Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void EvaluateAndWriteForwardSolver2DResults(ForwardSolverType fST,
                                                                   SpatialDomainType sDT,
                                                                   TimeDomainType tDT,
                                                                   OpticalProperties op,
                                                                   IEnumerable <double> spatialVariable,
                                                                   double[,] temporalVariable)
            double[] reflectanceValues;
            var      ReflectanceFunction = Get2DReflectanceFunction(fST, sDT, tDT);

            MakeDirectoryIfNonExistent(sDT.ToString(), tDT.ToString(), fST.ToString());

            var sV = spatialVariable.First();
            var tV = temporalVariable.Row(0);

            reflectanceValues = ReflectanceFunction(op.AsEnumerable(), sV.AsEnumerable(), tV).ToArray();

            LocalWriteArrayToBinary(reflectanceValues, @"Output/" + sDT.ToString() +
                                    "/" + tDT.ToString() + "/" + fST.ToString() + "/" +
                                    "musp" + op.Musp.ToString() + "mua" + op.Mua.ToString(),

            for (int spaceInd = 1; spaceInd < spatialVariable.Count(); spaceInd++)
                sV = spatialVariable.ElementAt(spaceInd);
                tV = temporalVariable.Row(spaceInd);

                reflectanceValues = ReflectanceFunction(op.AsEnumerable(), sV.AsEnumerable(), tV).ToArray();

                LocalWriteArrayToBinary(reflectanceValues, @"Output/" + sDT.ToString() + "/" +
                                        tDT.ToString() + "/" + fST.ToString() + "/" +
                                        "musp" + op.Musp.ToString() + "mua" + op.Mua.ToString(),
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void Report2DForwardSolver(ForwardSolverType[] fSTs,
                                                  SpatialDomainType sDT,
                                                  TimeDomainType tDT,
                                                  OpticalProperties op,
                                                  string inputPath,
                                                  string projectName)
            var filename = "musp" + op.Musp.ToString() + "mua" + op.Mua.ToString();

            filename = filename.Replace(".", "p");
            Console.WriteLine("Looking for file {0} in spatial domain type {1} and temporal domain type{2}",
                              filename, sDT.ToString(), tDT.ToString());
            if (File.Exists(inputPath + sDT.ToString() + "/SteadyState/" + filename) ||
                File.Exists(inputPath + sDT.ToString() + "/" + tDT.ToString() + "/" + filename))
                Console.WriteLine("The file {0} has been found.", filename);
                int   sDim = GetSpatialNumberOfPoints(sDT);
                int   tDim = GetTemporalNumberOfPoints(sDT, tDT);
                int[] dims = { sDim, tDim };

                var spatialVariable = (IEnumerable <double>)FileIO.ReadArrayFromBinaryInResources <double>
                                          ("Resources/" + sDT.ToString() + "/" + "SteadyState/" + filename, projectName, sDim);
                var temporalVariable = (double[, ])FileIO.ReadArrayFromBinaryInResources <double>
                                           ("Resources/" + sDT.ToString() + "/" + tDT.ToString() + "/" + filename, projectName, dims);
                foreach (var fST in fSTs)
                    EvaluateAndWriteForwardSolver2DResults(fST, sDT, tDT, op, spatialVariable, temporalVariable);
                Console.WriteLine("The file {0} has not been found", filename);
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var    projectName = "Vts.ReportForwardSolvers.Desktop";
            var    inputPath   = @"..\..\Resources\";
            string currentAssemblyDirectoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

            inputPath = currentAssemblyDirectoryName + "\\" + inputPath;
            // ops definition: the fs are used to predict reflectance for the specific domains for these optical properties.
            // for R(r,t) and for R(r) the locations are not selected, but are set to those locations obtained by Equal Frequency Discretizatio
            // of MC results.
            var g     = 0.8;
            var n     = 1.4;
            var muas  = new double[] { 0.001, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3 };  //[mm-1]
            var musps = new double[] { 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 2.0 }; //[mm-1]

            var Ops =
                from musp in musps
                from mua in muas
                select new OpticalProperties(mua, musp, g, n);
            var forwardSolverTypes = new ForwardSolverType[]
            var spatialDomainTypes = new SpatialDomainType[]
            var timeDomainTypes = new TimeDomainType[]

            foreach (var sDT in spatialDomainTypes)
                foreach (var tDT in timeDomainTypes)
                    foreach (var op in Ops)
                        ReportAllForwardSolvers(forwardSolverTypes, sDT, tDT, op, inputPath, projectName);
Exemplo n.º 4
 private static void ReportAllForwardSolvers(ForwardSolverType[] forwardSolverTypes,
                                             SpatialDomainType sDT,
                                             TimeDomainType tDT,
                                             OpticalProperties op,
                                             string inputPath,
                                             string projectName)
     if (tDT == TimeDomainType.SteadyState)
         ReportSteadyStateForwardSolver(forwardSolverTypes, sDT, op, inputPath, projectName);
         Report2DForwardSolver(forwardSolverTypes, sDT, tDT, op, inputPath, projectName);
Exemplo n.º 5
        Get2DReflectanceFunction(ForwardSolverType fST, SpatialDomainType sD, TimeDomainType tD)
            Func <IEnumerable <OpticalProperties>, IEnumerable <double>, IEnumerable <double>, IEnumerable <double> > ReflectanceFunction;

            switch (sD)
            case SpatialDomainType.Real:
                if (tD == TimeDomainType.TimeDomain)
                    ReflectanceFunction = SolverFactory.GetForwardSolver(fST).ROfRhoAndTime;
                else if (tD == TimeDomainType.FrequencyDomain)
                    ReflectanceFunction = (op, rho, ft) => SolverFactory.GetForwardSolver(fST).ROfRhoAndFt(op, rho, ft).Select(rComplex => rComplex.Magnitude);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Non valid temporal domain.");

            case SpatialDomainType.SpatialFrequency:
                if (tD == TimeDomainType.TimeDomain)
                    ReflectanceFunction = SolverFactory.GetForwardSolver(fST).ROfFxAndTime;
                else if (tD == TimeDomainType.FrequencyDomain)
                    ReflectanceFunction = (op, fx, ft) => SolverFactory.GetForwardSolver(fST).ROfFxAndFt(op, fx, ft).Select(rComplex => rComplex.Magnitude);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Non valid temporal domain.");

                throw new ArgumentException("Non valid spatial domain.");
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static int GetTemporalNumberOfPoints(SpatialDomainType sDT, TimeDomainType tDT)
            int tDim;

            if (sDT == SpatialDomainType.Real)
                if (tDT == TimeDomainType.TimeDomain)
                    tDim = 201;
                else if (tDT == TimeDomainType.FrequencyDomain)
                    tDim = 201;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Non valid temporal domain type.");
            else if (sDT == SpatialDomainType.SpatialFrequency)
                if (tDT == TimeDomainType.TimeDomain)
                    tDim = 201;
                else if (tDT == TimeDomainType.FrequencyDomain)
                    tDim = 201;
                    throw new ArgumentException("Non valid temporal domain type.");
                throw new ArgumentException("Non valid spatial domain type.");
