Exemplo n.º 1
        private ControlCategory GetTargetingSettings()
            var peekToggleBox = new TerminalOnOffButton()
                Name                  = "Peek",
                Value                 = Cfg.targeting.enablePeek,
                CustomValueGetter     = () => Cfg.targeting.enablePeek,
                ControlChangedHandler = ((sender, args) => Cfg.targeting.enablePeek = (sender as TerminalOnOffButton).Value),
                ToolTip               = new RichText(ToolTip.DefaultText)
                    "Enables/disables preview of block configuration"

            // Close if not in view
            var autoCloseBox = new TerminalCheckbox()
                Name                  = "Close if target not in sight",
                Value                 = Cfg.targeting.closeIfNotInView,
                CustomValueGetter     = () => Cfg.targeting.closeIfNotInView,
                ControlChangedHandler = ((sender, args) => Cfg.targeting.closeIfNotInView = (sender as TerminalCheckbox).Value),

            // Can open while holding tools
            var toolOpenBox = new TerminalCheckbox()
                Name                  = "Can open while placing",
                Value                 = Cfg.targeting.canOpenIfPlacing,
                CustomValueGetter     = () => Cfg.targeting.canOpenIfPlacing,
                ControlChangedHandler = ((sender, args) => Cfg.targeting.canOpenIfPlacing = (sender as TerminalCheckbox).Value),
                ToolTip               = new RichText(ToolTip.DefaultText)
                    "If unchecked, Build Vision will not open\n" +
                    "while placing blocks. Only works if Legacy\n" +
                    "Mode is off."

            // Open range slider
            var openRangeSlider = new TerminalSlider()
                Name                  = "Max open range",
                Min                   = 2.5f,
                Max                   = 20f,
                ValueText             = $"{Cfg.targeting.maxOpenRange.Round(1)}m",
                Value                 = (float)Cfg.targeting.maxOpenRange,
                CustomValueGetter     = () => (float)Cfg.targeting.maxOpenRange,
                ControlChangedHandler = (sender, args) =>
                    var slider = sender as TerminalSlider;

                    Cfg.targeting.maxOpenRange = slider.Value;
                    slider.ValueText           = $"{slider.Value.Round(1)}m";
                ToolTip = new RichText(ToolTip.DefaultText)
                    "Build Vision will not open for target\n" +
                    "blocks beyond this distance"

            // Control range slider
            var controlRangeSlider = new TerminalSlider()
                Name                  = "Max control range",
                Min                   = 2.5f,
                Max                   = 60f,
                ValueText             = $"{Cfg.targeting.maxControlRange.Round(1)}m",
                Value                 = (float)Cfg.targeting.maxControlRange.Round(1),
                CustomValueGetter     = () => (float)Cfg.targeting.maxControlRange,
                ControlChangedHandler = (sender, args) =>
                    var slider = sender as TerminalSlider;

                    Cfg.targeting.maxControlRange = slider.Value;
                    slider.ValueText = $"{slider.Value.Round(1)}m";
                ToolTip = new RichText(ToolTip.DefaultText)
                    "Auto-close distance after Build Vision\n" +
                    "has been opened"

            // Close if not in view
            var specLimitBox = new TerminalCheckbox()
                Name                  = "Limit spectator range",
                Value                 = Cfg.targeting.isSpecRangeLimited,
                CustomValueGetter     = () => Cfg.targeting.isSpecRangeLimited,
                ControlChangedHandler = ((sender, args) => Cfg.targeting.isSpecRangeLimited = (sender as TerminalCheckbox).Value),
                ToolTip               = new RichText(ToolTip.DefaultText)
                    "If enabled the auto-close distance will be\n" +
                    "enforced for the spectator camera."

            var targetingResetButton = new TerminalButton()
                Name = "Reset targeting settings",
                ControlChangedHandler = (sender, args) => BvConfig.Current.targeting = TargetingConfig.Defaults,

            return(new ControlCategory()
                HeaderText = "Targeting",
                SubheaderText = "Configure block targeting behavior",
                TileContainer =
                    new ControlTile()
                        peekToggleBox, autoCloseBox, toolOpenBox,
                    new ControlTile()
                        openRangeSlider, controlRangeSlider, specLimitBox
                    new ControlTile()
Exemplo n.º 2
        private ControlCategory GetGuiSettings()
            // Legacy mode toggle
            var legacyToggleBox = new TerminalOnOffButton()
                Name                  = "Legacy Mode",
                Value                 = Cfg.genUI.legacyModeEnabled,
                CustomValueGetter     = () => Cfg.genUI.legacyModeEnabled,
                ControlChangedHandler = (sender, args) =>
                    bool value = (sender as TerminalOnOffButton).Value;

                    if (value != Cfg.genUI.legacyModeEnabled)
                        Cfg.genUI.legacyModeEnabled = value;
                        bindsPage.Enabled           = !value;
                        legacyBindsPage.Enabled     = value;

                        if (Cfg.genUI.legacyModeEnabled)
                            BvBinds.Cfg = new BindsConfig
                                modifierGroup  = BindsConfig.DefaultModifiers,
                                mainGroup      = BindsConfig.DefaultLegacyMain,
                                secondaryGroup = BindsConfig.DefaultLegacySecondary,
                                dupeGroup      = BindsConfig.DefaultLegacyDupe
                            BvBinds.Cfg = new BindsConfig
                                modifierGroup  = BindsConfig.DefaultModifiers,
                                mainGroup      = BindsConfig.DefaultMain,
                                secondaryGroup = BindsConfig.DefaultSecondary,
                                dupeGroup      = BindsConfig.DefaultDupe
                ToolTip = new RichText(ToolTip.DefaultText)
                    "Makes old list menu the primary menu\n" +
                    "and reverts to the v2.5 control scheme.\n" +
                    "Changing this will overwrite your binds."

            // Cursor sensitivity
            var cursorSensitivity = new TerminalSlider()
                Name                  = "Wheel Cursor Sensitivity",
                Min                   = .3f,
                Max                   = 2f,
                Value                 = BvConfig.Current.genUI.cursorSensitivity,
                ValueText             = $"{(BvConfig.Current.genUI.hudScale * 100f).Round()}%",
                CustomValueGetter     = () => BvConfig.Current.genUI.cursorSensitivity,
                ControlChangedHandler = (sender, args) =>
                    var slider = sender as TerminalSlider;

                    BvConfig.Current.genUI.cursorSensitivity = slider.Value;
                    slider.ValueText = $"{(slider.Value * 100f).Round()}%";
                ToolTip = new RichText(ToolTip.DefaultText)
                    "Controls speed for scrolling using the mouse"

            var tile1 = new ControlTile()

            // Menu size
            var menuScale = new TerminalSlider()
                Name                  = "Menu scale",
                Min                   = .75f,
                Max                   = 2f,
                Value                 = BvConfig.Current.genUI.hudScale,
                ValueText             = $"{(BvConfig.Current.genUI.hudScale * 100f).Round()}%",
                CustomValueGetter     = () => BvConfig.Current.genUI.hudScale,
                ControlChangedHandler = (sender, args) =>
                    var slider = sender as TerminalSlider;

                    BvConfig.Current.genUI.hudScale = slider.Value;
                    slider.ValueText = $"{(slider.Value * 100f).Round()}%";

            // Menu opacity
            var opacity = new TerminalSlider()
                Name                  = "Menu opacity",
                Min                   = .5f,
                Max                   = 1f,
                Value                 = BvConfig.Current.genUI.hudOpacity,
                ValueText             = $"{(BvConfig.Current.genUI.hudOpacity * 100f).Round()}%",
                CustomValueGetter     = () => BvConfig.Current.genUI.hudOpacity,
                ControlChangedHandler = (sender, args) =>
                    var slider = sender as TerminalSlider;

                    BvConfig.Current.genUI.hudOpacity = slider.Value;
                    slider.ValueText = $"{(slider.Value * 100f).Round()}%";

            var tile2 = new ControlTile()

            // Max visible properties
            var listMaxVisibleSlider = new TerminalSlider()
                Name                  = "List Max Visible",
                Min                   = 6,
                Max                   = 40,
                Value                 = BvConfig.Current.genUI.listMaxVisible,
                ValueText             = $"{BvConfig.Current.genUI.listMaxVisible}",
                CustomValueGetter     = () => BvConfig.Current.genUI.listMaxVisible,
                ControlChangedHandler = (sender, args) =>
                    var slider = sender as TerminalSlider;

                    BvConfig.Current.genUI.listMaxVisible = (int)slider.Value;
                    slider.ValueText = $"{(int)slider.Value}";

            var wheelMaxVisibleSlider = new TerminalSlider()
                Name                  = "Wheel Max Visible",
                Min                   = 10,
                Max                   = 30,
                Value                 = BvConfig.Current.genUI.wheelMaxVisible,
                ValueText             = $"{BvConfig.Current.genUI.wheelMaxVisible}",
                CustomValueGetter     = () => BvConfig.Current.genUI.wheelMaxVisible,
                ControlChangedHandler = (sender, args) =>
                    var slider = sender as TerminalSlider;

                    BvConfig.Current.genUI.wheelMaxVisible = (int)slider.Value;
                    slider.ValueText = $"{(int)slider.Value}";

            var tile3 = new ControlTile()

            // Clamp to screen edges
            var clampToEdges = new TerminalCheckbox()
                Name                  = "Clamp to screen edges",
                Value                 = BvConfig.Current.genUI.clampHudPos,
                CustomValueGetter     = () => BvConfig.Current.genUI.clampHudPos,
                ControlChangedHandler = ((sender, args) => BvConfig.Current.genUI.clampHudPos = (sender as TerminalCheckbox).Value),
                ToolTip               = new RichText(ToolTip.DefaultText)
                    "Prevents the menu from moving outside the bounds\n" +
                    "of the screen"

            // Use custom position
            var customPos = new TerminalCheckbox()
                Name                  = "Use custom position",
                Value                 = BvConfig.Current.genUI.useCustomPos,
                CustomValueGetter     = () => BvConfig.Current.genUI.useCustomPos,
                ControlChangedHandler = ((sender, args) => BvConfig.Current.genUI.useCustomPos = (sender as TerminalCheckbox).Value),
                ToolTip               = new RichText(ToolTip.DefaultText)
                    "Sets menu to a user-defined fixed position"

            // Set custom position
            var setPosition = new TerminalDragBox()
                Name                  = "Set custom position",
                AlignToEdge           = true,
                CustomValueGetter     = () => BvConfig.Current.genUI.hudPos,
                ControlChangedHandler = ((sender, args) => BvConfig.Current.genUI.hudPos = (sender as TerminalDragBox).Value),
                Value                 = BvConfig.Current.genUI.hudPos,

            var tile4 = new ControlTile()

            var resetGuiButton = new TerminalButton()
                Name = "Reset GUI settings",
                ControlChangedHandler = (sender, args) => BvConfig.Current.genUI = UIConfig.Defaults,

            var tile5 = new ControlTile()

            return(new ControlCategory()
                HeaderText = "GUI Settings",
                SubheaderText = "Customize appearance and menu positioning",
                TileContainer = { tile1, tile2, tile3, tile4, tile5 }