Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// handles when the addon widnow becomes the main window
        /// </summary>
        public void OnEnter()
            ThemeManager.SetupTextEditor(AddonTextEditor, Syntax.Json);
            ThemeManager.SetupTextEditor(FileTextEditor, Syntax.Javascript);
            ThemeManager.SetupSearchPanel(addonPanel, filePanel);

            if (AddonManager.CurrentAddon != null)
                AddonTextEditor.Text = AddonManager.CurrentAddon.AddonJson;
                _files = new ObservableCollection <ThirdPartyFile>(AddonManager.CurrentAddon.ThirdPartyFiles.Values);
                FileListBox.ItemsSource = _files;

                if (_files.Any())
                    _selectedFile = FileListBox.SelectedItem as ThirdPartyFile;
                    if (_selectedFile != null)
                        FileTextEditor.Text = _selectedFile.Content;
                AddonTextEditor.Text    = string.Empty;
                FileListBox.ItemsSource = null;
                FileTextEditor.Text     = string.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// adds a new third party file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private async void AddFile_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var filename = await WindowManager.ShowInputDialog("New File Name?", "please enter the name for the new javascript file", "javascriptFile.js");

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filename))

            var tpf = new ThirdPartyFile
                Content    = string.Empty,
                FileName   = filename,
                C3Folder   = true,
                C2Folder   = false,
                Rootfolder = false,
                FileType   = "inline-script",
                Compress   = false,
                PlainText  = true,
                Domfolder  = false

            tpf.PluginTemplate = TemplateHelper.ThirdPartyFile(tpf);

            tpf.Extention = Path.GetExtension(tpf.FileName);
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tpf.Extention))
                tpf.Extention = ".txt";
                tpf.FileName  = tpf.FileName + tpf.Extention;


                var addon    = JObject.Parse(AddonTextEditor.Text);
                var fileList = JArray.Parse(addon["file-list"].ToString());

                if (tpf.C3Folder)
                    fileList.Add("c3runtime/" + tpf.FileName);
                if (tpf.C2Folder)
                    fileList.Add("c2runtime/" + tpf.FileName);
                if (tpf.Rootfolder)

                addon["file-list"]   = fileList;
                AddonTextEditor.Text = addon.ToString(Formatting.Indented);
            catch (Exception ex)
                NotificationManager.PublishErrorNotification($"error parseing json, addon.json not updated => {ex.Message}");
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// clears all the input on the page
 /// </summary>
 public void Clear()
     _files                  = new ObservableCollection <ThirdPartyFile>();
     _selectedFile           = null;
     FileListBox.ItemsSource = null;
     FileTextEditor.Text     = string.Empty;
     AddonTextEditor.Text    = string.Empty;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// removes the selected file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void RemoveFile_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (FileListBox.SelectedIndex == -1)
                NotificationManager.PublishErrorNotification("failed to remove file, no file selected");

            _selectedFile = FileListBox.SelectedItem as ThirdPartyFile;
            if (_selectedFile != null)
                var file = _selectedFile;
                FileListBox.ItemsSource = _files;

                //clear editors
                FileTextEditor.Text = string.Empty;

                    var addon    = JObject.Parse(AddonTextEditor.Text);
                    var fileList = JArray.Parse(addon["file-list"].ToString());

                    //remove all checks
                    foreach (var item in fileList.Children().ToList())
                        if (item.ToString().Equals("c3runtime/" + file.FileName) ||
                            item.ToString().Equals("c2runtime/" + file.FileName) ||

                    addon["file-list"]   = fileList;
                    AddonTextEditor.Text = addon.ToString(Formatting.Indented);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    NotificationManager.PublishErrorNotification($"error parseing json, addon.json not updated => {ex.Message}");

                _selectedFile             = null;
                C3RuntimeFolder.IsChecked = false;
                C2RuntimeFolder.IsChecked = false;
                RootFolder.IsChecked      = false;
                PlainText.IsChecked       = false;
                CompressFile.IsChecked    = false;
                DomScript.IsChecked       = false;
                NotificationManager.PublishErrorNotification("failed to remove action, no 3rd party files selected");
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// creates third party file section
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string ThirdPartyFile(ThirdPartyFile file)
            var sb   = new StringBuilder();
            var type = string.Empty;

            if (file.FileType == "dom-side-script" && !file.Domfolder)
                var fileName = file.C3Folder ? $"c3runtime/{file.FileName}" : file.FileName;

            if (file.FileType == "copy-to-output")
                type = $",\n                        fileType: \"{file.MimeType}\"";

            if (file.Rootfolder)
                        filename: ""{file.FileName}"",
                        type: ""{file.FileType}""{type}

            if (file.C3Folder)
                        filename: ""c3runtime/{file.FileName}"",
                        type: ""{file.FileType}""{type}

            if (file.C2Folder)
                        filename: ""c2runtime/{file.FileName}"",
                        type: ""{file.FileType}""{type}

            if (file.Domfolder)
                var fileName = file.C3Folder ? $"c3runtime/{file.FileName}" : file.FileName;

Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// changes the active thrird party file and displays the content
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void FileListBox_OnSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            ////save current selection
            if (_selectedFile != null)
                _selectedFile.Content    = FileTextEditor.Text;
                _selectedFile.C2Folder   = C2RuntimeFolder.IsChecked != null && C2RuntimeFolder.IsChecked.Value;
                _selectedFile.C3Folder   = C3RuntimeFolder.IsChecked != null && C3RuntimeFolder.IsChecked.Value;
                _selectedFile.Rootfolder = RootFolder.IsChecked != null && RootFolder.IsChecked.Value;
                _selectedFile.Domfolder  = DomScript.IsChecked != null && DomScript.IsChecked.Value;

                //_selectedFile.Bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(FileTextEditor.Text);
                _selectedFile.FileType       = FileTypeDropDown.Text;
                _selectedFile.PluginTemplate = TemplateHelper.ThirdPartyFile(_selectedFile);
                _selectedFile.Compress       = CompressFile.IsChecked != null && CompressFile.IsChecked.Value;
                _selectedFile.PlainText      = PlainText.IsChecked != null && PlainText.IsChecked.Value;

            //load new selection
            _selectedFile = FileListBox.SelectedItem as ThirdPartyFile;
            if (_selectedFile == null)
            C2RuntimeFolder.IsChecked = _selectedFile.C2Folder;
            C3RuntimeFolder.IsChecked = _selectedFile.C3Folder;
            RootFolder.IsChecked      = _selectedFile.Rootfolder;
            DomScript.IsChecked       = _selectedFile.Domfolder;
            FileTypeDropDown.Text     = _selectedFile.FileType;
            CompressFile.IsChecked    = _selectedFile.Compress;
            PlainText.IsChecked       = _selectedFile.PlainText;

            switch (_selectedFile.Extention?.ToLower() ?? ".txt")
            case ".js":
            case ".html":
            case ".css":
            case ".txt":
            case ".json":
            case ".xml":
                //TODO: revisit issue with large files
                FileTextEditor.Text = _selectedFile.Content;

                FileTextEditor.Text = $"BINARY FILE => {_selectedFile.FileName}\nBYTE LENGTH : ({_selectedFile.Bytes.Length})";
Exemplo n.º 7
        public async Task <C3Addon> Import(string path)
                return(await Task.Run(() =>
                    var fi = new FileInfo(path);
                    var tmpPath = OptionsManager.CurrentOptions.DataPath + "\\tmp_c3";
                    if (Directory.Exists(tmpPath))
                        Directory.Delete(tmpPath, true);

                    //unzip c3addon to temp location
                    ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(path, tmpPath);

                    var addon = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "addon.json")));
                    string type = addon["type"].ToString();
                    string id = addon["id"].ToString();

                    //todo: handle mixed c3addon with only c2runtime
                    bool c2Only = !File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "c3runtime", $"{type}.js"));

                    if (type != "effect" && !c2Only)
                        string pluginEdit, pluginRun;

                        pluginEdit = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, $"{type}.js"));
                        pluginRun = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "c3runtime", $"{type}.js"));
                        string typeEdit = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, $"type.js"));
                        string typeRun = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "c3runtime", $"type.js"));
                        string instanceEdit = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, $"instance.js"));
                        string instanceRun = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "c3runtime", $"instance.js"));
                        string c2runtime = null;

                        if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "c2runtime")))
                            c2runtime = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "c2runtime", "runtime.js"));

                        PluginType pluginType = PluginType.SingleGlobalPlugin;
                        string pluginCat = "other";
                        switch (type)
                        case "plugin":
                            pluginType = pluginEdit.Contains("SetPluginType(\"world\")")
                                    ? PluginType.DrawingPlugin
                                    : PluginType.SingleGlobalPlugin;
                            pluginCat = Regex.Match(pluginEdit, @"PLUGIN_CATEGORY = ""(?<cat>).*""").Groups["cat"]

                        case "behavior":
                            pluginType = PluginType.Behavior;
                            pluginCat = Regex.Match(pluginEdit, @"BEHAVIOR_CATEGORY = ""(?<cat>.*)""").Groups["cat"]

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pluginCat))
                            pluginCat = "other";

                        var ace = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "aces.json")));
                        var lang = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "lang", "en-US.json")))["text"][type + "s"][id.ToLower()];

                        var prop = "\"properties\": " + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lang["properties"]?.ToString()) ? "{ }" : lang["properties"]);
                        var cats = "\"aceCategories\": " + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lang["aceCategories"]?.ToString()) ? "{ }" : lang["aceCategories"]);

                        //pasre ace implementations
                        LogManager.AddImportLogMessage("EXTRACTING C3RUNTIME / ACTIONS");
                        var actFuncs = JavascriptManager.GetAllFunction(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "c3runtime", "actions.js")));
                        LogManager.AddImportLogMessage("EXTRACTING C3RUNTIME / CONDITION");
                        var cndFuncs = JavascriptManager.GetAllFunction(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "c3runtime", "conditions.js")));
                        LogManager.AddImportLogMessage("EXTRACTING C3RUNTIME / EXPRESSIONS");
                        var expFuncs = JavascriptManager.GetAllFunction(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "c3runtime", "expressions.js")));

                        var actionList = new List <Models.Action>();
                        var conditionList = new List <Models.Condition>();
                        var expressionList = new List <Models.Expression>();

                        foreach (JProperty category in ace.Properties())
                            //parse actions
                            var ationJson = ace[category.Name]["actions"]?.ToString();
                            var actions = ationJson != null ? JArray.Parse(ationJson) : null;
                            if (actions != null)
                                foreach (var action in actions.Children <JObject>())
                                    var actionId = action["id"].ToString();
                                    var actionAce = action.ToString();
                                    var actionLang = $"\"{actionId}\":" + lang["actions"][actionId];
                                    var actionScript = action["scriptName"].ToString();
                                    var actionParams = string.Empty;

                                    //only needed for stub methods
                                    //if (action["params"] != null && action["params"].Children<JObject>().Any())
                                    //    var ep = action["params"].Children<JObject>().Select(x => x["id"].ToString());
                                    //    actionParams = string.Join(",", ep);

                                    actFuncs.TryGetValue(actionScript.Trim(), out var code);
                                    if (code == null)
                                        LogManager.AddImportLogMessage($"ACTION FUNCTION DEFINITION DOES NOT EXISTS => {actionScript.Trim()}");

                                    var act = new Models.Action
                                        Id = actionId,
                                        Category = category.Name,
                                        Ace = actionAce,
                                        Language = actionLang,
                                        //Code = $"{actionScript}({string.Join(",", actionParams)}) {{ \n}}"
                                        Code = FormatHelper.Insatnce.Javascript(code) ?? string.Empty


                            //parse conditions
                            var conditionJson = ace[category.Name]["conditions"]?.ToString();
                            var conditions = conditionJson != null ? JArray.Parse(conditionJson) : null;
                            if (conditions != null)
                                foreach (var condition in conditions.Children <JObject>())
                                    var conditionId = condition["id"].ToString();
                                    var conditionAce = condition.ToString();
                                    var conditionLang = $"\"{conditionId}\":" + lang["conditions"][conditionId];
                                    var conditionScript = condition["scriptName"].ToString();
                                    var conditionParams = string.Empty;

                                    //only needed for stub methods
                                    //if (condition["params"] != null && condition["params"].Children<JObject>().Any())
                                    //    var ep = condition["params"].Children<JObject>().Select(x => x["id"].ToString());
                                    //    conditionParams = string.Join(",", ep);

                                    cndFuncs.TryGetValue(conditionScript.Trim(), out var code);
                                    if (code == null)
                                        LogManager.AddImportLogMessage($"CONDITION FUNCTION DEFINITION DOES NOT EXISTS => {conditionScript.Trim()}");
                                    var cnd = new Models.Condition()
                                        Id = conditionId,
                                        Category = category.Name,
                                        Ace = conditionAce,
                                        Language = conditionLang,
                                        //Code = $"{conditionScript}({string.Join(",", conditionParams)}) {{ \n}}"
                                        Code = FormatHelper.Insatnce.Javascript(code) ?? string.Empty


                            //parse expression
                            var expressionJson = ace[category.Name]["expressions"]?.ToString();
                            var expressions = expressionJson != null ? JArray.Parse(expressionJson) : null;
                            if (expressions != null)
                                foreach (var expression in expressions.Children <JObject>())
                                    var expressionId = expression["id"].ToString();
                                    var expressionAce = expression.ToString();
                                    var expressionLang = $"\"{expressionId}\":" + lang["expressions"][expressionId];
                                    var expressionScript = expression["expressionName"].ToString();
                                    var expressionParams = string.Empty;

                                    //only needed for stub methods
                                    //if (expression["params"] != null && expression["params"].Children<JObject>().Any())
                                    //    var ep = expression["params"].Children<JObject>().Select(x => x["id"].ToString());
                                    //    expressionParams = string.Join(",", ep);

                                    expFuncs.TryGetValue(expressionScript.Trim(), out var code);
                                    if (code == null)
                                        LogManager.AddImportLogMessage($"EXPRESSION FUNCTION DEFINITION DOES NOT EXISTS => {expressionScript.Trim()}");
                                    var exp = new Models.Expression()
                                        Id = expressionId,
                                        Category = category.Name,
                                        Ace = expressionAce,
                                        Language = expressionLang,
                                        //Code = $"{expressionScript}({expressionParams}) {{ \n}}"
                                        Code = FormatHelper.Insatnce.Javascript(expFuncs[expressionScript.Trim()]) ??


                        var thirdPartyFiles = new List <ThirdPartyFile>();
                        var files = Regex.Matches(pluginEdit, @"filename\s?:\s?(""|')(?<file>.*)(""|')");
                        var domFilesMatches = Regex.Matches(pluginEdit, @"SetDOMSideScripts\(\[(?<file>.*)\]\)");
                        var domFileList = new List <string>();
                        var completeFileList = new HashSet <string>();

                        foreach (Match match in domFilesMatches)
                            var domScripts = match.Groups["file"].ToString().Split(',');
                            foreach (var domScript in domScripts)
                                var fn = domScript.Trim('"').Trim('\'');

                        foreach (Match match in files)
                            var fn = match.Groups["file"].ToString();

                        foreach (var fn in completeFileList)
                            var info = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(tmpPath, fn)));

                            var f = new ThirdPartyFile
                                Bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(info.FullName),
                                Content = File.ReadAllText(info.FullName),
                                Extention = info.Extension,

                            switch (info.Extension)
                            case ".js":
                                f.Content = FormatHelper.Insatnce.FixMinifiedFiles(f.Content);
                                f.Compress = true;
                                f.PlainText = true;

                            case ".html":
                            case ".css":
                            case ".txt":
                            case ".json":
                            case ".xml":
                                f.PlainText = true;
                                f.Compress = false;

                                f.Content = $"BINARY FILE => {f.FileName}\nBYTE LENGTH : ({f.Bytes.Length})";
                                f.PlainText = false;
                                f.Compress = false;

                            if (fn.Contains("c3runtime"))
                                f.C3Folder = true;
                                f.FileName = fn.Replace("c3runtime/", string.Empty).Trim();
                            else if (fn.Contains("c2runtime"))
                                f.C2Folder = true;
                                f.FileName = fn.Replace("c2runtime/", string.Empty).Trim();
                                f.Rootfolder = true;
                                f.FileName = fn.Replace("/", "\\").Trim();

                            foreach (var df in domFileList)
                                if (df.Contains(f.FileName))
                                    f.Domfolder = true;

                            f.PluginTemplate = TemplateHelper.ThirdPartyFile(f);


                        //todo: create c3addon, and map parsed data to c3addon
                        var c3addon = new C3Addon
                            AddonId = id,
                            AddonCategory = pluginCat,
                            Author = addon["author"]?.ToString(),
                            Class = addon["name"]?.ToString()?.Replace(" ", string.Empty),
                            Company = addon["author"]?.ToString(),
                            Name = addon["name"]?.ToString(),
                            Description = addon["description"]?.ToString(),
                            AddonJson = addon.ToString(),
                            PluginRunTime = pluginRun,
                            PluginEditTime = pluginEdit,
                            TypeEditTime = typeEdit,
                            TypeRunTime = typeRun,
                            InstanceEditTime = instanceEdit,
                            InstanceRunTime = instanceRun,
                            LanguageProperties = prop,
                            LanguageCategories = cats,
                            Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
                            LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                            Type = pluginType

                        c3addon.Actions = new Dictionary <string, Action>();
                        c3addon.Conditions = new Dictionary <string, Condition>();
                        c3addon.Expressions = new Dictionary <string, Expression>();

                        foreach (var action in actionList)
                            c3addon.Actions.Add(action.Id, action);

                        foreach (var condition in conditionList)
                            c3addon.Conditions.Add(condition.Id, condition);

                        foreach (var expression in expressionList)
                            c3addon.Expressions.Add(expression.Id, expression);

                        c3addon.IconXml = File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "icon.svg")) ?
                                          File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "icon.svg")) :

                        c3addon.Template = TemplateFactory.Insatnce.CreateTemplate(c3addon.Type);

                        c3addon.ThirdPartyFiles = new Dictionary <string, ThirdPartyFile>();
                        foreach (var thirdPartyFile in thirdPartyFiles)
                            c3addon.ThirdPartyFiles.Add($"{thirdPartyFile.ID}", thirdPartyFile);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c2runtime))
                            c3addon.C2RunTime = c2runtime;

                        //regenerate addon file
                        c3addon.AddonJson = TemplateCompiler.Insatnce.CompileTemplates(c3addon.Template.AddonJson, c3addon);

                        //fixup pluginedit time (replace png iconw ith svg)
                        c3addon.PluginEditTime = Regex.Replace(c3addon.PluginEditTime, @"this._info.SetIcon\(.*\);", "this._info.SetIcon(\"icon.svg\", \"image/svg+xml\");");

                        return c3addon;
                    else if (type != "effect" && c2Only)
                        string pluginEdit;

                        pluginEdit = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, $"{type}.js"));
                        string typeEdit = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, $"type.js"));
                        string instanceEdit = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, $"instance.js"));

                        string c2runtime = null;

                        if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "c2runtime")))
                            c2runtime = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "c2runtime", "runtime.js"));

                        PluginType pluginType = PluginType.SingleGlobalPlugin;
                        string pluginCat = "other";
                        switch (type)
                        case "plugin":
                            pluginType = pluginEdit.Contains("SetPluginType(\"world\")")
                                    ? PluginType.DrawingPlugin
                                    : PluginType.SingleGlobalPlugin;
                            pluginCat = Regex.Match(pluginEdit, @"PLUGIN_CATEGORY = ""(?<cat>).*""").Groups["cat"]

                        case "behavior":
                            pluginType = PluginType.Behavior;
                            pluginCat = Regex.Match(pluginEdit, @"BEHAVIOR_CATEGORY = ""(?<cat>.*)""").Groups["cat"]

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pluginCat))
                            pluginCat = "other";

                        var ace = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "aces.json")));
                        var lang = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "lang", "en-US.json")))["text"][type + "s"][id.ToLower()];

                        var prop = "\"properties\": " + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lang["properties"]?.ToString()) ? "{ }" : lang["properties"]);
                        var cats = "\"aceCategories\": " + (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lang["aceCategories"]?.ToString()) ? "{ }" : lang["aceCategories"]);

                        var actionList = new List <Models.Action>();
                        var conditionList = new List <Models.Condition>();
                        var expressionList = new List <Models.Expression>();

                        foreach (JProperty category in ace.Properties())
                            //parse actions
                            var ationJson = ace[category.Name]["actions"]?.ToString();
                            var actions = ationJson != null ? JArray.Parse(ationJson) : null;
                            if (actions != null)
                                foreach (var action in actions.Children <JObject>())
                                    var actionId = action["id"].ToString();
                                    var actionAce = action.ToString();
                                    var actionLang = $"\"{actionId}\":" + lang["actions"][actionId];
                                    var actionScript = action["scriptName"].ToString();
                                    var actionParams = string.Empty;

                                    //only needed for stub methods
                                    if (action["params"] != null && action["params"].Children <JObject>().Any())
                                        var ep = action["params"].Children <JObject>().Select(x =>
                                            var p = x["id"].ToString();
                                            var ti = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
                                            var param = ti.ToTitleCase(p.Replace("-", " ").ToLower()).Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                                            param = char.ToLowerInvariant(param[0]) + param.Substring(1);
                                            return param;
                                        actionParams = string.Join(",", ep);

                                    var act = new Models.Action
                                        Id = actionId,
                                        Category = category.Name,
                                        Ace = actionAce,
                                        Language = actionLang,
                                        Code = $"{actionScript}({string.Join(",", actionParams)}) {{ \n}}"


                            //parse conditions
                            var conditionJson = ace[category.Name]["conditions"]?.ToString();
                            var conditions = conditionJson != null ? JArray.Parse(conditionJson) : null;
                            if (conditions != null)
                                foreach (var condition in conditions.Children <JObject>())
                                    var conditionId = condition["id"].ToString();
                                    var conditionAce = condition.ToString();
                                    var conditionLang = $"\"{conditionId}\":" + lang["conditions"][conditionId];
                                    var conditionScript = condition["scriptName"].ToString();
                                    var conditionParams = string.Empty;

                                    //only needed for stub methods
                                    if (condition["params"] != null && condition["params"].Children <JObject>().Any())
                                        var ep = condition["params"].Children <JObject>().Select(x =>
                                            var p = x["id"].ToString();
                                            var ti = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
                                            var param = ti.ToTitleCase(p.Replace("-", " ").ToLower()).Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                                            param = char.ToLowerInvariant(param[0]) + param.Substring(1);
                                            return param;
                                        conditionParams = string.Join(",", ep);

                                    var cnd = new Models.Condition()
                                        Id = conditionId,
                                        Category = category.Name,
                                        Ace = conditionAce,
                                        Language = conditionLang,
                                        Code = $"{conditionScript}({string.Join(",", conditionParams)}) {{ \n}}"


                            //parse expression
                            var expressionJson = ace[category.Name]["expressions"]?.ToString();
                            var expressions = expressionJson != null ? JArray.Parse(expressionJson) : null;
                            if (expressions != null)
                                foreach (var expression in expressions.Children <JObject>())
                                    var expressionId = expression["id"].ToString();
                                    var expressionAce = expression.ToString();
                                    var expressionLang = $"\"{expressionId}\":" + lang["expressions"][expressionId];
                                    var expressionScript = expression["expressionName"].ToString();
                                    var expressionParams = string.Empty;

                                    //only needed for stub methods
                                    if (expression["params"] != null && expression["params"].Children <JObject>().Any())
                                        var ep = expression["params"].Children <JObject>().Select(x =>
                                            var p = x["id"].ToString();
                                            var ti = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).TextInfo;
                                            var param = ti.ToTitleCase(p.Replace("-", " ").ToLower()).Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                                            param = char.ToLowerInvariant(param[0]) + param.Substring(1);
                                            return param;
                                        expressionParams = string.Join(",", ep);

                                    var exp = new Models.Expression()
                                        Id = expressionId,
                                        Category = category.Name,
                                        Ace = expressionAce,
                                        Language = expressionLang,
                                        Code = $"{expressionScript}({expressionParams}) {{ \n}}"


                        var files = Regex.Matches(pluginEdit, @"filename\s?:\s?(""|')(?<file>.*)(""|')");
                        var thirdPartyFiles = new List <ThirdPartyFile>();
                        foreach (Match match in files)
                            var fn = match.Groups["file"].ToString();
                            var info = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(tmpPath, fn)));

                            var f = new ThirdPartyFile
                                Bytes = null,
                                Content = File.ReadAllText(info.FullName),
                                Extention = info.Extension,

                            f.PluginTemplate = TemplateHelper.ThirdPartyFile(f);

                            switch (info.Extension)
                            case ".js":
                                f.Content = FormatHelper.Insatnce.FixMinifiedFiles(f.Content);
                                f.Compress = true;
                                f.PlainText = true;

                            case ".html":
                            case ".css":
                            case ".txt":
                            case ".json":
                            case ".xml":
                                f.PlainText = true;
                                f.Compress = false;

                                f.Content = $"BINARY FILE => {f.FileName}\nBYTE LENGTH : ({f.Bytes.Length})";
                                f.PlainText = false;
                                f.Compress = false;

                            if (fn.Contains("c3runtime"))
                                f.C3Folder = true;
                                f.FileName = fn.Replace("c3runtime/", string.Empty).Trim();
                            else if (fn.Contains("c2runtime"))
                                f.C2Folder = true;
                                f.FileName = fn.Replace("c2runtime/", string.Empty).Trim();
                                f.Rootfolder = true;
                                f.FileName = fn.Replace("/", "\\").Trim();


                        //todo: create c3addon, and map parsed data to c3addon
                        var c3addon = new C3Addon
                            AddonId = id,
                            AddonCategory = pluginCat,
                            Author = addon["author"]?.ToString(),
                            Class = addon["name"]?.ToString()?.Replace(" ", string.Empty),
                            Company = addon["author"]?.ToString(),
                            Name = addon["name"]?.ToString(),
                            Description = addon["description"]?.ToString(),
                            AddonJson = addon.ToString(),
                            //PluginRunTime = pluginRun,
                            PluginEditTime = pluginEdit,
                            TypeEditTime = typeEdit,
                            //TypeRunTime = typeRun,
                            InstanceEditTime = instanceEdit,
                            //InstanceRunTime = instanceRun,
                            LanguageProperties = prop,
                            LanguageCategories = cats,
                            Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
                            LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                            Type = pluginType

                        c3addon.Actions = new Dictionary <string, Action>();
                        c3addon.Conditions = new Dictionary <string, Condition>();
                        c3addon.Expressions = new Dictionary <string, Expression>();

                        foreach (var action in actionList)
                            c3addon.Actions.Add(action.Id, action);

                        foreach (var condition in conditionList)
                            c3addon.Conditions.Add(condition.Id, condition);

                        foreach (var expression in expressionList)
                            c3addon.Expressions.Add(expression.Id, expression);

                        c3addon.IconXml = File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "icon.svg")) ?
                                          File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "icon.svg")) :

                        c3addon.Template = TemplateFactory.Insatnce.CreateTemplate(c3addon.Type);

                        c3addon.ThirdPartyFiles = new Dictionary <string, ThirdPartyFile>();
                        foreach (var thirdPartyFile in thirdPartyFiles)
                            c3addon.ThirdPartyFiles.Add($"{thirdPartyFile.ID}", thirdPartyFile);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c2runtime))
                            c3addon.C2RunTime = c2runtime;

                        //regenerate template files
                        c3addon.AddonJson = TemplateCompiler.Insatnce.CompileTemplates(c3addon.Template.AddonJson, c3addon);
                        c3addon.PluginRunTime = TemplateCompiler.Insatnce.CompileTemplates(c3addon.Template.PluginRunTime, c3addon);
                        c3addon.TypeRunTime = TemplateCompiler.Insatnce.CompileTemplates(c3addon.Template.TypeRunTime, c3addon);
                        c3addon.InstanceRunTime = TemplateCompiler.Insatnce.CompileTemplates(c3addon.Template.InstanceRunTime, c3addon);

                        //fixup pluginedit time (replace png iconw ith svg)
                        c3addon.PluginEditTime = Regex.Replace(c3addon.PluginEditTime, @"this._info.SetIcon\(.*\);", "this._info.SetIcon(\"icon.svg\", \"image/svg+xml\");");

                        return c3addon;
                        //read file text
                        var effectCode = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "effect.fx"));

                        //parse json
                        var lang = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "lang", "en-US.json")))["text"][type + "s"][id.ToLower()];

                        var effect = new Effect();
                        effect.BlendsBackground = addon["blends-background"] != null && addon["blends-background"].ToString().ToLower().Contains("true");
                        effect.CrossSampling = addon["cross-sampling"] != null && addon["cross-sampling"].ToString().ToLower().Contains("true");
                        effect.PreservesOpaqueness = addon["preserves-opaqueness"] != null && addon["preserves-opaqueness"].ToString().ToLower().Contains("true");
                        effect.Animated = addon["animated"] != null && addon["animated"].ToString().ToLower().Contains("true");
                        effect.MustPredraw = addon["must-predraw"] != null && addon["must-predraw"].ToString().ToLower().Contains("true");

                        if (addon["extend-box"] != null)
                            effect.ExtendBoxVertical = int.Parse(addon["extend-box"]["vertical"].ToString());
                            effect.ExtendBoxHorizontal = int.Parse(addon["extend-box"]["horizontal"].ToString());

                        //add code fx
                        effect.Code = effectCode;

                        //setup params
                        effect.Parameters = new Dictionary <string, EffectParameter>();
                        foreach (var param in addon["parameters"])
                            var p = new EffectParameter
                                Json = param.ToString(formatting: Formatting.Indented),
                                Key = param["id"].ToString()

                            var l = lang["parameters"][p.Key];
                            p.Lang = $"\"{p.Key}\":" + l;

                            switch (param["type"].ToString())
                            case "float":
                            case "percent":
                                p.VariableDeclaration = $"uniform lowp float {p.Key}";

                            case "color":
                                p.VariableDeclaration = $"uniform lowp vec3 {p.Key}";
                            effect.Parameters.Add(p.Key, p);

                        var c3addon = new C3Addon
                            AddonId = id,
                            AddonCategory = addon["category"].ToString(),
                            Author = addon["author"]?.ToString(),
                            Class = addon["name"]?.ToString()?.Replace(" ", string.Empty),
                            Company = addon["author"]?.ToString(),
                            Name = addon["name"]?.ToString(),
                            Description = addon["description"]?.ToString(),
                            AddonJson = addon.ToString(),
                            Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
                            LastModified = DateTime.Now,
                            Type = PluginType.Effect,
                            Effect = effect

                        //c3 icon
                        c3addon.IconXml = File.Exists(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "icon.svg")) ?
                                          File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(tmpPath, "icon.svg")) :

                        c3addon.Template = TemplateFactory.Insatnce.CreateTemplate(c3addon.Type);

                        return c3addon;
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogManager.AddImportLogMessage($"ERROR -> \n{ex.Message}");
                LogManager.AddImportLogMessage($"TRACE -> \n{ex.StackTrace}");
                var logData = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, LogManager.ImportLog);
                File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(OptionsManager.CurrentOptions.DataPath, "import.log"), logData);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// imports a thrird party file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void FileListBox_OnDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
                var file = ((string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop))?.FirstOrDefault();
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))
                    var info      = new FileInfo(file);
                    var filename  = info.Name;
                    var content   = File.ReadAllText(file);
                    var bytes     = File.ReadAllBytes(file);
                    var compress  = false;
                    var plainText = true;

                    switch (info.Extension)
                    case ".js":
                        content   = FormatHelper.Insatnce.FixMinifiedFiles(content);
                        compress  = true;
                        plainText = true;

                    case ".html":
                    case ".css":
                    case ".txt":
                    case ".json":
                    case ".xml":
                        plainText = true;
                        compress  = false;

                        content   = $"BINARY FILE => {filename}\nBYTE LENGTH : ({bytes.Length})";
                        plainText = false;
                        compress  = false;

                    var tpf = new ThirdPartyFile
                        Content   = content,
                        FileName  = filename,
                        Bytes     = bytes,
                        Extention = info.Extension.ToLower(),
                        FileType  = "inline-script",
                        Compress  = compress,
                        PlainText = plainText

                    tpf.PluginTemplate = TemplateHelper.ThirdPartyFile(tpf);

                    CodeCompletionFactory.Insatnce.PopulateUserDefinedTokens(filename, content);
                    FileListBox.ItemsSource = _files;
            catch (Exception exception)
                NotificationManager.PublishErrorNotification($"error adding third party file, {exception.Message}");