (CsConst.calculationWorker != null && CsConst.calculationWorker.IsBusy) { CsConst.calculationWorker.ReportProgress(10, null); } if (CsConst.mySends.AddBufToSndList(arayHotel, 0x2016, bytSubID, bytDevID, false, true, true, CsConst.minAllWirelessDeviceType.Contains(wdDeviceType)) == true) { HDLUDP.TimeBetwnNext(20); } else { return(false); } if (CsConst.calculationWorker != null && CsConst.calculationWorker.IsBusy) { CsConst.calculationWorker.ReportProgress(15, null); } #endregion } if (intActivePage == 0 || intActivePage == 2) { #region byte[] arayKeyMode = new byte[wdMaxValue]; byte[] arayRemark = new byte[21]; byte[] arayDely = new byte[wdMaxValue * 2]; foreach (Key TmpKey in myKeySetting) { arayRemark = new byte[21]; TmpKey.UploadButtonRemarkAndCMDToDevice(bytSubID, bytDevID, wdDeviceType, -1, 255); arayDely[(TmpKey.ID - 1) * 2] = Convert.ToByte(TmpKey.Delay / 256); arayDely[(TmpKey.ID - 1) * 2 + 1] = Convert.ToByte(TmpKey.Delay % 256); arayKeyMode[TmpKey.ID - 1] = TmpKey.Mode; if (CsConst.calculationWorker != null && CsConst.calculationWorker.IsBusy) { CsConst.calculationWorker.ReportProgress(25 + TmpKey.ID, null); } } if (CsConst.mySends.AddBufToSndList(arayKeyMode, 0xE00A, bytSubID, bytDevID, false, true, true, CsConst.minAllWirelessDeviceType.Contains(wdDeviceType)) == true) { HDLUDP.TimeBetwnNext(20); } else { return(false); } if (CsConst.calculationWorker != null && CsConst.calculationWorker.IsBusy) { CsConst.calculationWorker.ReportProgress(40, null); } if (wdDeviceType != 3058 && wdDeviceType != 3060) { if (CsConst.mySends.AddBufToSndList(arayDely, 0x2026, bytSubID, bytDevID, false, true, true, CsConst.minAllWirelessDeviceType.Contains(wdDeviceType)) == true) { HDLUDP.TimeBetwnNext(20); } else { return(false); } if (CsConst.calculationWorker != null && CsConst.calculationWorker.IsBusy) { CsConst.calculationWorker.ReportProgress(45, null); } } #endregion } if (intActivePage == 0 || intActivePage == 3) { #region if (wdDeviceType == 3076 || wdDeviceType == 3078 || wdDeviceType == 3080) { if (CsConst.calculationWorker != null && CsConst.calculationWorker.IsBusy) { CsConst.calculationWorker.ReportProgress(91); } int maxLength = wdMaxValue; if (wdDeviceType == 3076 || wdDeviceType == 3078 || wdDeviceType == 3080) { maxLength = 3; } for (int i = 1; i <= maxLength; i++) { ArayTmp = new byte[7]; ArayTmp[0] = Convert.ToByte(i); Array.Copy(arayButtonColor, (i - 1) * 6, ArayTmp, 1, 6); if (CsConst.mySends.AddBufToSndList(ArayTmp, 0xE14E, bytSubID, bytDevID, false, true, true, CsConst.minAllWirelessDeviceType.Contains(wdDeviceType)) == true) { HDLUDP.TimeBetwnNext(20); } else { return(false); } } if (CsConst.calculationWorker != null && CsConst.calculationWorker.IsBusy) { CsConst.calculationWorker.ReportProgress(92); } if (arayButtonBalance[0] >= 0) { ArayTmp = new byte[arayButtonBalance[0] * 3]; Array.Copy(arayButtonBalance, 1, ArayTmp, 0, arayButtonBalance.Length - 1); if (CsConst.mySends.AddBufToSndList(ArayTmp, 0x199A, bytSubID, bytDevID, false, true, true, CsConst.minAllWirelessDeviceType.Contains(wdDeviceType)) == true) { HDLUDP.TimeBetwnNext(20); } else { return(false); } } ArayTmp = new byte[maxLength]; Array.Copy(arayButtonSensitiVity, 0, ArayTmp, 0, maxLength); if (CsConst.mySends.AddBufToSndList(ArayTmp, 0xE152, bytSubID, bytDevID, false, false, false, CsConst.minAllWirelessDeviceType.Contains(wdDeviceType)) == true) { HDLUDP.TimeBetwnNext(20); } else { return(false); } if (CsConst.calculationWorker != null && CsConst.calculationWorker.IsBusy) { CsConst.calculationWorker.ReportProgress(93); } } #endregion } if (CsConst.calculationWorker != null && CsConst.calculationWorker.IsBusy) { CsConst.calculationWorker.ReportProgress(100, null); } return(true); }