public async Task InvokeTest()
            // Arrange
            const int    MessagesCount = 10;
            const string EndpointId    = "endpoint1";
            var          endpoint      = new NullEndpoint(EndpointId);
            var          priorities    = new List <uint>()
                0, 1, 2, 100, 101, 102
            var checkpointer                 = new NullCheckpointer();
            var endpointExecutorConfig       = new EndpointExecutorConfig(TimeSpan.FromHours(1), RetryStrategy.NoRetry, TimeSpan.FromHours(1));
            var asyncEndpointExecutorOptions = new AsyncEndpointExecutorOptions(10);
            var messageStore                 = new TestMessageStore();
            var storingAsyncEndpointExecutor = new StoringAsyncEndpointExecutor(endpoint, priorities, checkpointer, endpointExecutorConfig, asyncEndpointExecutorOptions, messageStore);
            IEnumerable <IMessage> messages  = GetNewMessages(MessagesCount, 0);

            // Act - Send messages to invoke
            foreach (IMessage message in messages)
                await storingAsyncEndpointExecutor.Invoke(message, 0, 3600);

            // Assert - Check that the message store received the messages sent to invoke.
            List <IMessage> storeMessages = messageStore.GetReceivedMessagesForEndpoint(EndpointId);

            Assert.Equal(MessagesCount, storeMessages.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < MessagesCount; i++)
                IMessage message = storeMessages[i];
                Assert.Equal($"value{i}", message.Properties[$"key{i}"]);

            // Assert - Make sure no additional / duplicate messages were sent.
            storeMessages = messageStore.GetReceivedMessagesForEndpoint(EndpointId);
            Assert.Equal(10, storeMessages.Count);

            // Act - Send messages again to Invoke.
            messages = GetNewMessages(MessagesCount, MessagesCount);
            foreach (IMessage message in messages)
                await storingAsyncEndpointExecutor.Invoke(message, 0, 3600);

            // Assert - Make sure the store now has the old and the new messages.
            storeMessages = messageStore.GetReceivedMessagesForEndpoint(EndpointId);
            Assert.Equal(MessagesCount * 2, storeMessages.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < MessagesCount * 2; i++)
                IMessage message = storeMessages[i];
                Assert.Equal($"value{i}", message.Properties[$"key{i}"]);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task MessagePrioritiesTest()
            // Arrange
            const string EndpointId = "endpoint1";
            const uint   HighPri    = 0;
            const uint   NormalPri  = 5;
            const uint   LowPri     = 10;
            var          endpoint   = new TestEndpoint(EndpointId);
            var          priorities = new List <uint>()
                HighPri, NormalPri, LowPri
            var checkpointerFactory          = new NullCheckpointerFactory();
            var endpointExecutorConfig       = new EndpointExecutorConfig(TimeSpan.FromHours(1), RetryStrategy.DefaultFixed, TimeSpan.FromHours(1));
            var asyncEndpointExecutorOptions = new AsyncEndpointExecutorOptions(4, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));
            var messageStore = new TestMessageStore();
            var storingAsyncEndpointExecutor = new StoringAsyncEndpointExecutor(endpoint, checkpointerFactory, endpointExecutorConfig, asyncEndpointExecutorOptions, messageStore);
            await storingAsyncEndpointExecutor.UpdatePriorities(priorities, Option.None <Endpoint>());

            var normalPriMsg1 = new Message(TelemetryMessageSource.Instance, new byte[] { 1 }, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "normalPriority", string.Empty }
            }, 0L);
            var normalPriMsg2 = new Message(TelemetryMessageSource.Instance, new byte[] { 2 }, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "normalPriority", string.Empty }
            }, 1L);
            var normalPriMsg3 = new Message(TelemetryMessageSource.Instance, new byte[] { 3 }, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "normalPriority", string.Empty }
            }, 2L);
            var lowPriMsg1 = new Message(TelemetryMessageSource.Instance, new byte[] { 4 }, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "lowPriority", string.Empty }
            }, 3L);
            var lowPriMsg2 = new Message(TelemetryMessageSource.Instance, new byte[] { 5 }, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "lowPriority", string.Empty }
            }, 4L);
            var highPriMsg1 = new Message(TelemetryMessageSource.Instance, new byte[] { 6 }, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "highPriority", string.Empty }
            }, 5L);
            var normalPriMsg4 = new Message(TelemetryMessageSource.Instance, new byte[] { 7 }, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "normalPriority", string.Empty }
            }, 6L);
            var highPriMsg2 = new Message(TelemetryMessageSource.Instance, new byte[] { 8 }, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "highPriority", string.Empty }
            }, 7L);
            const int HighPriCount   = 2;
            const int NormalPriCount = 4;
            const int LowPriCount    = 2;

            // Disable the endpoint so messages are stuck in queue
            endpoint.CanProcess = false;

            // Send normal priority messages
            await storingAsyncEndpointExecutor.Invoke(normalPriMsg1, NormalPri, 3600);

            await storingAsyncEndpointExecutor.Invoke(normalPriMsg2, NormalPri, 3600);

            await storingAsyncEndpointExecutor.Invoke(normalPriMsg3, NormalPri, 3600);

            // Send low priority messages
            await storingAsyncEndpointExecutor.Invoke(lowPriMsg1, LowPri, 3600);

            await storingAsyncEndpointExecutor.Invoke(lowPriMsg2, LowPri, 3600);

            // Send the remaining messages mixed priority
            await storingAsyncEndpointExecutor.Invoke(highPriMsg1, HighPri, 3600);

            await storingAsyncEndpointExecutor.Invoke(normalPriMsg4, NormalPri, 3600);

            await storingAsyncEndpointExecutor.Invoke(highPriMsg2, HighPri, 3600);

            // Message store should have the messages in the corresponding queues
            var highPriQueue = messageStore.GetReceivedMessagesForEndpoint($"{endpoint.Id}_Pri{HighPri}");

            Assert.Equal(2, highPriQueue.Count);
            Assert.Contains(highPriMsg1, highPriQueue);
            Assert.Contains(highPriMsg2, highPriQueue);

            var normalPriQueue = messageStore.GetReceivedMessagesForEndpoint($"{endpoint.Id}_Pri{NormalPri}");

            Assert.Equal(4, normalPriQueue.Count);
            Assert.Contains(normalPriMsg1, normalPriQueue);
            Assert.Contains(normalPriMsg2, normalPriQueue);
            Assert.Contains(normalPriMsg3, normalPriQueue);
            Assert.Contains(normalPriMsg4, normalPriQueue);

            var lowPriQueue = messageStore.GetReceivedMessagesForEndpoint($"{endpoint.Id}_Pri{LowPri}");

            Assert.Equal(2, lowPriQueue.Count);
            Assert.Contains(lowPriMsg1, lowPriQueue);
            Assert.Contains(lowPriMsg2, lowPriQueue);

            // Re-enable the endpoint and let the queues drain
            endpoint.CanProcess = true;
            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

            // Assert - Make sure the endpoint received all the messages
            // in the right priority order:
            //  - HighPri messages should finish processing before others
            //  - NormalPri messages should finish processing before LowPri
            Assert.Equal(8, endpoint.Processed.Count());
            int highPriMessagesProcessed   = 0;
            int normalPriMessagesProcessed = 0;
            int lowPriMessagesProcessed    = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < endpoint.Processed.Count(); i++)
                IMessage message = endpoint.Processed[i];
                if (message.Properties.ContainsKey($"highPriority"))
                    if (++highPriMessagesProcessed == HighPriCount)
                        // Found all the high-pri messages,
                        // normal and low pri at this point
                        // must not have completed yet
                        Assert.True(normalPriMessagesProcessed < NormalPriCount);
                        Assert.True(lowPriMessagesProcessed < LowPriCount);
                else if (message.Properties.ContainsKey($"normalPriority"))
                    if (++normalPriMessagesProcessed == NormalPriCount)
                        // Found all the normal-pri messages,
                        // low pri messages at this point must
                        // not have completed yet
                        Assert.True(lowPriMessagesProcessed < LowPriCount);

                        // High pri messages should have completed
                        Assert.True(highPriMessagesProcessed == HighPriCount);
                else if (message.Properties.ContainsKey($"lowPriority"))
                    if (++lowPriMessagesProcessed == LowPriCount)
                        // Found all the low-pri messages,
                        // high-pri and normal-pri should also
                        // have completed before this
                        Assert.True(highPriMessagesProcessed == HighPriCount);
                        Assert.True(normalPriMessagesProcessed == NormalPriCount);
                    // Bad test setup
                    Assert.True(false, "Bad test setup, processed a message with unexpected priority");