public void Initialize_WithValidArguments_Succeeds()
            // Arrange
            var provider           = new TerminatorLoggingProvider();
            var validConfiguration = CreateValidConfiguration();

            // Act
            provider.Initialize("Valid provider name", validConfiguration);
        public void Initialize_WithNullConfiguration_ThrowsException()
            // Arrange
            var provider = new TerminatorLoggingProvider();
            NameValueCollection invalidConfiguration = null;

            // Act
            provider.Initialize("Valid provider name", invalidConfiguration);
        public void Log_InitializedProvider_Succeeds()
            // Arrange
            var provider = new TerminatorLoggingProvider();

            provider.Initialize("Valid name", CreateValidConfiguration());

            // Act
            provider.Log("Some message");
        public void Initialize_ConfigurationWithUnrecognizedAttributes_ThrowsException()
            // Arrange
            var provider = new TerminatorLoggingProvider();
            var configurationWithUnrecognizedAttribute = CreateValidConfiguration();

            configurationWithUnrecognizedAttribute.Add("unknown attribute", "some value");

            // Act
            provider.Initialize("Valid provider name", configurationWithUnrecognizedAttribute);
        public void Log_WithValidLogEntry_ReturnsNull()
            // Arrange
            ILogger provider = new TerminatorLoggingProvider();
            var     entry    = new LogEntry(LoggingEventType.Error, "error", null, null);

            // Act
            object id = provider.Log(entry);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsNull(id, "Provider should always return null.");
        public void Initialize_ConfigurationWithoutDescription_SetsDefaultDescription()
            // Arrange
            var expectedDescription = "Terminator logging provider";
            var provider            = new TerminatorLoggingProvider();
            var validConfiguration  = CreateValidConfiguration();

            // Act
            provider.Initialize("Valid provider name", validConfiguration);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDescription, provider.Description);
        public void Log_ProviderInitializedWithDefaultConstructor_LogsSuccesfully()
            // Arrange
            string expectedMessage = "Some message";

            var provider = new TerminatorLoggingProvider();

            // Act
            // In contrast with most other providers, this provider should succeed in logging the event when
            // it was created with the default constructor, and not initialized with Initialize(string, NVC).
            // This behavior is different, because the the only initialization argument the provider needs is
            // the severity, which will be retain its default value of 'Debug' when not set.
            provider.Log(LoggingEventType.Debug, expectedMessage);
        public void Initialize_ConfigurationWithCustomDescription_SetsSpecifiedDescription()
            // Arrange
            var expectedDescription = "My terminator, I'll be back :-)";
            var provider            = new TerminatorLoggingProvider();
            var validConfiguration  = CreateValidConfiguration();

            validConfiguration["description"] = expectedDescription;

            // Act
            provider.Initialize("Valid provider name", validConfiguration);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDescription, provider.Description);
        public void Initialize_ConfigurationWithThresholdAttribute_ThrowsException()
            // Arrange
            var provider             = new TerminatorLoggingProvider();
            var invalidConfiguration = CreateValidConfiguration();

            invalidConfiguration.Add("threshold", "some value");

                // Act
                // The 'threshold' attribute is not supported by the TerminatorLoggingProvider, because it is
                // of no use.
                provider.Initialize("Valid provider name", invalidConfiguration);

                // Assert
                Assert.Fail("Exception expected.");
            catch (ProviderException ex)
                              "The exception message should contain the name of the invalid attribute.");