public async Task ConnectOnPremTest()
            TestServerType serverType = TestServerType.OnPrem;

            using (SelfCleaningTempFile queryTempFile = new SelfCleaningTempFile())
                using (TestServiceDriverProvider testService = new TestServiceDriverProvider())
                    const string query = Scripts.TestDbSimpleSelectQuery;
                    testService.WriteToFile(queryTempFile.FilePath, query);

                    DidOpenTextDocumentNotification openParams = new DidOpenTextDocumentNotification
                        TextDocument = new TextDocumentItem
                            Uri        = queryTempFile.FilePath,
                            LanguageId = "enu",
                            Version    = 1,
                            Text       = query

                    await testService.RequestOpenDocumentNotification(openParams);

                    var connected = await testService.CalculateRunTime(async() =>
                        var connectParams = testService.GetConnectionParameters(serverType, Common.PerfTestDatabaseName);
                        return(await testService.Connect(queryTempFile.FilePath, connectParams));
                    }, true);

                    Assert.True(connected, "Connection was not successful");
        public async Task CompletionTest()
            using (SelfCleaningTempFile queryTempFile = new SelfCleaningTempFile())
                using (TestServiceDriverProvider testService = new TestServiceDriverProvider())
                    string query = "SELECT * FROM sys.objects";

                    testService.WriteToFile(queryTempFile.FilePath, query);

                    DidOpenTextDocumentNotification openParams = new DidOpenTextDocumentNotification
                        TextDocument = new TextDocumentItem
                            Uri        = queryTempFile.FilePath,
                            LanguageId = "enu",
                            Version    = 1,
                            Text       = query

                    await testService.RequestOpenDocumentNotification(openParams);


                    bool connected = await testService.Connect(TestServerType.OnPrem, queryTempFile.FilePath);

                    Assert.True(connected, "Connection is successful");


                    CompletionItem[] completions = await testService.RequestCompletion(queryTempFile.FilePath, query, 0, 15);

                    Assert.True(completions != null && completions.Length > 0, "Completion items list is null or empty");


                    await testService.RequestResolveCompletion(completions[0]);

                    Assert.True(completions != null && completions.Length > 0, "Completion items list is null or empty");

                    await testService.Disconnect(queryTempFile.FilePath);
        public async Task DefinitionTest()
            using (SelfCleaningTempFile queryTempFile = new SelfCleaningTempFile())
                using (TestServiceDriverProvider testService = new TestServiceDriverProvider())
                    string query      = "SELECT * FROM sys.objects";
                    int    lineNumber = 0;
                    int    position   = 23;

                    testService.WriteToFile(queryTempFile.FilePath, query);

                    DidOpenTextDocumentNotification openParams = new DidOpenTextDocumentNotification
                        TextDocument = new TextDocumentItem
                            Uri        = queryTempFile.FilePath,
                            LanguageId = "enu",
                            Version    = 1,
                            Text       = query

                    await testService.RequestOpenDocumentNotification(openParams);


                    bool connected = await testService.Connect(TestServerType.OnPrem, queryTempFile.FilePath);

                    // Wait for intellisense to be ready
                    var readyParams = await testService.Driver.WaitForEvent(IntelliSenseReadyNotification.Type, 30000);

                    Assert.True(connected, "Connection is successful");

                    // Request definition for "objects"
                    Location[] locations = await testService.RequestDefinition(queryTempFile.FilePath, query, lineNumber, position);

                    Assert.True(locations != null, "Location is not null and not empty");
                    await testService.Disconnect(queryTempFile.FilePath);
        public async Task HoverTest()
            using (SelfCleaningTempFile queryTempFile = new SelfCleaningTempFile())
                using (TestServiceDriverProvider testService = new TestServiceDriverProvider())
                    string query = "SELECT * FROM sys.objects";

                    testService.WriteToFile(queryTempFile.FilePath, query);

                    DidOpenTextDocumentNotification openParams = new DidOpenTextDocumentNotification
                        TextDocument = new TextDocumentItem
                            Uri        = queryTempFile.FilePath,
                            LanguageId = "enu",
                            Version    = 1,
                            Text       = query

                    await testService.RequestOpenDocumentNotification(openParams);


                    bool connected = await testService.Connect(TestServerType.OnPrem, queryTempFile.FilePath);

                    Assert.True(connected, "Connection was not successful");


                    Hover hover = await testService.RequestHover(queryTempFile.FilePath, query, 0, 15);

                    Assert.True(hover != null, "Hover tooltop is null");

                    await testService.Disconnect(queryTempFile.FilePath);
        public async Task DiagnosticsTests()
            using (SelfCleaningTempFile queryTempFile = new SelfCleaningTempFile())
                using (TestServiceDriverProvider testService = new TestServiceDriverProvider())
                    bool connected = await testService.Connect(TestServerType.OnPrem, queryTempFile.FilePath);

                    Assert.True(connected, "Connection was not successful");


                    string query = "SELECT *** FROM sys.objects";

                    DidOpenTextDocumentNotification openParams = new DidOpenTextDocumentNotification
                        TextDocument = new TextDocumentItem
                            Uri        = queryTempFile.FilePath,
                            LanguageId = "enu",
                            Version    = 1,
                            Text       = query

                    await testService.RequestOpenDocumentNotification(openParams);


                    var contentChanges = new TextDocumentChangeEvent[1];
                    contentChanges[0] = new TextDocumentChangeEvent
                        Range = new Range
                            Start = new Position
                                Line      = 0,
                                Character = 5
                            End = new Position
                                Line      = 0,
                                Character = 6
                        RangeLength = 1,
                        Text        = "z"

                    DidChangeTextDocumentParams changeParams = new DidChangeTextDocumentParams()
                        ContentChanges = contentChanges,
                        TextDocument   = new VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier()
                            Version = 2,
                            Uri     = queryTempFile.FilePath

                    await testService.RequestChangeTextDocumentNotification(changeParams);


                    contentChanges[0] = new TextDocumentChangeEvent
                        Range = new Range
                            Start = new Position
                                Line      = 0,
                                Character = 5
                            End = new Position
                                Line      = 0,
                                Character = 6
                        RangeLength = 1,
                        Text        = "t"

                    changeParams = new DidChangeTextDocumentParams
                        ContentChanges = contentChanges,
                        TextDocument   = new VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier
                            Version = 3,
                            Uri     = queryTempFile.FilePath

                    await testService.RequestChangeTextDocumentNotification(changeParams);


                    await testService.Disconnect(queryTempFile.FilePath);