public override void Run()
            var baseKey = new JobMessage()
                Category = "01", Name = this.Name, BaseKey = Guid.NewGuid()

            //the time at which the job will run
            var currentBaseTimePoint = DateTime.Now.Date.Add(startSpan);

            var baseDate = DateTime.Now <= currentBaseTimePoint?currentBaseTimePoint.AddDays(-1) : currentBaseTimePoint;

            while (_running)
                var nextDay = baseDate.AddDays(1);
                //current data is greater than baseDate if the job is running slowly
                while (nextDay < DateTime.Now)
                    baseDate = nextDay;
                    nextDay  = nextDay.AddDays(1);
                var baseTime = nextDay - baseDate;

                if (!TimePending.Pending(baseTime, baseDate, baseKey))
                    if (UnitContainer != null && _running)
                        //Store the info of timer
                        if (!this.Parameters.AllKeys.Contains(JobDictionary.JOB_INTERNAL_TIMER_PATTERN))
                            this.Parameters.Add(JobDictionary.JOB_INTERNAL_TIMER_PATTERN, null);
                        if (!this.Parameters.AllKeys.Contains(JobDictionary.JOB_INTERNAL_TIMER_TIME))
                            this.Parameters.Add(JobDictionary.JOB_INTERNAL_TIMER_TIME, Parameters["jobTime"]);

                    baseDate = nextDay;
        public override void Run()
            if (DebugContainer.Debuggers == null || UnitContainer.Units == null)
                throw new Exception("JobManager have not been initialized");

            DateTime baseDate = new DateTime();

            if (JobTimeFormatter != null)
                baseDate = JobTimeFormatter.FormatTime;

            JobMessage baseKey = new JobMessage()
                Category = "00", Name = this.Name, BaseKey = Guid.NewGuid()

            while (_running)
                    //By specified time
                    if (JobTimeFormatter != null)
                        TimeSpan baseTime = new TimeSpan();
                        switch (JobTimeFormatter.Type)
                        case JobDictionary.JobTimeType.M:
                            var nextYear = baseDate.AddYears(1);
                            //current data is greater than baseDate if the job is running slowly
                            while (nextYear < DateTime.Now)
                                baseDate = nextYear;
                                nextYear = nextYear.AddYears(1);
                            baseTime = nextYear - baseDate;
                            if (!TimePending.Pending(baseTime, baseDate, baseKey))
                                //Prepare for the next plan
                                baseDate = nextYear;

                        case JobDictionary.JobTimeType.D:
                            var nextMonth = baseDate.AddMonths(1);
                            //current data is greater than baseDate if the job is running slowly
                            while (nextMonth < DateTime.Now)
                                baseDate  = nextMonth;
                                nextMonth = nextMonth.AddMonths(1);
                            baseTime = nextMonth - baseDate;
                            if (!TimePending.Pending(baseTime, baseDate, baseKey))
                                baseDate = nextMonth;

                        case JobDictionary.JobTimeType.h:
                            var nexDay = baseDate.AddDays(1);
                            //current data is greater than baseDate if the job is running slowly
                            while (nexDay < DateTime.Now)
                                baseDate = nexDay;
                                nexDay   = nexDay.AddDays(1);
                            baseTime = nexDay - baseDate;
                            if (!TimePending.Pending(baseTime, baseDate, baseKey))
                                baseDate = nexDay;

                        case JobDictionary.JobTimeType.m:
                            var nextHour = baseDate.AddHours(1);
                            //current data is greater than baseDate if the job is running slowly
                            while (nextHour < DateTime.Now)
                                baseDate = nextHour;
                                nextHour = nextHour.AddHours(1);
                            baseTime = nextHour - baseDate;
                            if (!TimePending.Pending(baseTime, baseDate, baseKey))
                                baseDate = nextHour;

                        case JobDictionary.JobTimeType.s:
                            var nextMinute = baseDate.AddMinutes(1);
                            //current data is greater than baseDate if the job is running slowly
                            while (nextMinute < DateTime.Now)
                                baseDate   = nextMinute;
                                nextMinute = nextMinute.AddMinutes(1);
                            baseTime = nextMinute - baseDate;
                            if (!TimePending.Pending(baseTime, baseDate, baseKey))
                                baseDate = nextMinute;