Exemplo n.º 1
        private static Bitmap ConvertTileToBitmap(TileDescriptor tileDesc, byte[] tmem, ushort[][] palettes)
            if (Math.Floor(tileDesc.sHi - tileDesc.sLo) != tileDesc.sHi - tileDesc.sLo)
                throw new Exception();
            if (Math.Floor(tileDesc.tHi - tileDesc.tLo) != tileDesc.tHi - tileDesc.tLo)
                throw new Exception();

            // Break into lines
            int startPtrBytes = tileDesc.tmemAddressInWords * 8;
            int width         = (int)(tileDesc.sHi - tileDesc.sLo + 1);
            int height        = (int)(tileDesc.tHi - tileDesc.tLo + 1);
            int bytesPerLine  = tileDesc.wordsPerLine * 8;

            byte[] data = tmem.Subsection(startPtrBytes, bytesPerLine * height);
            ushort[]? palette = tileDesc.palette == 0 ? null : palettes[tileDesc.palette - 1];

            return(Texels.ConvertToBitmap(data, tileDesc.format, tileDesc.bitSize, width, height, bytesPerLine, true, true, palette));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void DumpFonts(byte[] romBytes, string outputDir)
            Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDir + "Converted");
            string fullOutputPath = outputDir + "Converted/font/";


            // ok this is dumb i need to fix this
            Filesystem.Filesystem filesystem = new Filesystem.Filesystem(romBytes);

            foreach (Filesystem.Filesystem.File file in filesystem.AllFiles.Where(file => file.fileTypeFromFileHeader == "UVFT"))
                // TODO
                string outputSubfolder = $"{fullOutputPath}[0x{file.formLocationInROM:x6}]/";

                List <byte[]> imageDatas       = file.SectionsOfType("IMAG");
                byte[]        charIndexToASCII = file.Section("STRG");
                byte[]        frmtSec          = file.Section("FRMT");
                if (frmtSec.Length != 8)
                    throw new Exception();
                Texels.ColorFormat colorFormat = (Texels.ColorFormat)frmtSec.ReadUInt32(0);
                Texels.BitSize     bitSize     = (Texels.BitSize)frmtSec.ReadUInt32(4);

                CharacterDescriptor[] characterDescriptors = file.Section("BITM")
                                                             .Select((charDescData, index) => new CharacterDescriptor(charDescData, index))

                // First, save off the main images
                //for (int i = 0; i < imageDatas.Count; i++)
                //    byte[] imageData = imageDatas[i];
                //    IEnumerable<CharacterDescriptor> relevantChars = characterDescriptors.Where(c => c.sourceIMAGIndex == i);
                //    int texelsPerLine = relevantChars.First().sourceIMAGTexelsPerLine;
                //    if(relevantChars.Any(c => c.sourceIMAGTexelsPerLine != texelsPerLine))
                //    {
                //        throw new Exception("Inconsistent texels per line in BITM section!");
                //    }
                //    int imagHeightTexels = relevantChars.Max(c => c.heightTexels);
                //    int bytesPerLine = Texels.GetNumBytes(texelsPerLine, bitSize);

                //    Bitmap bitmap = Texels.ConvertToBitmap(imageData, colorFormat, bitSize, texelsPerLine, imagHeightTexels, bytesPerLine, false, false, null);
                //    bitmap.Save($"{outputSubfolder}{i+1}.png");

                // Now save each of the characters
                //string individualCharsDirectory = $"{outputSubfolder}Individual Characters/";
                foreach (CharacterDescriptor charDesc in characterDescriptors)
                    byte[] sourceIMAG = imageDatas[charDesc.sourceIMAGIndex];
                    byte[] texelData;
                    if (bitSize == Texels.BitSize._4)
                        texelData = GetByteArrayStartingFromFourBitIndex(sourceIMAG, charDesc.startTexel).ToArray();
                        texelData = sourceIMAG.Skip(Texels.GetNumBytes(charDesc.startTexel, bitSize)).ToArray();

                    int bytesPerLine = Texels.GetNumBytes(charDesc.sourceIMAGTexelsPerLine, bitSize);

                    Bitmap bitmap = Texels.ConvertToBitmap(texelData, colorFormat, bitSize, charDesc.widthTexels, charDesc.heightTexels, bytesPerLine, false, false, null);

                    string filename = $"{charDesc.indexInBITM:D2}";
                    char   ascii    = Convert.ToChar(charIndexToASCII[charDesc.indexInBITM]);
                    if (!Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars().Contains(ascii))
                        filename += $" ({ascii})";

                Console.WriteLine($"Converted font at {file.formLocationInROM:x6}");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static RDPState ExecuteCommands(UVTXFile uvtx, out StringBuilder cmdsString)
            RDPState rdpState = new RDPState();

            cmdsString = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (byte[] commandBytes in uvtx.displayListCommands)
                byte[] bytes = commandBytes;

                string operationDesc;
                switch ((Fast3DEX2Opcode)bytes[0])
                case Fast3DEX2Opcode.G_TEXTURE:
                    ulong word          = bytes.ReadUInt64(0);
                    byte  mipMap        = (byte)(word.Bits(43, 3) + 1);
                    byte  tileDescIndex = (byte)word.Bits(40, 3);

                    bool  on           = word.Bit(33);
                    float scaleFactorS = bytes.ReadUInt16(4) / (float)0x10000;
                    float scaleFactorT = bytes.ReadUInt16(6) / (float)0x10000;

                    rdpState.tileToUseWhenTexturing = tileDescIndex;
                    rdpState.maxMipMapLevels        = mipMap;
                    rdpState.texturingEnabled       = on;
                    rdpState.textureScaleS          = scaleFactorS;
                    rdpState.textureScaleT          = scaleFactorT;

                    operationDesc  = "G_TEXTURE        (Set RSP texture state)";
                    operationDesc += $": tile {tileDescIndex} scale=<{scaleFactorS}, {scaleFactorT}>; mm={mipMap} on={on}";

                case Fast3DEX2Opcode.G_SetOtherMode_H:
                    // TODO: actually implement this?
                    operationDesc = "G_SetOtherMode_H (Set Other Modes Hi)";

                    int length = bytes[3] + 1;
                    int shift  = 32 - length - bytes[2];

                    string str = otherModeHShiftToStr[shift];
                    byte   val = (byte)bytes.ReadUInt64(0).Bits(shift, length);

                    // TODO?: https://wiki.cloudmodding.com/oot/F3DZEX#RDP_Other_Modes.2C_Higher_Half
                    string valStr = Convert.ToString(val, 2).PadLeft(length, '0');

                    operationDesc += $": {str} = {valStr}";

                case Fast3DEX2Opcode.G_SETTILESIZE:
                    ulong word = bytes.ReadUInt64(0);

                    ushort sLoRaw        = (ushort)word.Bits(44, 12);
                    ushort tLoRaw        = (ushort)word.Bits(32, 12);
                    byte   tileDescIndex = (byte)word.Bits(24, 3);
                    ushort sHiRaw        = (ushort)word.Bits(12, 12);
                    ushort tHiRaw        = (ushort)word.Bits(0, 12);

                    TileDescriptor t = rdpState.tileDescriptors[tileDescIndex];
                    t.sLo = sLoRaw / 4.0f;
                    t.tLo = tLoRaw / 4.0f;
                    t.sHi = sHiRaw / 4.0f;
                    t.tHi = tHiRaw / 4.0f;

                    float visWidth  = (t.sHi - t.sLo) + 1;
                    float visHeight = (t.tHi - t.tLo) + 1;

                    operationDesc  = "G_SETTILESIZE    (Set texture coords and size)";
                    operationDesc += $": tile {tileDescIndex} lo=({t.sLo}, {t.tLo}) hi=({t.sHi}, {t.tHi}) [[{visWidth}, {visHeight}]]";

                case Fast3DEX2Opcode.G_LOADBLOCK:
                    ulong word = bytes.ReadUInt64(0);

                    ushort sLo           = (ushort)word.Bits(44, 12);
                    ushort tLo           = (ushort)word.Bits(32, 12);
                    byte   tileDescIndex = (byte)word.Bits(24, 3);
                    ushort sHi           = (ushort)word.Bits(12, 12);
                    ushort dxt           = (ushort)word.Bits(0, 12);

                    if (dxt != 0)
                        throw new Exception();

                    if (sLo != 0 || tLo != 0)
                        throw new Exception();

                    if (rdpState.nextDRAMAddrForLoad == null || rdpState.bitSizeOfNextDataForLoad == null)
                        throw new Exception();

                    rdpState.tileDescriptors[tileDescIndex].sLo = sLo;
                    rdpState.tileDescriptors[tileDescIndex].tLo = tLo;
                    rdpState.tileDescriptors[tileDescIndex].sHi = sHi;
                    rdpState.tileDescriptors[tileDescIndex].tHi = dxt;         // Not 100% sure this is the correct behavior

                    int dataStart       = (int)rdpState.nextDRAMAddrForLoad;
                    int dataLengthBytes = (sHi + 1) * Texels.BitSizeToNumBytes((BitSize)rdpState.bitSizeOfNextDataForLoad);
                    int destPtr         = rdpState.tileDescriptors[tileDescIndex].tmemAddressInWords * 8;

                    // I'm assuming this is the correct behavior because if I don't do this a lot of textures have a notch at the top right
                    // (Also it would make sense given that interleaving and addresses are all done on 64-bit words
                    dataLengthBytes = (int)Math.Ceiling(dataLengthBytes / 8f) * 8;

                    // Note: technically this inaccurate, we shouldn't clamp. But the instructions read beyond the file and IDK why,
                    // it doesn't seem to serve any purpose so I assume it's a bug (or I don't understand something about how the RSP works)
                    Array.Copy(uvtx.texelData, dataStart, rdpState.tmem, destPtr, Math.Min(uvtx.texelData.Length - dataStart, dataLengthBytes));

                    operationDesc  = "G_LOADBLOCK      (Load data into TMEM (uses params set in SETTIMG))";
                    operationDesc += $": tile {tileDescIndex} sLo={sLo} tLo={tLo} sHi={sHi} dxt={dxt}";

                case Fast3DEX2Opcode.G_SETTILE:
                    ulong          word = bytes.ReadUInt64(0);
                    TileDescriptor t    = new TileDescriptor
                        format             = (ColorFormat)word.Bits(53, 3),
                        bitSize            = (BitSize)word.Bits(51, 2),
                        wordsPerLine       = (ushort)word.Bits(41, 9),
                        tmemAddressInWords = (ushort)word.Bits(32, 9),
                        palette            = (byte)word.Bits(20, 4),
                        clampEnableT       = word.Bit(19),
                        mirrorEnableT      = word.Bit(18),
                        maskT         = (byte)word.Bits(14, 4),
                        shiftT        = (byte)word.Bits(10, 4),
                        clampEnableS  = word.Bit(9),
                        mirrorEnableS = word.Bit(8),
                        maskS         = (byte)word.Bits(4, 4),
                        shiftS        = (byte)word.Bits(0, 4),
                    byte tileDescIndex = (byte)word.Bits(24, 3);
                    rdpState.tileDescriptors[tileDescIndex] = t;

                    operationDesc  = "G_SETTILE        (Set texture properties)";
                    operationDesc += $": tile {tileDescIndex} fmt={t.bitSize}-bit {t.format} wordsPerLine={t.wordsPerLine} addrWords={t.tmemAddressInWords} palette={t.palette}"
                                     + $" s(clmp={t.clampEnableS} mirr={t.mirrorEnableS} mask={t.maskS} shift={t.shiftS}) t(clmp={t.clampEnableT} mirr={t.mirrorEnableT} mask={t.maskT} shift={t.shiftT})";


                case Fast3DEX2Opcode.G_SETPRIMCOLOR:
                    float minLODLevel = bytes[2] / 0x100f;
                    float LODfrac     = bytes[3] / 0x100f;
                    byte  r           = bytes[4];
                    byte  g           = bytes[5];
                    byte  b           = bytes[6];
                    byte  a           = bytes[7];

                    rdpState.colorCombinerSettings.primR       = r;
                    rdpState.colorCombinerSettings.primG       = g;
                    rdpState.colorCombinerSettings.primB       = b;
                    rdpState.colorCombinerSettings.primA       = a;
                    rdpState.colorCombinerSettings.minLODLevel = minLODLevel;
                    rdpState.colorCombinerSettings.LODfrac     = LODfrac;

                    operationDesc  = "G_SETPRIMCOLOR   (Set color combiner primitive color + LOD)";
                    operationDesc += $": rgba({r}, {g}, {b}, {a}) minLOD={minLODLevel} LODfrac={LODfrac}";

                case Fast3DEX2Opcode.G_SETENVCOLOR:
                    byte r = bytes[4];
                    byte g = bytes[5];
                    byte b = bytes[6];
                    byte a = bytes[7];

                    rdpState.colorCombinerSettings.envR = r;
                    rdpState.colorCombinerSettings.envG = g;
                    rdpState.colorCombinerSettings.envB = b;
                    rdpState.colorCombinerSettings.envA = a;

                    operationDesc  = "G_SETENVCOLOR    (Set color combiner environment color)";
                    operationDesc += $": rgba({r}, {g}, {b}, {a})";

                case Fast3DEX2Opcode.G_SETCOMBINE:
                    operationDesc = "G_SETCOMBINE     (Set color combiner algorithm)";

                case Fast3DEX2Opcode.G_SETTIMG:
                    ulong word = bytes.ReadUInt64(0);

                    ColorFormat format      = (ColorFormat)word.Bits(53, 3);
                    BitSize     bitSize     = (BitSize)word.Bits(51, 2);
                    uint        dramAddress = (uint)word.Bits(0, 25);

                    rdpState.nextDRAMAddrForLoad      = dramAddress;
                    rdpState.bitSizeOfNextDataForLoad = bitSize;

                    operationDesc  = "G_SETTIMG        (Set pointer to data to load + size of data)";
                    operationDesc += $": DRAM 0x{dramAddress:X8}; fmt={bitSize}-bit {format}";


                case Fast3DEX2Opcode.G_RDPLOADSYNC:
                    operationDesc = "G_RDPLOADSYNC    (Wait for texture load)";

                case Fast3DEX2Opcode.G_RDPTILESYNC:
                    operationDesc = "G_RDPTILESYNC    (Wait for rendering + update tile descriptor attributes)";

                case Fast3DEX2Opcode.G_ENDDL:
                    operationDesc = "G_ENDDL          (End display list)";

                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

                string bytesStr = String.Join(" ", bytes.Select(b => b.ToString("X2")));
                cmdsString.AppendLine(bytesStr + " | " + operationDesc);

        public static void DumpBlits(byte[] romBytes, string outputDir)
            Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDir + "Converted");
            string fullOutputPath = outputDir + "Converted/blit/";


            // ok this is dumb i need to fix this
            Filesystem.Filesystem filesystem = new Filesystem.Filesystem(romBytes);

            foreach (Filesystem.Filesystem.File file in filesystem.AllFiles.Where(file => file.fileTypeFromFileHeader == "UVBT"))
                string outputFileName = $"[0x{file.formLocationInROM:x6}]";
                byte[] bytes          = file.Sections.Single().Item2;

                ColorFormat colorFormat   = (ColorFormat)bytes.ReadUInt16(0);
                BitSize     bitSize       = Texels.NumBitsToBitSize(bytes.ReadUInt16(2));
                ushort      width         = bytes.ReadUInt16(4);
                ushort      texelsPerLine = bytes.ReadUInt16(6);
                ushort      height        = bytes.ReadUInt16(8);
                ushort      tileWidth     = bytes.ReadUInt16(10);
                ushort      tileHeight    = bytes.ReadUInt16(12);

                byte[] colorData = bytes.Subsection(14, bytes.Length - 14);

                Console.WriteLine(bytes.Subsection(0, 14).PrettyPrint());
                Console.WriteLine($"{outputFileName} {bitSize}-bit {colorFormat}\t <{width} ({texelsPerLine}), {height}> [{tileWidth} {tileHeight}]");
                int bytesPerTile = (int)(tileWidth * tileHeight * Texels.BitSizeToNumBytesFloat(bitSize));

                Bitmap outBitmap   = new Bitmap(width, height);
                int    p           = 0;
                int    curTopLeftX = 0;
                int    curTopLeftY = 0;
                while (p < colorData.Length)
                    if (curTopLeftY + tileHeight > height)
                        tileHeight   = (ushort)(height - curTopLeftY);
                        bytesPerTile = (int)(tileWidth * tileHeight * Texels.BitSizeToNumBytesFloat(bitSize));

                    byte[] tileColorData;
                    if (p + bytesPerTile >= colorData.Length)
                        tileColorData = new byte[bytesPerTile];
                        Array.Copy(colorData, p, tileColorData, 0, colorData.Length - p);
                        tileColorData = colorData.Subsection(p, bytesPerTile);
                    // TODO: why arent 32-bit textures deinterleaved?
                    Bitmap tile = Texels.ConvertToBitmap(tileColorData, colorFormat, bitSize, tileWidth, tileHeight, (int)(tileWidth * Texels.BitSizeToNumBytesFloat(bitSize)), false, bitSize != BitSize._32, null);
                    CopyToMainBitmap(tile, curTopLeftX, curTopLeftY, outBitmap);

                    p += bytesPerTile;

                    curTopLeftX += tileWidth;

                    if (curTopLeftX >= width)
                        curTopLeftX  = 0;
                        curTopLeftY += tileHeight;

                        if (curTopLeftY >= height)

                outBitmap.Save(fullOutputPath + outputFileName + ".png");