/// <summary>
        /// Gets the test answers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCopyId">The test copy id.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <QuestionModel> GetTestAnswers(int testCopyId)
            TestCopy             testCopy  = m_testsService.GetTestCopy(testCopyId);
            Test                 test      = m_testsService.GetTestById(testCopy.FK_TestId);
            List <QuestionModel> questions = new List <QuestionModel>();

            XDocument multiTestCopyDocument = XDocument.Load(new StringReader(testCopy.TestCopyStructure));
            // Question list
            IEnumerable <XElement> questionElements = multiTestCopyDocument.Descendants("Q");

            foreach (TestQuestion testQuestion in test.TestQuestions)
                XElement questionElement = questionElements.Where(q => Convert.ToInt64(q.Attribute("qId").Value)
                                                                  == testQuestion.QuestionId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (questionElement != null)
                    QuestionModel question = new QuestionModel();
                    question.Id      = Convert.ToInt32(questionElement.Attribute("qOrder").Value);
                    question.Content = string.Format("{0}. {1}", question.Id, testQuestion.Question.Content);
                    long   questionId = Convert.ToInt64(questionElement.Attribute("qId").Value);
                    Answer answer     = AllAnswerList.Where(a => a.FK_QuestionId == questionId && a.IsAnswer == true).FirstOrDefault();
                    int    order      = Convert.ToInt32(questionElement.Elements("A")
                                                        .Where(ao => Convert.ToInt64(ao.Attribute("aId").Value) == answer.AnswerId)
                    string answerOrder = order == 1 ? "A" : (order == 2 ? "B" : (order == 3 ? "C" : "D"));
                    question.Answer1 = answer != null?string.Format("Đáp án: {0}. {1}", answerOrder, answer.Content) : "Đáp án: ";

            return(questions.OrderBy(x => x.Id).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 2
    static void Main(string[] args)
        TestCopy test = new TestCopy();

        test.Age        = 30;
        test.IDCode     = "12333";
        test.param      = new Param();
        test.param.Name = "Dep1";

        TestCopy copy = test.Clone() as TestCopy;


        Console.WriteLine("copy change test: ");
        test.Age        = 60;
        test.IDCode     = "23333";
        test.param.Name = "Dep2";

        TestCopy testDeep = new TestCopy();

        testDeep.Age        = 30;
        testDeep.IDCode     = "12333";
        testDeep.param      = new Param();
        testDeep.param.Name = "Dep3";

        TestCopy copyDeep = testDeep.DeepClone();


        Console.WriteLine("deepcopy change test: ");
        testDeep.Age        = 60;
        testDeep.IDCode     = "23333";
        testDeep.param.Name = "Dep4";
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the test details.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCopyId">The test copy id.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <QuestionModel> GetTestDetails(int testCopyId)
            TestCopy             testCopy  = m_testsService.GetTestCopy(testCopyId);
            Test                 test      = m_testsService.GetTestById(testCopy.FK_TestId);
            List <QuestionModel> questions = new List <QuestionModel>();

            XDocument testCopyDocument = XDocument.Load(new StringReader(testCopy.TestCopyStructure));
            // Question list
            IEnumerable <XElement> questionElements = testCopyDocument.Descendants("Q");

            //Yeu cau moi:
            //Nhung bai testCopy trong 1 bai test ko duoc trung nhau
            //Neu trung thi random cau hoi va cau tra loi do.
            foreach (var questionElement in questionElements)
                TestQuestion testQuestion = test.TestQuestions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.QuestionId == Convert.ToInt64(questionElement.Attribute("qId").Value));

                QuestionModel question = new QuestionModel();
                question.Id      = Convert.ToInt32(questionElement.Attribute("qOrder").Value);
                question.Content = string.Format("{0}. {1}", question.Id, testQuestion.Question.Content);
                IEnumerable <XElement> answerElements = questionElement.Elements("A");
                question.Answer1 = string.Format("A. {0}", AllAnswerList.Where(a => a.AnswerId ==
                question.Answer2 = string.Format("B. {0}", AllAnswerList.Where(a => a.AnswerId ==
                question.Answer3 = string.Format("C. {0}", AllAnswerList.Where(a => a.AnswerId ==
                question.Answer4 = string.Format("D. {0}", AllAnswerList.Where(a => a.AnswerId ==

            //foreach (TestQuestion testQuestion in test.TestQuestions)
            //    XElement questionElement = questionElements.Where(q => Convert.ToInt64(q.Attribute("qId").Value)
            //                                                        == testQuestion.QuestionId).FirstOrDefault();
            //    if (questionElement != null)
            //    {
            //        QuestionModel question = new QuestionModel();
            //        question.Id = Convert.ToInt32(questionElement.Attribute("qOrder").Value);
            //        question.Content = string.Format("{0}. {1}", question.Id, testQuestion.Question.Content);
            //        IEnumerable<XElement> answerElements = questionElement.Elements("A");
            //        question.Answer1 = string.Format("A. {0}", AllAnswerList.Where(a => a.AnswerId ==
            //                                                                            Convert.ToInt64(answerElements
            //                                                                                            .ElementAt(0)
            //                                                                                            .Attribute("aId")
            //                                                                                            .Value))
            //                                                                .FirstOrDefault().Content);
            //        question.Answer2 = string.Format("B. {0}", AllAnswerList.Where(a => a.AnswerId ==
            //                                                                            Convert.ToInt64(answerElements
            //                                                                                            .ElementAt(1)
            //                                                                                            .Attribute("aId")
            //                                                                                            .Value))
            //                                                                .FirstOrDefault().Content);
            //        question.Answer3 = string.Format("C. {0}", AllAnswerList.Where(a => a.AnswerId ==
            //                                                                            Convert.ToInt64(answerElements
            //                                                                                            .ElementAt(2)
            //                                                                                            .Attribute("aId")
            //                                                                                            .Value))
            //                                                                .FirstOrDefault().Content);
            //        question.Answer4 = string.Format("D. {0}", AllAnswerList.Where(a => a.AnswerId ==
            //                                                                            Convert.ToInt64(answerElements
            //                                                                                            .ElementAt(3)
            //                                                                                            .Attribute("aId")
            //                                                                                            .Value))
            //                                                                .FirstOrDefault().Content);
            //        questions.Add(question);
            //    }
            return(questions.OrderBy(x => x.Id).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the test.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subjectId">The subject id.</param>
        /// <param name="numberOfQuestions">The number of questions.</param>
        public Test CreateTest(Test test, int subjectId, List <Tuple <QuestionLevel, int> > numberOfQuestions,
                               int purpose, int subTest, double moreTime, out string message)
            int             totalQuestionForPerSubtest = numberOfQuestions.Sum(x => x.Item2);
            List <Question> questions = new List <Question>(totalQuestionForPerSubtest * subTest);

            foreach (Tuple <QuestionLevel, int> question in numberOfQuestions)
                questions.AddRange(GetRandomQuestionForLevel(subjectId, question.Item1, purpose, question.Item2, subTest));
            test.CreatedBy   = UserService.CurrentUser.CurrentUser.Username;
            test.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
            test.UpdatedBy   = test.CreatedBy;
            test.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
            // create test copy
            foreach (Question q in questions)
                var tq = new TestQuestion();
                tq.Question = q;
                tq.Test     = test;

            IList <Question> tempQs = new List <Question>();

            for (int count = 0; count < subTest; count++)
                XDocument structure = new XDocument(new XElement("TestCopy"));

                //New Requirement:
                //1. Cau hoi trong cac de thi ko duoc trung nhau
                //2. Neu ko du cau hoi thi duoc trung nhung phai dao vi tri cau hoi va cau tra loi o cac de.

                //questionIdsPerSubtest with Id and Level
                var questionIdsPerSubtest = new Dictionary <long, int>();

                foreach (Tuple <QuestionLevel, int> question in numberOfQuestions)
                    for (int j = questions.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        if (questions[j].Level == (int)question.Item1 &&
                            !questionIdsPerSubtest.Keys.ToList().Exists(x => x == questions[j].QuestionId) &&
                            questionIdsPerSubtest.Count < totalQuestionForPerSubtest)
                            questionIdsPerSubtest.Add(questions[j].QuestionId, (int)question.Item1);

                            var countLevel = questionIdsPerSubtest.Values.Count(x => x == (int)question.Item1);
                            if (countLevel == question.Item2)

                //if (questionIdsPerSubtest.Count < totalQuestionForPerSubtest)
                //    for (int i = questions.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                //    {
                //        for (int j = tempQs.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                //        {
                //            if (questions[i].Level == tempQs[j].Level
                //                && !questionIdsPerSubtest.Keys.ToList().Exists(x => x == tempQs[j].QuestionId)
                //                && questionIdsPerSubtest.Count < totalQuestionForPerSubtest)
                //            {
                //                questionIdsPerSubtest.Add(tempQs[j].QuestionId, tempQs[j].Level);
                //            }
                //        }
                //    }

                for (int i = 0; i < totalQuestionForPerSubtest; i++)
                    List <Answer>   answers    = m_questionService.GetAnswerOfQuestion(questionIdsPerSubtest.Keys.ElementAt(i));
                    List <XElement> answerList = new List <XElement>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < answers.Count; j++)
                        XElement answerElement = new XElement("A", new XAttribute("aOrder", j + 1), new XAttribute("aId", answers[j].AnswerId));
                    .Add(new XElement("Q", new XAttribute("qOrder", i + 1), new XAttribute("qId", questionIdsPerSubtest.Keys.ElementAt(i)),
                TestCopy tc = new TestCopy();
                tc.Test = test;
                tc.TestCopyStructure = structure.ToString();
            double timeStill = 0;

            if (questions.Count > 0)
                timeStill = questions.Sum(x => x.Time);
            double realTestTime = (tempQs.Sum(q => q.Time) + timeStill) / subTest;

            if (realTestTime > test.Time + moreTime)
                message = "Thời gian chính xác để hoàn thành bài thi là: " + realTestTime +
                          "\nThời gian thi do người dùng cài đặt là: " + test.Time +
                          ".\nThời gian chênh lệch: " + Math.Abs(realTestTime - test.Time) +
                          "\nBạn có muốn tiếp tục tạo đề thi không?";
                message = "Thời gian chính xác để hoàn thành bài thi là: " + realTestTime +
                          "\nThời gian thi do người dùng cài đặt là: " + test.Time +
                          ".\nThời gian chênh lệch: " + Math.Abs(realTestTime - test.Time) +
                          "\nBạn có muốn tiếp tục tạo đề thi không?";

            foreach (Question q in tempQs)
                var tq = new TestQuestion();
                tq.Question   = q;
                tq.Test       = test;
                tq.QuestionId = q.QuestionId;
                if (!test.TestQuestions.ToList().Exists(x => x.QuestionId == q.QuestionId))

Exemplo n.º 5
        public Test CreateLimitedTest(Test test, List <Question> questions, int subTest, double moreTime, out string message)
            test.CreatedBy   = UserService.CurrentUser.CurrentUser.Username;
            test.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
            test.UpdatedBy   = test.CreatedBy;
            test.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now;
            foreach (Question q in questions)
                var tq = new TestQuestion();
                tq.Question = q;
                tq.Test     = test;
            // create test copy
            List <long> questionIds = questions.Select(q => q.QuestionId).ToList();
            Random      ran         = new Random();
            //Toi da 1000 cau
            int max = 1000;

            for (int count = 0; count < subTest; count++)
                XDocument structure = new XDocument(new XElement("TestCopy"));
                for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
                    int  index = ran.Next(questionIds.Count - 1);
                    long item  = questionIds[i % questionIds.Count];
                    questionIds[i % questionIds.Count] = questionIds[index];
                    questionIds[index] = item;
                for (int i = 0; i < questionIds.Count; i++)
                    List <Answer> answers = m_questionService.GetAnswerOfQuestion(questionIds[i]);
                    answers = RandomAnswerOrder(answers);
                    List <XElement> answerList = new List <XElement>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < answers.Count; j++)
                        XElement answerElement = new XElement("A", new XAttribute("aOrder", j + 1), new XAttribute("aId", answers[j].AnswerId));
                    .Add(new XElement("Q", new XAttribute("qOrder", i + 1), new XAttribute("qId", questionIds[i]),
                TestCopy tc = new TestCopy();
                tc.Test = test;
                tc.TestCopyStructure = structure.ToString();
            double realTestTime = questions.Sum(q => q.Time);

            if (realTestTime > test.Time + moreTime)
                message = "Thời gian chính xác để hoàn thành bài thi là: " + realTestTime +
                          "\nThời gian thi do người dùng cài đặt + cấu hình (" + moreTime + " phút): " + (test.Time + moreTime) +
                          ".\nThời gian chênh lệch: " + Math.Abs(realTestTime - (test.Time + moreTime)) +
                          "\nBạn có muốn tiếp tục tạo đề thi không?";
                message = "Thời gian chính xác để hoàn thành bài thi là: " + realTestTime +
                          "\nThời gian thi do người dùng cài đặt + cấu hình (" + moreTime + " phút): " + (test.Time + moreTime) +
                          ".\nThời gian chênh lệch: " + Math.Abs(realTestTime - (test.Time + moreTime)) +
                          "\nBạn có muốn tiếp tục tạo đề thi không?";