Exemplo n.º 1
                public static void Conify(TerraMesh _tMesh, float _strength, Progress.OnUpdate _onUpdate = null)
                    if (_onUpdate == null)
                        _onUpdate = (_prog, _str) => { }
                    var prog = new Progress();


                    var cent   = _tMesh.m_Bounds.center.ToVec2();
                    var min    = _tMesh.m_Bounds.min.ToVec2();
                    var maxMag = (min - cent).magnitude;

                    prog.Update(0, "Conifying");
                    for (var sIdx = 0; sIdx < _tMesh.Vertices.Length; ++sIdx)
                        var sitePos = _tMesh.Vertices[sIdx];
                        var magScal = (new Vector2(sitePos.x, sitePos.y) - cent).magnitude / maxMag - 0.5f;
                        var zShift  = magScal * _strength / 2f;
                        var newPos  = new Vector3(sitePos.x, sitePos.y, zShift + sitePos.z);
                        _tMesh.Vertices[sIdx] = newPos;
                        prog.Update((float)sIdx / _tMesh.Vertices.Length);
Exemplo n.º 2
                public static void Erode(TerraMesh _tMesh, float _maxErosionRate, float[] _waterFlux)
                    var sitePositions = _tMesh.GetAllSitePositions(); //TODO SLOW

                    //Get all site slope vectors and slope values
                    var slopeVecs = new Vector3[sitePositions.Length];
                    var slopeVals = new float[sitePositions.Length];

                    for (var pIdx = 0; pIdx < sitePositions.Length; ++pIdx)
                        var p      = sitePositions[pIdx];
                        var aveSlp = Vector3.zero;
                        var nbrCnt = 0;
                        foreach (var nIdx in _tMesh.SiteNeighbors[pIdx])
                            if (nIdx == SiteIdxNull)
                            var n      = sitePositions[nIdx];
                            var slpVec = n - p;
                            if (slpVec.z > 0)
                                slpVec = -slpVec;
                            aveSlp += slpVec;

                        var slpVecCell = aveSlp / nbrCnt;
                        slopeVecs[pIdx] = slpVecCell;
                        slopeVals[pIdx] = slpVecCell.z / new Vector2(slpVecCell.x, slpVecCell.y).magnitude;

                    //Apply erosion to terra mesh surface
                    for (var pIdx = 0; pIdx < _waterFlux.Length; ++pIdx)
                        var sitePos      = sitePositions[pIdx];
                        var fx           = (float)Math.Sqrt(_waterFlux[pIdx]);
                        var slp          = slopeVals[pIdx];
                        var erosionShift = Math.Min(-slp * fx, _maxErosionRate);
                        //var newPos = new Vector3(sitePos.x, sitePos.y, sitePos.z - erosionShift);
                        SetSiteHeight(_tMesh, pIdx, sitePos.z - erosionShift);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static void Blob(TerraMesh _tMesh, float _strength, float _radius, Vector2 _loc)
     for (var sIdx = 0; sIdx < _tMesh.Vertices.Length; ++sIdx)
         var sPos   = _tMesh.Vertices[sIdx];
         var vert2d = sPos.ToVec2();
         var dist   = (vert2d - _loc).magnitude;
         if (dist > _radius)
         var cosVal = dist / _radius * (float)Math.PI / 2f;
         var zShift = _strength * (float)Math.Cos(cosVal);
         var newZ   = sPos.z + zShift;
         var newPos = new Vector3(vert2d.x, vert2d.y, sPos.z + zShift);
         _tMesh.Vertices[sIdx] = newPos;
Exemplo n.º 4
                public static void SlopeGlobal(TerraMesh _tMesh, Vector2 _dir, float _strength,
                                               Progress.OnUpdate _onUpdate = null)
                    if (_onUpdate == null)
                        _onUpdate = (_prog, _str) => { }
                    var prog = new Progress();


                    var dir  = _dir.normalized;
                    var bnds = _tMesh.bounds;
                    Func <Vector3, float> strf = _pos =>
                        var xPct = (_pos.x - bnds.min.x) / bnds.size.x - 0.5f;
                        var yPct = (_pos.y - bnds.min.y) / bnds.size.y - 0.5f;
                        var xStr = xPct * dir.x;
                        var yStr = yPct * dir.y;
                        return((xStr + yStr) * _strength / 4f);

                    prog.Update(0, "Global Slope");
                    for (var sIdx = 0; sIdx < _tMesh.Vertices.Length; ++sIdx)
                        //if (_tMesh.HullSites.Contains(sIdx))
                        //    Trace.WriteLine("Debug Hullsites"); //TODO DEbug
                        var sitePos = _tMesh.Vertices[sIdx];
                        var zShift  = strf(sitePos);
                        var newZ    = sitePos.z + zShift;
                        var newPos  = new Vector3(sitePos.x, sitePos.y, newZ);
                        _tMesh.Vertices[sIdx] = newPos;
                        prog.Update((float)sIdx / _tMesh.Vertices.Length);