Exemplo n.º 1
        public IEnumerable <ITagSpan <IClassificationTag> > GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans)
            var context = buffer.TryGetSignatureHelpClassifierContext();

            Debug.Assert(context != null);
            if (context == null || context.Session.IsDismissed)
                yield break;

            if (context.Type == SignatureHelpClassifierContextTypes.ParameterName)
                var paramContext = (ParameterNameSignatureHelpClassifierContext)context;
                var parameter    = paramContext.Parameter as Parameter;
                if (parameter?.Name != null)
                    var snapshot = buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
                    var span     = new Span(paramContext.NameOffset, parameter.Name.Length);
                    Debug.Assert(span.End <= snapshot.Length);
                    if (span.End > snapshot.Length)
                        yield break;

                    var tag = new ClassificationTag(themeClassificationTypeService.GetClassificationType(TextColor.Parameter));
                    yield return(new TagSpan <IClassificationTag>(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, span), tag));
            else if (context.Type == SignatureHelpClassifierContextTypes.ParameterDocumentation)
                var paramContext = (ParameterDocumentationSignatureHelpClassifierContext)context;
                var parameter    = paramContext.Parameter as Parameter;
                if (parameter != null)
                    var snapshot       = buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
                    var snapshotLength = snapshot.Length;
                    int pos            = 0;
                    foreach (var taggedText in parameter.DocumentationTaggedText)
                        var span = new Span(pos, taggedText.Text.Length);
                        Debug.Assert(span.End <= snapshotLength);
                        if (span.End > snapshotLength)
                            yield break;
                        var color = TextTagsHelper.ToTextColor(taggedText.Tag);
                        var tag   = new ClassificationTag(themeClassificationTypeService.GetClassificationType(color));
                        yield return(new TagSpan <IClassificationTag>(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, span), tag));

                        pos = span.End;
                    Debug.Assert(pos == parameter.Documentation.Length);
Exemplo n.º 2
        IEnumerable <TextRunPropertiesAndSpan> CreateTextRunPropertiesAndSpans(ImmutableArray <TaggedText> taggedParts, IClassificationFormatMap classificationFormatMap, IThemeClassificationTypeService themeClassificationTypeService)
            int pos = 0;

            foreach (var part in taggedParts)
                var color = TextTagsHelper.ToTextColor(part.Tag);
                var classificationType = themeClassificationTypeService.GetClassificationType(color);
                yield return(new TextRunPropertiesAndSpan(new Span(pos, part.Text.Length), classificationFormatMap.GetTextProperties(classificationType)));

                pos += part.Text.Length;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public IEnumerable <ITagSpan <IClassificationTag> > GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans)
            var signature = session.SelectedSignature as Signature;

            if (signature == null)
                yield break;

            var  usePrettyPrintedContent = buffer.GetUsePrettyPrintedContent();
            var  snapshot       = buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
            var  snapshotLength = snapshot.Length;
            bool lenOk          = usePrettyPrintedContent ? snapshotLength == signature.PrettyPrintedContent.Length : snapshotLength == signature.Content.Length;

            if (!lenOk)
                yield break;

            int pos            = 0;
            var taggedTextColl = usePrettyPrintedContent ? signature.PrettyPrintedContentTaggedText : signature.ContentTaggedText;

            foreach (var taggedText in taggedTextColl)
                var span = new Span(pos, taggedText.Text.Length);
                Debug.Assert(span.End <= snapshotLength);
                if (span.End > snapshotLength)
                    yield break;
                var color = TextTagsHelper.ToTextColor(taggedText.Tag);
                var tag   = new ClassificationTag(themeClassificationTypeService.GetClassificationType(color));
                yield return(new TagSpan <IClassificationTag>(new SnapshotSpan(snapshot, span), tag));

                pos = span.End;
            Debug.Assert(usePrettyPrintedContent ? pos == signature.PrettyPrintedContent.Length : pos == signature.Content.Length);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public IEnumerable <TextClassificationTag> GetTags(TextClassifierContext context)
            var completionContext = context as CompletionDisplayTextClassifierContext;

            if (completionContext == null)
                yield break;
            var completion = completionContext.Completion as RoslynCompletion;

            if (completion == null)
                yield break;
            var completionSet = completionContext.CompletionSet as RoslynCompletionSet;

            if (completionSet == null)
                yield break;

            // The completion API doesn't create tagged text so try to extract that information
            // from the string so we get nice colorized text.

            var color = completion.CompletionItem.Tags.ToCompletionKind().ToTextColor();
            var text  = context.Text;

            // Check if the namespace or enclosing class name is part of the text
            if (text.IndexOf('.') < 0)
                // The common case is just an identifier, and in that case, the tag is correct
                int punctIndex = text.IndexOfAny(punctuationChars, 0);
                if (punctIndex < 0)
                    yield return(new TextClassificationTag(new Span(0, text.Length), themeClassificationTypeService.GetClassificationType(color)));

                    yield break;

                // Check for CLASS<> or METHOD()
                if (punctIndex + 2 == text.Length && text.IndexOfAny(punctuationChars, punctIndex + 1) == punctIndex + 1)
                    yield return(new TextClassificationTag(new Span(0, punctIndex), themeClassificationTypeService.GetClassificationType(color)));

                    yield return(new TextClassificationTag(new Span(punctIndex, 2), punctuationClassificationType));

                    yield break;

                // Check for Visual Basic generics special case
                const string VBOf = "(Of …)";
                if (text.Length - VBOf.Length == punctIndex && text.EndsWith(VBOf))
                    yield return(new TextClassificationTag(new Span(0, punctIndex), themeClassificationTypeService.GetClassificationType(color)));

                    yield return(new TextClassificationTag(new Span(punctIndex, 1), punctuationClassificationType));

                    yield return(new TextClassificationTag(new Span(punctIndex + 1, 2), themeClassificationTypeService.GetClassificationType(TextColor.Keyword)));

                    yield return(new TextClassificationTag(new Span(punctIndex + VBOf.Length - 1, 1), punctuationClassificationType));

                    yield break;

            // The text is usually identical to the description and it's classified
            var description = completionSet.GetDescriptionAsync(completion).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            var indexes     = GetMatchIndexes(completion, description);

            if (indexes != null)
                int pos      = 0;
                var parts    = description.TaggedParts;
                int endIndex = indexes.Value.Value;
                for (int i = indexes.Value.Key; i <= endIndex; i++)
                    var part = parts[i];
                    if (part.Tag == TextTags.LineBreak)
                    var color2 = TextTagsHelper.ToTextColor(part.Tag);
                    yield return(new TextClassificationTag(new Span(pos, part.Text.Length), themeClassificationTypeService.GetClassificationType(color2)));

                    pos += part.Text.Length;
                if (pos < text.Length)
                    // The remaining text is unknown, just use the tag color
                    yield return(new TextClassificationTag(Span.FromBounds(pos, text.Length), themeClassificationTypeService.GetClassificationType(color)));
                yield break;

            // Give up, use the same color for all the text
            yield return(new TextClassificationTag(new Span(0, text.Length), themeClassificationTypeService.GetClassificationType(color)));