Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Timeline&lt;T&gt;"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public TimeEngine()
     for (int timesliceIndex = 0; timesliceIndex < _timeslices.Length; timesliceIndex++)
         _timeslices[timesliceIndex] = new Timeslice();
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Start a site host
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rootAssemblyPath">Path to the assembly that contains a configuration point</param>
        /// <param name="majorVersion">Major version of site being hosted</param>
        /// <param name="versionName">Name of version</param>
        public SiteHost(string rootAssemblyPath, int majorVersion, string versionName)
            MajorVersion = majorVersion;
            VersionName  = versionName;
            TargetPath   = rootAssemblyPath;

            SuccessHistory = new Timeslice();
            FailureHistory = new Timeslice();

            Trace.TraceInformation("Starting up site v" + MajorVersion + " at " + TargetPath);

            // Find paths
            if (!File.Exists(rootAssemblyPath))
                throw new Exception("Root assembly path not accessible");
            var binPath        = Path.GetDirectoryName(rootAssemblyPath);
            var outerDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(binPath);

            if (outerDirectory == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not guess outer hosting directory");

            // Try to edit child's Web.Config file for Azure hosting requirements. We also turn on debug information, so we can capture it for logging.
            var webConfigPath = Path.Combine(outerDirectory, "web.config");

            if (File.Exists(webConfigPath))
                    EditForHosting(webConfigPath, binPath);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LastError = ex;
                    Trace.TraceWarning("Failed to edit web.config: " + ex);
                Trace.TraceWarning("Expected to see web config at '" + webConfigPath + "', but it was missing");

            // Chuck a copy of Huygens into the hosted site's bin directory.
            // This is required for hosting
            //if (!File.Exists(binPath + @"\Huygens.dll"))
            //    File.Copy(exePath + @".\Huygens.dll", binPath + @"\Huygens.dll", true); // try dropping in bin directly.

            Trace.TraceInformation("Loading and creating server at " + TargetPath);
            // Start the host
            HostedSite = new DirectServer(outerDirectory);

            Trace.TraceInformation("Warming server at " + TargetPath);

            Trace.TraceInformation("New version ready: v" + MajorVersion + " at " + TargetPath);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static TagContent RenderGraph(Timeslice success, Timeslice failure)
            var height = 240;
            var width  = 320;

            var doc = SvgHeader(width, height, out var root);

            var good   = success.View().Values.ToArray();
            var bad    = failure.View().Values.ToArray();
            var allMax = Math.Max(1, Math.Max(good.Max(), bad.Max()));

            DrawLines(good, allMax, height, width, root, "good");
            DrawLines(bad, allMax, height, width, root, "bad");

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mSecond">The m second.</param>
        public void EvaluateFrame(ulong time)
            //System.Console.WriteLine("Timeline: EvaluateFrame {" + time.ToString() + "}");
            _isRebuildList = true;
            _isRebuildLink = true;
            ulong listFractionTime;
            ulong linkFractionTime;
            int   listFractionTimeIndex = 0;
            int   linkFractionTimeIndex = 0;
            bool  isFirstLoop           = true;

            while (true)
                //+ check for escape
                if (time <= 0)
                //+ new timelice
                Timeslice timeslice = _timeslices[_timesliceIndex];
                Dictionary <ulong, List <TElement> > list = timeslice.List;
                Dictionary <ulong, LinkHead>         link = timeslice.Link;
                listFractionTime = FillWorkingFractionArray <List <TElement> >(list, ref _listWorkingFractionArray, TimePrecision.ListWorkingFractionSize, ref listFractionTimeIndex, ref _listMaxWorkingFraction);
                linkFractionTime = FillWorkingFractionArray <LinkHead>(link, ref _linkWorkingFractionArray, TimePrecision.LinkWorkingFractionSize, ref linkFractionTimeIndex, ref _linkMaxWorkingFraction);
                //+ process time-slices
                ulong fractionTime = System.Math.Min(listFractionTime, linkFractionTime);
                if (isFirstLoop == true)
                    isFirstLoop = false;
                    time       += fractionTime;
                ulong lastFractionTime = 0;
                while (fractionTime < ulong.MaxValue)
                    //+ advance time-slice + check for escape
                    time -= (fractionTime - lastFractionTime);
                    if (time <= 0)
                    //+ evaluate time
                    #region Evalutate Time
                    if (listFractionTime == fractionTime)
                        List <TElement> objectList = list[listFractionTime];
                        int             objectIndex;
                        int             objectListCount = objectList.Count;
                        for (objectIndex = 0; objectIndex <= (objectListCount - 5); objectIndex += 5)
                            _threadPool.Add(objectList.GetRange(objectIndex, 5));
                        if (objectIndex != objectListCount)
                            _threadPool.Add(objectList.GetRange(objectIndex, objectListCount - objectIndex));
                        //+ next
                        listFractionTime = (listFractionTimeIndex > 0 ? _listWorkingFractionArray[--listFractionTimeIndex] : ulong.MaxValue);
                    if (linkFractionTime == fractionTime)
                        LinkBase nextItem;
                        LinkHead head      = link[linkFractionTime];
                        LinkBase item      = head.Chain;
                        int      itemCount = head.Count;
                        int      itemIndex;
                        for (itemIndex = 0; itemIndex <= (itemCount - 5); itemIndex += 5)
                            LinkBase item0 = item; nextItem = item0.NextLink; item0.NextLink = null;     //+ paranoia
                            LinkBase item1 = nextItem; nextItem = item1.NextLink; item1.NextLink = null; //+ paranoia
                            LinkBase item2 = nextItem; nextItem = item2.NextLink; item2.NextLink = null; //+ paranoia
                            LinkBase item3 = nextItem; nextItem = item3.NextLink; item3.NextLink = null; //+ paranoia
                            LinkBase item4 = nextItem; nextItem = item4.NextLink; item4.NextLink = null; //+ paranoia
                            item = nextItem;
                            _threadPool.Add(new LinkBase[] { item0, item1, item2, item3, item4 });
                        if (itemIndex != itemCount)
                            itemCount -= itemIndex;
                            LinkBase[] itemArray = new LinkBase[itemCount];
                            itemIndex = 0;
                            //for (; itemIndex < itemCount; /*item != null;*/ item = nextItem)
                            //for (; item != null; item = nextItem)
                            for (; itemIndex < itemCount; item = nextItem)
                                nextItem = item.NextLink; item.NextLink = null; //+ paranoia
                                itemArray[itemIndex++] = item;
                        //+ next
                        linkFractionTime = (linkFractionTimeIndex > 0 ? _linkWorkingFractionArray[--linkFractionTimeIndex] : ulong.MaxValue);
                    #endregion Evalutate Time
                    //System.Console.WriteLine("Timeslice: " + time.ToString());
                    //+ process state-change
                    #region Process State-Change
                    ContextChange nextContext;
                    //for (Context context = m_contextChangeLink; context != null; context = nextContext)
                    //    nextContext = context.NextContext;
                    //    context.NextContext = null; //+ paranoia
                    //    context.Execute();
                    ContextChange context      = _contextChangeLink;
                    int           contextCount = _contextChangeLinkCount;
                    int           contextIndex;
                    for (contextIndex = 0; contextIndex <= (contextCount - 5); contextIndex += 5)
                        ContextChange context0 = context; nextContext = context0.NextContextChange; context0.NextContextChange = null;     //+ paranoia
                        ContextChange context1 = nextContext; nextContext = context1.NextContextChange; context1.NextContextChange = null; //+ paranoia
                        ContextChange context2 = nextContext; nextContext = context2.NextContextChange; context2.NextContextChange = null; //+ paranoia
                        ContextChange context3 = nextContext; nextContext = context3.NextContextChange; context3.NextContextChange = null; //+ paranoia
                        ContextChange context4 = nextContext; nextContext = context4.NextContextChange; context4.NextContextChange = null; //+ paranoia
                        context = nextContext;
                        _threadPool.Add(new ContextChange[] { context0, context1, context2, context3, context4 });
                    if (contextIndex != contextCount)
                        contextCount -= contextIndex;
                        ContextChange[] contextArray = new ContextChange[contextCount];
                        contextIndex = 0;
                        //for (; contextIndex < itemCount; /*context != null;*/ context = nextContext)
                        //for (; context != null; context = nextContext)
                        for (; contextIndex < contextCount; context = nextContext)
                            nextContext = context.NextContextChange; context.NextContextChange = null; //+ paranoia
                            contextArray[contextIndex++] = context;
                    //+ clear
                    _contextChangeLink      = null;
                    _contextChangeLinkCount = 0;
                    #endregion Process State-Change
                    if ((_isRebuildList == true) || (_listMaxWorkingFraction == fractionTime))
                        _isRebuildList   = false;
                        listFractionTime = FillWorkingFractionArray <List <TElement> >(list, ref _listWorkingFractionArray, TimePrecision.ListWorkingFractionSize, ref listFractionTimeIndex, ref _listMaxWorkingFraction);
                    if ((_isRebuildLink == true) || (_linkMaxWorkingFraction == fractionTime))
                        _isRebuildLink   = false;
                        linkFractionTime = FillWorkingFractionArray <LinkHead>(link, ref _linkWorkingFractionArray, TimePrecision.LinkWorkingFractionSize, ref linkFractionTimeIndex, ref _linkMaxWorkingFraction);
                    lastFractionTime = fractionTime;
                    fractionTime     = System.Math.Min(listFractionTime, linkFractionTime);
                //+ advance time
                _isRebuildList = true;
                _isRebuildLink = true;
                time          -= (TimePrecision.TimeScaler - lastFractionTime);
                if (_timesliceIndex >= TimesliceArraySize)
                    _timesliceIndex = 0;
                    //System.Console.WriteLine("Timeline: ccycle");
                    //+ dehibernate
                    #region Dehibernate
                    for (LinkedListNode <Hibernate> hibernateNode = _hibernateList.First; hibernateNode != null; hibernateNode = hibernateNode.Next)
                        Hibernate hibernate = hibernateNode.Value;
                        ulong     newTime   = (hibernate.Time -= TimesliceArrayTime);
                        if (newTime < TimesliceArrayTime)
                            if (newTime < 0)
                                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(); //+ paranoia
                            //+ remove node
                            //+ add to timeline
                            System.Console.WriteLine("Timeline: Dehibernate {" + newTime.ToString() + "}");
                            Add(hibernate.Object, newTime);
                            hibernateNode.Value = hibernate;
                    LinkBase lastObject = _hibernateLink;
                    for (LinkBase @object = _hibernateLink; @object != null; @object = @object.NextLink)
                        ulong newTime = (@object.HibernateTime -= TimesliceArrayTime);
                        if (newTime < TimesliceArrayTime)
                            if (newTime < 0)
                                throw new System.InvalidOperationException(); //+ paranoia
                            //+ remove node
                            //lastObject = (m_hibernateLink != @object ? (lastObject.NextTimeLink = @object.NextTimeLink) : (m_hibernateLink = @object.NextTimeLink));
                            lastObject       = (lastObject.NextLink = @object.NextLink);
                            @object.NextLink = null; //+ paranoia
                            //+ add to timeline
                            System.Console.WriteLine("Timeline: Dehibernate {" + newTime.ToString() + "}");
                            Add(@object, newTime);
                            lastObject = @object;
                #endregion Dehibernate