Base class for domain event payloads, which are always timestamped.
Inheritance: EventArgs
        void wheelPositionUpdate(object sender, TimestampedEventArgs <IRobotTwoWheelStatus> e)
            curTS = e.TimeStamp;
            double curLeftPos    = e.Message.IntegratedLeftWheelPosition;
            double curRightPos   = e.Message.IntegratedRightWheelPosition;
            double curLeftSpeed  = e.Message.LeftWheelSpeed;
            double curRightSpeed = e.Message.RightWheelSpeed;
            double ts            = e.TimeStamp;

            if (!gotFirstUpdate)
                prevIntegratedLeft  = curLeftPos;
                prevIntegratedRight = curRightPos;
                prevTS         = curTS;
                gotFirstUpdate = true;
            //get the current thing
            double diffL  = curLeftPos - prevIntegratedLeft;
            double diffR  = curRightPos - prevIntegratedRight;
            double deltaT = curTS - prevTS;

            prevIntegratedLeft  = curLeftPos;
            prevIntegratedRight = curRightPos;
            prevTS = curTS;

            //from lavalle's book ;

            //calculate the derivatives in measurements we have
            double xdot       = ((diffL + diffR) / 2.0) * Math.Cos(state.yaw);
            double ydot       = ((diffL + diffR) / 2.0) * Math.Sin(state.yaw);
            double headingDot = (diffR - diffL) / robot.TrackWidth;

            //update the state vector
            state.x        += xdot;
            state.y        += ydot;
            state.yaw      += headingDot;
            state.yaw       = Pose.pi2pi(state.yaw);
            state.timestamp = ts;

            //update the wheel measurements

            if (OdometryUpdate != null)
                OdometryUpdate(this, new TimestampedEventArgs <RobotPose> (ts, CurrentState));
            if (EncoderUpdate != null)
                EncoderUpdate(this, new TimestampedEventArgs <OdometryData> (ts, new OdometryData(curLeftPos, curRightPos, diffL, diffR, curLeftSpeed, curRightSpeed, deltaT)));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void WhenLoadingFromEvent_ThenRootChangesState()
            var root   = new TestRoot();
            var events = new TimestampedEventArgs[] { new TestPublished {
                                                          Version = 5
                                                      } };


            Assert.Equal(5, root.LatestVersion);

            // This should be no-op now.

        void wheelPositionUpdate(object sender, TimestampedEventArgs<IRobotTwoWheelStatus> e)
            curTS = e.TimeStamp;
            double curLeftPos = e.Message.IntegratedLeftWheelPosition;
            double curRightPos = e.Message.IntegratedRightWheelPosition;
            double curLeftSpeed = e.Message.LeftWheelSpeed;
            double curRightSpeed = e.Message.RightWheelSpeed;
            double ts = e.TimeStamp;

            if (!gotFirstUpdate)

                prevIntegratedLeft = curLeftPos;
                prevIntegratedRight = curRightPos;
                prevTS = curTS;
                gotFirstUpdate = true;
            //get the current thing
            double diffL = curLeftPos - prevIntegratedLeft;
            double diffR = curRightPos - prevIntegratedRight;
            double deltaT = curTS - prevTS;
            prevIntegratedLeft = curLeftPos;
            prevIntegratedRight = curRightPos;
            prevTS = curTS;

            //from lavalle's book ;

            //calculate the derivatives in measurements we have
            double xdot = ((diffL + diffR) / 2.0) * Math.Cos(state.yaw);
            double ydot = ((diffL + diffR) / 2.0) * Math.Sin(state.yaw);
            double headingDot = (diffR - diffL) / robot.TrackWidth;

            //update the state vector
            state.x += xdot;
            state.y += ydot;
            state.yaw += headingDot;
            state.yaw = Pose.pi2pi(state.yaw);
            state.timestamp = ts;

            //update the wheel measurements

            if (OdometryUpdate != null) OdometryUpdate(this, new TimestampedEventArgs<RobotPose> (ts,CurrentState));
            if (EncoderUpdate != null) EncoderUpdate(this, new TimestampedEventArgs<OdometryData> (ts, new OdometryData (curLeftPos,curRightPos, diffL,diffR, curLeftSpeed, curRightSpeed, deltaT)));
Exemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// Publishes the specified event to the bus so that all subscribers are notified.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender">The sender of the event.</param>
    /// <param name="args">The event payload.</param>
    public virtual void Publish(AggregateRoot <TId> sender, TimestampedEventArgs args)
        Guard.NotNull(() => sender, sender);
        Guard.NotNull(() => args, args);

        var     compatibleHandlers = this.eventHandlers.Where(h => h.EventType.IsAssignableFrom(args.GetType())).ToList();
        dynamic dynamicEvent       = args;

        // By making this dynamic, we allow event handlers to subscribe to base classes
        foreach (dynamic handler in compatibleHandlers.Where(h => !h.IsAsync).AsParallel())
            handler.Handle(sender.Id, dynamicEvent);

        // Run background handlers through the async runner.
        foreach (dynamic handler in compatibleHandlers.Where(h => h.IsAsync).AsParallel())
            asyncActionRunner(() => handler.Handle(sender.Id, args));
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void ParsePVTGeodetic(byte idRev, byte[] msg, double ts, byte septID)
            GPSPositionData posData = new GPSPositionData();
            BinaryReader    br      = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(msg));

            br.ReadBytes(8);                            //knock off the first 8 bytes
            double TOW        = br.ReadUInt32() * .001; //seconds
            double WNc        = br.ReadUInt16();        //week number
            byte   mode       = br.ReadByte();
            byte   error      = br.ReadByte();
            double latitude   = br.ReadDouble();           //in radians!
            double longitude  = br.ReadDouble();
            double height     = br.ReadDouble();
            double undulation = br.ReadDouble();
            double velN       = br.ReadDouble();
            double velE       = br.ReadDouble();
            double velU       = br.ReadDouble();

            posData.position.alt = height;
   = latitude * 180.0 / Math.PI;
            posData.position.lon = longitude * 180.0 / Math.PI;
            posData.timeOfFix    = TOW;
            posData.timestamp    = ts;
            if (PositionMeasurementReceived != null)
                TimestampedEventArgs <GPSPositionData> GPSData = new TimestampedEventArgs <GPSPositionData>(ts, posData);
                if (septID == 0)
                    GPSData.Message.DataType = "frontGPS";
                else if (septID == 1)
                    GPSData.Message.DataType = "rearGPS";
                PositionMeasurementReceived(this, GPSData);
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Does nothing.
 /// </summary>
 public void Publish(AggregateRoot <TId> sender, TimestampedEventArgs args)
Exemplo n.º 7
 void segway_WheelPositionUpdate(object sender, TimestampedEventArgs<Magic.Common.Robots.IRobotTwoWheelStatus> e)
     timeStamp = e.TimeStamp;
Exemplo n.º 8
 void segway_WheelPositionUpdate(object sender, TimestampedEventArgs <Magic.Common.Robots.IRobotTwoWheelStatus> e)
     timeStamp = e.TimeStamp;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public StoredEvent(AggregateRoot <TId> sender, TimestampedEventArgs args)
     this.AggregateRoot = sender;
     this.EventArgs     = args;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public void Save(AggregateRoot <TId> sender, TimestampedEventArgs args)
 { StoredEvent(sender, args));
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void ParsePVTGeodetic(byte idRev, byte[] msg, double ts, byte septID)
            GPSPositionData posData = new GPSPositionData();
            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(msg));
            br.ReadBytes(8); //knock off the first 8 bytes
            double TOW = br.ReadUInt32() * .001; //seconds
            double WNc = br.ReadUInt16(); //week number
            byte mode = br.ReadByte();
            byte error = br.ReadByte();
            double latitude = br.ReadDouble(); //in radians!
            double longitude = br.ReadDouble();
            double height = br.ReadDouble();
            double undulation = br.ReadDouble();
            double velN = br.ReadDouble();
            double velE = br.ReadDouble();
            double velU = br.ReadDouble();

            posData.position.alt = height;
   = latitude * 180.0 / Math.PI;
            posData.position.lon = longitude * 180.0 / Math.PI;
            posData.timeOfFix = TOW;
            posData.timestamp = ts;
            if (PositionMeasurementReceived != null)
                TimestampedEventArgs<GPSPositionData> GPSData = new TimestampedEventArgs<GPSPositionData>(ts, posData);
                if (septID == 0)
                    GPSData.Message.DataType = "frontGPS";
                else if (septID == 1)
                    GPSData.Message.DataType = "rearGPS";
                PositionMeasurementReceived(this, GPSData);