static void Main(string[] args) { Tag html = new HtmlTag(); Tag body = new BodyTag(); Tag head = new HeadTag(); Tag title = new TitleTag(); Tag div = new DivTag(); Element elem1 = new Element(); Element elem2 = new Element(); Element elem3 = new Element(); Tag brr = new BrTag(); Tag h1 = new H1Tag(); elem1.SetContent("titlu"); elem2.SetContent("giele"); elem3.SetContent("gielesss"); html.AddTag(head); html.AddTag(body); head.AddElement(elem1); head.AddTag(brr); head.AddTag(title); head.AddElement(elem2); head.AddTag(title); head.AddElement(elem3); body.AddTag(div); div.AddTag(h1); div.AddAttribute("color", "blue"); div.AddAttribute("color1", "red"); //title.SetContent("Gigi 4 the WIN!!"); //head.SetContent("gigel"); //html.Render(); Parser.ParseFile("index.html"); }
/// <summary> /// Select values from TitleTag by primary key(s). /// </summary> /// <param name="sqlConnection">Sql connection or null.</param> /// <param name="sqlTransaction">Sql transaction or null.</param> /// <param name="titleID"></param> /// <param name="tagText"></param> /// <returns>Object of type TitleTag.</returns> public TitleTag TitleTagSelectAuto( SqlConnection sqlConnection, SqlTransaction sqlTransaction, int titleID, string tagText) { SqlConnection connection = CustomSqlHelper.CreateConnection(CustomSqlHelper.GetConnectionStringFromConnectionStrings("BHL"), sqlConnection); SqlTransaction transaction = sqlTransaction; using (SqlCommand command = CustomSqlHelper.CreateCommand("TitleTagSelectAuto", connection, transaction, CustomSqlHelper.CreateInputParameter("TitleID", SqlDbType.Int, null, false, titleID), CustomSqlHelper.CreateInputParameter("TagText", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50, false, tagText))) { using (CustomSqlHelper <TitleTag> helper = new CustomSqlHelper <TitleTag>()) { CustomGenericList <TitleTag> list = helper.ExecuteReader(command); if (list.Count > 0) { TitleTag o = list[0]; list = null; return(o); } else { return(null); } } } }
public void Render_UsesHtmlEncoding() { var titleTag = new TitleTag("My <Title>"); titleTag.Render(_htmlHelper.Writer); var documentText = _htmlHelper.GetDocumentText(); Assert.That(documentText, Is.StringContaining("My <Title>")); }
public void Render() { var titleTag = new TitleTag("My Title"); titleTag.Render(_htmlHelper.Writer); var document = _htmlHelper.GetResultDocument(); var titleElement = _htmlHelper.GetAssertedChildElement(document, "title", 0); _htmlHelper.AssertTextNode(titleElement, "My Title", 0); }
/// <summary> /// Update values in TitleTag. Returns an object of type TitleTag. /// </summary> /// <param name="sqlConnection">Sql connection or null.</param> /// <param name="sqlTransaction">Sql transaction or null.</param> /// <param name="value">Object of type TitleTag.</param> /// <returns>Object of type TitleTag.</returns> public TitleTag TitleTagUpdateAuto( SqlConnection sqlConnection, SqlTransaction sqlTransaction, TitleTag value) { return(TitleTagUpdateAuto(sqlConnection, sqlTransaction, value.TitleID, value.TagText, value.MarcDataFieldTag, value.MarcSubFieldCode)); }
/// <summary> /// Manage TitleTag object. /// If the object is of type CustomObjectBase, /// then either insert values into, delete values from, or update values in TitleTag. /// </summary> /// <param name="sqlConnection">Sql connection or null.</param> /// <param name="sqlTransaction">Sql transaction or null.</param> /// <param name="value">Object of type TitleTag.</param> /// <returns>Object of type CustomDataAccessStatus<TitleTag>.</returns> public CustomDataAccessStatus <TitleTag> TitleTagManageAuto( SqlConnection sqlConnection, SqlTransaction sqlTransaction, TitleTag value) { if (value.IsNew && !value.IsDeleted) { TitleTag returnValue = TitleTagInsertAuto(sqlConnection, sqlTransaction, value.TitleID, value.TagText, value.MarcDataFieldTag, value.MarcSubFieldCode); return(new CustomDataAccessStatus <TitleTag>( CustomDataAccessContext.Insert, true, returnValue)); } else if (!value.IsNew && value.IsDeleted) { if (TitleTagDeleteAuto(sqlConnection, sqlTransaction, value.TitleID, value.TagText)) { return(new CustomDataAccessStatus <TitleTag>( CustomDataAccessContext.Delete, true, value)); } else { return(new CustomDataAccessStatus <TitleTag>( CustomDataAccessContext.Delete, false, value)); } } else if (value.IsDirty && !value.IsDeleted) { TitleTag returnValue = TitleTagUpdateAuto(sqlConnection, sqlTransaction, value.TitleID, value.TagText, value.MarcDataFieldTag, value.MarcSubFieldCode); return(new CustomDataAccessStatus <TitleTag>( CustomDataAccessContext.Update, true, returnValue)); } else { return(new CustomDataAccessStatus <TitleTag>( CustomDataAccessContext.NA, false, value)); } }
static string GetBlogTitle(string htmlContent) { string result = ""; Lexer lexer = new Lexer(htmlContent); Parser parser = new Parser(lexer); NodeList titleList = parser.Parse(titleFilter); if (titleList.Count == 1) { TitleTag titleTag = (TitleTag)titleList[0]; result = titleTag.Title; } else { Console.WriteLine("获取标题信息出错!"); } return(result); }
set => Set(TitleTag, value);
/// <summary> /// Sets the <c>title</c> of the page. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// <para> /// All calls to <see cref="SetTitle"/> must be completed before /// <see cref="SetAppended"/> is called. (Typically during the <c>Render</c> phase.) /// </para><para> /// Remove the title tag from the aspx-source. /// </para><para> /// Registeres the title with a default priority of Page. /// </para> /// </remarks> /// <param name="title"> The stirng to be isnerted as the title. </param> public void SetTitle(string title) { ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("title", title); _title = new TitleTag(title); }