Exemplo n.º 1
 void Start()
     light.enabled = false;
     flashReady = GameObject.Find("Player/MainCamera/TrackingSpace/Flash").GetComponent<TextMesh>();
     myo = GameObject.Find("Myo");
     thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo>();
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Update is called once per frame.
    void Update()
        // Access the ThalmicMyo component attached to the Myo game object.
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo> ();

        // Check if the pose has changed since last update.
        // The ThalmicMyo component of a Myo game object has a pose property that is set to the
        // currently detected pose (e.g. Pose.Fist for the user making a fist). If no pose is currently
        // detected, pose will be set to Pose.Rest. If pose detection is unavailable, e.g. because Myo
        // is not on a user's arm, pose will be set to Pose.Unknown.
        if (thalmicMyo.pose != _lastPose)
            _lastPose = thalmicMyo.pose;

            // Vibrate the Myo armband when a fist is made.
            if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.Fist)


                // Change material when wave in, wave out or double tap poses are made.
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void Awake()
     myo_           = myoObject.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();
     before_Accel.x = myo_.accelerometer.x;
     before_Accel.y = myo_.accelerometer.y;
     before_Accel.z = myo_.accelerometer.z;
Exemplo n.º 4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();

        Vector3 zeroRoll = computeZeroRollVector(myo.transform.forward);
        float   roll     = rollFromZero(zeroRoll, myo.transform.forward, myo.transform.up);

        float relativeRoll = normalizeAngle(roll - _referenceRoll);

        Quaternion antiRoll = Quaternion.AngleAxis(relativeRoll, myo.transform.forward);

        transform.rotation = _antiYaw * antiRoll * Quaternion.LookRotation(myo.transform.forward);

        if (thalmicMyo.xDirection == Thalmic.Myo.XDirection.TowardWrist)
            transform.rotation = new Quaternion(transform.localRotation.x,
Exemplo n.º 5
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();

        // when the escape key is pressed or the Fingers Spread Gesture, depending on the value of GameIsPaused, either pauses or resumes the game
        if (thalmicMyo.pose != _lastPose)
            _lastPose = thalmicMyo.pose;
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.FingersSpread)
                if (GameIsPaused)
        else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
            if (GameIsPaused)
    void Start()
        //Set Debugmode
        if (debugMode)
            debugCanvas.enabled = debugMode;

        //Assign the myo script
        myoDataScript = MyoData.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();

        //Assign all the Text components
        perSensorMaxValueLabel = new Text[displayBars.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < displayBars.Length; i++)
            perSensorMaxValueLabel[i] = displayBars[i].transform.Find("maxValueLabel").GetComponent <Text>();

        //Set the per sensor option
        previousPerSensorValue = perSensorValue;

Exemplo n.º 7
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo> ();

        _lastPose = thalmicMyo.pose;
        isReady   = false;
Exemplo n.º 8
    // Update is called once per frame.
    void Update()
        // Access the ThalmicMyo component attached to the Myo game object.
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo> ();

        // Check if the pose has changed since last update.
        // The ThalmicMyo component of a Myo game object has a pose property that is set to the
        // currently detected pose (e.g. Pose.Fist for the user making a fist). If no pose is currently
        // detected, pose will be set to Pose.Rest. If pose detection is unavailable, e.g. because Myo
        // is not on a user's arm, pose will be set to Pose.Unknown.
        if (thalmicMyo.pose != _lastPose)
            _lastPose = thalmicMyo.pose;

            // Vibrate the Myo armband when a fist is made.
            if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.Fist)

                // Change material when wave in, wave out or thumb to pinky poses are made.
            else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveIn)
                renderer.material = waveInMaterial;
            else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveOut)
                renderer.material = waveOutMaterial;
            else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.ThumbToPinky)
                renderer.material = thumbToPinkyMaterial;
Exemplo n.º 9
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();

        userPose = thalmicMyo.pose;
        float dax = thalmicMyo.accelerometer.x - axi;
        float day = thalmicMyo.accelerometer.y - ayi;

        //if (dax > A_FIREBALL && restFrames == 0 && (userPose == Thalmic.Myo.Pose.FingersSpread || userPose == Thalmic.Myo.Pose.WaveOut))
        //if (dax > A_FIREBALL && restFrames == 0)
        if (thalmicMyo.accelerometer.magnitude > 2)
            restFrames = FRAMES_BETWEEN_ATTACK;

            GameObject go = GameObject.Instantiate(effect);
            go.transform.position = this.transform.position;
            //rb.AddForce(0, 0, 10);
        //else if (day > 0.8 && restFrames == 0 && userPose == Thalmic.Myo.Pose.Fist)
        else if (day > 0.8 && restFrames == 0)
        // Make a fist and accelerate down to
            restFrames = FRAMES_BETWEEN_ATTACK;
            Debug.Log("METEOR " + meteorNum);
            //rb.AddForce(0, 10, 0);

        if (restFrames > 0)
Exemplo n.º 10
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();
        Vector3    acc        = thalmicMyo.accelerometer;

        Debug.Log("X: " + thalmicMyo.accelerometer.x);
        transform.position = new Vector3((transform.position.y + (Mathf.Pow(acc.y, 3))) * 1.0f / 3.0f * Time.deltaTime * accelFactor,
                                         (transform.position.x + (Mathf.Pow(acc.x, 3) * 70)) * 1.0f / 3.0f * Time.deltaTime, 0);
        ParticleSystem particles = system.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>();

        if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.Fist)
            particles.emissionRate = 2500.0f;
            particles.emissionRate = 60.0f;
        if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveIn)
            particles.startColor = Color.cyan;
        else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveOut)
            particles.startColor = Color.yellow;
            particles.startColor = Color.grey;
Exemplo n.º 11
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();

        if ((Input.GetKeyDown("z") || thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.Fist) && endTime < DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds)
            GameObject spell = Instantiate((GameObject)spell_1, mainCamera.transform.position + new Vector3(7 * (float)Math.Sin(player.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Math.PI / 180), 0, 7 * (float)Math.Cos(player.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Math.PI / 180)), transform.rotation) as GameObject;
            spell.gameObject.GetComponent <BoulderSpell>().x_direction = (float)Math.Sin(player.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Math.PI / 180);
            spell.gameObject.GetComponent <BoulderSpell>().z_direction = (float)Math.Cos(player.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Math.PI / 180);
            endTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + 0.5f;

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("x") && endTime < DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds)
            GameObject spell = Instantiate((GameObject)spell_2, mainCamera.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 17, 0), transform.rotation) as GameObject;
            spell.gameObject.GetComponent <MeteorScript>().x_direction = 0;
            spell.gameObject.GetComponent <MeteorScript>().y_direction = -0.5f;
            spell.gameObject.GetComponent <MeteorScript>().z_direction = 1;
            endTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + 2;

        if ((Input.GetKey("c") || thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.FingersSpread) && endTime < DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds)
            GameObject spell = Instantiate((GameObject)spell_3, mainCamera.transform.position + new Vector3(5 * (float)Math.Sin(player.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Math.PI / 180), 0, 5 * (float)Math.Cos(player.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Math.PI / 180)), transform.rotation) as GameObject;
            spell.gameObject.GetComponent <DigitalRuby.LightningBolt.LightningBoltScript>().StartPosition = mainCamera.transform.position + new Vector3(2 * (float)Math.Sin(player.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Math.PI / 180), 0, 2 * (float)Math.Cos(player.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Math.PI / 180));
            spell.gameObject.GetComponent <DigitalRuby.LightningBolt.LightningBoltScript>().EndPosition   = mainCamera.transform.position + new Vector3(60 * (float)Math.Sin(player.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Math.PI / 180), 0, 60 * (float)Math.Cos(player.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Math.PI / 180));
            spell.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>().size = new Vector3(58 * (float)Math.Sin(player.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Math.PI / 180), 3f, 58 * (float)Math.Cos(player.gameObject.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y * Math.PI / 180));
            endTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalSeconds + 0.1f;
Exemplo n.º 12
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (inTrigger)
         // Access the ThalmicMyo component attached to the Myo object.
         ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo> ();
         if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E) || thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.DoubleTap)
             if (aMultiLever)
             else if (arrows)
             else if (trap)
Exemplo n.º 13
    // Update is called once per frame.
    void Update()
        // Access the ThalmicMyo component attached to the Myo game object.
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo> ();

        // Check if the pose has changed since last update.
        // The ThalmicMyo component of a Myo game object has a pose property that is set to the
        // currently detected pose (e.g. Pose.Fist for the user making a fist). If no pose is currently
        // detected, pose will be set to Pose.Rest. If pose detection is unavailable, e.g. because Myo
        // is not on a user's arm, pose will be set to Pose.Unknown.
        if (thalmicMyo.pose != _lastPose)
            _lastPose = thalmicMyo.pose;

            // Change the material on wave in or wave out
            if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveIn)
                GetComponent <Renderer>().material = waveInMaterial;
                myoState = "BLUE";
            else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveOut)
                GetComponent <Renderer>().material = waveOutMaterial;
                myoState = "GREEN";
            else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.FingersSpread)
                GetComponent <Renderer>().material = spreadMaterial;
                myoState = "RED";
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
            if (GameIsPaused)

        // Access the ThalmicMyo component attached to the Myo game object.
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo> ();

        if (thalmicMyo.pose != _lastPose)
            //Doing a fist will make the user resume the game and do nothing while in-game
            if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.Fist)
            // Double Tapping makes the game pause while playing
            else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.DoubleTap)
Exemplo n.º 15
    void Start()
        Debug.Log("lancement connexion!");
        ThalmicHub hub = ThalmicHub.instance;

        /* Access the ThalmicMyo script attached to the Myo object */
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();

        if (!hub.hubInitialized)
            Debug.Log("Cannot contact Myo Connect. Is Myo Connect running?\n" +
                      "Press Q to try again.");
            ConnexionMyo.myoConnected = false;

        else if (!thalmicMyo.isPaired)
            Debug.Log("No Myo currently paired.\n");
            ConnexionMyo.myoConnected = false;

            ConnexionMyo.myoConnected = true;
Exemplo n.º 16
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();
        float movement;

        if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveIn)
            movement = -1 * speed * Time.deltaTime;
        else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveOut)
            movement = speed * Time.deltaTime;

            movement = 0;

        if (!isright)
            movement *= -1;

        transform.Translate(new Vector3(movement, 0));

        if (time <= 0)
 void Start()
     //  Initialise objects in game
     rb         = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
     bulletClip = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
     myoArmband = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();
Exemplo n.º 18
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        tMyo    = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo> ();
        vectors = new List <Vector3> ();

        //thrown = false;
Exemplo n.º 19
    void Update()
        timer    += Time.deltaTime;
        myoTimer += Time.deltaTime;
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo> ();

        if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.Fist && timer >= timeBetweenBullets && Time.timeScale != 0 && myoTimer < myoCountConstant)
            if (bulletCount < 10)
            bulletCount = bulletCount + 1;
        _lastPose = thalmicMyo.pose;

        if (myoTimer > myoCountConstant && thalmicMyo.pose != Pose.Fist)
            myoTimer = 0f;

        if (timer >= timeBetweenBullets * effectsDisplayTime)
            bulletCount = bulletCount - 1;
            if (bulletCount < 0)
                bulletCount = 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
    // Draw some basic instructions.
    void OnGUI()
        GUI.skin.label.fontSize = 20;

        ThalmicHub hub = ThalmicHub.instance;

        // Access the ThalmicMyo script attached to the Myo object.
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo> ();

        if (!hub.hubInitialized)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(12, 8, Screen.width, Screen.height),
                      "Cannot contact Myo Connect. Is Myo Connect running?\n" +
                      "Press Q to try again."
        else if (!thalmicMyo.isPaired)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(12, 8, Screen.width, Screen.height),
                      "No Myo currently paired."
        else if (!thalmicMyo.armSynced)
            GUI.Label(new Rect(12, 8, Screen.width, Screen.height),
                      "Perform the Sync Gesture."
            GUI.Label(new Rect(12, 8, Screen.width, Screen.height),
                      "Fist: Set forward direction"
Exemplo n.º 21
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();

        userPose = thalmicMyo.pose;
        float dax = thalmicMyo.accelerometer.x - axi;
        float day = thalmicMyo.accelerometer.y - ayi;

        if (dax > A_FIREBALL && restFrames == 0 && (userPose == Thalmic.Myo.Pose.FingersSpread || userPose == Thalmic.Myo.Pose.WaveOut))
            restFrames = FRAMES_BETWEEN_ATTACK;
            Debug.Log("FIREBALL " + fireballNum + "   " + dax);
            rb.AddForce(0, 0, 10);
        else if (day > 0.8 && restFrames == 0 && userPose == Thalmic.Myo.Pose.Fist)
        // Make a fist and accelerate down to
            restFrames = FRAMES_BETWEEN_ATTACK;
            Debug.Log("METEOR " + meteorNum);
            rb.AddForce(0, 10, 0);

        if (restFrames > 0)
Exemplo n.º 22
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myoGameObject.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();

        if (thalmicMyo.pose != _lastPose)
            _lastPose = thalmicMyo.pose;

            if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.DoubleTap)
                if (GamePause == true)
                    if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.DoubleTap) //
                        ResumeGame();                      // Resume Game
                    if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.FingersSpread)
                        Debug.Log("Game Quit");
                        QuitGame();// Quit Game
Exemplo n.º 23
    public void LightColor()
        Material panel = GetComponent <Renderer>().material;
        // Light leftLight = GameObject.Find("LeftLight").GetComponent<Light>();
        // Light rightLight = GameObject.Find("RightLight").GetComponent<Light>();

        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();

        //if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.FingersSpread)
        if (deltaSpeed < 0)   // car is slowing down
            slowing = true;
        if (slowing)
            panel.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.yellow);
            leftLight.color  = Color.yellow;
            rightLight.color = Color.yellow;
            //Debug.Log("DeltaSpeed: " + deltaSpeed);
        if (deltaSpeed < 0.000001f && deltaSpeed > -0.000001f && deltaX - lastX > 0)   // if the car is stopped
            panel.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.green);
            leftLight.color  = Color.green;
            rightLight.color = Color.green;
            // slowing = false;
        if (!slowing)     // if the car is not slowing down and not stopped
            panel.SetColor("_EmissionColor", Color.red);
            leftLight.color  = Color.red;
            rightLight.color = Color.red;
Exemplo n.º 24
 void PerformShoot(AudioClip sound, Material material, GameObject laser, ThalmicMyo myo)
     GetComponent<Renderer>().material = material;
Exemplo n.º 25
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     myo = FindObjectOfType <ThalmicMyo>();
     // Debug.Log(myo);
     emg = myo.GetEMGData();
    void Update()
        //Having this lets us get the updated position & gesture of the Armband every frame.
        ThalmicMyo myoArmband = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo> ();

        //Decrement the timer in seconds.
        timer -= Time.deltaTime;

        //Simple calls to the API of the Armband to check the current pose.

        //If Rest, we set the arrow colour to black.
        if (myoArmband.pose == Thalmic.Myo.Pose.Rest)
            fist   = false;
            spread = false;
            rest   = true;
            arrowMaterial.color = Color.black;

        //If Fist, we fire red bullets every 0.25s, and change the arrow colour to red.
        else if (myoArmband.pose == Thalmic.Myo.Pose.Fist ||
            rest   = false;
            spread = false;
            fist   = true;
            arrowMaterial.color = Color.red;

            if (timer <= 0.0f)
                Object.Instantiate(redBullet, this.transform);
                timer = 0.25f;
                //Debug.Log("Shoot Red");

        //Likewise for Spread Fingers, we do the same, but blue.
        else if (myoArmband.pose == Thalmic.Myo.Pose.FingersSpread ||
            rest   = false;
            fist   = false;
            spread = true;
            arrowMaterial.color = Color.blue;

            if (timer <= 0.0f)
                Object.Instantiate(blueBullet, this.transform);
                timer = 0.25f;
                //Debug.Log("Shoot Blue");

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        myoGameObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("myo");
        myo           = myoGameObject.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo> ();

        PlayerPrefs.SetString("lastLoadedScene", SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name);
Exemplo n.º 28
    void Start()
        _myoTM = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();

        //TO DO: Activate this only on sync.
        //Though, might not need it? It still tracks position well I think.
        InvokeRepeating("CollectData", 0, detectionInterval);
Exemplo n.º 29
    void Start()
        //Get myo compononent
        myoArmband = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo> ();

        //Set default values of the fore arm bone rotation at start
Exemplo n.º 30
    // Run and get components
    void Start () {
        MyoConnector myoConnect = new MyoConnector();
        myo = GameObject.FindWithTag("Myo");
        thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo>();

        mRigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
        mAudioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
    }// End of Start
Exemplo n.º 31
    void Start()
        //Assign the myo script
        myoDataScript = MyoData.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo>();

        //Reset the data
Exemplo n.º 32
    // Update is called once per frame.
    void Update()
        // Access the ThalmicMyo component attached to the Myo object.
        ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent <ThalmicMyo> ();

        // Update references when the pose becomes fingers spread or the q key is pressed.
        bool updateReference = false;

        if (thalmicMyo.pose != _lastPose)
            _lastPose = thalmicMyo.pose;

            //if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.FingersSpread) {
            //updateReference = true;

            //ExtendUnlockAndNotifyUserAction (thalmicMyo);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("r"))
            updateReference = true;

        if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.DoubleTap)
            updateReference = true;

        if (updateReference)
            transform.SetPositionAndRotation(new Vector3(333.0f, 180.0f, 0f), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0));

            // _antiYaw represents a rotation of the Myo armband about the Y axis (up) which aligns the forward
            // vector of the rotation with Z = 1 when the wearer's arm is pointing in the reference direction.
            _antiYaw = Quaternion.FromToRotation(
                new Vector3(myo.transform.forward.x, 0, myo.transform.forward.z),
                new Vector3(0, 0, 1)

            Vector3 referenceZeroRoll = computeZeroRollVector(myo.transform.forward);
            _referenceRoll = rollFromZero(referenceZeroRoll, myo.transform.forward, myo.transform.up);

        Vector3    zeroRoll     = computeZeroRollVector(myo.transform.forward);
        float      roll         = rollFromZero(zeroRoll, myo.transform.forward, myo.transform.up);
        float      relativeRoll = normalizeAngle(roll - _referenceRoll);
        Quaternion antiRoll     = Quaternion.AngleAxis(relativeRoll, myo.transform.forward);

        transform.rotation = _antiYaw * antiRoll * Quaternion.LookRotation(myo.transform.forward);

        Vector2 dxdy = gyroConversion(thalmicMyo.gyroscope, myo.transform.rotation, thalmicMyo.xDirection);

        float dx = updateMouseDeltas(dxdy [0], dxdy [1]) [0];
        float dy = updateMouseDeltas(dxdy [0], dxdy [1]) [1];

        transform.Translate(dx, dy * dyScale, 0, Space.World);
Exemplo n.º 33
    // Extend the unlock if ThalmcHub's locking policy is standard, and notifies the given myo that a user action was
    // recognized.
    void ExtendUnlockAndNotifyUserAction(ThalmicMyo myo)
        ThalmicHub hub = ThalmicHub.instance;

        if (hub.lockingPolicy == LockingPolicy.Standard) {
            myo.Unlock (UnlockType.Timed);
        myo.NotifyUserAction ();
Exemplo n.º 34
 // Use this for initialization
 public MyoMovement(GameObject myo)
     this.myo = myo;
     this.thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo> ();
     if (thalmicMyo.isPaired) {
         isMyo = true;
     curPose = _lastPose;
Exemplo n.º 35
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo>();
     if (split.splitted)
         vib.vibe = true;
Exemplo n.º 36
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        pose = Thalmic.Myo.Pose.Rest;
        poseDuration = 0.0f;

        stream = new SerialPort(COM_PORT_NAME, BAUD_RATE);
        stream.WriteTimeout = 100;

        myoRef = null;
Exemplo n.º 37
	void UpdateKeyPresses (ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo) {
		ThalmicHub hub = ThalmicHub.instance;
		if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Q)) {
		} else if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.RightArrow)) {
		} else if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.LeftArrow)) {
Exemplo n.º 38
 // Myo game object to connect with.
 // This object must have a ThalmicMyo script attached.
 void Update()
     if (Input.GetKey("escape"))
     thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo> ();
     hub = ThalmicHub.instance;
     if (Input.GetKeyDown("q"))
     //if (
Exemplo n.º 39
    void ResetScene()
        if(myo == null) myo = GameObject.Find("Myo");
        _myoTM = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo>();
        //mc = GameObject.Find("Joint").GetComponent<MyoController>();
        mc = MyoController.Instance;
        HoldArmOut = GameObject.Find("HoldArmOut");
        LeftArmSet = GameObject.Find("LeftArm");
        RightArmSet = GameObject.Find("RightArm");
        Text = GameObject.Find("Text");
        TutorialCat = GameObject.Find("TutorialCat");

        if(am == null) am = GameObject.Find("AudioManager").GetComponent<AudioManager>();
Exemplo n.º 40
	void UpdatePoses (ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo) {
		if (thalmicMyo.pose != _lastPose && thalmicMyo.pose != Pose.Unknown) {
			_lastPose = thalmicMyo.pose;
			if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.Rest) {
			// Give feedback
			//thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Short);
			if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.Fist) {
				print("Fist detected");
			} else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveIn) {
				if (thalmicMyo.arm == Thalmic.Myo.Arm.Left) {
					print("Wave RIGHT detected (left arm)");
					thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Short);
					CM.Reverse ();
				} else if (thalmicMyo.arm == Thalmic.Myo.Arm.Right) {
					print("Wave LEFT detected (right arm)");
					thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Short);
					CM.Advance ();
			} else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveOut) {
				if (thalmicMyo.arm == Thalmic.Myo.Arm.Left) {
					print("Wave LEFT detected (left arm)");
					thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Short);
					CM.Advance ();
				} else if (thalmicMyo.arm == Thalmic.Myo.Arm.Right) {
					print("Wave RIGHT detected (right arm)");
					thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Short);
					CM.Reverse ();
			} else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.ThumbToPinky) {
				print("Thumb to Pinky detected");
			} else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.FingersSpread) {
				print("Fingers Spread detected");

Exemplo n.º 41
    //private InputMapping;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        hub = ThalmicHub.instance;
        //myo = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        if (myo == null) {
            myo = this.gameObject;

        // Access the ThalmicMyo script attached to the Myo object.
        thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo> ();

        if (thalmicMyo.isPaired) {
        Debug.Log (thalmicMyo);
        Debug.Log (myo);
Exemplo n.º 42
    // Update is called once per frame.
    void Update()
        // Access the ThalmicMyo component attached to the Myo game object.
        thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo> ();

        // Check if the pose has changed since last update.
        // The ThalmicMyo component of a Myo game object has a pose property that is set to the
        // currently detected pose (e.g. Pose.Fist for the user making a fist). If no pose is currently
        // detected, pose will be set to Pose.Rest. If pose detection is unavailable, e.g. because Myo
        // is not on a user's arm, pose will be set to Pose.Unknown.
        if (thalmicMyo.pose != _lastPose) {
            _lastPose = thalmicMyo.pose;

            // Vibrate the Myo armband when a fist is made.
            if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.Fist) {
                thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Medium);

                ExtendUnlockAndNotifyUserAction (thalmicMyo);

            // Change material when wave in, wave out or double tap poses are made.
            } else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveIn) {
                GetComponent<Renderer>().material = waveInMaterial;

                GameObject arms = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ARMS");
                Instantiate (arms);

                ExtendUnlockAndNotifyUserAction (thalmicMyo);
            } else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveOut) {
                GetComponent<Renderer>().material = waveOutMaterial;

                ExtendUnlockAndNotifyUserAction (thalmicMyo);
            } else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.DoubleTap) {
                GetComponent<Renderer>().material = doubleTapMaterial;

                ExtendUnlockAndNotifyUserAction (thalmicMyo);
Exemplo n.º 43
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (myoRef == null) {
            myoRef = FindObjectOfType<ThalmicMyo> ();
        } else {

            Thalmic.Myo.Pose overriddenPose = POSE_OVERRIDES[myoRef.pose];

            if (overriddenPose != pose && poseDuration > MIN_POSE_DURATION)
                byte[] output = new byte[1];
                output[0] = ANGLE_OPEN;

                switch (overriddenPose)
                    case Thalmic.Myo.Pose.Rest:
                        output[0] = ANGLE_OPEN;
                    case Thalmic.Myo.Pose.Fist:
                        output[0] = ANGLE_CLOSE;

                pose = overriddenPose;
                poseDuration = 0.0f;

                //send hand command
                Debug.Log("Pose: " + pose.ToString() + "\nActual: " + myoRef.pose.ToString() + "\nAngle: " + output[0]);
                stream.Write(output, 0, 1);
                poseDuration += Time.deltaTime;
Exemplo n.º 44
    // Draw some basic instructions.
    void OnGUI()
        GUI.skin.label.fontSize = 20;

        hub = ThalmicHub.instance;

        // Access the ThalmicMyo script attached to the Myo object.
        thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo> ();

        if (!hub.hubInitialized) {
            GUI.Label(new Rect (12, 8, Screen.width, Screen.height),
                      "Cannot contact Myo Connect. Is Myo Connect running?\n" +
                      "Press Q to try again."
        } else if (!thalmicMyo.isPaired) {
            GUI.Label(new Rect (12, 8, Screen.width, Screen.height),
                      "No Myo currently paired."
        } else if (!thalmicMyo.armSynced) {
            GUI.Label(new Rect (12, 8, Screen.width, Screen.height),
                      "Perform the Sync Gesture."
        } else {
            myoIsPaired = true;
            GUI.Label (new Rect (12, 8, Screen.width, Screen.height),

                       "Fist: Vibrate Myo armband\n" +
                       "Wave in: Set box material to blue\n" +
                       "Wave out: Set box material to green\n" +
                       "Double tap: Reset box material\n" +
                       "Fingers spread: Set forward direction"
Exemplo n.º 45
 void Start()
     light = GetComponent<flashlight>();
     myo = GameObject.Find("Myo");
     thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo>();
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        myo = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Myo");

                        thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo> ();
Exemplo n.º 47
	void UpdateKeyPresses (ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo) {
		ThalmicHub hub = ThalmicHub.instance;
		if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Q)) {
		} else if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.R)) {
			_updateReference = true;
Exemplo n.º 48
	void UpdatePoses (ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo) {
		if (thalmicMyo.pose != _lastPose && thalmicMyo.pose != Pose.Unknown) {

			_lastPose = thalmicMyo.pose;

			if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.Rest) {

			// Give feedback
			// thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Short);

			if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.Fist) {
				print("Fist detected");
				if (grabEnabled) {
					if (_grab == null) {
						RaycastHit hit;
						if (Physics.Raycast (transform.position, transform.rotation * Vector3.forward, out hit, 100f)) {
							_grab = hit.collider.transform;
							_updateGrabReference = true;
							thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Short);

			} else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveIn) {
				if (thalmicMyo.arm == Thalmic.Myo.Arm.Left) {
					print("Wave RIGHT detected (left arm)");
					thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Short);
					slideGen.Reverse ();

				} else if (thalmicMyo.arm == Thalmic.Myo.Arm.Right) {
					print("Wave LEFT detected (right arm)");
					thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Short);
					slideGen.Advance ();

			} else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.WaveOut) {
				if (thalmicMyo.arm == Thalmic.Myo.Arm.Left) {
					print("Wave LEFT detected (left arm)");
					thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Short);
					slideGen.Advance ();

				} else if (thalmicMyo.arm == Thalmic.Myo.Arm.Right) {
					print("Wave RIGHT detected (right arm)");
					thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Short);
					slideGen.Reverse ();

			} else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.ThumbToPinky) {
				print("Thumb to Pinky detected");
				//if (Mathf.Approximately (_referenceRoll, 0f)) {
				_updateReference = true;
				thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Short);

			} else if (thalmicMyo.pose == Pose.FingersSpread) {
				print("Fingers Spread detected");
				thalmicMyo.Vibrate (VibrationType.Short);
				if (_grab == null) {
					showPointer = !showPointer;
					print("Pointer " + showPointer.ToString());
				} else {
					_grab = null;
Exemplo n.º 49
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     selectedBall = GameObject.Find("1").GetComponent<Transform>().position;
     solidCount = stripeCount = 7;
     gc = GameControl.getInstance ();
     generalInfo = GeneralInfo.getInstance();
     getCueInfo ();
     //MYO TESTS
     //cueStickRB.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezePositionY;
     //cueStickCollider.enabled = false;
     ThalmicHub hub = ThalmicHub.instance;
     thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo> ();
Exemplo n.º 50
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     btSerial = btSerialGO.GetComponent<BTSerial>();
     thalmicMyo = myoGO.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo>();
Exemplo n.º 51
 // Use this for initialization
 private void Start()
     m_CharacterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
     m_Camera = Camera.main;
     m_OriginalCameraPosition = m_Camera.transform.localPosition;
     m_HeadBob.Setup(m_Camera, m_StepInterval);
     m_StepCycle = 0f;
     m_NextStep = m_StepCycle/2f;
     m_Jumping = false;
     m_AudioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
     m_MouseLook.Init(transform , m_Camera.transform);
     myo = GameObject.Find("Myo");
     thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo>();
Exemplo n.º 52
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        aggz = new Vector3[aggtime];
        jerks = new Vector3[aggtime];

        pokeballs = new Transform[4];
        pokeballs [0] = pokeball_bulb;
        pokeballs [1] = pokeball_squirt;
        pokeballs [2] = pokeball_char;
        pokeballs [3] = pokeball_pika;

        myoController = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo> ();

        for(int pBall = 0; pBall < numberOfPokeballs; pBall++) {
 void Awake()
     myo_ = myoObject.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo>();
Exemplo n.º 54
	void UpdateOrientation (ThalmicMyo thalmicMyo) {
		// Update references. This anchors the joint on-screen such that it faces forward away
		// from the viewer when the Myo armband is oriented the way it is when these references are taken.
		if (_updateReference) {
			// _antiYaw represents a rotation of the Myo armband about the Y axis (up) which aligns the forward
			// vector of the rotation with Z = 1 when the wearer's arm is pointing in the reference direction.
			_antiYaw = Quaternion.FromToRotation (
				new Vector3 (myo.transform.forward.x, 0, myo.transform.forward.z),
				new Vector3 (0, 0, 1)
			// _referenceRoll represents how many degrees the Myo armband is rotated clockwise
			// about its forward axis (when looking down the wearer's arm towards their hand) from the reference zero
			// roll direction. This direction is calculated and explained below. When this reference is
			// taken, the joint will be rotated about its forward axis such that it faces upwards when
			// the roll value matches the reference.
			Vector3 referenceZeroRoll = computeZeroRollVector (myo.transform.forward);
			_referenceRoll = rollFromZero (referenceZeroRoll, myo.transform.forward, myo.transform.up);
			_parentRotation = transform.parent.GetChild(0).rotation;
			_updateReference = false;
		} else if (_updateGrabReference) {
			_grabInitialObjectRotation = _grab.transform.rotation;
			_grabInitialPointerRotation = transform.rotation;
			_updateGrabReference = false;

		// Current zero roll vector and roll value.
		Vector3 zeroRoll = computeZeroRollVector (myo.transform.forward);
		float roll = rollFromZero (zeroRoll, myo.transform.forward, myo.transform.up);
		// The relative roll is simply how much the current roll has changed relative to the reference roll.
		// adjustAngle simply keeps the resultant value within -180 to 180 degrees.
		float relativeRoll = normalizeAngle (roll - _referenceRoll);
		// antiRoll represents a rotation about the myo Armband's forward axis adjusting for reference roll.
		Quaternion antiRoll = Quaternion.AngleAxis (relativeRoll, myo.transform.forward);
		// Here the anti-roll and yaw rotations are applied to the myo Armband's forward direction to yield
		// the orientation of the joint.
		transform.rotation = _antiYaw * antiRoll * Quaternion.LookRotation (myo.transform.forward);
		// The above calculations were done assuming the Myo armbands's +x direction, in its own coordinate system,
		// was facing toward the wearer's elbow. If the Myo armband is worn with its +x direction facing the other way,
		// the rotation needs to be updated to compensate.
		if (thalmicMyo.xDirection == Thalmic.Myo.XDirection.TowardWrist) {
			// Mirror the rotation around the XZ plane in Unity's coordinate system (XY plane in Myo's coordinate
			// system). This makes the rotation reflect the arm's orientation, rather than that of the Myo armband.
			transform.rotation = new Quaternion(transform.localRotation.x,

		if (_grab != null) {
			_grab.rotation = Quaternion.Inverse (transform.rotation) * _grabInitialPointerRotation * _grabInitialObjectRotation;
Exemplo n.º 55
 void Start()
     batteryLeft = GameObject.Find("Player/MainCamera/TrackingSpace/Battery").GetComponent<TextMesh>();
        myo = GameObject.Find("Myo");
        thalmicMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo>();
Exemplo n.º 56
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		tMyo = myo.GetComponent<ThalmicMyo> ();
		vectors = new List<Vector3> ();

		//thrown = false;