Exemplo n.º 1
    private static TileType[,] GenerateLookALikeTTypeMap(TileTypePalette tTypePalette, int roomWidth, int roomHeight, int numRooms)
        List <Vector2> roomPositions = new List <Vector2>();
        List <Vector2> doorPositions = new List <Vector2> ();

        roomPositions.Add(Vector2.zero);        //starting room

        //decide on room and door placement
        for (int roomsDone = 1; roomsDone < numRooms; roomsDone++)
            Vector2 branchOffRoom = roomPositions[Random.Range(0, roomPositions.Count)];
            //pick direction
            Vector2 direction = VectorUtilities.RandomV2Direction();

            if (!roomPositions.Contains(branchOffRoom + direction))               //is there room for a... room here
                roomPositions.Add(branchOffRoom + direction);
                doorPositions.Add(branchOffRoom + (direction / 2.0f));
            else                                                                 //we already made a room here
                roomsDone--;                                                     //we weren't able to make a room this round
                if (!doorPositions.Contains(branchOffRoom + (direction / 2.0f))) //is there room for a door
                //TODO maybe have it be random whether a new door is made between 2 rooms that already exist but for now 100% chance
                    doorPositions.Add(branchOffRoom + (direction / 2.0f));
        //find the the min and max x and y values from roomPositions
        Vector2 minRoomPos = Vector2.zero;
        Vector2 maxRoomPos = Vector2.zero;

        foreach (Vector2 v in roomPositions)
            minRoomPos = Vector2.Min(minRoomPos, v);
            maxRoomPos = Vector2.Max(maxRoomPos, v);

        int numRoomsWidth = (int)(maxRoomPos.x - minRoomPos.x + 1), numRoomsHeight = (int)(maxRoomPos.y - minRoomPos.y + 1);          //the width and height in rooms

        //room walls are designed to overlap at the moment
        TileType[,] output = new TileType[numRoomsWidth * (roomWidth - 1) + 1, numRoomsHeight *(roomHeight - 1) + 1];         //shared walls means a -1 for each rooms width and height except for the the topmost rooms' height and the rightmost rooms' width
        TileType wall  = tTypePalette.FindRole(TileRoleID.FullWall);
        TileType floor = tTypePalette.FindRole(TileRoleID.PlainFloor);

        for (int i = 0; i < roomPositions.Count; i++)
            Vector2 correctedRoomPos = roomPositions [i] - minRoomPos;
            correctedRoomPos = Vector2.Scale(correctedRoomPos, new Vector2(roomWidth - 1, roomHeight - 1));
            for (int x = 0; x < roomWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < roomHeight; y++)
                    if (x == 0 || x == roomWidth - 1 || y == 0 || y == roomHeight - 1)
                        output [x + (int)correctedRoomPos.x, y + (int)correctedRoomPos.y] = wall;
                        output [x + (int)correctedRoomPos.x, y + (int)correctedRoomPos.y] = floor;

Exemplo n.º 2
    //method to be called for the generation of a TileTypeMap, checks input for correctness (nulls, missing tile types, out of range room size and count), outputs appropriate error messages,
    //    and either outputs null or clamps room sizes and count then calls the appropriate method to actually generate the tileTypeMap
    //only LookALike is supported for genType at the moment
    public static TileType[,] GenerateTileTypeMap(TileTypePalette tTypePalette, FullGridRoomGenType genType, int numRooms, int roomWidth = 7, int roomHeight = 7, int roomWidthBias = 7, int roomHeightBias = 7)
        if (tTypePalette == null)
            Debug.LogError("tTypePalette is null, this should not be the case"); return(null);

        TileType wall  = tTypePalette.FindRole(TileRoleID.FullWall);
        TileType floor = tTypePalette.FindRole(TileRoleID.PlainFloor);

        //does the palette have a wall and floor
        if (wall == null || floor == null)
            Debug.LogError("tTypePalette does not have all the necessary TileTypes: Wall is <" + wall + "> Floor is <" + floor + ">."); return(null);

        int temp = numRooms;

        numRooms = Mathf.Clamp(numRooms, minRoomCount, maxRoomCount);
        if (numRooms != temp)
            Debug.Log("numRooms outside range of " + minRoomCount + " to " + maxRoomCount + ", clamping to " + numRooms + ". ");

        switch (genType)
        case FullGridRoomGenType.LookALike:
            temp      = roomWidth;
            roomWidth = Mathf.Clamp(roomWidth, minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
            if (roomWidth != temp)
                Debug.Log("roomWidth outside range of " + minRoomSize + " to " + maxRoomSize + ", clamping to " + roomWidth + ". ");
            temp       = roomHeight;
            roomHeight = Mathf.Clamp(roomHeight, minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
            if (roomHeight != temp)
                Debug.Log("roomHeight outside range of " + minRoomSize + " to " + maxRoomSize + ", clamping to " + roomHeight + ". ");
            return(GenerateLookALikeTTypeMap(tTypePalette, roomWidth, roomHeight, numRooms));


        case FullGridRoomGenType.Varied:
            Debug.Log("Varied genType unimplemented, returning null.");
//			temp = roomWidthBias;
//			roomWidthBias = Mathf.Clamp (roomWidthBias, minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
//			if (roomWidthBias != temp)
//				Debug.Log ("roomWidthBias outside range of " + minRoomSize + " to " + maxRoomSize + ", clamping to " + roomWidthBias + ". ");
//			temp = roomHeightBias;
//			roomHeightBias = Mathf.Clamp (roomHeightBias, minRoomSize, maxRoomSize);
//			if (roomHeightBias != temp)
//				Debug.Log ("roomHeightBias outside range of " + minRoomSize + " to " + maxRoomSize + ", clamping to " + roomHeightBias + ". ");
//			return ...

            Debug.LogError("Unknown genType " + genType + " used, returning null.");
