public async Task <IHttpActionResult> UpdateById(int id, TestModel test) { if (test == null) { return(BadRequest("Test must not be null.")); } try { test.Id = id; TestDTO testDTO = _mapper.Map <TestModel, TestDTO>(test); TestDTO updatedTest = await _testService.Update(testDTO); TestModel returnedTest = _mapper.Map <TestDTO, TestModel>(updatedTest); return(Ok(returnedTest)); } catch (EntityNotFoundException) { return(NotFound()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } }
public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Create(TestModel test) { if (test == null) { return(BadRequest("Test must not be null.")); } try { TestDTO testDTO = _mapper.Map <TestModel, TestDTO>(test); TestDTO createdTest = await _testService.Create(testDTO); TestModel returnedTest = _mapper.Map <TestDTO, TestModel>(createdTest); string createdAtUrl = ""; return(Created(createdAtUrl, returnedTest)); } catch (EntityNotFoundException) { return(NotFound()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } }
public void GetTestById_ReturnsCorrectTest() { //arrange var expectedTest = new Test() { Id = correctGuid }; var expectedTestDto = new TestDTO() { Id = correctGuid }; var all = new List <Test>() { expectedTest, new Test() { Id = wrongGuid } }; repoTestMock.Setup(x => x.All).Returns(all.AsQueryable); mapperMock.Setup(x => x.MapTo <TestDTO>(expectedTest)).Returns(expectedTestDto); //act var foundTest = fakeTestService.GetTestById(correctGuid); //assert Assert.AreEqual(expectedTestDto, foundTest); Assert.AreSame(expectedTestDto, foundTest); }
public void GetTestByName_ReturnsCorrectTest() { //arrange var testCorrectName = "Petko"; var testWrongName = "Marto Stamatov"; var expectedTest = new Test() { Name = testCorrectName }; var expectedTestDto = new TestDTO() { Name = testCorrectName }; var all = new List <Test>() { expectedTest, new Test() { Name = testWrongName } }; repoTestMock.Setup(x => x.All).Returns(all.AsQueryable); mapperMock.Setup(x => x.MapTo <TestDTO>(expectedTest)).Returns(expectedTestDto); //act var foundTest = fakeTestService.GetTestByName(testCorrectName); //assert Assert.AreEqual(expectedTestDto, foundTest); Assert.AreSame(expectedTestDto, foundTest); }
public void Get_IfGet_GetsSuccess() { // arrange const int id = 1; var title = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var entity = new TestEntity { Id = id, Title = title }; var dto = new TestDTO { Id = id, Title = title }; var entities = new[] { entity }; var dtos = new[] { dto }; _currentRepositoryMock.Setup(_ => _.FindAll(false)).Returns(entities.AsQueryable()); _mapperMock.Setup(_ => _.Map <TestEntity, TestDTO>(entity)).Returns(dto); // act var actualDTOs = _sut.Get().ToArray(); // assert _currentRepositoryMock.Verify(_ => _.FindAll(false), Times.Once); _mapperMock.Verify(_ => _.Map <TestEntity, TestDTO>(entity), Times.Once); Assert.NotNull(actualDTOs); Assert.True(actualDTOs.Length == 1); Assert.True(dtos.SequenceEqual(actualDTOs)); }
public void Add_IfAdd_AddsSuccess() { // arrange var entity = new TestEntity { Id = 1, Title = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; var dto = new TestDTO { Id = 1, Title = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; _mapperMock.Setup(_ => _.Map <TestDTO, TestEntity>(dto)).Returns(entity); _currentRepositoryMock.Setup(_ => _.Insert(entity)); _unitOfWorkMock.Setup(_ => _.Commit()); _mapperMock.Setup(_ => _.Map <TestEntity, TestDTO>(entity)).Returns(dto); // act var result = _sut.Add(dto); // assert Assert.Equal(dto, result); _mapperMock.Verify(_ => _.Map <TestDTO, TestEntity>(dto), Times.Once); _currentRepositoryMock.Verify(_ => _.Insert(entity), Times.Once); _unitOfWorkMock.Verify(_ => _.Commit(), Times.Once); _mapperMock.Verify(_ => _.Map <TestEntity, TestDTO>(entity), Times.Once); }
public void Get_IfGetById_GetsByIdSuccess() { const int id = 1; var entity = new TestEntity { Id = id, Title = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; var dto = new TestDTO { Id = id, Title = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; _currentRepositoryMock.Setup(_ => _.FindById(id)).Returns(entity); _mapperMock.Setup(_ => _.Map <TestEntity, TestDTO>(entity)).Returns(dto); // act var actualDTO = _sut.Get(id); // assert _currentRepositoryMock.Verify(_ => _.FindById(id), Times.Once); _mapperMock.Verify(_ => _.Map <TestEntity, TestDTO>(entity), Times.Once); Assert.Equal(dto, actualDTO); }
public static void UpdateTest(TestDTO newTest) { using (Entities e = new Entities()) { } //todo }
public TestDTO GetTest(int?id) { if (id == null) { throw new ValidationException("Не установлен id теста", ""); } var test = Database.Tests.Get(id.Value); if (test == null) { throw new ValidationException("Тест не найден", ""); } var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <Test, TestDTO>()).CreateMapper(); TestDTO testDTO = mapper.Map <Test, TestDTO>(test); mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <Question, QuestionDTO>()).CreateMapper(); testDTO.Questions = mapper.Map <IEnumerable <Question>, List <QuestionDTO> >(Database.Questions.GetAll().Where(quest => quest.Test_ID == testDTO.Test_ID)); mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <Answer, AnswerDTO>()).CreateMapper(); foreach (var quest in testDTO.Questions) { quest.Answers = mapper.Map <IEnumerable <Answer>, List <AnswerDTO> >(Database.Answers.GetAll().Where(answ => answ.Question_ID == quest.Question_ID)); } return(testDTO); }
public ActionResult <int> PutTestById([FromBody] TestInputModel testModel) { Mapper mapper = new Mapper(); AuthorDataAccess tests = new AuthorDataAccess(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(testModel.Name)) { return(BadRequest("Введите название теста")); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(testModel.DurationTime)) { return(BadRequest("Введите время прохождения теста")); } if (testModel.QuestionNumber == null) { return(BadRequest("Введите количество вопросов в тесте")); } if (testModel.SuccessScore == null) { return(BadRequest("Введите минимальный балл для прохождения теста")); } TestDTO testDto = mapper.ConvertTestInputModelToTestDTO(testModel); return(Ok(tests.UpdateTestById(testDto))); }
public ActionResult EnterTest() { string title = Request["Title"]; string desc = Request["Description"]; string sec = Request["Section"]; string dt = Request["Date"]; int t_mrks = int.Parse(Request["marks"]); TestDTO t_dto = new TestDTO(); t_dto.Title = title; t_dto.Description = desc; t_dto.Section = sec; t_dto.Date = dt; t_dto.TotalMarks = t_mrks; UserDTO usr = (UserDTO)Session["User"]; t_dto.TeacherUname = usr.Username; UserRepository repo = new UserRepository(); int tid = repo.SaveTest(t_dto); ViewBag.tid = tid; if (tid > 0) { repo.SaveStudentsQuiz(t_dto); return(View("FillTest")); } else { return(View("CreateTest", tid)); } }
public void EditTest(TestDTO testDTO) { var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <TestDTO, Test>()).CreateMapper(); Test test = mapper.Map <TestDTO, Test>(testDTO); Database.Tests.Update(test); }
public TestDTO GetByID(int testID) { Test test = db.Tests.Get(testID); TestDTO result = map.Map <TestDTO>(test); return(result); }
public static test TestToDAL(TestDTO t) { return(new test() { over_mark = t.over_mark, test_date = t.test_date, test_start_time = t.test_start_time, test_end_time = t.test_end_time, test_id = t.test_id, // test_question = e.test_question.Where(tq => tq.test_id == t.test_id).ToList(), level = t.level, quesPercent = t.quesPercent, teacherId = t.teacherId, name = //class_test = e.class_test.Where(c => c.test_id == t.test_id).ToList() // public int test_id { get; set; } //public System.DateTime test_date_start { get; set; } //public System.DateTime test_date_end { get; set; } //public double over_mark { get; set; } //public int class_id { get; set; } //public bool enable { get; set; } //public int level { get; set; } }); }
public void MappingToDataRow_test() { // this is the mapper var mapper = ObjectMapperManager.DefaultInstance.GetMapper <TestDTO, DataRow>(new Map2DataRowConfig()); // initialization of test DTO object TestDTO testDataObject = new TestDTO { field1 = "field1", field2 = 10, field3 = true }; // Initializing of test table. Usual this table is read from database. DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Columns.Add("field1", typeof(string)); dt.Columns.Add("field2", typeof(int)); dt.Columns.Add("field3", typeof(bool)); dt.Rows.Add(); DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0]; // Mapping test object to datarow mapper.Map(testDataObject, dr); // Check if object is correctly mapped Assert.AreEqual("field1", dr["field1"]); Assert.AreEqual(10, dr["field2"]); Assert.AreEqual(true, dr["field3"]); }
public TestDTO GetAndWriteParcelDetailsById(TestViewModel testViewModel) { // this is where ViewModel validation is being arranged normally try { var parcel = _parcelService.GetById(testViewModel.ParcelId); var result = new TestDTO { Status = TestStatus.Success, SenderName = parcel.SenderData.FirstName, ReceiverName = parcel.ReceiverData.FirstName, StoragePointId = (int)parcel.StorePlaceId }; return(result); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); var result = new TestDTO { Status = TestStatus.Failure }; return(result); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> TestForm(ManageTestModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } try { TestDTO test = new TestDTO() { IsRandomQuestionsOrder = model.IsRandomQuestions, Name = model.TestName, TestId = model.TestId }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Questions)) { test.TestQuestions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <TestQuestionDTO> >(model.Questions); } await TestService.Test_SaveAsync(test); } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, ex.Message); return(View(model)); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ResultDTO GetScore(int Test_ID, string User_ID, List <int> user_answers, string FullOpen) { ResultDTO resultDTO = new ResultDTO(); resultDTO.FullOpenAnswer = FullOpen; List <Answer> answers = new List <Answer>(); TestDTO testDTO = testService.GetTest(Test_ID); List <int> true_list = new List <int>(); foreach (var tru in testDTO.Questions) { foreach (var true_answers in tru.Answers) { if (true_answers.ISCorrect) { true_list.Add(true_answers.Answer_ID); } } } CheckTest checkTest = new CheckTest(true_list, user_answers); resultDTO.Test_ID = Test_ID; resultDTO.User_ID = User_ID; resultDTO.Score = checkTest.GetScore(); resultDTO.Date = DateTime.Now; var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <ResultDTO, Result>()).CreateMapper(); Result result = mapper.Map <ResultDTO, Result>(resultDTO); Database.Results.Create(result); return(resultDTO); }
public void UpdateTest(TestDTO test) { var testDAL = _mapper.Map <TestDTO, Test>(test); db.Tests.Update(testDAL); db.Save(); }
private void btnView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TestDTO test = (sender as Button).Tag as TestDTO; FTest f = new FTest(test.code, test.courseID, test.examID, false); f.ShowDialog(); }
public List <TestDTO> getListFullTestbyManager(string idmanager) { List <TestDTO> lst = new List <TestDTO>(); string query = $" select * from test join COURSE on COURSE.courseID= test.courseID where test.courseID in (select courseID from course where IDmngLecturer='{UserDTO.Instance.userID}') "; DataTable result = DataProvider.Instance.ExecuteQuery(query); foreach (DataRow i in result.Rows) { TestDTO t = new TestDTO(); t.courseID = i["courseID"].ToString().Trim(); t.code = i["Code"].ToString().Trim(); t.DateComfirm = (DateTime)i["DateConfirm"]; t.examID = i["examID"].ToString().Trim(); t.corseName = i["CourseName"].ToString().Trim(); try { t.DateAppove = (DateTime)i["DateAppove1"]; } catch { } lst.Add(t); } return(lst); }
public List <TestDTO> GetAllTest(string board_Id) { List <TestDTO> listTest = new List <TestDTO>(); this.ConnectToDatabase(); MySqlCommand command = this.mySQLConnection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM TEST where TEST_ID = " + board_Id; MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { string testId = reader.GetString(0); string classId = reader.GetString(1); DateTime testDate = reader.GetDateTime(2); string testHour = reader.GetString(3); TestDTO test = new TestDTO(testId, classId, testDate, testHour); listTest.Add(test); } reader.Close(); this.Close(); return(listTest); }
public TestDTO GetTest(string id) { TestDTO test; this.ConnectToDatabase(); MySqlCommand command = this.mySQLConnection.CreateCommand(); command.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM TEST WHERE TEST_ID = " + id; MySqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { string testId = reader.GetString(0); string classId = reader.GetString(1); DateTime testDate = reader.GetDateTime(2); string testHour = reader.GetString(3); test = new TestDTO(testId, classId, testDate, testHour); return(test); } reader.Close(); this.Close(); return(null); }
public void UpdateTestInfo(TestDTO entity) { Test test = _mapper.Map <Test>(entity); _unitOfWork.Tests.Update(test); _unitOfWork.SaveChanges(); }
//[Authorize(Roles = "Admin, Editor")] public IHttpActionResult UpdateTestInfo(int id, [FromBody] UpdateTestInfoBindingModel model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } TestDTO testToUpdate = _testService.GetById(id); if (testToUpdate == null) { return(Content(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, $"Test with id={id} does not exist.")); } TestDTO updatedTest = new TestDTO() { Id = id, Title = model.Title, Descr = model.Descr, DurationMin = model.DurationMin, CategoryId = model.CategoryId }; _testService.UpdateTestInfo(updatedTest); return(Ok()); }
public void CreateTest(TestDTO test) { var testToAdd = _mapper.Map <TestDTO, Test>(test); db.Tests.Create(testToAdd); db.Save(); }
public void CreateTest(TestDTO test) { TestResult newTestResult = map.Map <TestResult>(test); db.TestResults.Add(newTestResult); db.Save(); }
public async Task <ApiResult <TestVO> > GetResultTest1(TestDTO dto) { //参数校验 if (!dto.IsValid(out Exception ex)) { throw ex; } var expression = dto.GetExpression(); var orders = dto.GetOrder(); //var count = await _testRepository.CountAsync(expression); //var updateResult1 = await _testRepository.SetAsync(() => new { user_id = "eeeee" }, oo => oo.UserId == "4444"); TestDO demoDO = new TestDO { UserId = dto?.UserId, UserName = this.CurrentUser?.UserName }; //var updateResult3 = await _testRepository.SetAsync(demoDO); TestVO demoVO = this.ObjectMapper.Map <TestVO>(demoDO); var result = ApiResultUtil.IsSuccess(demoVO); return(await Task.FromResult(result)); }
public void DeleteScheduledTest(TestDTO test, CourseDTO course) { ScheduledEvent scheduledLection = db.ScheduledEvents.Find(x => x.Test.TestID == test.TestID && x.Course.CourseID == course.CourseID).FirstOrDefault(); db.ScheduledEvents.Delete(scheduledLection.ScheduledEventID); db.Save(); }
public void Create(TestDTO dto) { var model = this.mapper.MapTo <Test>(dto); this.tests.Add(model); this.saver.SaveChanges(); }
public async Task SimpleTest() { var item = new TestDTO(); var config = new PersistentQueueConfiguration(_queueName); config.DataDirectory = Path.GetTempPath(); var sut = new PersistentQueue<TestDTO>(config); await sut.EnqueueAsync(item); var actual = await sut.DequeueAsync(); actual.Id.Should().Be(item.Id); actual.UserName.Should().Be(item.UserName); }
public void ValicationErrorCodeShouldSetInvalidUserInputErrorCode() { const int invalidUserIntputErrorCode = 15; RestCore.Configuration = new Configuration { InvalidUserIntputErrorCode = invalidUserIntputErrorCode }; var testDTO = new TestDTO { Name = "1234567890123456789012345678901234567890" }; _controller = TestControllerBuilder.TestController().Build(); _controller.Create(testDTO); _controller.Headers.Get(Constants.Headers.ErrorCode).ShouldEqual(invalidUserIntputErrorCode.ToString()); }