Exemplo n.º 1
        static ClassicalSentence makeJudgement(TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer term, TruthValue truth)
            ClassicalSentence result = new ClassicalSentence(EnumPunctation.JUDGMENT);

            result.term  = term;
            result.truth = truth;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Constructor to make actual TermLink from a template
  * <p>
  * called in Concept.buildTermLinks only
  * @param t Target Term
  * @param template TermLink template previously prepared
  * @param v Budget value of the link
 private ClassicalTermLink(TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer target, ClassicalTermLink template, ClassicalBudgetValue budget) : base(budget)
     this.target = target;
     type        = (template.target == target)
             ? (template.type - 1) //// point to component
             : template.type;
     index = template.index;
     // OpenNARS  hash = init();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static TemporaryDerivedCompoundType <Type> makeLeaf(TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer termReferer)
            TemporaryDerivedCompoundType <Type> result = new TemporaryDerivedCompoundType <Type>();

            result.decoration           = Activator.CreateInstance <Type>();
            result.protectedTermReferer = termReferer;
            result.type = EnumType.LEAF;
Exemplo n.º 4
         * Link to a new task from all relevant concepts for continued processing in
         * the near future for unspecified time.
         * <p>
         * The only method that calls the TaskLink constructor.
         * /param task The task to be linked
         * /param content The content of the task
        private static void linkToTask(DerivationContext ctx, ClassicalConcept @this, ClassicalTask task)
            ClassicalBudgetValue taskBudget = task.budget;

                new ClassicalTaskLink(
                ctx);  // link type: SELF

            if (!TermUtilities.isTermCompoundTerm(@this.term))

            if (@this.termLinkTemplates.isEmpty())

            ClassicalBudgetValue subBudget = BudgetFunctions.distributeAmongLinks(taskBudget, @this.termLinkTemplates.Count);

            if (!subBudget.isAboveThreshold)
            // else here

            for (int t = 0; t < @this.termLinkTemplates.Count; t++)
                ClassicalTermLink termLink = @this.termLinkTemplates[t];

                if (termLink.type == ClassicalTermLink.EnumType.TEMPORAL)

                TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer componentTerm = termLink.target;

                ClassicalConcept componentConcept = @this.memory.conceptualize(subBudget, componentTerm);

                if (componentConcept != null)
                        new ClassicalTaskLink(

            @this.buildTermLinks(taskBudget);  // recursively insert TermLink
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static bool isTermCompoundTerm(TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer term)
            if (term.isAtomic)

            if (term.isSpecial || term.isVariable)

Exemplo n.º 6
        // see https://github.com/opennars/opennars/blob/4515f1d8e191a1f097859decc65153287d5979c5/nars_core/nars/entity/TermLink.java#L137
        public bool checkEqual(ClassicalTermLink other)
            // triple commented is commented because it's not fully implemented

            if (other == this)
            ///if (hashCode() != other.hashCode()) return false;

            if (other is ClassicalTermLink)
                ClassicalTermLink t = (ClassicalTermLink)other;

                if (type != t.type)
                if (!(t.index == index))

                TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer tt = t.target;
                if (target == null)
                    if (tt != null)
                else if (tt == null)
                    if (target != null)
                else if (!TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer.isSameWithId(target, t.target))

Exemplo n.º 7
        // see https://github.com/opennars/opennars/blob/df5878a54a456c9a692004ae770d4613d31a757d/nars_core/nars/entity/TaskLink.java#L154

         * To check whether a TaskLink should use a TermLink, return false if they interacted recently
         * <p>
         * called in TermLinkBag only
         * /param termLink The TermLink to be checked
         * /param currentTime The current time
         * /return Whether they are novel to each other
        public bool checkNovel(ClassicalTermLink termLink, long currentTime)
            TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer bTerm = termLink.target;

            if (TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer.isSameWithId(bTerm, targetTask.sentence.term))
            ClassicalTermLink linkKey = termLink.name;

            // iterating the FIFO deque from oldest (first) to newest (last)
            for (int i = 0; i < records.Count; i++)
                Record iRecord = records[i];
                if (linkKey.checkEqual(iRecord.link))
                    if (currentTime < iRecord.time + Parameters.NOVELTY_HORIZON)
                        // too recent, not novel
                        // happened long enough ago that we have forgotten it somewhat, making it seem more novel
                        iRecord.time = currentTime;



            // keep recordedLinks queue a maximum finite size
            while (records.Count + 1 >= recordLength)
                records.RemoveAt(0); // remove first

            // add knowledge reference to recordedLinks
            records.Add(new Record(linkKey, currentTime));

Exemplo n.º 8
         * Constructor for TermLink template
         * <p>
         * called in CompoundTerm.prepareComponentLinks only
         * /param target Target Term
         * /param type Link type
         * /param indices Component indices in compound, may be 1 to 4
        public ClassicalTermLink(TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer target, EnumType type, params uint[] indices) : base(null)
            this.target = target;
            this.type   = type;
            Debug.Assert(((uint)type % 2) == 0);     // template types all point to compound, though the target is component
            if (type == EnumType.COMPOUND_CONDITION) // the first index is 0 by default
                index = new uint[indices.Length + 1];
                // index[0] = 0; //first index is zero, but not necessary to set since index[] was just created

                Array.Copy(indices, 0, index, 1, indices.Length);
                index = indices;
            // OpenNARS  hash = init();
Exemplo n.º 9
        /* --------------- new task building --------------- */

         * Shared final operations by all double-premise rules, called from the
         * rules except StructuralRules
         * \param newContent The content of the sentence in task
         * \param newTruth The truth value of the sentence in task
         * \param newBudget The budget value in task
        public bool doublePremiseTaskRevised(TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer newContent, TruthValue newTruth, ClassicalBudgetValue newBudget)
            ClassicalSentence.MakeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalizeParameters makeSentenceParameters = new ClassicalSentence.MakeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalizeParameters();
            makeSentenceParameters.term       = newContent;
            makeSentenceParameters.punctation = currentTask.sentence.punctation;
            makeSentenceParameters.truth      = newTruth;
            makeSentenceParameters.stamp      = returnTheNewStamp();
            ClassicalSentence newSentence = ClassicalSentence.makeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalize(makeSentenceParameters);

            ClassicalTask.MakeParameters makeTaskParameters = new ClassicalTask.MakeParameters();
            makeTaskParameters.sentence     = newSentence;
            makeTaskParameters.budget       = newBudget;
            makeTaskParameters.parentTask   = currentTask;
            makeTaskParameters.parentBelief = currentBelief;
            ClassicalTask newTask = ClassicalTask.make(makeTaskParameters);

            return(derivedTask(newTask, true, false, null, null, true)); // allows overlap since overlap was already checked on revisable( function
                                                                         // which is not the case for other single premise tasks
Exemplo n.º 10
        // see https://github.com/opennars/opennars/blob/4515f1d8e191a1f097859decc65153287d5979c5/nars_core/nars/storage/Memory.java#L187

         * Get the Concept associated to a Term, or create it.
         * Doesn't take it from the bag and put it back to save some cycles and to allow better concurrency
         * Doesn't adjust budget
         * if it fails with an soft error (can't take it from the bag etc) it returns null
         * doesn't displace concepts
         * @param term indicating the concept
         * @return an existing Concept, or a new one, or null
        public ClassicalConcept conceptualize(ClassicalBudgetValue budget, TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer term)
            ClassicalConcept concept = workingCyclish.concepts.referenceByKey(term);

            if (concept == null)
                // CONCURRENCY< lock and put back >

                // create new concept, with the applied budget
                concept = new ClassicalConcept(compoundAndTermContext, term, bagBuilder, budget, this);


                // from java code base
                // TODO ASK< implement
                //emit(Events.ConceptNew.class, concept);
                // legacy java code applies budget here, we don't

Exemplo n.º 11
 public static ClassicalTermLink makeFromTemplate(TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer term, ClassicalTermLink template, ClassicalBudgetValue budget)
     return(new ClassicalTermLink(term, template, budget));
Exemplo n.º 12
 public static TemporaryDerivedCompound genBinary(FlagsOfCopula flagsOfCopula, TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer termRefererLeft, TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer termRefererRight)
     return(TemporaryDerivedCompound.makeBinaryCompound(flagsOfCopula, TemporaryDerivedCompound.makeLeaf(termRefererLeft), TemporaryDerivedCompound.makeLeaf(termRefererRight)));
Exemplo n.º 13
 public bool equalsContent(ClassicalSentence s2)
     return(TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer.isSameWithId(term, s2.term));
Exemplo n.º 14
        // function prototype and some of the methode is like https://github.com/opennars/opennars/blob/4515f1d8e191a1f097859decc65153287d5979c5/nars_core/nars/inference/RuleTables.java#L73
        internal static void reason(
            ClassicalTaskLink taskLink,
            ClassicalTermLink beliefLink,
            DerivationContext ctx
            { // debugging
                int taskId   = taskLink.targetTask.name.term.getAtomicOrTerm;
                int beliefId = beliefLink.target.getAtomicOrTerm;

                if (taskId == 300002 && beliefId == 300004)
                    int breakpointHere2 = 1;
                else if (taskId == 300004 && beliefId == 300002)
                    int breakpointHere2 = 1;

                int breakpointHere1 = 1;

            Memory memory = ctx.memory;


            ClassicalTask     task         = ctx.currentTask;
            ClassicalSentence taskSentence = task.sentence;

            TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer taskTerm   = taskSentence.term;
            TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer beliefTerm = beliefLink.target;

            // commented because not jet translated
            //if (equalSubTermsInRespectToImageAndProduct(taskTerm, beliefTerm))
            //    return;

            ClassicalConcept beliefConcept = memory.translateTermToConcept(beliefTerm);

            ClassicalSentence belief = (beliefConcept != null) ? beliefConcept.getBelief(ctx, task) : null;

            ctx.currentBelief = belief;

            if (belief != null)
                beliefTerm = belief.term; //because interval handling that differs on conceptual level

                // too restrictive, its checked for non-deductive inference rules in derivedTask (also for single prem)
                if (Stamp.checkBaseOverlap(task.sentence.stamp, belief.stamp))
                    ctx.evidentalOverlap = true;
                    if (!task.sentence.stamp.isEternal || !belief.stamp.isEternal)
                        return; // only allow for eternal reasoning for now to prevent derived event floods
                    //return; // preparisons are made now to support this nicely
                // comment out for recursive examples, this is for the future, it generates a lot of potentially useless tasks

                //ctx.emit(Events.BeliefReason.class, belief, beliefTerm, taskTerm, nal);

                if (LocalRules.match(task, belief, ctx))    // new tasks resulted from the match, so return

            // current belief and task may have changed, so set again:
            ctx.currentBelief = belief;
            ctx.currentTask   = task;

            // HACK< derivation must be made by combining compounds >
            if (!TermUtilities.isTermCompoundTerm(taskTerm) || !TermUtilities.isTermCompoundTerm(beliefTerm))

            // derive and create new tasks for the results
                IList <TemporaryDerivedCompoundWithDecorationAndTruth> derivedCompoundTermsWithDecorationAndTruth = new List <TemporaryDerivedCompoundWithDecorationAndTruth>();
                bool insert = true;

                    out derivedCompoundTermsWithDecorationAndTruth, insert);

                // translate derivedCompoundTermsWithDecorationAndTruth to tasks and add them
                // for this we have to call DerivationContext.doublePremiseTask() to generate the tasks
                foreach (var iDerivedWithDecorationAndTruth in derivedCompoundTermsWithDecorationAndTruth)
                    TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer content = iDerivedWithDecorationAndTruth.derivedCompoundWithDecoration.termReferer;

                    bool temporalInduction = false; // TODO< decide by rule? from the deriver? >
                    bool overlapAllowed    = false; // TODO< decide by rule? from the deriver? >

                    TruthValue truth = null;
                    truth = RuleTable.calcTruthDoublePremise(task.sentence.truth, belief.truth, iDerivedWithDecorationAndTruth.truthfunction);

                    ClassicalBudgetValue budget = new ClassicalBudgetValue(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f); // TODO< calculate budget by table >

Exemplo n.º 15
        // see https://github.com/opennars/opennars/blob/4515f1d8e191a1f097859decc65153287d5979c5/nars_core/nars/control/DerivationContext.java#L217

         * Shared final operations by all double-premise rules, called from the
         * rules except StructuralRules
         * /param newContent The content of the sentence in task
         * /param newTruth The truth value of the sentence in task
         * /param newBudget The budget value in task
         * /param temporalInduction
         * /param overlapAllowed // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/open-nars/FVbbKq5En-M
        public IList <ClassicalTask> doublePremiseTask(
            TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer newContent,
            TruthValue newTruth,
            ClassicalBudgetValue newBudget,
            bool temporalInduction,
            bool overlapAllowed
            IList <ClassicalTask> ret = new List <ClassicalTask>();

            if (newContent == null)

            if (!newBudget.isAboveThreshold)

            if (
                newContent == null  /* commented because not implemented   ||
                                     * ((newContent instanceof Interval)) ||
                                     * ((newContent instanceof Variable))*/

            /* commented because not implemented
             * if (newContent.subjectOrPredicateIsIndependentVar()) {
             *  return null;
             * }*/

            ClassicalSentence newSentence;
            ClassicalTask     newTask;

            ClassicalSentence.MakeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalizeParameters makeSentenceParameters = new ClassicalSentence.MakeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalizeParameters();
            makeSentenceParameters.term       = newContent;
            makeSentenceParameters.punctation = currentTask.sentence.punctation;
            makeSentenceParameters.truth      = newTruth;
            makeSentenceParameters.stamp      = returnTheNewStamp();

            newSentence = ClassicalSentence.makeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalize(makeSentenceParameters);
            newSentence.producedByTemporalInduction = temporalInduction;

            ClassicalTask.MakeParameters taskMakeParameters = new ClassicalTask.MakeParameters();
            taskMakeParameters.sentence     = newSentence;
            taskMakeParameters.budget       = newBudget;
            taskMakeParameters.parentTask   = currentTask;
            taskMakeParameters.parentBelief = currentBelief;

            newTask = ClassicalTask.make(taskMakeParameters);

            if (newTask != null)
                bool added = derivedTask(newTask, false, false, null, null, overlapAllowed);
                if (added)

            // "Since in principle it is always valid to eternalize a tensed belief"
            if (temporalInduction && Parameters.IMMEDIATE_ETERNALIZATION)    // temporal induction generated ones get eternalized directly
                TruthValue truthEternalized = TruthFunctions.eternalize(newTruth);
                Stamp      st = returnTheNewStamp().clone();
                st.isEternal = true;

                makeSentenceParameters            = new ClassicalSentence.MakeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalizeParameters();
                makeSentenceParameters.term       = newContent;
                makeSentenceParameters.punctation = currentTask.sentence.punctation;
                makeSentenceParameters.truth      = truthEternalized;
                makeSentenceParameters.stamp      = st;

                newSentence = ClassicalSentence.makeByTermPunctuationTruthStampNormalize(makeSentenceParameters);
                newSentence.producedByTemporalInduction = temporalInduction;

                taskMakeParameters              = new ClassicalTask.MakeParameters();
                taskMakeParameters.sentence     = newSentence;
                taskMakeParameters.budget       = newBudget;
                taskMakeParameters.parentTask   = currentTask;
                taskMakeParameters.parentBelief = currentBelief;

                newTask = ClassicalTask.make(taskMakeParameters);
                if (newTask != null)
                    bool added = derivedTask(newTask, false, false, null, null, overlapAllowed);
                    if (added)

Exemplo n.º 16
        static void insertDerivedCompoundTerm(CompoundAndTermContext compoundAndTermContext, TemporaryDerivedCompoundWithDecoration derivedCompoundTerm)
            // TODO< good place to hook in (compound)term compression >

            // the index of the compound in the compound table is returned with the decoration of the argument "derivedCompoundTerm"
            void innerFnInsertIfItDoesntExistRecursivly(TemporaryDerivedCompoundWithDecoration derivedCompoundTermInner)
                // recurse to children
                if (derivedCompoundTermInner.type == TemporaryDerivedCompoundWithDecoration.EnumType.COMPOUND)

                // create if not exist

                if (derivedCompoundTermInner.type == TemporaryDerivedCompoundWithDecoration.EnumType.COMPOUND)   // is a Temporary compound(term)
                    bool innerFnEarlyTestExistsCompound()
                        var childrenCompoundsWithDecorations = new TemporaryDerivedCompoundWithDecoration[] { derivedCompoundTermInner.leftChildren, derivedCompoundTermInner.rightChildren };

                        return(compoundAndTermContext.existTermTuple(new List <TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer>(childrenCompoundsWithDecorations.Select(n => n.decoration.returnReferer(compoundAndTermContext)))));

                    // returns compoundIndex
                    CompoundIndex innerFnCreateCompoundAndAddToReasoner(TermTupleIndex termTupleIndex)
                        // create compound
                        ulong compoundIndex2 = compoundAndTermContext.getCompoundCreateIndex(); // get the index where the compound will be created

                        Compound.MakeParameters compoundMakeParameters2 = new Compound.MakeParameters();
                        compoundMakeParameters2.termComplexity  = derivedCompoundTermInner.termComplexity;
                        compoundMakeParameters2.flagsOfCopula   = derivedCompoundTermInner.flagsOfCopula;
                        compoundMakeParameters2.thisTermReferer = TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer.makeNonatomic(/* 32 bit conversion*/ (int)compoundIndex2); // create new referer based on the compound index
                        compoundMakeParameters2.termTupleIndex  = termTupleIndex;

                        Compound createdCompound = compoundAndTermContext.createCompound(compoundMakeParameters2);

                        // insert compound

                        return(CompoundIndex.make(/*quick and dirty conversation*/ (uint)compoundIndex2));

                    // build the term, calculate the hash, try to lookup the compound based on the hash
                    // if it exists we return the compoundIndex of the found compound
                    // if it doesn't exist we create a new Compound and return it

                    if (innerFnEarlyTestExistsCompound())               // if the term tuple exists then the compound could exist

                    // build compound and calc hash and try to look it up and compare it to the built compound

                        var            childrenCompoundsWithDecorations = new TemporaryDerivedCompoundWithDecoration[] { derivedCompoundTermInner.leftChildren, derivedCompoundTermInner.rightChildren };
                        TermTupleIndex termTupleIndex = compoundAndTermContext.getTermTupleIndexByReferers(childrenCompoundsWithDecorations.Select(n => n.decoration.returnReferer(compoundAndTermContext)).ToArray <TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer>());

                        //   * build compound
                        Compound.MakeParameters compoundMakeParameters = new Compound.MakeParameters();
                        compoundMakeParameters.termComplexity = derivedCompoundTermInner.termComplexity;
                        compoundMakeParameters.flagsOfCopula  = derivedCompoundTermInner.flagsOfCopula;

                        //compoundMakeParameters.compoundId;      we don't need to initialize it because the hash computation for this lookup doesn't use it
                        //                                        the hash computation doesn't use it because we don't know it

                        //compoundMakeParameters.thisTermReferer  we don't need to intialize it because it's not used for hash computation
                        compoundMakeParameters.termTupleIndex = termTupleIndex;
                        Compound createdCompoundForHash = Compound.make(compoundMakeParameters);
                        //   * calc hash
                        createdCompoundForHash.updateHash(/*with compoundId*/ false);

                        //    * lookup hash and compare if possible
                        //      if the compound doesn't exist we create and add it
                        CompoundIndex compoundIndex2;
                        if (compoundAndTermContext.existsCompoundWithoutCompoundId(createdCompoundForHash, out compoundIndex2))
                            // set as the result the compound
                            derivedCompoundTermInner.decoration.compoundIndex = compoundIndex2;
                            // create and add compound
                            compoundIndex2 = innerFnCreateCompoundAndAddToReasoner(termTupleIndex);

                            // set as the result the compound
                            derivedCompoundTermInner.decoration.compoundIndex = compoundIndex2;
                    else               // if the term tuple doesn't exist then the compound can't exist so we have to create and return it

                    // create termTuple
                        var            childrenCompoundsWithDecorations = new TemporaryDerivedCompoundWithDecoration[] { derivedCompoundTermInner.leftChildren, derivedCompoundTermInner.rightChildren };
                        TermTupleIndex termTupleIndex = compoundAndTermContext.addTermTupleByReferers(childrenCompoundsWithDecorations.Select(n => n.decoration.returnReferer(compoundAndTermContext)).ToArray());
                        // create and add compound
                        CompoundIndex compoundIndex = innerFnCreateCompoundAndAddToReasoner(termTupleIndex);

                        // set as the result the compound
                        derivedCompoundTermInner.decoration.compoundIndex = compoundIndex;
                else if (
                    derivedCompoundTermInner.type == TemporaryDerivedCompoundType <TemporaryDerivedCompoundDecoration> .EnumType.LEAF ||
                    derivedCompoundTermInner.type == TemporaryDerivedCompoundType <TemporaryDerivedCompoundDecoration> .EnumType.INDEPENDENTVARIABLE ||
                    derivedCompoundTermInner.type == TemporaryDerivedCompoundType <TemporaryDerivedCompoundDecoration> .EnumType.DEPENDENTVARIABLE
                    if (derivedCompoundTermInner.type == TemporaryDerivedCompoundType <TemporaryDerivedCompoundDecoration> .EnumType.LEAF)
                        TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer termReferer = derivedCompoundTermInner.termReferer;

                        derivedCompoundTermInner.decoration.referer = termReferer;

                    /* commented because we have to figure out how to translate the variable id's
                     *          else if( derivedCompoundTermInner.type == TemporaryDerivedCompoundType<TemporaryDerivedCompoundDecoration>.EnumType.INDEPENDENTVARIABLE ) {
                     *                  compoundId = derivedCompoundTermInner.independentVariableId; // ASSUMPTION< compoundId is the id of the variable >
                     *          }
                     *          else if( derivedCompoundTermInner.type == TemporaryDerivedCompoundType<TemporaryDerivedCompoundDecoration>.EnumType.DEPENDENTVARIABLE ) {
                     *                  compoundId = derivedCompoundTermInner.dependentVariableId; // ASSUMPTION< compoundId is the id of the variable >
                     *          }
                        throw new Exception("Internal error");
                    throw new Exception("Internal error");

            // for now we just check for the existence and insert it recursivly
Exemplo n.º 17
        // see https://github.com/opennars/opennars/blob/4515f1d8e191a1f097859decc65153287d5979c5/nars_core/nars/storage/Memory.java#L169

         * Get an existing Concept for a given name
         * /param t the name of a concept
         * /return a Concept or null
        public ClassicalConcept translateTermToConcept(TermOrCompoundTermOrVariableReferer term)