public void PerformSubstitutionReplacesSimpleSingleMacro()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

            substitute.AddMacro("$(number)", "one");
            var result = substitute.PerformSubstitution("My favourite number is $(number).");

            Assert.AreEqual("My favourite number is one.", result);
        public void AddMacroAddsMacroToDictionaryIsCaseInsensitive()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, substitute.Count);
            substitute.AddMacro("$(MaCrO)", "text to substitute.");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, substitute.Count);
        public void PerformSubstitutionReturnsEmptyStringWhenSourceIsEmpty()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

            substitute.AddMacro("$(number)", "one");
            var result = substitute.PerformSubstitution("");

            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, result);
        public void PerformSubstitutionGuardsAgainstAnInfinateLoop()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

            // This macro case should cause an infinate loop so we need to guard against it.
            substitute.AddMacro("$(number)", "$(number)");
            var result = substitute.PerformSubstitution("My favourite number is $(number).");

            Assert.AreEqual("My favourite number is $(number).", result);
        public void PerformSubstitutionReplacesSingleNestedlMacro()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

            substitute.AddMacro("$(name)", "My name is $(steve)");

            substitute.AddMacro("$(steve)", "Stephen Haunts");

            var result = substitute.PerformSubstitution("Hello, $(name).");

            Assert.AreEqual("Hello, My name is Stephen Haunts.", result);
        public void PerformSubstitutionReplacesMultipleLayerNestedlMacros()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

            substitute.AddMacro("$(id)", "My name is $(name)");
            substitute.AddMacro("$(name)", "$(steve) $(haunts)");
            substitute.AddMacro("$(steve)", "Stephen");
            substitute.AddMacro("$(haunts)", "Haunts");

            var result = substitute.PerformSubstitution("Hello, $(id).");

            Assert.AreEqual("Hello, My name is Stephen Haunts.", result);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private GameReply RunParser(string command)
            var reply = new GameReply();

            // Run the natural language parser.
            var parsedCommand = Parser.ParseCommand(command);


            reply.State = GameStateEnum.Playing;
            reply.Reply = TextSubstitute.PerformSubstitution(CurrentRoom.ProcessCommand(parsedCommand));

Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor : Set up the correct default initial game state.
 /// </summary>
 public Game()
     Prologue          = string.Empty;
     HelpText          = string.Empty;
     VisitedRooms      = new VisitedRooms();
     Parser            = new Parser();
     StartRoom         = null;
     GlobalState       = new GlobalState();
     Difficulty        = DifficultyEnum.Easy;
     HintSystemEnabled = false;
     ContentManagement = new ContentManagement(true);
     Player            = new Player();
     TextSubstitute    = new TextSubstitute();
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor : Set up the correct default initial game state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prologue">You can inject the game prologue text into this constructor.</param>
        /// <param name="room">Set the initial starting room.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">If the prologue or initial room is null then throw the
        /// ArgumentNullException.</exception>
        public Game(string prologue, IRoom room)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prologue))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(prologue), "The prologue can not be empty.");

            Prologue          = prologue;
            VisitedRooms      = new VisitedRooms();
            Parser            = new Parser();
            StartRoom         = room ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(room), "The initial room state can not be null.");
            CurrentRoom       = room;
            HelpText          = string.Empty;
            GlobalState       = new GlobalState();
            Difficulty        = DifficultyEnum.Easy;
            HintSystemEnabled = false;
            ContentManagement = new ContentManagement(true);
            Player            = new Player();
            TextSubstitute    = new TextSubstitute();
        public void CheckMacroFormatReturnsTrueForValidMacroWithTrailingSpaces()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

            Assert.IsTrue(substitute.IsValidMacroFormat("$(macro)     "));
        public void CheckMacroFormatThrowsArgumentNullExceptionIfMacroIdIsNull()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

        public void CheckMacroFormatReturnsTrueForEmptyValidMacro()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

        public void AddMacroThrowsFormatExceptionIfMacroIdIsWrongFormat()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

            substitute.AddMacro("w4t", "gfgfdsg");
        public void CheckMacroFormatReturnsFalseForMacroWithNoStartCharacters()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

        public void AddMacroThrowsArgumentNullExceptionIfTextIsNull()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

            substitute.AddMacro("$(name)", "");
        public void CheckMacroFormatReturnsFalseForMacroWithMissingDollar()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

        public void CheckMacroFormatReturnsFalseForMacroWithNoTerminator()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

        public void CheckMacroFormatReturnsFalseForMacroWithMissingOpeningBracket()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

        public void CheckMacroFormatReturnsFalseForMacroWithJunkAFterMacroName()
            var substitute = new TextSubstitute();

            Assert.IsFalse(substitute.IsValidMacroFormat("$(macro) blah"));