Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Factory_CreateClient_WithoutName_UsesDefaultOptions()
            // Arrange
            var count = 0;

            Options.CurrentValue.HttpClientActions.Add(b =>

            var factory = new TestHttpClientFactory(Services, LoggerFactory, Options, EmptyFilters);

            // Act
            var client = factory.CreateClient();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(1, count);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Factory_CreateClient_WithName_UsesNamedOptions()
            // Arrange
            var count = 0;

            Options.Get("github").HttpClientActions.Add(b =>

            var factory = new TestHttpClientFactory(Services, ScopeFactory, LoggerFactory, Options, EmptyFilters);

            // Act
            var client = factory.CreateClient("github");

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(1, count);
        private async Task <ExpiredHandlerTrackingEntry> SimulateClientUse(
            TestHttpClientFactory factory,
            DisposeTrackingHandler disposeHandler)
            // Create a handler and move it to the expired state
            var client1 = factory.CreateClient("github");

            var kvp = Assert.Single(factory.ActiveEntryState);

            await kvp.Value.Item2;

            // Our handler is now in the cleanup state.
            var cleanupEntry = Assert.Single(factory._expiredHandlers);

            Assert.True(factory.CleanupTimerStarted.IsSet, "Cleanup timer started");

            // Nulling out the references to the internal state of the factory since they wouldn't exist in the non-test
            // scenario. We're holding on the client to prevent disposal - like a real use case.
            lock (this)
                // Prevent reordering
                kvp = default;

            // Act - 1

            // Assert
            Assert.Same(cleanupEntry, Assert.Single(factory._expiredHandlers));
            Assert.Equal(0, disposeHandler.DisposeCount);
            Assert.True(factory.CleanupTimerStarted.IsSet, "Cleanup timer started");

            // We need to make sure that the outer handler actually gets GCed, so drop our references to it.
            // This is important because the factory relies on this possibility for correctness. We need to ensure that
            // the factory isn't keeping any references.
            lock (this)
                // Prevent reordering
                client1 = null;

        public void Factory_DisposeClient_DoesNotDisposeHandler()
            // Arrange
            Options.CurrentValue.HttpMessageHandlerBuilderActions.Add(b =>
                var mockHandler = new Mock <HttpMessageHandler>();
                .Setup("Dispose", true)
                .Throws(new Exception("Dispose should not be called"));

                b.PrimaryHandler = mockHandler.Object;

            var factory = new TestHttpClientFactory(Services, ScopeFactory, LoggerFactory, Options, EmptyFilters);

            // Act
            using (factory.CreateClient())

            // Assert (does not throw)
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Execute_WhenNoFilterArguments_ShouldReturnOk()
            var requestUri = "todo/fetch";
            var args       = new TodoFilterInput()
                IncludedCompleted = false

            var useCase    = CreateFetchTodoCollectionUseCase();
            var testServer = new TestServerBuilder <FetchFilteredTodo>()
                             .WithInstanceRegistration <IFetchFilteredTodoUseCase>(useCase)

            using (testServer)
                var client = TestHttpClientFactory.CreateClient(testServer);
                var response = client.PostAsJsonAsync(requestUri, args).Result;
                Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
        private async Task <ExpiredHandlerTrackingEntry> SimulateClientUse_Factory_CleanupCycle_DisposesEligibleHandler(TestHttpClientFactory factory)
            // Create a handler and move it to the expired state
            var client1 = factory.CreateClient("github");

            var kvp = Assert.Single(factory.ActiveEntryState);

            await kvp.Value.Item2;

            // Our handler is now in the cleanup state.
            var cleanupEntry = Assert.Single(factory._expiredHandlers);

            Assert.True(factory.CleanupTimerStarted.IsSet, "Cleanup timer started");

            // We need to make sure that the outer handler actually gets GCed, so drop our references to it.
            // This is important because the factory relies on this possibility for correctness. We need to ensure that
            // the factory isn't keeping any references.
            kvp     = default;
            client1 = null;
