Exemplo n.º 1
        void DoHeaderCustomDrawing(ref Message m)
            NMCUSTOMDRAW nmcd = (NMCUSTOMDRAW)m.GetLParam(typeof(NMCUSTOMDRAW));

            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromHdc(nmcd.hdc))
                Rectangle rc = GetHeaderCtrlRect();
                rc = GetHeaderItemRect(nmcd.dwItemSpec);
                int itemRight = rc.Left + rc.Width;
                g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(SystemColors.ScrollBar), rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width, rc.Height);

                if (nmcd.dwItemSpec == PressedHeaderItem && !IsCursorOnDivider() && Tracking == false)
                    PressedHeaderItem = -1;
                    rc.Inflate(-1, -1);
                    g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(ColorUtil.VSNetPressedColor), rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width, rc.Height);
                    ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(g, rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width,
                                              rc.Height - 1, Border3DStyle.RaisedInner, Border3DSide.All);

                string text = GetHeaderItemText(nmcd.dwItemSpec);
                Size  textSize = TextUtil.GetTextSize(g, text, Font);
                int   gap      = 4;
                Point pos      = new Point(rc.Left + gap, rc.Top + ((rc.Height - textSize.Height) / 2));

                int headerImageIndex;
                if (headerIconsList != null && HasHeaderImage(nmcd.dwItemSpec, out headerImageIndex))
                    if (headerImageIndex != -1)
                        Image image = headerImageList.Images[headerImageIndex];
                        if (image != null)
                            g.DrawImage(headerImageList.Images[headerImageIndex], rc.Left + gap, rc.Top);
                            pos.X   += IMAGE_WIDTH;
                            rc.Width = rc.Width - IMAGE_WIDTH;

                // Draw arrow glyph
                if (nmcd.dwItemSpec == lastSortedColumn)
                    int Left = pos.X + 2;
                    Left += textSize.Width + TEXT_TO_ARROW_GAP;
                    Rectangle arrowRect = new Rectangle(Left, rc.Top, ARROW_WIDTH, rc.Height);
                    if (itemRight >= (Left + ARROW_WIDTH + 4))
                        if (Sorting == SortOrder.Ascending || Sorting == SortOrder.None)
                            DrawUpArrow(g, arrowRect);
                            DrawDownArrow(g, arrowRect);

                // I use the Windows API instead of the Graphics object to draw the string
                // because the Graphics object draws ellipes without living blank spaces in between
                // the DrawText API adds those blank spaces in between
                int       ellipsingTringgering = 8;
                Rectangle drawRect             = new Rectangle(pos.X + 2, pos.Y, rc.Width - gap - ellipsingTringgering, rc.Height);
                TextUtil.DrawText(g, text, Font, drawRect);

            m.Result = (IntPtr)CustomDrawReturnFlags.CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT;
Exemplo n.º 2
        void DoListCustomDrawing(ref Message m)
            int            row  = lvcd.nmcd.dwItemSpec;
            int            col  = lvcd.iSubItem;

            // If we don't have any items we must be doing something wrong
            // because the list is only going to request custom drawing of items
            // in the list, if we have items in the list, the Items cannot possibly
            // be zero
            Debug.Assert(Items.Count != 0);
            ListViewItem lvi = Items[row];
            Rectangle    rc  = GetSubItemRect(row, col);

            // Draw the item
            // We did not need to actually paint the items that are not selected
            // but doing all the painting ourselves eliminates some random bugs where
            // the list sometimes did not update a subitem  that was not selected anymore
            // leaving the subitem with a different background color
            // than the rest of the row
            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromHdc(lvcd.nmcd.hdc))
                // Draw Fill Rectangle
                if (IsRowSelected(row))
                    int subItemOffset = 2;
                    if (GridLines)
                        subItemOffset = 3;

                    g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(ColorUtil.VSNetSelectionColor), rc.Left + 1, rc.Top + 1, rc.Width - 2, rc.Height - subItemOffset);

                    // Draw Border
                    if (col == 0)
                        Color borderColor  = SystemColors.Highlight;
                        int   heightOffset = 1;
                        if (GridLines)
                            heightOffset = 2;
                        g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(borderColor), rc.Left + 1, rc.Top, rc.Width - 2, rc.Height - heightOffset);
                    if (col == lastSortedColumn)
                        if (col == 0)
                            rc = AdjustFirstItemRect(rc);
                        g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(247, 247, 247)), rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width, rc.Height);
                        if (col == 0)
                            rc = AdjustFirstItemRect(rc);
                        g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(SystemColors.Window), rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Width, rc.Height);

                // Adjust rectangle, when getting the rectangle for column zero
                // the rectangle return is the one for the whole control
                if (col == 0)
                    rc = AdjustFirstItemRect(rc);

                // Draw Text
                string text     = GetSubItemText(row, col);
                Size   textSize = TextUtil.GetTextSize(g, text, Font);
                int    gap      = 4;
                Point  pos      = new Point(rc.Left + gap, rc.Top + ((rc.Height - textSize.Height) / 2));

                // I use the Windows API instead of the Graphics object to draw the string
                // because the Graphics object draws ellipes without living blank spaces in between
                // the DrawText API adds those blank spaces in between
                int ellipsingTringgering = 8;

                if (CheckBoxes && col == 0)
                    // draw checkbox
                    int checkIndex = 0;
                    if (lvi.Checked)
                        checkIndex = 1;
                    g.DrawImage(checkBoxesImageList.Images[checkIndex], rc.Left + gap, rc.Top);
                    pos.X   += IMAGE_WIDTH;
                    rc.Width = rc.Width - IMAGE_WIDTH;
                else if (col == 0 && CheckBoxes == false && lvi.ImageIndex != -1 && lvi.ImageList != null)
                    ImageList imageList = lvi.ImageList;
                    Image     image     = imageList.Images[lvi.ImageIndex];
                    if (image != null)
                        g.DrawImage(imageList.Images[lvi.ImageIndex], rc.Left + gap, rc.Top);
                        pos.X   += IMAGE_WIDTH;
                        rc.Width = rc.Width - IMAGE_WIDTH;

                Rectangle drawRect = new Rectangle(pos.X + 2, pos.Y, rc.Width - gap - ellipsingTringgering, rc.Height);
                TextUtil.DrawText(g, text, Font, drawRect);

            // Put structure back in the message
            Marshal.StructureToPtr(lvcd, m.LParam, true);
            m.Result = (IntPtr)CustomDrawReturnFlags.CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT;