Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void OnMessageReceived(object sender, StringRequestReceivedEventArgs e)
            // Insert received message at the beginning of the listbox.
            // Note: we can directly access the listbox because we set threading mode of
            //       InputChannelThreading to the main UI thread.
            using (LogstorOEEEntities db = new TestLogin.LogstorOEEEntities())
                var query = (from pucs in db.KPI_PU_Current_Summary
                             join KPI in db.KPIs on pucs.KPI_Id equals KPI.Id
                             where pucs.KPI_Id == 1 && pucs.KPICP_Id == 1 && pucs.KPICT_Id == 1
                             select new { Value = pucs.Value }).ToList();

                float avg = query.Average(x => x.Value).Value;

                myStringReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, avg.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Callback which is called when a client sends the login message.
        // It shall verify the login and return the handshake message.
        private static object GetHandshakeMessage(string channelId,
                                                  string responseReceiverId,
                                                  object loginMessage)
            // Find the login name and password in "database"
            // and encrypt the handshake message.
            if (loginMessage is string)
                string aLoginName = (string)loginMessage;

                Console.WriteLine("Received login: "******"Login was not ok. The connection will be closed.");
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void OnRequestReceived(object sender, StringRequestReceivedEventArgs e)
            // Handle received messages here.

            ISerializer  serializer = new XmlStringSerializer();
            TimedRequest timedRequest;

                timedRequest = serializer.Deserialize <TimedRequest>(e.RequestMessage);
                Console.WriteLine("Received message: " + timedRequest.Request);
            catch (Exception ex) {
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot deserialize Request: " + ex.Message);

            if (timedRequest.Request.Equals("Machines"))
                using (LogstorOEEEntities db = new TestLogin.LogstorOEEEntities())
                    var query = (from KPIPUCS in db.KPI_PU_Current_Summary
                                 join pu in db.Production_Unit on KPIPUCS.PU_Id equals pu.Id
                                 join KPIPUCS1 in db.KPI_PU_Current_Summary on new { KPIPUCS.PU_Id, KPIPUCS.PUKPICT_Id, KPIPUCS.KPICP_Id } equals new { KPIPUCS1.PU_Id, KPIPUCS1.PUKPICT_Id, KPIPUCS1.KPICP_Id }
                                 join KPIPUCS2 in db.KPI_PU_Current_Summary on new { KPIPUCS.PU_Id, KPIPUCS.PUKPICT_Id, KPIPUCS.KPICP_Id } equals new { KPIPUCS2.PU_Id, KPIPUCS2.PUKPICT_Id, KPIPUCS2.KPICP_Id }
                                 join a in db.Areas on pu.A_Id equals a.Id
                                 where KPIPUCS.KPICP_Id == 1 && KPIPUCS.KPICT_Id == 1 && KPIPUCS.KPI_Id == 1 && KPIPUCS.IsDeleted == false && KPIPUCS1.KPI_Id == 2 && KPIPUCS2.KPI_Id == 3
                                 select new { Availibility = KPIPUCS.Value, Performance = KPIPUCS1.Value, Quality = KPIPUCS2.Value, a.NamePL, pu.Name, }).ToList();
                    var machinesList = new List <MachinesOverview>();
                    foreach (var row in query)
                        MachinesOverview machinesOverview1 = new MachinesOverview();
                        machinesOverview1.Availibility = (row.Availibility == null) ? 0.0f : (float)row.Availibility;
                        machinesOverview1.Performance  = (row.Performance == null) ? 0.0f : (float)row.Performance;
                        machinesOverview1.Quality      = (row.Quality == null) ? 0.0f : (float)row.Quality;
                        machinesOverview1.MachineName  = (string)row.Name;
                        machinesOverview1.LineName     = (string)row.NamePL;
                        machinesOverview1.OEE          = machinesOverview1.Performance * machinesOverview1.Quality * machinesOverview1.Availibility / 10000;

                        string message = (string)serializer.Serialize <MachinesOverview>(machinesOverview1);
                        myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, message);
                    myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, "Finished");
            else if (timedRequest.Request.Equals("Areas"))
                using (LogstorOEEEntities db = new TestLogin.LogstorOEEEntities())
                    var query = (from pu in db.Production_Unit
                                 join area in db.Areas on pu.A_Id equals area.Id
                                 where pu.IsDeleted == false
                                 select new { Line = area.NamePL }).Distinct().ToList();
                    string csv = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < query.Count; i++)
                        csv = csv + query[i].Line + ",";
                    csv = csv.Substring(0, csv.Length - 1);
                    //string csv = String.Join(",", query.Select(x => x.Line.ToString().ToArray()));
                    myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, csv);
            else if (timedRequest.Request.Equals("Downtimes"))
                using (LogstorOEEEntities db = new TestLogin.LogstorOEEEntities())
                    DateTime Start = DateTime.ParseExact(timedRequest.StartTime, "yyyy-M-dd H:m", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    DateTime End   = DateTime.ParseExact(timedRequest.EndTime, "yyyy-M-dd H:m", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    var      query = (from dh in db.Downtime_History
                                      join pu in db.Production_Unit on dh.PU_Id equals pu.Id
                                      join area in db.Areas on pu.A_Id equals area.Id
                                      join tc in db.Tree_Cause_Config on dh.TCC_Id equals tc.Id
                                      where pu.IsDeleted == false && (dh.StartTime > Start && dh.StartTime < End) || (dh.EndTime == null || (dh.EndTime > Start && dh.EndTime < End))
                                      select new { Line = area.Id, LinePL = area.NamePL, DHStartTime = dh.StartTime, DHEndTime = dh.EndTime, MachineName = pu.Name, Reason = tc.NamePL });

                    if (!timedRequest.LineName.Equals("Wszystkie linie"))
                        query = query.Where(x => x.LinePL.Equals(timedRequest.LineName));
                        //Where(x => x.Line.Equals(timedRequest.LineName));
                    var data = query.ToList();

                    foreach (var row in data)
                        DowntimeEvents downtime = new DowntimeEvents();
                        downtime.lineName    = row.Line;
                        downtime.StartDate   = row.DHStartTime.ToString("yyyy-M-dd H:m");
                        downtime.EndDate     = row.DHEndTime?.ToString("yyyy-M-dd H:m:s");
                        downtime.Reason      = row.Reason;
                        downtime.machineName = row.MachineName;

                        string message = (string)serializer.Serialize <DowntimeEvents>(downtime);
                        myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, message);
                    myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, "Finished");
            else if (timedRequest.Request.Equals("Wastes"))
                using (LogstorOEEEntities db = new TestLogin.LogstorOEEEntities())
                    DateTime Start = DateTime.ParseExact(timedRequest.StartTime, "yyyy-M-dd H:m", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    DateTime End   = DateTime.ParseExact(timedRequest.EndTime, "yyyy-M-dd H:m", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                    var      query = (from wh in db.Waste_History
                                      join pu in db.Production_Unit on wh.PU_Id equals pu.Id
                                      join area in db.Areas on pu.A_Id equals area.Id
                                      where pu.IsDeleted == false && (wh.TimeStamp > Start && wh.TimeStamp < End)
                                      select new { Line = area.Id, LinePL = area.NamePL, WHTimestamp = wh.TimeStamp, MachineName = pu.Name, Reason = "Strata" });

                    if (!timedRequest.LineName.Equals("Wszystkie linie"))
                        query = query.Where(x => x.LinePL.Equals(timedRequest.LineName));
                        //Where(x => x.Line.Equals(timedRequest.LineName));
                    var data = query.ToList();

                    foreach (var row in data)
                        WasteEvent waste = new WasteEvent();
                        waste.lineNumber    = row.Line;
                        waste.date          = row.WHTimestamp.ToString("yyyy-M-dd H:m");
                        waste.wasteReason   = row.Reason;
                        waste.wasteValue    = row.MachineName.ToString();
                        waste.machineNumber = row.MachineName;
                        string message = (string)serializer.Serialize <WasteEvent>(waste);
                        myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, message);
                    myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, "Finished");
            else if (timedRequest.Request.Equals("ChartMachines"))
                //StateEvent stateEvent = new StateEvent();
                //stateEvent.machines = new List<string>();
                //stateEvent.machines.Add("Maszyna 1");
                //stateEvent.machines.Add("Maszyna 2");
                //stateEvent.lineName = ("Linia 1");
                //string message1 = (string)serializer.Serialize<StateEvent>(stateEvent);
                //myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, message1);

                using (LogstorOEEEntities db = new TestLogin.LogstorOEEEntities())
                    var query = (from pu in db.Production_Unit
                                 join a in db.Areas on pu.A_Id equals a.Id
                                 select new { Line = a.NamePL, LineNumber = a.Id, MachineName = pu.Name, MachineNumber = pu.Id }).ToList();
                    var machinesList = new List <MachinesOverview>();
                    var Lines        = query.Select(x => x.Line).Distinct();

                    foreach (var row in Lines)
                        StateEvent state = new StateEvent();
                        state.lineName = row;

                        var machines = (from q in query
                                        where q.Line.Equals(row)
                                        select new { MachineName = q.MachineName }).ToList();
                        string csv = "";
                        for (int i = 0; i < machines.Count; i++)
                            csv = csv + machines[i].MachineName + ",";
                        csv            = csv.Substring(0, csv.Length - 1);
                        state.machines = csv;
                        string message = (string)serializer.Serialize <StateEvent>(state);
                        myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, message);
                    myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, "Finished");
            else if (timedRequest.Request.Equals("ChartData"))
                //StateEvent stateEvent = new StateEvent();
                //stateEvent.machines = new List<string>();
                //stateEvent.machines.Add("Maszyna 1");
                //stateEvent.machines.Add("Maszyna 2");
                //stateEvent.lineName = ("Linia 1");
                //string message1 = (string)serializer.Serialize<StateEvent>(stateEvent);
                //myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, message1);

                using (LogstorOEEEntities db = new TestLogin.LogstorOEEEntities())
                        DateTime end   = DateTime.ParseExact(timedRequest.EndTime, "yyyy-M-dd H:m", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        DateTime start = DateTime.ParseExact(timedRequest.StartTime, "yyyy-M-dd H:m", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        var      query = (from kh in db.KPI_History
                                          join kh2 in db.KPI_History on new { kh.SH_Id, kh.PU_Id } equals new { kh2.SH_Id, kh2.PU_Id }
                                          join kh3 in db.KPI_History on new { kh.SH_Id, kh.PU_Id } equals new { kh3.SH_Id, kh3.PU_Id }
                                          join pukpi in db.Prod_Unit_KPI on kh.PUKPI_Id equals pukpi.Id
                                          join kpi in db.KPIs on pukpi.KPI_Id equals kpi.Id
                                          join pukpi2 in db.Prod_Unit_KPI on kh2.PUKPI_Id equals pukpi2.Id
                                          join kpi2 in db.KPIs on pukpi2.KPI_Id equals kpi2.Id
                                          join pukpi3 in db.Prod_Unit_KPI on kh3.PUKPI_Id equals pukpi3.Id
                                          join kpi3 in db.KPIs on pukpi3.KPI_Id equals kpi3.Id
                                          join sh in db.Shift_History on kh.SH_Id equals sh.Id
                                          join pu in db.Production_Unit on kh.PU_Id equals pu.Id
                                          join a in db.Areas on pu.A_Id equals a.Id
                                          where pu.Name.Equals(timedRequest.MachineName) && a.NamePL.Equals(timedRequest.LineName) && sh.StartTime >= start &&
                                          sh.StartTime < end &&
                                          kpi.Name.Equals("Availability") && kpi2.Name.Equals("Performance") && kpi3.Name.Equals("Quality")
                                          select new { LineNumber = a.Id, Timestamp = sh.StartTime, MachineNumber = pu.Id, Availibility = kh.Value, Performance = kh2.Value, Quality = kh3.Value }).ToList();
                        var kPIevent = new KPIevent();
                        kPIevent.timeStamp         = "";
                        kPIevent.performanceValue  = "";
                        kPIevent.qualityValue      = "";
                        kPIevent.oeeValue          = "";
                        kPIevent.availabilityValue = "";

                        if (query.Count == 0)
                            myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, "Finished");
                        foreach (var row in query)
                            kPIevent.lineNumber         = row.LineNumber;
                            kPIevent.machineNumber      = row.MachineNumber;
                            kPIevent.timeStamp         += row.Timestamp.ToString("yyyy-M-dd H:m") + ",";
                            kPIevent.performanceValue  += row.Performance.ToString() + ",";
                            kPIevent.qualityValue      += row.Quality.ToString() + ",";
                            kPIevent.availabilityValue += row.Availibility.ToString() + ",";
                            kPIevent.oeeValue          += (row.Performance * row.Availibility * row.Quality / 10000).ToString() + ",";

                        kPIevent.timeStamp         = kPIevent.timeStamp.Substring(0, kPIevent.timeStamp.Length - 1);
                        kPIevent.performanceValue  = kPIevent.performanceValue.Substring(0, kPIevent.performanceValue.Length - 1);
                        kPIevent.qualityValue      = kPIevent.qualityValue.Substring(0, kPIevent.qualityValue.Length - 1);
                        kPIevent.availabilityValue = kPIevent.availabilityValue.Substring(0, kPIevent.availabilityValue.Length - 1);
                        kPIevent.oeeValue          = kPIevent.oeeValue.Substring(0, kPIevent.oeeValue.Length - 1);
                        string message = (string)serializer.Serialize <KPIevent>(kPIevent);
                        myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, message);
                        //myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, null);
                        myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, "Finished");
                    catch (Exception exc) {
                        myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, "Finished");

            // Send back the response.
            //myReceiver.SendResponseMessage(e.ResponseReceiverId, "Hello client");
Exemplo n.º 4
        // Callback which is called when a client sends the handshake response message.
        private static bool Authenticate(string channelId,
                                         string responseReceiverId,
                                         object loginMessage,
                                         object handshakeMessage,
                                         object handshakeResponseMessage)
            string aPassword;

            if (loginMessage is string)
                using (LogstorOEEEntities db = new TestLogin.LogstorOEEEntities())
                    string aLoginName = (string)loginMessage;

                    Users_Security users_Security = db.Users_Security.Where((x) => x.Login == aLoginName).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(users_Security.Password))
                        aPassword = users_Security.Password;
                // Get the password associated with the user.

                // Decrypt the handshake response message.
                // Handshake response message is one more time encrypted handshake message.
                // Therefore if the handshake response is decrypted two times it should be
                // the originaly generated GUID.
                    ISerializer aSerializer = new AesSerializer(aPassword);

                    // Decrypt handshake response to get original GUID.
                    string aDecodedHandshakeResponse1 = aSerializer.Deserialize <string>(handshakeResponseMessage);
                    byte[] temp = ConvertHandshakeToBytes(aDecodedHandshakeResponse1);
                    string aDecodedHandshakeResponse2 = aSerializer.Deserialize <string>(temp);

                    // Decrypt original handshake message.
                    string anOriginalGuid = aSerializer.Deserialize <string>(handshakeMessage);

                    // If GUIDs are equal then the identity of the client is verified.
                    if (anOriginalGuid == aDecodedHandshakeResponse2)
                        Console.WriteLine("Client authenticated.");

                        // The handshake response is correct so the connection can be established.
                catch (Exception err)
                    // Decoding of the response message failed.
                    // The authentication will not pass.
                    Console.WriteLine("Decoding handshake message failed.", err);

            // Authentication did not pass.
            Console.WriteLine("Authentication did not pass. The connection will be closed.");