//Path Generation

    private TileA GetCheapestTile(TileA[] arr)
        float bestScore = float.MaxValue; //initialize
        TileA bestTile  = null;           //initialize

        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; ++i)
            if (arr[i].fScore < bestScore) //if current tile has the best score
                bestTile  = arr[i];        //set to current index
                bestScore = arr[i].fScore; //set to current index score

    private Phase currentPhaseA = Phase.PreSetupA; //start at PreSetUp phase

    public void Setup()
        int startIdxA = (graphA.gridHeight / 2) * graphA.gridWidth;                                                //sets a new int at the start of the graph
        int endIdxA   = startIdxA + graphA.gridWidth - 1;                                                          //sets a new int at the end of the graph

        startTileA = graphA.tilesA[startIdxA];                                                                     //sets startTile to the first tile using startIdx
        endTileA   = graphA.tilesA[endIdxA];                                                                       //sets endTile to the last tile at the end of the graph using endIdx

        Instantiate(spawnPrefabA, startTileA.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);                             //spawns enemy spawner at startTile position
        GameObject defendInstanceA = Instantiate(defendPrefabA, endTileA.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); //spawns base at endTile position

        defendInstanceA.GetComponent <BaseA>().gameStateA = this;

        enemyPathA = graphA.CalculatePath(startTileA, endTileA); //uses CalculatePath function to make its way from enemy spawner to base/makes its way from startTile to endTile(startTile and endTile are used as start and end points)

        currentPhaseA = Phase.BuildA;                            //set current state to build
    //                             whats the tile,    whats the destination tile
    private int GetHScoreManhattan(TileA selectedTile, TileA destinationTile)
        Vector2Int tileOffset = selectedTile.tilePosition - destinationTile.tilePosition;

        return(Math.Abs(tileOffset.x) + Math.Abs(tileOffset.y));//returns score as a single int (getting the differences between the x's and y's and putting it into one val) to get h score
    public TileA[] CalculatePath(TileA origin, TileA destination) // CalculatePath(start and end)
        ResetNodes();                                             //clear old data

        List <TileA> openListA   = new List <TileA>();            //nodes that have NOT been traversed through
        List <TileA> closedListA = new List <TileA>();            //nodes that have been traversed through

        openListA.Add(origin);                                    //add starting tile

        while (openListA.Count != 0 &&                            // still stuff left to explore
               !closedListA.Contains(destination))                // AND we haven't reached the destination yet
            // TODO: replace this with a proper sorted array implementation
            TileA currentA = GetCheapestTile(openListA.ToArray());//update current

            openListA.Remove(currentA); //remove current node from list

            closedListA.Add(currentA);  //add current node to list

            // TODO...
            // calculate g scores for connected tiles
            //throw new System.NotImplementedException();

            for (int i = 0; i < currentA.connectedTilesA.Length; ++i) //until it reaches the last connected tile
                TileA adjTileA = currentA.connectedTilesA[i];         //create adjTile and set to current connected tile

                int calGScore = currentA.gScore + adjTileA.cost;      //calculate gScore = current gScore + travel cost(hard-coded to 1)

                if (!adjTileA.traversible)
                }                                     //if not traversable move on to next node

                if (adjTileA.previousTile == null ||  //if adjTile previous tile is equal to null(I think this condition is used because preiousTile starts off null)
                    calGScore < adjTileA.gScore)      //or estScore is less than current adjTile gScore
                    adjTileA.previousTile = currentA; //set adjTile previous tile to current(adjTile is one tile ahead of current)
                    adjTileA.gScore       = calGScore;
                    adjTileA.hScore       = GetHScoreManhattan(adjTileA, destination);

                if (!closedListA.Contains(adjTileA) && !openListA.Contains(adjTileA)) //if neither of theses lists have this tile
                    openListA.Add(adjTileA);                                          //add tile to openList

            //// iterate through all connected tiles
            //for (int i = 0; i < currentA.connectedTilesA.Length; ++i)
            //    // create variable for to current connected tile for readability
            //    TileA adjTileA = currentA.connectedTilesA[i];

            //    // skip tiles that were already processed or not traversible
            //    if (closedListA.Contains(adjTileA) || !adjTileA.traversible) { continue; }

            //    // NOTE: hard-coded cost of 1
            //    int estGScore = currentA.gScore + 1;

            //    if (adjTileA.previousTile == null ||     // there is no score (no previous tile) OR
            //        estGScore < adjTileA.gScore)         // this is a cheaper route...
            //    {
            //        adjTileA.previousTile = currentA;
            //        adjTileA.gScore = estGScore;
            //        adjTileA.hScore = GetHScoreManhattan(adjTileA, destination);
            //    }

            //    if (!closedListA.Contains(adjTileA) && !openListA.Contains(adjTileA))//if neither of theses lists have this tile
            //    {
            //        openListA.Add(adjTileA);//add tile to openList
            //    }

        List <TileA> path = new List <TileA>();   //create list

        if (closedListA.Contains(destination))    //if closedList destination was reached
            TileA prevTile = destination;         //start at the end of closedList
            while (prevTile != origin)            //while on not at the start of closedList
                path.Add(prevTile);               //add a previous tile
                prevTile = prevTile.previousTile; //update previous tile so that it can be added the next loop
            path.Add(prevTile);                   //add origin/start/first node to the end of the list

        path.Reverse();//reverses path order