public async void TestTimeOutExceptionThrow() { //Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var Thrown = false; try { await TimeOut.Execute(() => Task.Delay(5000), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { Thrown = true; } //sw.Stop(); //Assert.True(sw.Elapsed >= TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)); Assert.True(Thrown); }
public bool Create(uint idNewMapItem, Map map, Point pos, Item pInfo, uint idOwner) { if (map == null || pInfo == null) { return(false); } int nAliveSecs = _MAPITEM_USERMAX_ALIVESECS; if (pInfo.Itemtype != null) { nAliveSecs = (int)(pInfo.Itemtype.Price / _MAPITEM_ALIVESECS_PERPRICE + _MAPITEM_USERMIN_ALIVESECS); } if (nAliveSecs > _MAPITEM_USERMAX_ALIVESECS) { nAliveSecs = _MAPITEM_USERMAX_ALIVESECS; } m_tAlive = new TimeOut(nAliveSecs); m_tAlive.Update(); Map = map; MapIdentity = map.Identity; MapX = (ushort)pos.X; MapY = (ushort)pos.Y; m_pItem = pInfo; m_dwIdentity = idNewMapItem; m_pPacket.Identity = idNewMapItem; m_pItemtype = pInfo.Itemtype; m_pItem.OwnerIdentity = 0; m_pItem.PlayerIdentity = idOwner; m_pItem.Position = (ItemPosition)254; m_pPacket.ItemColor = 3; m_pPacket.DropType = 1; m_pPacket.Itemtype = Type = pInfo.Type; Map.AddItem(this); return(true); }
public static DateTimeOffset GetTimeOutEndDate(TimeOut timeOutType, DateTimeOffset startDate) { switch (timeOutType) { case TimeOut._24Hrs: return(startDate.AddDays(1)); case TimeOut.Week: return(startDate.AddDays(7)); case TimeOut.Month: return(startDate.AddMonths(1)); case TimeOut._6Weeks: return(startDate.AddDays(42)); default: return(DateTimeOffset.MinValue); } }
private void _timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_timeOut <= 0) { _timer.Stop(); _cronometro = 0; } _cronometro++; if (_cronometro >= _timeOut) { FecharDropDown(); _timer.Stop(); _cronometro = 0; if (TimeOut != null) { TimeOut.Invoke(this, new EventArgs()); } } }
private void init() { //数据配置 pointMetaData = new List <PointMetadata>(); //Meu窗口配置 searchWin = new SearchWindow() { SignalDisplayList = signalList, ClientAsync = clientAsync }; connectWindow = new ConnectWindow(); SignalMeItem.AddHandler(MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(signalMeItemMouseLeftButtonDown), true); ConnectMeItem.AddHandler(MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(ConnectMeItemMouseLeftButtonDown), true); ///连接到服务端配置 EthernetSetUp setUp = new EthernetSetUp("", 9527); ILog log = new DefaultLog("SignalMonitor"); TimeOut timeOut = new TimeOut("SignalMonitor", 1000, log); clientAsync = new FreedomClientAsync(setUp, timeOut, log); //读服务器元数据 clientAsync.AsyncReadMetaData += asyncReadMetaData; //订阅client操作事件 clientAsync.AsyncReadOrSubsEvent += asyncReadOrSubsEvent; clientAsync.AsyncWriteEvent += ayncWriteEvent; clientAsync.DisconnectEvent += disconnectEvent; //断线重连事件 reTime = new System.Timers.Timer(3000); reTime.Elapsed += ReTime_Elapsed; if (clientAsync.Connect()) { clientAsync.ReadMetaData(); } }
/// <summary> /// Convert to specification in server format /// </summary> /// <returns>The specification for the group</returns> override public String ToString() { String subgroupsView = String.Empty; if (SubGroups != null) { for (int idx = 0; idx < SubGroups.Count; idx++) { subgroupsView += String.Format("\t{0}\r\n", SubGroups[idx]); } } String ownersView = String.Empty; if (OwnerNames != null) { for (int idx = 0; idx < OwnerNames.Count; idx++) { ownersView += String.Format("\t{0}\r\n", OwnerNames[idx]); } } String usersView = String.Empty; if (UserNames != null) { for (int idx = 0; idx < UserNames.Count; idx++) { usersView += String.Format("\t{0}\r\n", UserNames[idx]); } } String value = String.Format(GroupSpecFormat, Id, (MaxResults > 0) ? MaxResults.ToString() : string.Empty, (MaxScanRows > 0) ? MaxScanRows.ToString() : string.Empty, (MaxLockTime > 0) ? MaxLockTime.ToString() : string.Empty, (MaxOpenFiles > 0) ? MaxOpenFiles.ToString() : string.Empty, (TimeOut > 0) ? TimeOut.ToString() : string.Empty, (PasswordTimeout > 0) ? "PasswordTimeout:\t" + PasswordTimeout.ToString() + "\r\n" + "\r\n" : string.Empty, subgroupsView, ownersView, usersView); return(value); }
public bool Create(uint idNewMapItem, Map map, Point pos, DbItemtype idType, uint idOwner, byte nPlus, byte nDmg, short nDura) { if (map == null || idType == null) { return(false); } m_tAlive = new TimeOut(_DISAPPEAR_TIME); m_tAlive.Startup(_DISAPPEAR_TIME); Map = map; MapIdentity = map.Identity; MapX = (ushort)pos.X; MapY = (ushort)pos.Y; m_nPlus = nPlus; m_nDmg = nDmg; m_nDura = nDura; m_pItemtype = idType; Type = m_pItemtype.Type; m_dwIdentity = idNewMapItem; m_pPacket.Identity = idNewMapItem; if (idOwner != 0) { m_idOwner = idOwner; m_tPriv = new TimeOut(_MAPITEM_PRIV_SECS); m_tPriv.Startup(_MAPITEM_PRIV_SECS); m_tPriv.Update(); } m_pPacket.DropType = 1; m_pPacket.ItemColor = 3; Map.AddItem(this); return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //EthernetSetUp _setup = new EthernetSetUp("", 502); SerialportSetUp _setup = new SerialportSetUp("com3", 9600, 8, StopBits.One); ILog _log = new DefaultLog("ModbusTCPClient"); TimeOut _timeout = new TimeOut("ModbusTCPClient", 1000, _log); //ModbusTCPClient _client = new ModbusTCPClient(_setup,_timeout,_log); var _client = new ModbusRTUMaster(_setup, _timeout, _log); if (_client.Connect())//先判断是否能连接到客户端 { //var boolvalue = _client.ReadBool(new DeviceAddress(1, 00001)); //var boolvalues = _client.ReadBools(new DeviceAddress(1, 00001),10); //var boolvalue1 = _client.ReadBool(new DeviceAddress(1, 10001)); //var boolvalue1s = _client.ReadBools(new DeviceAddress(1, 10001), 10); //var shortvalue = _client.ReadShort(new DeviceAddress(1, 30001)); //var shortvalues = _client.ReadShorts(new DeviceAddress(1, 30001), 10); //var shortvalue1 = _client.ReadUShort(new DeviceAddress(1, 40001)); //var ushortvalue1s = _client.ReadUShorts(new DeviceAddress(1, 40001), 10); //var intvalue = _client.ReadInt(new DeviceAddress(1, 30001)); //var intvalues = _client.ReadInts(new DeviceAddress(1, 30001), 10); var intvalue1 = _client.ReadInt(new DeviceAddress(1, 40001, byteOrder: ByteOrder.BigEndian)); var intvalue1s = _client.ReadInts(new DeviceAddress(1, 40001, byteOrder: ByteOrder.BigEndian), 5); //var floatvalue = _client.Readfloat(new DeviceAddress(1, 30001)); //var floatvalues = _client.Readfloats(new DeviceAddress(1, 30001),10); //var floatvalue1 = _client.Readfloat(new DeviceAddress(1, 40001)); //var floatvalue1s = _client.Readfloats(new DeviceAddress(1, 40001), 10); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public DataSet GetDataSet(string Sql) { DataSet oDS = new DataSet(); try { using (var connection = new MySqlConnection(this.ConnectionString)) { connection.Open(); MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand(Sql, connection); if (TimeOut != 0 || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(TimeOut.ToString())) { command.CommandTimeout = TimeOut; } MySqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(command); dataAdapter.Fill(oDS); command.Dispose(); dataAdapter.Dispose(); connection.Close(); } return(oDS); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public bool OnInit() { _log.NormalLog(string.Format("ModbusServerHanderTask:Init=>Initing")); try { _config = ReaderXMLUtil.ReadXMLConfig <ModbusServerConfig>("../../../../conf/Configuration.xml", ModbusServerConfig.ReadConfig, "setup", "ModbusTCPServerHandlerTask")[0]; if (_config.SignalListFilePath == "") { _log.ErrorLog("ModbusServerHanderTask Init fail: signal file path is null!"); return(false); } _workbook = XmlSerialiaztion.XmlDeserial <XMLWorkbook>(_config.SignalListFilePath, _log); if (_workbook == default(XMLWorkbook)) { _log.ErrorLog("ModbusServerHanderTask Init fail:Read signal file fail!"); return(false); } _points = PointsCollcetCreate.CreateMoudbus(_workbook, _log); ModbusPointsRegister.Register(_points, _log); _timeout = new TimeOut("ModbusServerHanderTask", _config.TimeOut, _log); _server = new ModbusTCPServer(new EthernetSetUp(_config.IpAddress, _config.Port), _timeout, _log, _config.MaxConnect, _config.SalveId, SocketServers.SocketServerType.SaeaServer); if (_server.Init()) { _log.NormalLog(string.Format("ModbusServerHanderTask:Initing=>Inited")); return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.ErrorLog(string.Format("ModbusServerHanderTask Init fail:{0}", e.Message)); return(false); } }
public bool TryGet <T>(string key, string region, out T value) { var hash = CalcSlotIndex(key, region); T cachedValue; if (TryGetCachedValue(key, region, out cachedValue)) { value = cachedValue; return(true); } // Spin while we wait for the lock to become available uint t = TimeOut.GetTime(); while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _slots[hash], 0, 0) != 0) { if (TryGetCachedValue(key, region, out cachedValue)) { value = cachedValue; return(true); } if (TimeOut.UpdateTimeOut(t, ReadTimeout) <= 0) { break; } } // Try again since another thread may of finished with this bucket if (TryGetCachedValue(key, region, out cachedValue)) { value = cachedValue; return(true); } value = default(T); return(false); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="callBackFunction"></param> /// <param name="delay"></param> /// <returns></returns> private int __setTimeout__(Func <Jint.Native.JsValue, Jint.Native.JsValue[], Jint.Native.JsValue> callBackFunction, double delay) { _timeoutID++; TimeOut _to = new TimeOut(); _to.Delay = delay; _to.Function = callBackFunction; _to.ID = _timeoutID; TimeOutList.Add(_to); if (_dt == null) { _dt = new Windows.UI.Xaml.DispatcherTimer(); _dt.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100); _dt.Tick += _dt_Tick; _dt.Start(); } return(_timeoutID); // return this._eventQueue.Enqueue(new CallBackEvent(callBackFunction, delay, CallBackType.TimeOut)).Id; }
/// <summary> /// 从串口接收一串数据信息,可以指定是否一定要接收到数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="socket">串口对象</param> /// <param name="awaitData">是否必须要等待数据返回</param> /// <returns>结果数据对象</returns> protected OperateResult <byte[]> ReceiveSolo(Socket socket, bool awaitData) { //if (!Authorization.nzugaydgwadawdibbas()) //{ // return new OperateResult<byte[]>(StringResources.Language.AuthorizationFailed); //} byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); DateTime now = DateTime.Now; TimeOut hslTimeOut = new TimeOut { DelayTime = base.ReceiveTimeOut, WorkSocket = socket }; if (base.ReceiveTimeOut > 0) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(base.ThreadPoolCheckTimeOut, hslTimeOut); } try { Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); socket.ReceiveTimeout = 500; int count = socket.Receive(buffer); hslTimeOut.IsSuccessful = true; memoryStream.Write(buffer, 0, count); } catch (Exception ex) { memoryStream.Dispose(); return(new OperateResult <byte[]>(ex.Message)); } byte[] value = memoryStream.ToArray(); memoryStream.Dispose(); return(OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult(value)); }
/// <summary> /// 创建一个新的socket对象并连接到远程的地址 /// </summary> /// <param name="endPoint">连接的目标终结点</param> /// <param name="timeOut">连接的超时时间</param> /// <returns>返回套接字的封装结果对象</returns> /// <example> /// <code lang="cs" source="Communication_Net45.Test\Documentation\Samples\Core\NetworkBase.cs" region="CreateSocketAndConnectExample" title="创建连接示例" /> /// </example> protected OperateResult <Socket> CreateSocketAndConnect(IPEndPoint endPoint, int timeOut) { if (UseSynchronousNet)//使用同步网络 { var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); try { TimeOut connectTimeout = new TimeOut() { WorkSocket = socket, DelayTime = timeOut }; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(ThreadPoolCheckTimeOut), connectTimeout); socket.Connect(endPoint); connectTimeout.IsSuccessful = true; return(OperateResult.CreateSuccessResult(socket)); } catch (Exception ex) { socket?.Close(); LogNet?.WriteException("CreateSocketAndConnect", ex); return(new OperateResult <Socket>(ex.Message)); } } else { OperateResult <Socket> result = new OperateResult <Socket>(); ManualResetEvent connectDone = null; StateObject state = null; try { connectDone = new ManualResetEvent(false); state = new StateObject(); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new OperateResult <Socket>(ex.Message)); } var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); // 超时验证的信息 TimeOut connectTimeout = new TimeOut() { WorkSocket = socket, DelayTime = timeOut }; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(ThreadPoolCheckTimeOut), connectTimeout); try { state.WaitDone = connectDone; state.WorkSocket = socket; socket.BeginConnect(endPoint, new AsyncCallback(ConnectCallBack), state);// 当连接的结果返回 } catch (Exception ex) { // 直接失败 connectTimeout.IsSuccessful = true; // 退出线程池的超时检查 LogNet?.WriteException(ToString(), ex); // 记录错误日志 socket.Close(); // 关闭网络信息 connectDone.Close(); // 释放等待资源 result.Message = StringResources.Language.ConnectedFailed + ex.Message; // 传递错误消息 return(result); } // 等待连接完成 connectDone.WaitOne(); connectDone.Close(); connectTimeout.IsSuccessful = true; if (state.IsError) { // 连接失败 result.Message = StringResources.Language.ConnectedFailed + state.ErrerMsg; socket?.Close(); return(result); } result.Content = socket; result.IsSuccess = true; state.Clear(); state = null; return(result); } }
public DateTimeOffset GetTimeOutEndDate(TimeOut timeOutType, DateTimeOffset startDate) { return(ExclusionDateHelper.GetTimeOutEndDate(timeOutType, startDate)); }
private void buttonStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (buttonStart.Text == "&Start")//开始 { IPEndPoint iep = GetEndPoint(comboBoxServer.Text); if (iep != null) { if (Config.WorkPath.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Path can not be empty", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } Config.ServerIP = comboBoxServer.Text; Config.SaveServerList(comboBoxServer.Text); SetButtonEnabled(buttonUninstall, false); SetControlText(buttonStart, "&Cancel"); SetControlText(labelInfo, "Connect to server"); SetProgressBarValue(progressBarDetail, 0); SetProgressBarValue(progressBarTotal, 0); #if !Remoting client = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); time = new TimeOut(Config.TimeOutInterval, new TimeOut.TimeOutCallBack(TimeOut), client); time.Start();//开始计时 client.BeginConnect(iep, new AsyncCallback(Connect), iep); #else td = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Connect)); td.Start(iep); #endif } } else //取消 { SetControlText(buttonStart, "&Start"); SetButtonEnabled(buttonUninstall, true); #if !Remoting if (client != null) { client.Close(); } #else if (td != null && td.ThreadState != ThreadState.Stopped) { td.Abort(); } #endif } }
private bool setUp() { //bool flag; _configs = ReaderXMLUtil.ReadXMLConfig <TaskConfig>(_configFath, ConfigUtilly.ReadConfig, _nodeElement, _handler); if (_configs != null) { _log.NormalLog(string.Format("{0}:Down=>Creating", "SetUp()")); //创建外部task var taskFactory = new ts.TaskFactory(_configFath); //task类型配置 foreach (var config in _configs) { ILog log = new DefaultLog(config.TaskName) { Handle = LogHandle.debug, ByteSteamLogSwicth = true }; //根据task类型配置创建具体的task列表 var tasks = taskFactory.CreateTasks(config, log); foreach (var task in tasks) { if (task != null) { task.InitLevel = config.InitLevel; _log.NormalLog(string.Format("{0}:Task<{1}>,Creating=>Created", "SetUp()", config.TaskName)); addTask(task); } } } //创建内部Task //自定义协议,用于信号监控及界面通讯 string freeTaskName = "FreedomServerTaskHandler"; ILog freelog = new DefaultLog(freeTaskName); TimeOut freeTimeout = new TimeOut(freeTaskName, 1000, freelog); EthernetSetUp freeSetup = new EthernetSetUp("", 9527); FreedomServerTask freeServerTask = new FreedomServerTask(freeTaskName, freelog, freeTimeout, freeSetup); _log.NormalLog(string.Format("{0}:Task<{1}>,Creating=>Created", "SetUp()", freeServerTask.TaskName)); addTask(freeServerTask); sortTasks(); foreach (var t in _tasks) { ChangInitLevel(t.InitLevel); if (t.OnInit()) { continue; } else { _log.ErrorLog(string.Format("Task<{0}> Inited failed!", t.TaskName)); return(false); } } } else { _log.ErrorLog("Tasks config Error!"); return(false); } return(true); }
public void ExecuteReachCommand() { IsReachflyoutOpen = true; timeOut = new TimeOut(20, CloseFlyout); }
protected override void MFOnDestroy() { mTimeOut = null; mTimeOutEventHandler = null; }
public override void Initialize(TimeOut timeout) { base.Initialize(timeout); renderer = timeout.GetComponent <Renderer>(); }
private void buttonStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (buttonStart.Text == labelStart.Text)//开始 { if (treeViewSolution.SelectedNode == null || treeViewSolution.SelectedNode.Level == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Select a solution first", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); return; } if (Config.WorkPath.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Path can not be empty", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } int port = Config.ServerPort; IPAddress ip = IPAddress.None; Solution sol = (Solution)treeViewSolution.SelectedNode.Tag; IPEndPoint iep = GetEndPoint(string.Format("{0}:{1}", sol.IP, sol.Port)); if (iep != null) { SetState(State.Downloading); CurrentSolution = sol; SetControlText(labelInfo, labelConnecting.Text); #if !Remoting client = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); time = new TimeOut(Config.TimeOutInterval, new TimeOut.TimeOutCallBack(TimeOut), client); time.Start();//开始计时 client.BeginConnect(iep, new AsyncCallback(Download), iep); #else td = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(DownLoad)); td.Start(iep); #endif } } else //取消 { SetState(State.Idle); #if !Remoting if (client != null) { client.Close(); } #else if (td != null && td.ThreadState != ThreadState.Stopped) { td.Abort(); } #endif } }
/* The TimeOut sandal is another copy of the reference to the TimeOut script used for the powerups. It allows the subclass SNDL_PU * to read the type variable and timeractive variable from the TimeOut script. These variables indicate to the SNDL_PU class whether or not * it should act and if so for how long it should change the transparency of the powerup sprite. */ // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { sandal = FindObjectOfType <TimeOut>(); powerUp.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.0f); timer.color = Color.clear; }
void Start() { to = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TimeOut>(); }
public void Init(float timeOut,DownloadTimeOutEventHandler timeOutEventHandler) { mTimeOut = new TimeOut(); mTimeOut.SetTimeOut(timeOut); mTimeOutEventHandler = timeOutEventHandler; }
/// <summary> /// Load preferences object /// </summary> private void LoadPrefs(UserPrefs p) { SetProject(p.LanguageCode, p.Project, p.CustomProject); FindAndReplace.Clear(); chkFindandReplace.Checked = p.FindAndReplace.Enabled; FindAndReplace.IgnoreLinks = p.FindAndReplace.IgnoreSomeText; FindAndReplace.IgnoreMore = p.FindAndReplace.IgnoreMoreText; FindAndReplace.AppendToSummary = p.FindAndReplace.AppendSummary; FindAndReplace.AfterOtherFixes = p.FindAndReplace.AfterOtherFixes; FindAndReplace.AddNew(p.FindAndReplace.Replacements); RplcSpecial.Clear(); RplcSpecial.AddNewRule(p.FindAndReplace.AdvancedReps); SubstTemplates.Clear(); SubstTemplates.TemplateList = p.FindAndReplace.SubstTemplates; SubstTemplates.ExpandRecursively = p.FindAndReplace.ExpandRecursively; SubstTemplates.IgnoreUnformatted = p.FindAndReplace.IgnoreUnformatted; SubstTemplates.IncludeComments = p.FindAndReplace.IncludeComments; FindAndReplace.MakeList(); listMaker.SourceText = p.List.ListSource; listMaker.SelectedSource = p.List.SourceIndex; SaveArticleList = p.General.SaveArticleList; IgnoreNoBots = p.General.IgnoreNoBots; listMaker.Add(p.List.ArticleList); chkGeneralFixes.Checked = p.Editprefs.GeneralFixes; chkAutoTagger.Checked = p.Editprefs.Tagger; chkUnicodifyWhole.Checked = p.Editprefs.Unicodify; cmboCategorise.SelectedIndex = p.Editprefs.Recategorisation; txtNewCategory.Text = p.Editprefs.NewCategory; txtNewCategory2.Text = p.Editprefs.NewCategory2; cmboImages.SelectedIndex = p.Editprefs.ReImage; txtImageReplace.Text = p.Editprefs.ImageFind; txtImageWith.Text = p.Editprefs.Replace; chkSkipNoCatChange.Checked = p.Editprefs.SkipIfNoCatChange; chkRemoveSortKey.Checked = p.Editprefs.RemoveSortKey; chkSkipNoImgChange.Checked = p.Editprefs.SkipIfNoImgChange; chkAppend.Checked = p.Editprefs.AppendText; rdoAppend.Checked = p.Editprefs.Append; rdoPrepend.Checked = !p.Editprefs.Append; txtAppendMessage.Text = p.Editprefs.Text; udNewlineChars.Value = p.Editprefs.Newlines; nudBotSpeed.Value = p.Editprefs.AutoDelay; chkSuppressTag.Checked = p.Editprefs.SupressTag; chkRegExTypo.Checked = p.Editprefs.RegexTypoFix; radSkipNonExistent.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipNonexistent; radSkipExistent.Checked = p.SkipOptions.Skipexistent; chkSkipNoChanges.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipWhenNoChanges; chkSkipSpamFilter.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipSpamFilterBlocked; chkSkipIfInuse.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipInuse; chkSkipWhitespace.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipWhenOnlyWhitespaceChanged; chkSkipCasing.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipOnlyCasingChanged; chkSkipGeneralFixes.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipOnlyGeneralFixChanges; chkSkipMinorGeneralFixes.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipOnlyMinorGeneralFixChanges; chkSkipIfRedirect.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipIfRedirect; chkSkipIfNoAlerts.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipIfNoAlerts; chkSkipIfContains.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipDoes; chkSkipIfNotContains.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipDoesNot; txtSkipIfContains.Text = p.SkipOptions.SkipDoesText; txtSkipIfNotContains.Text = p.SkipOptions.SkipDoesNotText; chkSkipIsRegex.Checked = p.SkipOptions.Regex; chkSkipCaseSensitive.Checked = p.SkipOptions.CaseSensitive; chkSkipWhenNoFAR.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipNoFindAndReplace; chkSkipIfNoRegexTypo.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipNoRegexTypoFix; Skip.SelectedItems = p.SkipOptions.GeneralSkipList; chkSkipNoDab.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipNoDisambiguation; chkSkipNoPageLinks.Checked = p.SkipOptions.SkipNoLinksOnPage; cmboEditSummary.Items.Clear(); if (p.General.Summaries.Count == 0) { LoadDefaultEditSummaries(); } else { foreach (string s in p.General.Summaries) { cmboEditSummary.Items.Add(s); } } chkLock.Checked = p.General.LockSummary; EditToolBarVisible = p.General.EditToolbarEnabled; cmboEditSummary.Text = p.General.SelectedSummary; if (chkLock.Checked) { lblSummary.Text = p.General.SelectedSummary; } PasteMore1.Text = p.General.PasteMore[0]; PasteMore2.Text = p.General.PasteMore[1]; PasteMore3.Text = p.General.PasteMore[2]; PasteMore4.Text = p.General.PasteMore[3]; PasteMore5.Text = p.General.PasteMore[4]; PasteMore6.Text = p.General.PasteMore[5]; PasteMore7.Text = p.General.PasteMore[6]; PasteMore8.Text = p.General.PasteMore[7]; PasteMore9.Text = p.General.PasteMore[8]; PasteMore10.Text = p.General.PasteMore[9]; txtFind.Text = p.General.FindText; chkFindRegex.Checked = p.General.FindRegex; chkFindCaseSensitive.Checked = p.General.FindCaseSensitive; wordWrapToolStripMenuItem1.Checked = p.General.WordWrap; EnableToolBar = p.General.ToolBarEnabled; bypassRedirectsToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.BypassRedirect; autoSaveSettingsToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.AutoSaveSettings; preParseModeToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.PreParseMode; noSectionEditSummaryToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.noSectionEditSummary; restrictDefaultsortChangesToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.restrictDefaultsortAddition; noMOSComplianceFixesToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.noMOSComplianceFixes; syntaxHighlightEditBoxToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.syntaxHighlightEditBox; automaticallyDoAnythingToolStripMenuItem.Checked = !p.General.NoAutoChanges; toolStripComboOnLoad.SelectedIndex = p.General.OnLoadAction; chkMinor.Checked = p.General.Minor; addAllToWatchlistToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.Watch; dontAddToWatchlistToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.DoNotWatch; ShowMovingAverageTimer = p.General.TimerEnabled; sortAlphabeticallyToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.SortListAlphabetically; displayfalsePositivesButtonToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.AddIgnoredToLog; AutoSaveEditBoxEnabled = p.General.AutoSaveEdit.Enabled; AutoSaveEditBoxPeriod = p.General.AutoSaveEdit.SavePeriod; AutoSaveEditBoxFile = p.General.AutoSaveEdit.SaveFile; SuppressUsingAWB = p.General.SuppressUsingAWB; AddUsingAWBOnArticleAction = p.General.AddUsingAWBToActionSummaries; filterOutNonMainSpaceToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.filterNonMainSpace; removeDuplicatesToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.AutoFilterDuplicates; alphaSortInterwikiLinksToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.SortInterWikiOrder; replaceReferenceTagsToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.ReplaceReferenceTags; focusAtEndOfEditTextBoxToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.FocusAtEndOfEditBox; scrollToUnbalancedBracketsToolStripMenuItem.Checked = p.General.scrollToUnbalancedBrackets; txtEdit.Font = new System.Drawing.Font(p.General.TextBoxFont, p.General.TextBoxSize); LowThreadPriority = p.General.LowThreadPriority; Flash = p.General.Flash; Beep = p.General.Beep; Minimize = p.General.Minimize; TimeOut = p.General.TimeOutLimit; webBrowserEdit.TimeoutLimit = int.Parse(TimeOut.ToString()); chkEnableDab.Checked = p.Disambiguation.Enabled; txtDabLink.Text = p.Disambiguation.Link; txtDabVariants.Lines = p.Disambiguation.Variants; udContextChars.Value = p.Disambiguation.ContextChars; listMaker.SpecialFilterSettings = p.Special; loggingSettings1.SerialisableSettings = p.Logging; CModule.ModuleEnabled = p.Module.Enabled; CModule.Language = p.Module.Language; CModule.Code = p.Module.Code.Replace("\n", "\r\n"); if (CModule.ModuleEnabled) { CModule.MakeModule(); } else { CModule.SetModuleNotBuilt(); } ExtProgram.Settings = p.ExternalProgram; foreach (PluginPrefs pp in p.Plugin) { if (Plugin.Items.ContainsKey(pp.Name)) { Plugin.Items[pp.Name].LoadSettings(pp.PluginSettings); } } }
public Potentiometer(IDigitalWriteRead digitalWriteRead, int inPin, int outPin, int minCalibratedValue, int maxCalibratedValue, int sampleFrequencySeconds = 500, bool reversePercentageValue = false, int timeOutMaxValue = 2000) { this._timeOut = new TimeOut(sampleFrequencySeconds); this._inPin = inPin; this._outPin = outPin; this._digitalWriteRead = digitalWriteRead; this._minCalibratedValue = minCalibratedValue; this._maxCalibratedValue = maxCalibratedValue; this._rangeCalibratedValue = maxCalibratedValue - minCalibratedValue; this._timeOutMaxValue = timeOutMaxValue; this._reversePercentageValue = reversePercentageValue; this._digitalWriteRead.SetPinMode(_outPin, PinMode.Output); }
public static void Run(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Nusbio initialization"); var serialNumber = Nusbio.Detect(); if (serialNumber == null) // Detect the first Nusbio available { Console.WriteLine("Nusbio not detected"); return; } using (var nusbio = new Nusbio(serialNumber)) { Cls(nusbio); var halfSeconds = new TimeOut(500); /* Mcp300X - SPI Config gpio 0 - CLOCK gpio 1 - MOSI gpio 2 - MISO gpio 3 - SELECT */ ad = new Mcp3008(nusbio, selectGpio: NusbioGpio.Gpio3, mosiGpio: NusbioGpio.Gpio1, misoGpio: NusbioGpio.Gpio2, clockGpio: NusbioGpio.Gpio0); ad.Begin(); var analogTempSensor = new Tmp36AnalogTemperatureSensor(nusbio); analogTempSensor.Begin(); var analogMotionSensor = new AnalogMotionSensor(nusbio, 4); analogMotionSensor.Begin(); var lightSensor = new AnalogLightSensor(nusbio); lightSensor.AddCalibarationValue("Dark", 0, 100); lightSensor.AddCalibarationValue("Office Night", 101, 299); lightSensor.AddCalibarationValue("Office Day", 300, 400); lightSensor.AddCalibarationValue("Outdoor Sun Light", 401, 1000); lightSensor.Begin(); while(nusbio.Loop()) { if (halfSeconds.IsTimeOut()) { const int lightSensorAnalogPort = 7; const int motionSensorAnalogPort = 6; const int temperatureSensorAnalogPort = 5; ConsoleEx.WriteLine(0, 2, string.Format("{0,-20}", DateTime.Now, lightSensor.AnalogValue), ConsoleColor.Cyan); lightSensor.SetAnalogValue(ad.Read(lightSensorAnalogPort)); ConsoleEx.WriteLine(0, 4, string.Format("Light Sensor : {0} (ADValue:{1:000.000})", lightSensor.CalibratedValue.PadRight(18), lightSensor.AnalogValue), ConsoleColor.Cyan); analogTempSensor.SetAnalogValue(ad.Read(temperatureSensorAnalogPort)); ConsoleEx.WriteLine(0, 6, string.Format("Temperature Sensor: {0:00.00}C, {1:00.00}F (ADValue:{2:0000}) ", analogTempSensor.GetTemperature(AnalogTemperatureSensor.TemperatureType.Celsius), analogTempSensor.GetTemperature(AnalogTemperatureSensor.TemperatureType.Fahrenheit), analogTempSensor.AnalogValue), ConsoleColor.Cyan); analogMotionSensor.SetAnalogValue(ad.Read(motionSensorAnalogPort)); var motionType = analogMotionSensor.MotionDetected(); if (motionType == MotionSensorPIR.MotionDetectedType.MotionDetected || motionType == MotionSensorPIR.MotionDetectedType.None) { ConsoleEx.Write(0, 8, string.Format("Motion Sensor : {0,-20} (ADValue:{1:000})", motionType, analogMotionSensor.AnalogValue), ConsoleColor.Cyan); } } if (Console.KeyAvailable) { var k = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; if (k == ConsoleKey.C) { Cls(nusbio); } if (k == ConsoleKey.Q) { break; } Cls(nusbio); } } } Console.Clear(); }
public LightSensorWithCapacitor(Nusbio nusbio, NusbioGpio gpio, int sampleFrequencySeconds = 2000) { _timeOut = new TimeOut(sampleFrequencySeconds); this._gpio = gpio; this._nusbio = nusbio; }
public static void Run(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Nusbio initialization"); var serialNumber = Nusbio.Detect(); if (serialNumber == null) // Detect the first Nusbio available { Console.WriteLine("nusbio not detected"); return; } var clockPin = NusbioGpio.Gpio5; var dataOutPin = NusbioGpio.Gpio6; var motionSensorPin = NusbioGpio.Gpio0; using (var nusbio = new Nusbio(serialNumber)) { _MCP9808_TemperatureSensor = new MCP9808_TemperatureSensor(nusbio, dataOutPin, clockPin); if (!WaitForSensorsToBeReady(_MCP9808_TemperatureSensor)) Environment.Exit(1); var motionSensor = new MotionSensorPIR(nusbio, motionSensorPin, 3); Cls(nusbio); var every5Seconds = new TimeOut(1000*5); var everyHalfSecond = new TimeOut(500); ReceiveCommands(AzureIoTHubDevices.TemperatureDevice); while(nusbio.Loop()) { if (everyHalfSecond.IsTimeOut()) { var motionType = motionSensor.MotionDetected(); if (motionType == MotionSensorPIR.MotionDetectedType.MotionDetected) { ConsoleEx.WriteLine(0, 4, string.Format("[{0}] MotionSensor:{1,-20}", DateTime.Now, motionType), ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); AzureIoTHubDevices.MotionSensorDevice.Update(DateTime.UtcNow); } else if (motionType == MotionSensorPIR.MotionDetectedType.None) { ConsoleEx.Write(0, 4, string.Format("[{0}] MotionSensor:{1,-20}", DateTime.Now, motionType), ConsoleColor.DarkCyan); } } if (every5Seconds.IsTimeOut(isFirstTime:true)) { double celsius = _MCP9808_TemperatureSensor.GetTemperature(MCP9808_TemperatureSensor.TemperatureType.Celsius); ConsoleEx.WriteLine(0, 5, string.Format("[{0}]Temperature {1:000.00}C, {2:000.00}F, {3:00000.00}K", DateTime.Now, celsius, _MCP9808_TemperatureSensor.CelsiusToFahrenheit(celsius), _MCP9808_TemperatureSensor.CelsiusToKelvin(celsius) ), ConsoleColor.Cyan); if(AzureIoTHubDevices.TemperatureDevice.ShouldUpdate(celsius)) AzureIoTHubDevices.TemperatureDevice.Update(celsius); } if (Console.KeyAvailable) { var k = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; if (k == ConsoleKey.T) { Cls(nusbio); } if (k == ConsoleKey.D0) { Cls(nusbio); } if (k == ConsoleKey.C) { Cls(nusbio); } if (k == ConsoleKey.Q) break; Cls(nusbio); } } } Console.Clear(); }
private void RaiseTimeOut() { #pragma warning disable 618 TimeOut?.Invoke(); #pragma warning restore 618 }
public static void Run(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Nusbio initialization"); var serialNumber = Nusbio.Detect(); //var serialNumber = "LD2Ub9pAg"; if (serialNumber == null) // Detect the first Nusbio available { Console.WriteLine("nusbio not detected"); return; } var clockPin = NusbioGpio.Gpio6; // White, Arduino A5 var dataOutPin = NusbioGpio.Gpio5; // Green, Arduino A4 using (var nusbio = new Nusbio(serialNumber)) { _MCP9808_TemperatureSensor = new MCP9808_TemperatureSensor(nusbio, dataOutPin, clockPin); if (!_MCP9808_TemperatureSensor.Begin()) { Console.WriteLine("MCP9808 not detected on I2C bus"); return; } Cls(nusbio); var everySecond = new TimeOut(1000); while(nusbio.Loop()) { if (everySecond.IsTimeOut()) { double celsius = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { celsius = _MCP9808_TemperatureSensor.GetTemperature(MCP9808_TemperatureSensor.TemperatureType.Celsius); } ConsoleEx.WriteLine(1, 2, string.Format("Temperature Celsius:{0:000.00}, Fahrenheit:{1:000.00}, Kelvin:{2:00000.00}", celsius, _MCP9808_TemperatureSensor.CelsiusToFahrenheit(celsius), _MCP9808_TemperatureSensor.CelsiusToKelvin(celsius) ), ConsoleColor.Cyan); } if (Console.KeyAvailable) { var k = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; if (k == ConsoleKey.T) { Cls(nusbio); } if (k == ConsoleKey.D0) { Cls(nusbio); } if (k == ConsoleKey.C) { Cls(nusbio); } if (k == ConsoleKey.Q) break; Cls(nusbio); } } } Console.Clear(); }
private void RaiseTimeOut() { TimeOut.SafeInvoke(); }
//------------------------------------------- // life cycle //------------------------------------------- void Awake() { requests = new Queue <Request> (); timeout = new TimeOut(); }
private void buttonRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (buttonRefresh.Text == labelRefresh.Text) { if (Config.ServerIP.Length == 0) { } IPEndPoint iep = GetEndPoint(string.Format("{0}:{1}", Config.ServerIP, Config.ServerPort)); if (iep != null) { SetState(State.Refreshing); SetControlText(labelInfo, labelConnecting.Text); #if !Remoting client = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); time = new TimeOut(Config.TimeOutInterval, new TimeOut.TimeOutCallBack(TimeOut), client); time.Start();//开始计时 client.BeginConnect(iep, new AsyncCallback(Refresh), iep); #else td = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Refresh)); td.Start(iep); #endif } } else { SetState(State.Idle); #if !Remoting if (client != null) { client.Close(); } #else if (td != null && td.ThreadState != ThreadState.Stopped) { td.Abort(); } #endif } }
/// <summary> Invoke TimeOut event </summary> /// <param name="sender"> Sender </param> /// <param name="e"> Arguments </param> private void OnTimeOut(object sender, ClockEventArgs e) { TimeOut?.Invoke(sender, e); }
private void RaiseTimeOut() { TimeOut?.Invoke(); }
public static void Run(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Nusbio initialization"); var serialNumber = Nusbio.Detect(); if (serialNumber == null) // Detect the first Nusbio available { Console.WriteLine("Nusbio not detected"); return; } using (var nusbio = new Nusbio(serialNumber)) { Cls(nusbio); int counter = 0; _machineInfo = new MachineInfo(); var secondTimeOut = new TimeOut(1000); _liquidCrystal = new LiquidCrystal(nusbio, rs:0, enable:1, d0:2, d1:3, d2:4, d3:5); _liquidCrystal.Begin(16, 2); _liquidCrystal.Clear(); while(nusbio.Loop()) { if (secondTimeOut.IsTimeOut()) { counter++; DisplayTime(_liquidCrystal); if(counter % 5 ==0) NusbioRocks(_liquidCrystal); if(counter % 8 ==0) ProgressBarDemo(_liquidCrystal); } if (Console.KeyAvailable) { var k = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; if (k == ConsoleKey.D) { DisplaySpeedTest(_liquidCrystal); _liquidCrystal.Clear(); } if (k == ConsoleKey.A) { ApiDemo(_liquidCrystal); _liquidCrystal.Clear(); } if (k == ConsoleKey.C) { CustomCharDemo(_liquidCrystal); _liquidCrystal.Clear(); } if (k == ConsoleKey.F) { Cls(nusbio); } if (k == ConsoleKey.Q) { _liquidCrystal.Clear(); break; } Cls(nusbio); } } } Console.Clear(); }
public virtual void Initialize(TimeOut timeout) { this.timeout = timeout; }
public static void Run(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Nusbio Initializing"); var serialNumber = Nusbio.Detect(); if (serialNumber == null) // Detect the first Nusbio available { Console.WriteLine("Nusbio not detected"); return; } var halfSecondTimeOut = new TimeOut(20); using (var nusbio = new Nusbio(serialNumber: serialNumber, webServerPort: 1964)) { nusbio.UrlEvent += NusbioUrlEvent; Cls(nusbio); while (nusbio.Loop(20)) { if (Console.KeyAvailable) { var kk = Console.ReadKey(true); var blinkMode = kk.Modifiers == ConsoleModifiers.Shift; var key = kk.Key; if (key == ConsoleKey.Q) break; if (key == ConsoleKey.C) Cls(nusbio); if (nusbio.IsAsynchronousSequencerOn) // If background sequencer for animation is on then turn it off if we receive any key { nusbio.CancelAsynchronousSequencer(); continue; } if (blinkMode) { if (key == ConsoleKey.D0) nusbio.GPIOS[NusbioGpio.Gpio0].AsLed.SetBlinkMode(1000, 80); if (key == ConsoleKey.D1) nusbio.GPIOS[NusbioGpio.Gpio1].AsLed.SetBlinkMode(1000, 80); if (key == ConsoleKey.D2) nusbio.GPIOS[NusbioGpio.Gpio2].AsLed.SetBlinkMode(1000, 80); if (key == ConsoleKey.D3) nusbio.GPIOS[NusbioGpio.Gpio3].AsLed.SetBlinkMode(1000, 80); if (key == ConsoleKey.D4) nusbio.GPIOS[NusbioGpio.Gpio4].AsLed.SetBlinkMode(1000, 80); if (key == ConsoleKey.D5) nusbio.GPIOS[NusbioGpio.Gpio5].AsLed.SetBlinkMode(1000, 80); if (key == ConsoleKey.D6) nusbio.GPIOS[NusbioGpio.Gpio6].AsLed.SetBlinkMode(1000, 80); if (key == ConsoleKey.D7) nusbio.GPIOS[NusbioGpio.Gpio7].AsLed.SetBlinkMode(1000, 80); } else { if (key == ConsoleKey.F1) AnimateBlocking1(nusbio); if (key == ConsoleKey.F2) AnimateNonBlocking2(nusbio); if (key == ConsoleKey.F3) AnimateBlocking3(nusbio); if (key == ConsoleKey.F4) AnimateBlocking4(nusbio); if (key == ConsoleKey.D0) ReverseGpio(NusbioGpio.Gpio0, nusbio); if (key == ConsoleKey.D1) ReverseGpio(NusbioGpio.Gpio1, nusbio); if (key == ConsoleKey.D2) ReverseGpio(NusbioGpio.Gpio2, nusbio); if (key == ConsoleKey.D3) ReverseGpio(NusbioGpio.Gpio3, nusbio); if (key == ConsoleKey.D4) ReverseGpio(NusbioGpio.Gpio4, nusbio); if (key == ConsoleKey.D5) ReverseGpio(NusbioGpio.Gpio5, nusbio); if (key == ConsoleKey.D6) ReverseGpio(NusbioGpio.Gpio6, nusbio); if (key == ConsoleKey.D7) ReverseGpio(NusbioGpio.Gpio7, nusbio); if (key == ConsoleKey.A) nusbio.SetAllGpioOutputState(PinState.Low); if (key == ConsoleKey.W) System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(nusbio.GetWebServerUrl()); } ShowNusbioState(nusbio); } else { if(halfSecondTimeOut.IsTimeOut()) ShowNusbioState(nusbio); } } } Console.Clear(); }
public string ToJoin() { return(Secret + "," + TimeOut.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); }
public static void Run(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Nusbio initialization"); var serialNumber = Nusbio.Detect(); //var serialNumber = "LD2Ub9pAg"; if (serialNumber == null) // Detect the first Nusbio available { Console.WriteLine("nusbio not detected"); return; } using (var nusbio = new Nusbio(serialNumber)) // , { Cls(nusbio); var _4DIGITS7SEGMENTS_ADDR = 0x70 + 2; var clockPin = NusbioGpio.Gpio0; // White var dataOutPin = NusbioGpio.Gpio1; // Green _4digits = new _4Digits7Segments(nusbio, dataOutPin, clockPin); _4digits.Begin(_4DIGITS7SEGMENTS_ADDR); _4digits.Clear(true); var oneSecondTimeOut = new TimeOut(1000); while(nusbio.Loop()) { if(oneSecondTimeOut.IsTimeOut()) { // Make the colon blink at a 1 second rate var t = DateTime.Now; _4digits.Clear(); _4digits.Write(string.Format("{0}{1}", t.Minute.ToString("00"), t.Second.ToString("00"))); //if(twoSecondTimeOut.Counter % 2 == 0) // _4digits.Write(string.Format("{0}{1}", t.Minute.ToString("00"), t.Second.ToString("00"))); //else // _4digits.Write(string.Format("{0}{1}", t.Hour.ToString("00"), t.Minute.ToString("00"))); _4digits.WriteDisplay(); _4digits.DrawColon(!_4digits.ColonOn); } if (Console.KeyAvailable) { var k = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; if (k == ConsoleKey.D1) { Demo1(); } if (k == ConsoleKey.D2) { Demo1To100(); } if (k == ConsoleKey.D3) { DemoScrollNumber(); } if (k == ConsoleKey.D4) { Demo1To10000(); } if (k == ConsoleKey.C) { Cls(nusbio); _4digits.Clear(true); } if (k == ConsoleKey.Q) { _4digits.Clear(true); break; } Cls(nusbio); } } } Console.Clear(); }
public static void Run(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Nusbio initialization"); var serialNumber = Nusbio.Detect(); if (serialNumber == null) // Detect the first Nusbio available { Console.WriteLine("Nusbio not detected"); return; } var lightSensorAnalogPort = 2; var motionSensorAnalogPort = 0; var buttonSensorAnalogPort = 1; var ledGpio = NusbioGpio.Gpio5; using (var nusbio = new Nusbio(serialNumber)) { Cls(nusbio); var halfSeconds = new TimeOut(333); // Mcp300X Analog To Digital - SPI Config ad = new MCP3008(nusbio, selectGpio: NusbioGpio.Gpio3, mosiGpio: NusbioGpio.Gpio1, misoGpio: NusbioGpio.Gpio2, clockGpio: NusbioGpio.Gpio0); ad.Begin(); var analogMotionSensor = new AnalogMotionSensor(nusbio, 4); analogMotionSensor.Begin(); var button = new AnalogButton(nusbio); var lightSensor = CalibrateLightSensor(new AnalogLightSensor(nusbio), AnalogLightSensor.LightSensorType.CdsPhotoCell_3mm_45k_140k); lightSensor.Begin(); // Analog Port 5, 6, 7 are only available in // Analog Extension PCBv2 const int multiButtonPort = 5; AnalogSensor multiButton = null; //multiButton = new AnalogSensor(nusbio, multiButtonPort); //multiButton.Begin(); // TC77 Temperature Sensor SPI var tc77 = new TC77(nusbio, clockGpio: NusbioGpio.Gpio0, mosiGpio: NusbioGpio.Gpio1, misoGpio: NusbioGpio.Gpio2, selectGpio: NusbioGpio.Gpio4 ); tc77.Begin(); if (nusbio.Type == NusbioType.NusbioType1_Light) { tc77._spi.SoftwareBitBangingMode = true; ad._spiEngine.SoftwareBitBangingMode = true; } while (nusbio.Loop()) { if (halfSeconds.IsTimeOut()) { nusbio[ledGpio].AsLed.ReverseSet(); ConsoleEx.WriteLine(0, 2, string.Format("{0,-15}", DateTime.Now), ConsoleColor.Cyan); lightSensor.SetAnalogValue(ad.Read(lightSensorAnalogPort)); ConsoleEx.WriteLine(0, 4, string.Format("Light Sensor : {0,-18} (ADValue:{1:000.000}, Volt:{2:0.00}) ", lightSensor.CalibratedValue.PadRight(18), lightSensor.AnalogValue, lightSensor.Voltage), ConsoleColor.Cyan); analogMotionSensor.SetAnalogValue(ad.Read(motionSensorAnalogPort)); var motionType = analogMotionSensor.MotionDetected(); if (motionType == DigitalMotionSensorPIR.MotionDetectedType.MotionDetected || motionType == DigitalMotionSensorPIR.MotionDetectedType.None) { ConsoleEx.Write(0, 6, string.Format("Motion Sensor : {0,-18} (ADValue:{1:000.000}, Volt:{2:0.00}) ", motionType, analogMotionSensor.AnalogValue, analogMotionSensor.Voltage), ConsoleColor.Cyan); } ConsoleEx.WriteLine(0, 8, string.Format("Temperature Sensor : {0:0.00}C {1:0.00}F ", tc77.GetTemperature(), tc77.GetTemperature(AnalogTemperatureSensor.TemperatureType.Fahrenheit)), ConsoleColor.Cyan); button.SetAnalogValue(ad.Read(buttonSensorAnalogPort)); ConsoleEx.WriteLine(0, 10, string.Format("Button : {0,-18} [{1:0000}, {2:0.00}V] ", button.Down ? "Down" : "Up", button.AnalogValue, button.Voltage), ConsoleColor.Cyan); if (multiButton != null) { multiButton.SetAnalogValue(ad.Read(multiButtonPort)); ConsoleEx.Write(0, 12, string.Format("Multi Button : {0,-18} (ADValue:{1:000.000}, Volt:{2:000.000})", multiButton.AnalogValue > 2 ? "Down" : "Up ", multiButton.AnalogValue, multiButton.Voltage), ConsoleColor.Cyan); } } if (Console.KeyAvailable) { var k = Console.ReadKey(true).Key; if (k == ConsoleKey.C) { Cls(nusbio); } if (k == ConsoleKey.Q) { break; } Cls(nusbio); } } } Console.Clear(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取指纹 /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer">指纹在设备中临时存放位置 1 2</param> /// <returns></returns> int GetFinger(int buffer) { TimeOut = 20; int ret = 0; byte[] ImgData = new byte[ImageSize]; int[] ImgLen = new int[1]; int iBuffer = buffer; BEIG1: ret = Fingerdll.ZAZGetImage(hHandle, nDevAddr); //获取图象 if (ret == 0) { ShowInfomation("获取图像成功..."); } else if (ret == 2) { //超时判断 ShowInfomation("等待手指平放在传感器上-" + TimeOut.ToString() + "秒"); if (TimeOut < 0) { ShowInfomation("等待超时"); return(0); } TimeOut--; Thread.Sleep(1000); goto BEIG1; } else { ShowInfomation(Fingerdll.ZAZErr2Strt(ret)); return(0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //不涉及图像,下面可以省略 /****************上传图像*********/ ShowInfomation("正在上传图像请等待..."); ret = Fingerdll.ZAZUpImage(hHandle, nDevAddr, ImgData, ImgLen); //上传图象 if (ret != 0) { ShowInfomation(Fingerdll.ZAZErr2Strt(ret)); return(0); } //strFile = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "\\ZAZFinger.bmp"; strFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "ZAZFinger.bmp"); ret = Fingerdll.ZAZImgData2BMP(ImgData, strFile); if (ret != 0) { ShowInfomation(Fingerdll.ZAZErr2Strt(ret)); return(0); } ShowImage(strFile); //ret = Fingerdll.ZAZShowFingerData(fpbmp.Handle, ref ImgData[0]); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /****************生成特征 *********/ ret = Fingerdll.ZAZGenChar(hHandle, nDevAddr, iBuffer); //生成模板 if (ret != 0) { ShowInfomation(Fingerdll.ZAZErr2Strt(ret)); return(0); } else { ShowInfomation("生成指纹特征" + buffer.ToString()); } Thread.Sleep(10); BEIG2: if (ret == 0) { ret = Fingerdll.ZAZGetImage(hHandle, nDevAddr); //获取图象 ShowInfomation("等待手指拿开-"); goto BEIG2; } else if (ret == 1) { ShowInfomation(Fingerdll.ZAZErr2Strt(ret)); return(0); } return(1); }