Exemplo n.º 1
        public void BuyImprovement(Tiles.Property thisProperty)
            //cost of improvement depends on color of property.

            if ((OwnsAllGroupProps(thisProperty)) && (Game.GetActivePlayer().Money >= thisProperty.ImprovementCost) && (CanBeImproved(thisProperty)))
                MoneyLogic.ChangeMoney(Game.ActivePlayerID, -1 * thisProperty.ImprovementCost);
                UI.DisplayPopup("You have bought an improvement for your property!", "Property Improved!");
            else if (!OwnsAllGroupProps(thisProperty))
                String msg = String.Format("You can't buy an improvement on {0}, as you do not own all the properties in its color group!", thisProperty.Name);
                UI.DisplayPopup(msg, "Cant Buy Improvement");
            else if (!CanBeImproved(thisProperty))
                UI.DisplayPopup("You can't improve that property any further!", "Can't Improve!");
                //Has properties necessary, the prop level < 5, but not the funds
                UI.DisplayPopup("You can't buy that improvement, since you don't have the money!", "Can't Improve!");