/// <summary>
        /// Method called to start auto complete display
        /// </summary>
        public void CallAutoComplete(List <string> autoCompleteList)
            outArray = autoCompleteList.ToArray();

            if (cleanOutputText || removeSpecialCharactersOutput)
                outArray = TextHelper.CleanStringArray(outArray, removeSpecialCharactersOutput, cleanOutputText);
                if (enableDebug)
                    Debug.Log("Out list has special characters removed: " + removeSpecialCharactersOutput);
                if (enableDebug)
                    Debug.Log("Out list has extra spaces removed: " + cleanOutputText);

            if (castOutputText != TextAutoCompleteEnums.TextCasting.Orginal)
                outArray = TextHelper.SetTextCastingArray(outArray, castOutputText);
                if (enableDebug)
                    Debug.Log("Word list case has been cast to : " + castOutputText.ToString());

            if (eventAutoComplete != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Call to re-initialize word list, if the word list has been updated
        /// </summary>
        public void ManageWordList()
            if (cleanWordList || removeSpecialCharactersWordList)
                wordList = TextHelper.CleanStringArray(wordList, removeSpecialCharactersWordList, cleanWordList);
                if (enableDebug)
                    Debug.Log("Word list has special characters removed: " + removeSpecialCharactersWordList);
                if (enableDebug)
                    Debug.Log("Word list has extra spaces removed: " + cleanWordList);

            if (castWordList != TextAutoCompleteEnums.TextCasting.Orginal)
                wordList = TextHelper.SetTextCastingArray(wordList, castWordList);
                if (enableDebug)
                    Debug.Log("Word list case has been cast to : " + castWordList.ToString());

            if (eventLoaded != null)